60 research outputs found

    Morphological variation of the labellum of Vanilla planifolia Andrews (Orchidaceae) in Oaxaca, Mexico

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    Infraspecific variation has transcendental ecological consequences for species adaptation to new niches. Estimating levels of variation is key for understanding the life history of a species, as well as for designing strategies for use and conservation. For this reason, the objective of this study was to characterize infra-specific morphological variation of the labellum of V. planifolia, of 122 flowers from 28 specimens from the state of Oaxaca and two specimens from Veracruz, Mexico. The labellum of each flower was dissected and analyzed by morphometry. Sixty variables were obtained and grouped into basal, middle and apical regions. An analysis of variance was performed considering the collections and the origin of each individual as sources of variation. Principal components and cluster analyses were also conducted. Differences in the 60 variables analyzed were highly significant among the collections. Among environments, 18 variables showed significant differences, which were situated in the lateral and middle lobes of the labellum. Thus, these structures were considered susceptible to environmental changes. The remaining 42 variables situated in the basal and middle regions of the labellum, which were fused to the edges of the floral column were not significantly different among environments. With the first three principal components, the model explained 73% of the total variation studied. Morphological variation of the flower labellum was represented by four morphotypes distributed in three environments. Highlights The evaluation of vanilla flowers wild does not allow to have the same number of treatments or repetitions, for the inaccessibility of the species. Morphometric analysis of the labellum revealed infra-specific variation in the germplasm of Vanilla planifolia. The features of the basal and middle regions of the labellum are the most informative in distinguishing the variation between vanilla specimens.Infraspecific variation has transcendental ecological consequences for species adaptation to new niches. Estimating levels of variation is key for understanding the life history of a species, as well as for designing strategies for use and conservation. For this reason, the objective of this study was to characterize infra-specific morphological variation of the labellum of V. planifolia, of 122 flowers from 28 specimens from the state of Oaxaca and two specimens from Veracruz, Mexico. The labellum of each flower was dissected and analyzed by morphometry. Sixty variables were obtained and grouped into basal, middle and apical regions. An analysis of variance was performed considering the collections and the origin of each individual as sources of variation. Principal components and cluster analyses were also conducted. Differences in the 60 variables analyzed were highly significant among the collections. Among environments, 18 variables showed significant differences, which were situated in the lateral and middle lobes of the labellum. Thus, these structures were considered susceptible to environmental changes. The remaining 42 variables situated in the basal and middle regions of the labellum, which were fused to the edges of the floral column were not significantly different among environments. With the first three principal components, the model explained 73% of the total variation studied. Morphological variation of the flower labellum was represented by four morphotypes distributed in three environments. Highlights The evaluation of vanilla flowers wild does not allow to have the same number of treatments or repetitions, for the inaccessibility of the species. Morphometric analysis of the labellum revealed infra-specific variation in the germplasm of Vanilla planifolia. The features of the basal and middle regions of the labellum are the most informative in distinguishing the variation between vanilla specimens

    Quantification of isoflavones in stems of faba bean (Vicia faba L.)

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    The isoflavone aglycones daidzein and genistein are phytoestrogens that ameliorate the symptoms of menopause and assist in the prevention of chronic diseases. These compounds have been studied mainly in soya but have also been detected in faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Since little information is available concerning the content of isoflavone aglycones in faba beans from Mexico, the present study aimed to establish the presence and concentrations of daidzein and genistein in stems of faba bean cultivars from the Mexican central plateau. Cultivars C-281, C-146, C-160, C-89, C-288, C-181, C-93 and C-Zac22 were grown under greenhouse conditions and 6 to 7 week-old stems were harvested. The presence of daidzein and genistein in these tissues was confirmed by thin layer chromatography using a solvent system containing toluene-ethyl acetate-acetone-formic acid (74:14.8:7.4:3.8). High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis revealed significant differences (p≤0.01) in the concentrations of aglycones with levels of genistein in the range 0.30 to 0.85 mg kg-1 dry weight (DW) and of daidzein, which was more abundant in all cultivars, present in the concentration range 34.92 to 59.98 mg kg-1 DW. Stems of cultivars C-89, C-181, C-281 and C-146 were exceptional for their concentrations of isoflavones and may represent good alternative sources of phytoestrogens.The isoflavone aglycones daidzein and genistein are phytoestrogens that ameliorate the symptoms of menopause and assist in the prevention of chronic diseases. These compounds have been studied mainly in soya but have also been detected in faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Since little information is available concerning the content of isoflavone aglycones in faba beans from Mexico, the present study aimed to establish the presence and concentrations of daidzein and genistein in stems of faba bean cultivars from the Mexican central plateau. Cultivars C-281, C-146, C-160, C-89, C-288, C-181, C-93 and C-Zac22 were grown under greenhouse conditions and 6 to 7 week-old stems were harvested. The presence of daidzein and genistein in these tissues was confirmed by thin layer chromatography using a solvent system containing toluene-ethyl acetate-acetone-formic acid (74:14.8:7.4:3.8). High-pressure liquid chromatographic analysis revealed significant differences (p≤0.01) in the concentrations of aglycones with levels of genistein in the range 0.30 to 0.85 mg kg-1 dry weight (DW) and of daidzein, which was more abundant in all cultivars, present in the concentration range 34.92 to 59.98 mg kg-1 DW. Stems of cultivars C-89, C-181, C-281 and C-146 were exceptional for their concentrations of isoflavones and may represent good alternative sources of phytoestrogens

    Postharvest storage of three chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) varieties

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    The consumer demand for chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) fruits has increased in recent years, virens levis being the most important variety, although other chayote varieties are gaining importance such as nigrum xalapensis and n. spinosum. However, the postharvest behavior of these varieties is different, so it is important to evaluate the factors that limit the shelf life of each variety. Therefore, in this study, fruits of each variety from the Mexican National Germplasm Bank of Sechium edule were used. The following fruit quality variables were evaluated: weight loss, humidity (%), color, chlorophyll, titratable acidity, total soluble solids (TSS), total sugars, and stomatal characteristics. In addition, the storage potential of each variety was evaluated for two weeks at different temperatures, 7°, 13° (85% RH) and 24 °C (60% RH), with the application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). The variables evaluated were viviparism, disease severity, weight loss, dehydration and chilling injury (CI). The fruits of n. xalapensis and n. spinosum have a higher content of chlorophylls and carotenoids, but similar contents of TSS, acidity and total sugars than v. levis fruits. The use of 1-MCP reduced viviparism in all varieties, and the severity of blisters was higher in v. levis. The fruits of the three varieties presented severe CI when stored at 7 °C but the most susceptible to dehydration and diseases severity is n. spinosum

    Efecto del beneficiado tradicional de Vanilla planifolia en los fitoquímicos de frutos de Vanilla pompona Schiede

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of two Mexican traditional curing process of Vanilla planifolia in the concentration of total phenolic compounds (TPC), total flavonoids (TFLAV), total saponins (TSAP) and total triterpenes (TTRIT) in fruits of V. pompona from tree localities. . Design/methodology/approach: Fruit maturity of 31 weeks were subjected to two curing processes (C1 and C2). The phytochemicals in green fruits (GF) and cured fruits (CF) were quantified by spectrophotometric methods. The data were analyzed under a completely randomized design, with an analysis of variance and under a mean comparison by Tukey (?=0.05). Results: The concentration of phytochemicals in the fruits of V. pompona was reduced by the curing process. The effect was more noticeable in the TPC and the TSAP, since in the CF of the three localities and of both curing process, the content decreased significantly. The concentration of TFLAV (1.255 and 1.238 g?100 g-1) and TTRI (9.583 and 8.536 g?100 g-1) showed no variation by the C2 process, since they had a similar concentration in the GF and CF respectively. The CF of C2 conserved a higher concentration of the four phytochemicals evaluated. Limitations on study/implications: The two traditional curing process used for fruits of V. pompona, negatively affected the concentration of phytochemicals. Findings/conclusions: The concentration of TPC and TSAP in the cured fruits of Cazuelas (B1), Morelos (B1) and Puntilla Aldama (B2) was markedly reduced in comparison with that of the GF. The C2 process with sun-killed had a minor effect in decreasing phytochemicals in the CF.Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de dos procesos de beneficiado tradicional mexicano de Vanilla planifolia Schiede en la concentración de compuestos fenólicos totales (CFT), flavonoides totales (FLAVT), saponinas totales (SAPT) y triterpenos totales (TRIT) en frutos de Vanilla pompona de tres localidades de la zona tropical en México. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Frutos de 31 semanas de madurez se sometieron a dos procesos de beneficiado (B1 y B2). Los fitoquímicos en los frutos verdes (FV) y frutos beneficiados (FB) se cuantificaron por métodos espectrofotométricos. Los datos se analizaron bajo un diseño completamente al azar, con un análisis de varianza y bajo una comparación de medias por Tukey (?=0.05). Resultados: La concentración de fitoquímicos en los frutos de V. pompona se redujo por el proceso de beneficiado. El efecto fue más notable en los CFT y las SAPT, ya que en los FB de las tres localidades y de ambos beneficiados, el contenido disminuyó significativamente. La concentración de FLAVT (1.255 y 1.238 g?100 g-1) y de TRIT (9.583 y 8.536 g?100 g-1) no mostró variación por el proceso del B2, pues tuvieron una concentración similar en los FV y FB respectivamente. Los FB del B2 conservaron una concentración mayor de los cuatro fitoquímicos evaluados. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Los dos beneficiados tradicionales utilizados en frutos de V. pompona, afectaron negativamente la concentración de fitoquímicos. Hallazgos/conclusiones: La concentración de CFT y SAPT en los frutos curados de Cazuelas (B1), Morelos (B1) y Puntilla Aldama (B2) se redujo marcadamente en comparación con la de los FV. El proceso del B2 con matado al sol tuvo un efecto menor en disminuir los fitoquímicos en los FB

    Effect of Coconut Water on Physical Characteristics and Yield of Vanilla planifolia Fruit

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la aspersión de agua de coco sobre características físicas y rendimiento del fruto de vainilla y su relación con las variables ambientales y componentes de rendimiento en Gutiérrez Zamora, Veracruz, México. Metodología: El estudio se realizó en un vainillal de entre 3-4 años de edad, bajo malla-sombra con tutores de bambú. Las variables registradas fueron: dimensiones y peso de los frutos, componentes de rendimiento y variables ambientales (temperatura, humedad relativa y radiación fotosintéticamente activa; RFA). Desde floración, las plantas se asperjaron, cada dos semanas durante tres meses con cuatro tratamientos (T1: 100% agua; T2: 50% agua de coco T3: 100 % agua de coco y T4: solución de Megafol) en dos sitios dentro del mismo vainillal. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos ANAVA, prueba de medias y análisis de correlaciones canónicas. Resultados: Los promedios más altos de dimensiones y peso de frutos se obtuvieron en el Sitio 1. Los frutos de T1 y T2 mostraron un peso fresco mayor que los de T1 y T4. El análisis de correlaciones canónicas evidenció que la RFA  y la humedad relativa se relacionaron de manera diferente con variables de componentes de rendimiento en función del Sitio del vainillal. Implicaciones: Utilizar el agua de coco como una alternativa orgánica para fertilización puede reducir la aplicación de sustancias químicas y disminuir los costos de producción, entre otras ventajas. Conclusión: El agua de coco aplicada al inicio de la etapa de floración en vainilla, tiene un efecto significativo en las dimensiones y peso de los frutos y puede ser una alternativa orgánica para la nutrición e incremento del rendimiento en vainilla.Objective: To evaluate the effect of coconut water spray on the physical characteristics and yield of vanilla fruit and to identify the relationship between environmental variables and yield components in Gutiérrez Zamora, Veracruz, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted in a 3- to 4-year-old vanilla plantation under shade mesh with bamboo stakes as support. The variables measured were fruit and plant dimensions, weight, yield components, and environmental variables (temperature, relative humidity, and photosynthetically active radiation, PAR). Beginning at flowering, the plants were sprayed every two weeks for three months with one of four treatments (T1: 100% water; T2: 50% coconut water; T3: 100% coconut water; and T4: Megafol solution) at two sites within the same vanilla plantation. Statistical analysis consisted of ANOVA, comparison of means, and canonical correlation analysis. Results: The highest averages of fruit dimensions and weight were obtained from Site 1. T2 and T3 fruits were heavier than T1 and T4 fruits. The canonical correlation analysis showed that PAR and relative humidity were related in different ways to yield component variables in function of the vanilla plantation site. Study Limitations/Implications: Using coconut water as an organic alternative for fertilization can decrease application of chemical substances and reduce production costs, among other advantages.  Findings/Conclusion: Coconut water applied at the beginning of the vanilla flowering stage has a significant effect on fruit dimensions and on the accumulation of fruit dry matter and may be an organic option for supplying nutrients and increasing vanilla yield

    Study of the quality and antioxidant properties of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under different postharvest and dehydration conditions

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    Objective: To study the effect of storage temperatures and dehydration conditions (solar and convective drying (SD, CD), on the quality, physicochemical parameters and antioxidant properties of tomato fruits. Methodology: The physicochemical characteristics pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids (°Bx) and color parameters (L, a and b), were evaluated. The lycopene, carotenoids and antioxidant activity percentages retention of tomatoes fruits stored at 7 and 22 ° C for 5 days and subjected to SD (T 67°C and luminescence of 685 lum/sqf) and CD (T 70°C, flow rates 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m/s), were analyzed. Results: The fruits reached humidities of 17 and 15% for SD and CD. The parameters pH,° Bx, L, a, b were highest with both storage T and CD (1.5 m/s). The value of the carotenoids was higher in fruits stored at 7 ° C and subjected to CD (1 and 1.5 m/s) and SD with values of 83.85, 85.98 and 99.43%, respectively. The CD (0.5 m/s) and SD improved lycopene (94.37 and 95.14%) and the antioxidant activity with values of 73.06 and 97.21%. Implications: The application of solar dehydration depends on luminescence condition, however it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly alternative. Conclusions: The results derived in a viable alternative for the conservation and commercialization of tomato fruits in rural communities.Objective: To study the effect of storage temperatures and dehydration conditions (solar and convective drying; SD, CD), on the quality, physicochemical parameters and antioxidant properties of tomato fruits. Methodology: The physicochemical characteristics pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids (°Bx) and color parameters (L*, a* and b*), were evaluated. The lycopene, carotenoids and antioxidant activity percentages retention of tomatoes fruits stored at 7 and 22 ° C for 5 days and subjected to SD (Temperature (T) of 67 °C and luminescence of 685 lum/sqf) and CD (T 70 °C, flow rates 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m/s), were analyzed. Results: The fruits reached humidities of 17 and 15% for SD and CD. The parameters pH, °Bx, L*, a*, b* were highest with 22°C and CD (1.5 m/s). The value of the carotenoids was higher in fruits stored at 7 ° C and subjected to CD (1.0 and 1.5 m/s) and SD with values of 83.85, 85.98 and 99.43%, respectively. The CD (0.5 m/s) and SD improved lycopene (94.37 and 95.14%) and the antioxidant activity with values of 73.06 and 97.21%. Implications: The application of solar dehydration depends on luminescence condition; however, it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly alternative. Conclusions: The results derived in a viable alternative for the conservation and commercialization of tomato fruits in rural communitie

    Diversidad morfológica y concentración de proteína de Lupinus spp. en la región centro-oriental del estado de Puebla, México

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    The present study aimed to characterize the diversity of Lupinus genus (Leguminosae) present in agricultural and forest ecosystems of eastern central region of the Mexican state of Puebla, and to estimate seed protein concentration in species identified. Natural populations were located from 2600 to 4000 m above sea level in soils with neutral (7.1) to acid (4.7) pH, with high content of organic matter (> 7.8%) and low levels of exchangeable K+ (< 6 cmol+g-1). Natural populations of Lupinusshowed a great morphological variability result of diversity of species in this genus present in the study area. Four species were identified based on their morphological characteristics and altitudinal range: L. campestris, located at altitudes of 2600 to 3052 m, along edges of corn and faba bean crops or natural vegetation areas in the presence of Juniperus deppeana, various species of pinus and Abies religiosa; L. exaltatus from 2778 to 2865 m in forests of p. montezumae; L. hintonii at 3080 m associated with Abies religiosa; and L. montanus, at altitudes above 3000 m associated with p. hartwegii, p. montezumae, p. rudis and Abies religiosa. High concentration of seed protein was observed within and between species. Among species, the average protein concentration ranged from 328 to 387 g kg-1 of dry matter (DM). Between the species, the concentration ranged from 317 g kg-1 (a population of L. exaltatus) to 481 g kg-1 DM (a population of L. campestris).El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar la diversidad morfológica y determinar la concentración de proteína en semillas del género Lupinus (Leguminosae) en los ecosistemas agrícola y forestal de la región centro oriental del estado de Puebla. Las poblaciones de Lupinus se localizaron entre 2600 y 4000 m s.n.m., en suelos con pH que varía de ácido (4.7) a neutro (7.1), con elevados contenidos de materia orgánica (> 7.8%) y bajos niveles de K+ intercambiable (< 6 cmol+g-1). Dichas poblaciones mostraron una gran variabilidad morfológica, resultado de la diversidad de los representantes de este género en el área de estudio. Cuatro especies fueron identificadas con base en sus características morfológicas e intervalo altitudinal: L. campestris, localizada entre 2600 y 3052 m sobre el nivel del mar, en bordes de cultivos de maíz y haba o áreas con bosque de Juniperus deppeana, pinus spp. y Abies religiosa; L. exaltatus se encontró entre 2778 y 2865 m de altitud en bosques de p. montezumae; L. hintonii a 3080 m en bosques de A. religiosa; y L. montanus a elevaciones superiores a los 3000 m en bosques de p. hartwegii, p. montezumae, p. rudis y A. religiosa. Se registraron concentraciones altas de proteína de la semilla entre y en las especies; la primera en promedio varió de 328 a 387 g kg-1 de materia seca (MS) y la segunda de 317 g kg-1 (una población de L. exaltatus) a 481 g kg-1 MS (una población de L. campestris)

    Diversidad de enterobacterias asociadas a frutos de tomate (Lycopersi-cum sculentum Mill) y suelos de invernadero

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of Enterobacteriaceae present in soil and tomato fruits from three greenhouses with fertirigation system. These crop systems are an important alternative for production in protected agriculture; however, there is little information about the microbiological quality of the fruit and its relationship with chemical soil characteristics. Soil evaluations consisted of analyzing organic matter content and pH. In the microbiological analysis were isolated and identified enterobacterias organisms from composite samples of soil and fruits at different stages of maturity (0, 50 and 100%). Culture media used was selective, differential and confirmatory testing with VITEK system. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) were characterized genotypically, amplifying the lngA and bfpA genes by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Diversity index (Simpson (D), Shannon-Wiener (H') and Chao estimator (SChao1) were calculated with the identified species. The species Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii and C. brakii had a higher frequency of isolation, EPEC and ETEC were identified in soil samples and in fruits with 100% maturity. In soil, H' indices were positively correlated with the highest organic matter percentages. In fruit, although H 'and D showed less diverse bacterial communities, the isolation of ETEC and Shigella boydii on the fruit surface compromise their safety because they are usually consumed raw.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la diversidad de enterobacterias presentes en suelo y tomates provenientes de tres invernaderos de fertirrigación. Estos sistemas de cultivo son una alternativa importante de producción en agricultura protegida, sin embargo, existe escasa información acerca de la calidad microbiológica de los frutos y su relación con las características químicas del suelo. Las evaluaciones del suelo consistieron en analizar el contenido de materia orgánica y pH. En los análisis microbiológicos se aislaron e identificaron enterobacterias en muestras compuestas de suelo y frutos con diferentes grados de madurez (0, 50 y 100%), utilizando medios de cultivo selectivos, diferenciales y pruebas confirmatorias con el sistema VITEK. Los patogrupos de Escherichia coli enteropatogena (EPEC) y enterotoxigénica (ETEC) se caracterizaron genotípicamente mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), amplificándose los genes bfpA y lngA. Con las especies identificadas se calcularon los índices de diversidad Simpson (D) y Shannon-Wiener (H´) y estimador de Chao (SChao1). Las especies Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii y C. brakii presentaron mayor frecuencia de aislamiento, EPEC y ETEC fueron identificadas en muestras de suelo y en frutos con 100% de madurez. En suelo, los porcentajes de materia orgánica se correlacionaron positivamente con los índices H´. En fruto, aunque H´ y D reflejaron comunidades bacterianas menos diversas, el aislamiento de ETEC y Shigella boydii sobre la superficie del fruto comprometen su inocuidad debido a que habitualmente se consume en forma cruda

    Diversidad de enterobacterias asociadas a frutos de tomate (Lycopersi-cum sculentum Mill) y suelos de invernadero

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of Enterobacteriaceae present in soil and tomato fruits from three greenhouses with fertirigation system. These crop systems are an important alternative for production in protected agriculture; however, there is little information about the microbiological quality of the fruit and its relationship with chemical soil characteristics. Soil evaluations consisted of analyzing organic matter content and pH. In the microbiological analysis were isolated and identified enterobacterias organisms from composite samples of soil and fruits at different stages of maturity (0, 50 and 100%). Culture media used was selective, differential and confirmatory testing with VITEK system. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) were characterized genotypically, amplifying the lngA and bfpA genes by the technique of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Diversity index (Simpson (D), Shannon-Wiener (H') and Chao estimator (SChao1) were calculated with the identified species. The species Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii and C. brakii had a higher frequency of isolation, EPEC and ETEC were identified in soil samples and in fruits with 100% maturity. In soil, H' indices were positively correlated with the highest organic matter percentages. In fruit, although H 'and D showed less diverse bacterial communities, the isolation of ETEC and Shigella boydii on the fruit surface compromise their safety because they are usually consumed raw.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la diversidad de enterobacterias presentes en suelo y tomates provenientes de tres invernaderos de fertirrigación. Estos sistemas de cultivo son una alternativa importante de producción en agricultura protegida, sin embargo, existe escasa información acerca de la calidad microbiológica de los frutos y su relación con las características químicas del suelo. Las evaluaciones del suelo consistieron en analizar el contenido de materia orgánica y pH. En los análisis microbiológicos se aislaron e identificaron enterobacterias en muestras compuestas de suelo y frutos con diferentes grados de madurez (0, 50 y 100%), utilizando medios de cultivo selectivos, diferenciales y pruebas confirmatorias con el sistema VITEK. Los patogrupos de Escherichia coli enteropatogena (EPEC) y enterotoxigénica (ETEC) se caracterizaron genotípicamente mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), amplificándose los genes bfpA y lngA. Con las especies identificadas se calcularon los índices de diversidad Simpson (D) y Shannon-Wiener (H´) y estimador de Chao (SChao1). Las especies Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii y C. brakii presentaron mayor frecuencia de aislamiento, EPEC y ETEC fueron identificadas en muestras de suelo y en frutos con 100% de madurez. En suelo, los porcentajes de materia orgánica se correlacionaron positivamente con los índices H´. En fruto, aunque H´ y D reflejaron comunidades bacterianas menos diversas, el aislamiento de ETEC y Shigella boydii sobre la superficie del fruto comprometen su inocuidad debido a que habitualmente se consume en forma cruda

    Evaluación de la rentabilidad y competitividad de los sistemas de producción de ovinos en la región de Libres, Puebla

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    With the objective to evaluate the degree of competitiveness and comparative advantage of local lamb production systems, a sample of  139 sheep producers were interviewed, and six herds of three production systems were under observation for 7 mo in the Libres region of Puebla, Mexico. Information was recorded on costs, infrastructure, agricultural activity, labor, production and sale of sheep. The profitability and competitiveness was determined with the Policy Analysis Matrix. The system of production on feeding indoors was the most profitable and competitive according to the Index of Private Profitability, Private Cost Ratio, Private Profitability Ratio and Private Cost-Benefit Ratio. The cost of the factors of production was higher in the lamb grazing system, being of the less competitive. The Social Cost-Benefit Ratio (CSBR) indicated inefficiency of systems to replace imports. The production of sheep had an oligopsonic market structure due to institutional deficiencies and absence of protection policies oriented to this sector. The producers used as the criterion of sale the mature weight, although the sale of the lambs began between 30 and 90 d old. It is advisable to perform an analysis of the production function, to determine the viability of the sale of weaned lambs as an option to increase the profits of the producers and the competitiveness of these systems.Con el objetivo de evaluar el grado en que los sistemas de producción de ovinos son competitivos y presentan ventajas comparativas, se entrevistaron a 139 productores, y se dio seguimiento a seis rebaños de tres sistemas de producción durante siete meses, en la región de Libres, Puebla. Se registró información de costos, infraestructura, actividad agrícola, mano de obra, producción y venta de ovinos. Para determinar la rentabilidad y la competitividad se utilizó la Matriz de Análisis de Política. El sistema de producción con alimentación en corral fue el más rentable y competitivo de acuerdo con los indicadores de rentabilidad privada, Relación del Costo Privado, Coeficiente de Rentabilidad Privada y la Relación del Costo-Beneficio Privado. El costo de los factores de producción fue mayor en el sistema de producción de corderos en pastoreo y fue el de menor competitividad. La Relación Costo-Beneficio Social indicó ineficiencia para reemplazar las importaciones. La producción de ovinos tuvo una estructura de mercado oligopsónica, producto de las deficiencias institucionales y ausencia de políticas de protección.  Los productores utilizaron como criterio de venta el peso adulto, aunque la venta de los corderos inició entre los 30 y 90 días. Es recomendable realizar el análisis de la función de producción, para determinar la viabilidad de la venta de cordero destetado, como una opción para aumentar las ganancias de los productores y la competitividad de estos sistemas