90 research outputs found

    El concepto de “minoría” como controversia político-jurídica en su aplicación a la comunidad gitana española

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    Ante la realidad del ¿porqué la comunidad gitana española aún no se siente reconocida por las instituciones? el objetivo fue descubrir una de las claves que justifican la desconfianza que aún mantiene esta población sobre la acción institucional en el reconocimiento de sus derechos. El hacer un breve recorrido sobre el debate del concepto de minoría, desde el ámbito del Derecho internacional, en el espacio europeo y español, sin olvidar la literatura jurídica crítica, nos ha desvelado la ambigüedad del término y, en consecuencia, la arbitrariedad en su aplicación, en función de la percepción y sensibilidad que sobre las minorías y la convivencia intercultural tienen los Estados y en concreto el español, manifestada en la Constitución de 1978.Faced with the reality of why is the Spanish gypsy community still do not feel recognized by the institutions? the aim was to discover one of the keys that justify the distrust that still maintains this population on institutional action in the recognition of their rights. Making a brief tour on the discussion of the concept of minority, from the field of international law, European and Spanish space, not to mention the legal literature criticism, has revealed to us the ambiguity of the term and, therefore, arbitrary in its application, de pending on the perception and sensitivity on minorities and intercultural coexistence of States and in particular the Spanish, manifested in the 1978 Constitutio

    No evidence of firstly acquired acute hepatitis C virus infection outbreak among HIV-infected patients from Southern Spain: a multicentric retrospective study from 2000-2014

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    Background: Acute hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (AHCVI) outbreaks have been described recently within defined areas worldwide among HIV-infected homosexual men. This study aims to describe the cumulative frequency and incidence of firstly acquired AHCVI in an HIV-infected population in Southern Spain. Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at the Infectious Diseases Units of eight hospitals in Andalusia, Southern Spain. Primary AHC was considered as HCV immunoglobulin G antibody seroconversion. The time of infection was considered the moment between the last negative and the first positive HCV antibody determination. Results: A total of 23 cases of primary AHCVI have been detected from 2000 to 2014. Incidence rates [IR; 95 % confidence interval (CI)] were 0.036 (2.272–0.054) per 100 person-years (py) in the overall population over a follow-up period of 64170 py. Of the 22 (95.7 %) male subjects, 21 (95.5 %) had acquired AHCVI by homosexual contact, the IR (95 % CI) was 0.039 (0.024–0.06) per 100 py in this subpopulation. There was no evidence of an increase of AHCVI IR. The incidence of AHCVI was slightly lower between 2000 and 2004 as compared to 2005–2009 [IR ratio (IRR) of 8.8 (95 % CI: 1.279–378.794; p = 0.01)] but reached a plateau afterwards [IRR between 2010 and 2014 versus 2005–2009: 0.727 (0.286–1.848; p = 0.5)]. The median (Q1-Q3) time between the last negative anti-HCV and the first positive anti-HCV determination was 4.7 (1.9–11.2) months. Peak (Q1-Q3) ALT and total bilirubin values during AHCVI were 496 (291–656) IU/mL and 1.15 (0.9–1.98) mg/dL, respectively. Conclusions: In contrast to what has been reported from other areas, the incidence of primary AHCVI in the HIVinfected population is stable in Southern Spain and there is no evidence of an epidemic, in spite of the high prevalence of HIV/HCV-coinfection in this area.Plan Nacional R + D + I RD12/0017/0012ISCIII-Subdirección General de EvaluaciónFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) European Union (EU)Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI15/01124, CP13/00187, Programa-I3SN

    Mentorización y formación del profesorado

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    El ingreso de profesionales en el ámbito laboral universitario supone un reto fundamental, tanto para el profesorado novel como para los distintos Departamentos y Centros que asumen la docencia universitaria. En este contexto la mentorización del profesorado universitario de nuevo ingreso por el profesorado veterano se convierte en una tarea de primera fila en las competencias que debe ejercer la Universidad; institución que debido a su misión bicefalia, docencia e investigación, debe tener en cuenta ambos aspectos. Desde el curso 2007-2008 hasta la actualidad la Universidad de Granada ha seguido un proceso institucional de formación de los docentes noveles mediante el acompañamiento de profesoras y profesores con un mínimo de diez años de experiencia y con formación previa actualizada en temas de mentorización, la cual era proporcionada por expertos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. El proceso, que se ha diversificado para perseguir una formación continua del personal docente e investigador, se puede definir como clave en la adquisición de buenas prácticas didácticas, así como en la generación de recursos para la participación en acciones formativas y en reuniones orientadas a la formación docente universitaria

    Clinical nutrition issues in 2022: What is missing to trust supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) in ICU patients?

