97 research outputs found

    An automatized frequency analysis for vine plot detection and delineation in remote sensing

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    La mise à disposition d'un outil automatique pour la détection et la caractérisation des parcelles de vigne est un besoin très important d'un point de vue gestion. Un procédé automatique récursif basé sur l'analyse fréquentielle (utilisation de la Transformée de Fourier et des filtres de Gabor) a été développé pour y répondre. Il permet la détermination des contours de parcelle et une estimation précise de leur inter-rang et de leur orientation. Dans l'optique d'une application à grande échelle, les tests et la validation ont été menés à partir de données standard de télédétection à très haute résolution.. Environ 89% des parcelles sont détectées qui correspondent à plus de 84 % de la surface viticole, et 64% d'entre elles avec des contours corrects. L'orientation des rangs et la largeur d'inter-rang sont obtenus avec une précision de 1 degré et 3,3 cm respectivement. / The availability of an automatic tool for vine plot detection, delineation, and characterization would be very useful for management purposes. An automatic and recursive process using frequency analysis (with Fourier transform and Gabor filters) has been developed to meet this need. This results in the determination of vine plot boundary and accurate estimation of interrow width and row orientation. To foster large-scale applications, tests and validation have been carried out on standard very high spatial resolution remotely sensed data. About 89% of vine plots are detected corresponding to more than 84% of vineyard area, and 64% of them have correct boundaries. Compared with precise on-screen measurements, vine row orientation and interrow width are estimated with an accuracy of 1°and 3.3 cm, respectively

    "Bacchus" Methodological approach for vineyard inventory and management. Chap.4: Textural and structural analysis

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    Ce chapitre présente les méthodes qui ont été développées dans le projet Bacchus pour la détection et la caractérisation des parcelles de vigne en imagerie aérienne en se basant sur leur structure. Une analyse texturale est d'abord mise en oeuvre, et complétée par l'introduction de contraintes de régularité des contours pour améliorer la segmentation. Finalement, les parcelles issues de ces premières étapes sont vérifiées et caractérisées au moyen d'une analyse de leur spectre de Fourier. Les résultats obtenus sur diverses zones d'étude du projet Bacchus sont présentés et discutés. / This chapter presents the methodologies that have been developed during the Bacchus project concerning the automatic detection and characterisation of vineyard plots in satellite and aerial images, based on their structural properties. First, a textural analysis has been used. Then shape regularity constraints have been introduced to improve the image segmentation. Finally, the vineyard plots issued from these previous steps are checked and characterised using a Fourier spectrum analysis. Results on various study areas of the Bacchus project are presented and discussed

    Diabete Aftricain en France

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    Introduction : Les auteurs rapportent le cas d’un diabète africain ou diabète atypique dĂ©signe un type spĂ©cifique de diabète prĂ©sentant au dĂ©part des stigmates d’un diabète de type 1 mais dont l’évolution ultĂ©rieure se fait vers un diabète de type 2 avec la possibilitĂ© d’une longue phase de rĂ©mission. Il s’agit d’un sujet d’origine africaine, des spĂ©cificitĂ©s diagnostiques, mĂ©taboliques, physiopathologiques et prise en charge de ce type de diabète. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une observation clinique d’un patient d’origine africaine vivant en France ayant un diabète atypique. Cas clinique : Patient âgĂ© de 33 ans, a Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ© pour une acidocĂ©tose diabĂ©tique. Il a un antĂ©cĂ©dent familial de diabète de type 2, un surpoids (IMC = 28,73 Kg/m2). Une insulinothĂ©rapie a Ă©tĂ© instaurĂ©e. Le bilan Ă©tiologique de cette dĂ©compensation mĂ©tabolique et la recherche de d’anticorps anti-GAD et anti-IA2 sont nĂ©gatifs. Après 3 mois d’insulinothĂ©rapie, on obtient un Ă©quilibre glycĂ©mique satisfaisant marquĂ© par une HbA1c Ă  7 % et un peptide C remontĂ© Ă  300 pmol/l (pour une GV Ă  1,09g/l). Au 6ème mois, le patient prĂ©sente un parfait Ă©quilibre glycĂ©mique (HbA1C : 6,4 %), avec un peptide C qui s’est normalisĂ© Ă  870 pmol/l (pour une GV Ă  1,29g/l). C’est ce qui a permis de proposer l’arrĂŞt de l’insulinothĂ©rapie. Pour des raisons sociales, le patient refuse l’arrĂŞt du traitement. Aucune anomalie n’a Ă©tĂ© objectivĂ©e au fond d’œil, ni Ă  l’électrocardiogramme, ni Ă  l’évaluation de la fonction rĂ©nale (Clairance de crĂ©atinine normale par MDRD et micro-albuminurie nĂ©gative). Ce tableau clinique illustre un cas de diabète d’un africain. Il s’agit d’une expression clinique proche du diabète de type 1 (DT1) mais se caractĂ©rise par une rĂ©mission, plus lente que la lune de miel dans le DT1, avec une absence de stigmates d’auto-immunitĂ©. Il est considĂ©rĂ© comme diabète atypique ou de type 1 idiopathique. Conclusion : Ce type de diabète Ă©voque plusieurs hypothèses physiopathologiques. L’équilibre glycĂ©mique est rapidement obtenu sous insulinothĂ©rapie, avec possibilitĂ© de rĂ©Ă©mission   Introduction : The authors report the case of African diabetes or atypical diabetes refers to a specific type of diabetes presenting initially with the stigma of type 1 diabetes but whose subsequent evolution is towards type 2 diabetes with the possibility of a long remission phase. This is a subject of African origin, and the diagnostic, metabolic, pathophysiological, and management specificities of this type of diabetes. Patients and methods: This is a clinical observation of a patient of African origin living in France with atypical diabetes. Clinical case: A 33-year-old patient was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis. He had a family history of type 2 diabetes and was overweight (BMI = 28.73 kg/m2). Insulin therapy was initiated. The aetiological assessment of this metabolic decompensation and the search for anti-GAD and anti-IA2 antibodies were negative. After 3 months of insulin therapy, a satisfactory glycaemic balance was obtained, marked by an HbA1c of 7% and a C-peptide of 300 pmol/l (for a GV of 1.09g/l). At the 6th month, the patient had perfect glycaemic control (HbA1C: 6.4%), with a C-peptide that had normalized to 870 pmol/l (for a GV of 1.29g/l). This was the basis for proposing the discontinuation of insulin therapy. For social reasons, the patient refused to stop the treatment. No abnormalities were observed on the fundus, electrocardiogram, or renal function tests (normal creatinine clearance by MDRD and negative microalbuminuria). This clinical picture illustrates a case of diabetes in an African. It is a clinical expression close to type 1 diabetes (T1DM) but is characterized by remission, slower than the honeymoon period in T1DM, with an absence of autoimmune stigma. It is considered atypical or idiopathic type 1 diabetes. Conclusion: This type of diabetes raises several pathophysiological hypotheses. Glycaemic control is rapidly achieved with insulin therapy, with the possibility of re-emissio

    Diabete African en France

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    Introduction: Le diabète africain ou diabète atypique dĂ©signe un type spĂ©cifique de diabète prĂ©sentant au dĂ©part des stigmates d’un diabète de type 1 mais dont l’évolution ultĂ©rieure se fait vers un diabète de type 2 avec la possibilitĂ© d’une longue phase de rĂ©mission. Nous discuterons dans cet article a travers un cas clinique chez un sujet d’origine africaine, des spĂ©cificitĂ©s diagnostiques, mĂ©taboliques, physiopathologiques et prise en charge de ce type de diabète. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une observation clinique particulière d’un patient d’origine africaine vivant en France ayant un diabète atypique. Cas clinique : Patient, âgĂ©e de 33 ans, a Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ© pour une acidocĂ©tose diabĂ©tique. Il a une hĂ©rĂ©ditĂ© familiale de diabète de type 2, un surpoids (IMC = 28,73 Kg/m2). Une insulinothĂ©rapie a Ă©tĂ© instaurĂ©e. Le bilan Ă©tiologique de cette dĂ©compensation mĂ©tabolique et la recherche de d’anticorps anti-GAD et anti-IA2 sont nĂ©gatifs. Après 3 mois d’insulinothĂ©rapie, on obtient un Ă©quilibre glycĂ©mique satisfaisant marquĂ© par une HbA1c Ă  7 % et un peptide C remontĂ© Ă  300 pmol/l (pour une GV Ă  1,09g/l). Au bilan du 6 mois, le patient prĂ©sente un parfait Ă©quilibre glycĂ©mique (HbA1C : 6,4 %), avec un peptide C qui s’est normalisĂ© Ă  870 pmol/l (pour une GV Ă  1,29g/l). C’est qui a permis de proposer l’arrĂŞt de l’insulinothĂ©rapie malheureusement rĂ©cusĂ© par le patient pour des raisons sociales. Aucune anomalie n’a Ă©tĂ© objectivĂ©e au fond de l’œil, ni Ă  l’électro-cardiogramme, ni Ă  l’évaluation de la fonction rĂ©nale (Clairance de crĂ©atinine normale par MDRD et micro-albuminurie nĂ©gative). Ce tableau clinique illustre un cas de diabète africain. Il s’agit d’une expression clinique proche du diabète de type 1 (DT1) mais se caractĂ©rise par une rĂ©mission, plus lente que la lune de miel dans le DT1, avec une absence de stigmates d’auto-immunitĂ©. Il est considĂ©rĂ© comme diabète atypique ou de type 1 idiopathique. Discussion /Conclusion : Ce type de diabète Ă©voque plusieurs hypothèses physiopathologiques. L’équilibre glycĂ©mique est rapidement obtenu sous insulinothĂ©rapie, avec possibilitĂ© de rĂ©Ă©mission.   African diabetes or atypical diabetes refers to a specific type of diabetes that initially presents with the stigma of type 1 diabetes but later progresses to type 2 diabetes with the possibility of a long remission phase. We will discuss in this article, through a clinical case in a subject of African origin, the diagnostic, metabolic, physiopathological and management specificities of this type of diabetes. Patients and methods: This is a particular clinical observation of a patient of African origin living in France with atypical diabetes. Clinical case: Patient, aged 33 years, was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis. He had a family history of type 2 diabetes, was overweight (BMI = 28.73 Kg/m2). Insulin therapy was initiated. The etiological assessment of this metabolic decompensation and the search for anti-GAD and anti-IA2 antibodies were negative. After 3 months of insulin therapy, a satisfactory glycemic balance was obtained, marked by an HbA1c of 7% and a C-peptide of 300 pmol/l (for a GV of 1.09 g/l). At the 6-month check-up, the patient had perfect glycemic control (HbA1C: 6.4%), with a C-peptide that had normalized to 870 pmol/l (for a GV of 1.29g/l). This was the reason for proposing the discontinuation of insulin therapy, which was unfortunately rejected by the patient for social reasons. No abnormality was observed on the fundus, electrocardiogram or renal function tests (normal creatinine clearance by MDRD and negative microalbuminuria). This clinical picture illustrates a case of African diabetes. It is a clinical expression close to type 1 diabetes (T1DM) but is characterized by a remission, slower than the honeymoon in T1DM, with an absence of autoimmune stigma. It is considered atypical or idiopathic type 1 diabetes. Discussion/Conclusion : This type of diabetes raises several pathophysiological hypotheses. Glycemic control is rapidly obtained with insulin therapy, with the possibility of re-emission

    Diabete African en France

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    Introduction: Le diabète africain ou diabète atypique dĂ©signe un type spĂ©cifique de diabète prĂ©sentant au dĂ©part des stigmates d’un diabète de type 1 mais dont l’évolution ultĂ©rieure se fait vers un diabète de type 2 avec la possibilitĂ© d’une longue phase de rĂ©mission. Nous discuterons dans cet article a travers un cas clinique chez un sujet d’origine africaine, des spĂ©cificitĂ©s diagnostiques, mĂ©taboliques, physiopathologiques et prise en charge de ce type de diabète. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Il s’agit d’une observation clinique particulière d’un patient d’origine africaine vivant en France ayant un diabète atypique. Cas clinique : Patient, âgĂ©e de 33 ans, a Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ© pour une acidocĂ©tose diabĂ©tique. Il a une hĂ©rĂ©ditĂ© familiale de diabète de type 2, un surpoids (IMC = 28,73 Kg/m2). Une insulinothĂ©rapie a Ă©tĂ© instaurĂ©e. Le bilan Ă©tiologique de cette dĂ©compensation mĂ©tabolique et la recherche de d’anticorps anti-GAD et anti-IA2 sont nĂ©gatifs. Après 3 mois d’insulinothĂ©rapie, on obtient un Ă©quilibre glycĂ©mique satisfaisant marquĂ© par une HbA1c Ă  7 % et un peptide C remontĂ© Ă  300 pmol/l (pour une GV Ă  1,09g/l). Au bilan du 6 mois, le patient prĂ©sente un parfait Ă©quilibre glycĂ©mique (HbA1C : 6,4 %), avec un peptide C qui s’est normalisĂ© Ă  870 pmol/l (pour une GV Ă  1,29g/l). C’est qui a permis de proposer l’arrĂŞt de l’insulinothĂ©rapie malheureusement rĂ©cusĂ© par le patient pour des raisons sociales. Aucune anomalie n’a Ă©tĂ© objectivĂ©e au fond de l’œil, ni Ă  l’électro-cardiogramme, ni Ă  l’évaluation de la fonction rĂ©nale (Clairance de crĂ©atinine normale par MDRD et micro-albuminurie nĂ©gative). Ce tableau clinique illustre un cas de diabète africain. Il s’agit d’une expression clinique proche du diabète de type 1 (DT1) mais se caractĂ©rise par une rĂ©mission, plus lente que la lune de miel dans le DT1, avec une absence de stigmates d’auto-immunitĂ©. Il est considĂ©rĂ© comme diabète atypique ou de type 1 idiopathique. Discussion /Conclusion : Ce type de diabète Ă©voque plusieurs hypothèses physiopathologiques. L’équilibre glycĂ©mique est rapidement obtenu sous insulinothĂ©rapie, avec possibilitĂ© de rĂ©Ă©mission.   African diabetes or atypical diabetes refers to a specific type of diabetes that initially presents with the stigma of type 1 diabetes but later progresses to type 2 diabetes with the possibility of a long remission phase. We will discuss in this article, through a clinical case in a subject of African origin, the diagnostic, metabolic, physiopathological and management specificities of this type of diabetes. Patients and methods: This is a particular clinical observation of a patient of African origin living in France with atypical diabetes. Clinical case: Patient, aged 33 years, was hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis. He had a family history of type 2 diabetes, was overweight (BMI = 28.73 Kg/m2). Insulin therapy was initiated. The etiological assessment of this metabolic decompensation and the search for anti-GAD and anti-IA2 antibodies were negative. After 3 months of insulin therapy, a satisfactory glycemic balance was obtained, marked by an HbA1c of 7% and a C-peptide of 300 pmol/l (for a GV of 1.09 g/l). At the 6-month check-up, the patient had perfect glycemic control (HbA1C: 6.4%), with a C-peptide that had normalized to 870 pmol/l (for a GV of 1.29g/l). This was the reason for proposing the discontinuation of insulin therapy, which was unfortunately rejected by the patient for social reasons. No abnormality was observed on the fundus, electrocardiogram or renal function tests (normal creatinine clearance by MDRD and negative microalbuminuria). This clinical picture illustrates a case of African diabetes. It is a clinical expression close to type 1 diabetes (T1DM) but is characterized by a remission, slower than the honeymoon in T1DM, with an absence of autoimmune stigma. It is considered atypical or idiopathic type 1 diabetes. Discussion/Conclusion : This type of diabetes raises several pathophysiological hypotheses. Glycemic control is rapidly obtained with insulin therapy, with the possibility of re-emission

    Self-stresses and Crack Formation by Particle Swelling in Cohesive Granular Media

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    We present a molecular dynamics study of force patterns, tensile strength and crack formation in a cohesive granular model where the particles are subjected to swelling or shrinkage gradients. Non-uniform particle size change generates self-equilibrated forces that lead to crack initiation as soon as strongest tensile contacts begin to fail. We find that the coarse-grained stresses are correctly predicted by an elastic model that incorporates particle size change as metric evolution. The tensile strength is found to be well below the theoretical strength as a result of inhomogeneous force transmission in granular media. The cracks propagate either inward from the edge upon shrinkage and outward from the center upon swelling

    Towards minimal models for realistic granular materials: Tomographic analysis of bidispersed assemblies of ellipsoid

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    In this paper, we report experimental results on granular compaction in a model system made of mono- and bidisperse ellipsoidal packings as well as sand packings with grain size polydispersity. The packings are subject to vertical tapping of varying duration (number of taps) and their internal three-dimensional structure is obtained using x-ray computed tomography. Particles positions and orientations are reconstructed and the global packing densities are computed. The analysis of the vertical and horizontal local packing fraction profiles reveal a homogeneous densification in the ellipsoidal packings, however, sand packings exhibit radial density gradient, possibly linked to the onset of convection

    Pomelo, a tool for computing Generic Set Voronoi Diagrams of Aspherical Particles of Arbitrary Shape

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    We describe the development of a new software tool, called “Pomelo”, for the calculation of Set Voronoi diagrams. Voronoi diagrams are a spatial partition of the space around the particles into separate Voronoi cells, e.g. applicable to granular materials. A generalization of the conventional Voronoi diagram for points or monodisperse spheres is the Set Voronoi diagram, also known as navigational map or tessellation by zone of influence. In this construction, a Set Voronoi cell contains the volume that is closer to the surface of one particle than to the surface of any other particle. This is required for aspherical or polydisperse systems. Pomelo is designed to be easy to use and as generic as possible. It directly supports common particle shapes and offers a generic mode, which allows to deal with any type of particles that can be described mathematically. Pomelo can create output in different standard formats, which allows direct visualization and further processing. Finally, we describe three applications of the Set Voronoi code in granular and soft matter physics, namely the problem of packings of ellipsoidal particles with varying degrees of particle-particle friction, mechanical stable packings of tetrahedra and a model for liquid crystal systems of particles with shapes reminiscent of pears

    An interdisciplinary approach towards improved understanding of soil deformation during compaction

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    International audienceSoil compaction not only reduces available pore volume in which fluids are stored, but it alters the arrangement of soil constituents and pore geometry, thereby adversely impacting fluid transport and a range of soil ecological functions. Quantitative understanding of stress transmission and deformation processes in arable soils remains limited. Yet such knowledge is essential for better predictions of effects of soil management practices such as agricultural field traffic on soil functioning. Concepts and theory used in agricultural soil mechanics (soil compaction and soil tillage) are often adopted from conventional soil mechanics (e.g. foundation engineering). However, in contrast with standard geotechnical applications, undesired stresses applied by agricultural tyres/tracks are highly dynamic and last for very short times. Moreover, arable soils are typically unsaturated and contain important secondary structures (e.g. aggregates), factors important for affecting their soil mechanical behaviour. Mechanical processes in porous media are not only of concern in soil mechanics, but also in other fields including geophysics and granular material science. Despite similarity of basic mechanical processes, theoretical frameworks often differ and reflect disciplinary focus. We review concepts from different but complementary fields concerned with porous media mechanics and highlight opportunities for synergistic advances in understanding deformation and compaction of arable soils. We highlight the important role of technological advances in non-destructive measurement methods at pore (X-ray tomography) and soil profile (seismic) scales that not only offer new insights into soil architecture and enable visualization of soil deformation, but are becoming instrumental in the development and validation of new soil compaction models. The integration of concepts underlying dynamic processes that modify soil pore spaces and bulk properties will improve the understanding of how soil management affect vital soil mechanical, hydraulic and ecological functions supporting plant growth
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