10 research outputs found

    Dielectric GaAs Antenna Ensuring an Efficient Broadband Coupling between an InAs Quantum Dot and a Gaussian Optical Beam

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    We introduce the photonic trumpet, a dielectric structure which ensures a nearly perfect coupling between an embedded quantum light source and a Gaussian free-space beam. A photonic trumpet exploits both the broadband spontaneous emission control provided by a single-mode photonic wire and the adiabatic expansion of this mode within a conical taper. Numerical simulations highlight the outstanding performance and robustness of this concept. As a first application in the field of quantum optics, we report the realisation of an ultra-bright single-photon source. The device, a GaAs photonic trumpet containing few InAs quantum dots, demonstrates a first-lens external efficiency of 0.75±0.10.75 \pm 0.1

    Imbibition of Liquid Helium in Aerogels

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    6 pagesInternational audienceWe report optical measurements of the imbibition of liquid helium in a sample of silica aerogel with 90 % porosity. Both direct imaging and light scattering experiments were performed to determine the dynamics and the properties of the liquid-gas interface in both the normal and superfluid phases of liquid helium. In the normal phase, a classical Lucas Washburn behavior is observed for the rise of the imbibition front while the behavior in the superfluid phase is markedly different, as the fluid invades the sample from all sides with a constant speed. In both phases, the interface is rough, leading to light scattering. In addition, condensation ahead of the imbibition front is observed at low temperature in the superfluid phase

    The photonic nanowire: an emerging platform for highly efficient single-photon sources for quantum information applications

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    International audienceEfficient coupling between a localized quantum emitter and a well defined optical channel represents a powerful route to realize single-photon sources and spin-photon interfaces. The tailored fiber-like photonic nanowire embedding a single quantum dot has recently demonstrated an appealing potential. However, the device requires a delicate, sharp needle-like taper with performance sensitive to minute geometrical details. To overcome this limitation we demonstrate the photonic trumpet, exploiting an opposite tapering strategy. The trumpet features a strongly Gaussian far-field emission. A first implementation of this strategy has lead to an ultra-bright single-photon source with a first-lens external efficiency of 0.75 ± 0.1 and a predicted coupling to a Gaussian beam of 0.61 ± 0.08

    Quantum dot spontaneous emission control in a ridge waveguide

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    We investigate the spontaneous emission (SE) of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in GaAs ridge waveguides that lay on a low index substrate. In thin enough waveguides, the coupling to the fundamental guided mode is vanishingly small. A pronounced anisotropy in the coupling to non-guided modes is then directly evidenced by normal-incidence photoluminescence polarization measurements. In this regime, a measurement of the QD decay rate reveals a SE inhibition by a factor up to 4. In larger wires, which ensure an optimal transverse confinement of the fundamental guided mode, the decay rate approaches the bulk value. Building on the good agreement with theoretical predictions, we infer from calculations the fraction β of SE coupled to the fundamental guided mode for some important QD excitonic complexes. For a charged exciton (isotropic in plane optical dipole), β reaches 0.61 at maximum for an on-axis QD. In the case of a purely transverse linear optical dipole, β increases up to 0.91. This optimal configuration is achievable through the selective excitation of one of the bright neutral excitons