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    Clinical nutrition; Intensive care unit; Nutrition careNutrició clínica; Unitat de cures intensives; Cura de la nutricióNutrición Clínica; Unidad de cuidados intensivos; Cuidado de la nutriciónA multidisciplinary group of international physicians involved in the medical nutrition therapy (MNT) of adult critically ill patients met to discuss the value, role, and open questions regarding supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) along with oral or enteral nutrition (EN), particularly in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. This manuscript summarizes the discussions and results to highlight the importance of SPN as part of a comprehensive approach to MNT in critically ill adults and for researchers to generate new evidence based on well-powered randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The experts agreed on several key points: SPN has shown clinical benefits, resulting in this strategy being included in American and European guidelines. Nevertheless, its use is heterogeneous across European countries, due to the persistence of uncertainties, such as the optimal timing and the risk of overfeeding in absence of indirect calorimetry (IC), which results in divergent opinions and barriers to SPN implementation. Education is also insufficient. The experts agreed on actions needed to increase evidence quality on SPN use in specific patients at a given time point during acute critical illness or recovery.The organization of the Virtual Meeting that motivated this publication was funded by Baxter Healthcare SA. The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. MPC receives funding from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (Grant No. 1832817N) and Onderzoeksraad, KU Leuven (Grant No. C24/17/070) and from the Private Charity Organization “Help Brandwonden Kids

    Expresión gráfica, diseño geométrico y demolición de los Laboratorios Jorba de Fisac. El patrimonio sin protección

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    The sensibility and the actions in the protection of the historical Heritage it is one of the strong points in the cultural policies. Nevertheless, when we refer to the protection and conservation of the contemporary Heritage the legal regulation does not produce the efficiency that would be desirable and the lagoons and the lack of application of the legislations does that it could lose part of our more recent history. This one is the case of the buildings of the Laboratories Jorba by Fisac; a geometric reference of the Spanish Architecture of the twentieth century that was knocked down without the opposition of the competent Public Administrations.La sensibilidad y las actuaciones en la protección del patrimonio histórico es uno de los puntos fuertes en las políticas culturales. Sin embargo, cuando nos referimos a la protección y conservación del patrimonio contemporáneo la normativa no produce la eficacia que sería deseable, y las lagunas y la falta de aplicación de las legislaciones hace que se pueda perder parte de nuestra historia más reciente. Este es el caso de los edificios de los Laboratorios Jorba de Fisac; un hito geométrico referencial de la arquitectura española del siglo XX que fue derribado sin la oposición de las administraciones públicas competentes

    Clinical nutrition issues in 2022: What is missing to trust supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) in ICU patients?

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    A multidisciplinary group of international physicians involved in the medical nutrition therapy (MNT) of adult critically ill patients met to discuss the value, role, and open questions regarding supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) along with oral or enteral nutrition (EN), particularly in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. This manuscript summarizes the discussions and results to highlight the importance of SPN as part of a comprehensive approach to MNT in critically ill adults and for researchers to generate new evidence based on well-powered randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The experts agreed on several key points: SPN has shown clinical benefts, resulting in this strategy being included in American and European guidelines. Nevertheless, its use is heterogeneous across European countries, due to the persistence of uncertainties, such as the optimal timing and the risk of overfeeding in absence of indirect calorimetry (IC), which results in divergent opinions and barriers to SPN implementation. Education is also insufcient. The experts agreed on actions needed to increase evidence quality on SPN use in specifc patients at a given time point during acute critical illness or recovery.MPC receives funding from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) (Grant No. 1832817N) and Onderzoeksraad, KU Leuven (Grant No. C24/17/070) and from the Private Charity Organization “Help Brandwonden Kids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio