92 research outputs found

    3D representation of soil distribution: An approach for understanding pedogenesis Représentation 3D des sols, apports à la compréhension de la pédogenèse

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    International audienceSoils are characterised by a spatial variability in the three dimensions (3D) of space. However, 3D studies remain scarce due to the qualitative nature of many soil horizon characteristics, notably the horizon designation. Indeed, existing 3D tools are mainly developed for quantitative data. To solve this difficulty, we propose a new approach based on the interpolation of the horizon thickness to derive digital elevation models for both the upper and the lower limits of each horizon. This approach was applied to Planosols previously extensively studied with 2D approaches. The pseudo 3D obtained representation evidences soil processes that were missed in 2D approaches. As an example, we evidence the impact of differential weathering, resulting from the mineralogical heterogeneity of the parent material, on the subsequent pedogenesis. Les sols sont des continuums tridimensionnels (3D), caractérisés par une variabilité spatiale dans l'ensemble des directions de l'espace, mais les études 3D demeurent rares. Une des difficultés majeures des approches 3D est due à la nature qualitative de nombreuses caractéristiques des horizons, dans la mesure où la plupart des outils 3D existants sont principalement développés pour l'interpolation 3D de données quantitatives. En substitution à l'interpolation directe de la variable « nom de l'horizon », nous proposons une approche basée sur l'interpolation de l'épaisseur des horizons pour calculer les modèles numériques d'altitude correspondant aux limites de chaque horizon, permettant ainsi une visualisation pseudo 3D. Cette étude, appliquée à des Planosols bien caractérisés en 2D par ailleurs, montre que la représentation 3D des sols permet de souligner des processus omis lors des approches précédentes, tels que l'impact de l'altération différentielle, résultant de l'hétérogénéité initiale du matériau parental, sur une pédogenèse ultérieure

    Preparation of Unsymmetrical Disulfides from Thioacetates and Thiosulfonates

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    A method for the transformation of organic thioacetates, a widely used functionality for the preparation of self-assembled monolayers on gold surfaces, into unsymmetrical disulfides is reported. Disulfides are readily immobilized on gold in contrast to thioacetates, which usually require a deprotection step prior to bonding to the metal surface. The potential of the method for the controlled preparation of unsymmetrical disulfides has been demonstrated with model compounds comprising several thioacetates, which were readily converted into the corresponding unsymmetrical disulfides

    Biomechanical Thresholds Regulate Inflammation through the NF-ÎşB Pathway: Experiments and Modeling

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    BACKGROUND: During normal physical activities cartilage experiences dynamic compressive forces that are essential to maintain cartilage integrity. However, at non-physiologic levels these signals can induce inflammation and initiate cartilage destruction. Here, by examining the pro-inflammatory signaling networks, we developed a mathematical model to show the magnitude-dependent regulation of chondrocytic responses by compressive forces. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Chondrocytic cells grown in 3-D scaffolds were subjected to various magnitudes of dynamic compressive strain (DCS), and the regulation of pro-inflammatory gene expression via activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) signaling cascade examined. Experimental evidences provide the existence of a threshold in the magnitude of DCS that regulates the mRNA expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS2), an inducible pro-inflammatory enzyme. Interestingly, below this threshold, DCS inhibits the interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta)-induced pro-inflammatory gene expression, with the degree of suppression depending on the magnitude of DCS. This suppression of NOS2 by DCS correlates with the attenuation of the NF-kappaB signaling pathway as measured by IL-1beta-induced phosphorylation of the inhibitor of kappa B (IkappaB)-alpha, degradation of IkappaB-alpha and IkappaB-beta, and subsequent nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB p65. A mathematical model developed to understand the complex dynamics of the system predicts two thresholds in the magnitudes of DCS, one for the inhibition of IL-1beta-induced expression of NOS2 by DCS at low magnitudes, and second for the DCS-induced expression of NOS2 at higher magnitudes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Experimental and computational results indicate that biomechanical signals suppress and induce inflammation at critical thresholds through activation/suppression of the NF-kappaB signaling pathway. These thresholds arise due to the bistable behavior of the networks originating from the positive feedback loop between NF-kappaB and its target genes. These findings lay initial groundwork for the identification of the thresholds in physical activities that can differentiate its favorable actions from its unfavorable consequences on joints

    Attributions causales de la réussite et de l'échec (du biais de complaisance à la valorisation sociale des explications)

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    Les recherches présentées dans ce travail s'intéressent aux attributions causales de la réussite et de l'échec. Les explications données par l'individu pour expliquer une performance sont généralement considérées comme dépendantes d'une motivation personnelle. Notre principal objectif a été de démontrer qu'elles peuvent également être tributaires d'une motivation sociale. Dans cette perspective, l'individu est motivé par un but d'interaction, être favorablement perçu par autrui. Dans l'ensemble, nos travaux ont montré que a) l'individu est capable d'adapter ses explications de la réussite et de l'échec en fonction de ce qu'il suppose être les attentes normatives de la personne à laquelle il s'adresse. b) Certaines explications (en particulier externes pour la réussite et le manque d'effort pour l'échec) sont favorablement perçues par un observateur. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats attestent de l'influence d'une motivation sociale sur les explications de la réussite et de l'échec. Il est proposé que cette motivation sociale soit mise en relation avec la valorisation dont certaines explications font l'objet Les attributions causales de la réussite et de l'échec apparaissent ainsi dépendantes pour une part des normes sociales à l'oeuvre dans le contexte où elles sont invoquées.The studies presented in this thesis focused on success and failure causal attributions. It is usually accepted that one's explanations for success or failure are mainly referring to a personal motivation (e.g. self-serving bias). According to Weiner's social motivation theory, we focused on the influence of différent types of norms on success and failure causal attributions. Our main aim was to demonstrate that these explanations could refer to a social motivation including interaction goals, like getting along with the person who receives the explanation. Overall, our studies show that: A) individuals are able to fit their success or failure explanations according to the expectations of différent audiences. B) Some of these explanations (e.g. external for success or lack of effort for failure) are more positively perceived than others are. It is argued that attributing failure to a lack of effort may not always be considered as breaking a social rule and that accepting personal responsibility in front of failure can be positively perceived.NANTERRE-BU PARIS10 (920502102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Polarization, reactivity and quantum molecular capacitance: From electrostatics to density functional theory

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    1052-1057<span style="mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA" lang="EN-US">The charge distribution induced by an inhomogeneous electric potential applied to a molecule is in fact the sum of two terms: polarization (localized) and chemical (delocalized) charge distributions. The chemical induced charge distribution is proportional to the inhomogeneous response of the molecule to an electron transfer (Fukui function). Analogy with the electrostatic Thomson theorem for the perfect conductors permits to define the quantum molecular capacitance. </span

    Dynamique conformationelle et paysage d'énergie libre des protéines chaperonnes Hsp70 humaine et bactérienne à partir de simulations numériques tous atomes et à gros grains

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    Les protéines de choc thermique Hsp70 [70 kDa Heat Shock Protein] sont considérées comme des chaperons moléculaires très importants qui assistent au repliement des protéines naissantes ainsi qu au repliement des protéines dénaturées en condition de stress dans le milieu intracellulaire. Les protéines Hsp70 sont présentes chez tous les organismes, tels que l humain, la bactérie ou encore la levure et ont pour propriété d avoir une séquence d acides aminés hautement conservée entre les différentes espèces. [...] Ainsi la connaissance à l échelle atomique des structures de la protéine hHsp70 dans ses conformations ouverte et fermée est un prérequis essentiel pour comprendre les interactions entre les deux domaines NBD et SBD de la protéine et pour élucider les mécanismes de communication inter-domaine. Cependant, il n existe pas de structure expérimentale complète de la protéine hHsp70. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons les structures tout-atome des conformations ouverte et fermée de la protéine hHsp70, qui ont été modélisées par homologie à partir de la structure par diffraction des rayons X [DRX] de la protéine Hsp110 de la levure Sacharomyces cerevisae [dans la conformation ouverte] et à partir de la structure résolue par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire [RMN] de la protéine Hsp70 de la bactérie E. coli [dans la conformation fermée]. Ces deux modèles structuraux de la protéine humaine Hsp70, dans les états ouvert et fermé, ont ensuite été relaxés par dynamique moléculaire non biaisée à la température de 300K en utilisant un solvant explicite sur une échelle de temps respectivement de 2.7 et 0.5 s. L hétérogénéité conformationelle de la protéine hHsp70 observée dans les simulations de dynamique moléculaire a été comparée à celle extraite d expériences de resonance par transfert d énergie entre fluorophores [FRET pour Förster resonance energy transfer] et de diffraction aux petits angles [SAXS pour Small Angle X-ray Scattering] effectuées sur des protéines homologues à hHsp70. [...] Une fois les structures 3D tout-atome résolues, la transition entre la conformation ouverte et la conformation fermée [et vice-versa] des protéines Hsp70 a été étudiée en utilisant deux techniques de simulations numériques : une analyse des modes normaux [Normal Mode Analysis où NMA] de la protéine Hsp70 dans chacune de ces deux conformations et une nouvelle méthode développée au cours de cette thèse, basée sur le concept de paysage d énergie libre [Free-Energy Landscape où FEL]. [...] Cette étude a également permis d identifier les sous-domaines et résidus clés qui apparaissent comme jouant un rôle important dans la dynamique conformationelle de la protéine Hsp70 dans l approximation harmonique. Pour comprendre comment la fixation du nucléotide dans le domaine NBD peut engendrer un changement important de conformation de la protéine Hsp70, nous avons réalisé des simulations de dynamique moléculaire tout-atome non biaisée [sur une échelle de temps de 2 s] de la protéine Hsp70 de la bactérie E. coli [appelée E. coli DnaK], dans trois conditions de nucléotides différentes [liée à l ATP, liée à l ADP et sans nucléotide]. [...] Finalement, en combinant l analyse des modes normaux et du paysage d énergie libre de la protéine Hsp70, nous avons pu établir une liste de résidus et de structures locales impliqués dans la dynamique conformationelle et dans les mécanismes de communication de la protéine hHsp70. La plupart de ces résidus ont été identifiés expérimentalement comme jouant un rôle crucial dans la communication entre les domaines NBD et le domaine SBD de protéines Hsp70 homologues. Notre étude nous a également permis d identifier de nouveaux résidus clés. Ces nouveaux résidus pourraient être testés expérimentalement par mutagénèse et leurs positions pourraient être de nouvelles cibles pour la fixation d inhibiteurs de fonctions biologiques de Hsp70, notamment dans le cas de tumeurs cancéreuses.The 70 kDa heat shock proteins [Hsp70s] are key molecular chaperones which assist in the correct folding of nascent proteins and refolding of proteins under stress conditions in the intracellular environment. Hsp70s are present in all organisms and are highly conserved between the different species. [...] The conformational dynamics between the two conformations is governed by the ATP binding, ATP hydrolysis and by nucleotide exchange through an allosteric mechanism which is not fully understood.Knowledge of the conformations of hHsp70 at the atomic level is central to understand the interactions between its NBD and SBD. However, no complete structure of hHsp70 is known. In the present thesis, we report two conformations of hHsp70, constructed by homology modeling from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae co-chaperone protein Hsp110 [openconformation] and from the bacteria Escherichia coli Hsp70 [closed conformation]. The open and closed conformations of hHsp70 built by homology were relaxed by using unbiased all-atom molecular dynamics [MD] simulations at 300 K in explicit solvent on a timescale of 2.7 and 0.5 s, respectively. The conformational heterogeneity of hHsp70 observed in MD simulations was comparedwith those extracted from single-molecule Forster resonance energy transfer [FRET]experiments and to small-angle X-ray scattering [SAXS] data of Hsp70 homologs. [...] In the present thesis, the transitions between the open and closed conformation of Hsp70s were studied by using two different computational methods: the Normal Mode Analysis [NMA] and a new method developed in the present thesis based on the Free-Energy Landscape [FEL] concept.[...] These collective modes provide a mechanistic representation of the communication between the NBD and the SBD and allow us to identify subdomains and residues that appear to have a critical role in the conformational dynamics of Hsp70s in the harmonicapproximation. Second, in order to understand how the nucleotide binding in the NBD of Hsp70 induces a conformational change of the whole protein, we performed unbiased all-atom MD simulations [2 s] of E. coli Hsp70 [named E. Coli DnaK], in three different nucleotide-binding states [ATPbound,ADP-bound and nucleotide free]. [...] Finally, by combining the NMA and the FEL analysis, we established a list of the local structures and of the residues relevant for the conformational dynamics and for the interdomain communication in hHsp70. Most of these residues could be related to previous experimental evidences of their role in the interdomain communication between the NBD and SBD domains of Hsp70 homologs but other were never identified before. All the relevant residues found in MD could be tested experimentally by mutational analysis and could be crucial locations to dock small peptides and for the design of inhibitors for the cancer therapyDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effect of the generation mix on wind power introduction

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    The specific needs and ensuing costs for wind power integration into electricity generation systems depend to a large extent on the operation, composition and behaviour of the electricity generation system. The differences in the considered systems greatly influence the outcomes regarding wind power integration. The generation mix is studied here. Analyses are performed using a mixed integer linear programming model so as to get more insight in the consequences of the design and operation of electricity generation systems including wind power by looking at three distinct case systems. The model takes into account a multitude of technical specificities of the operation of an electricity generation system. The results show several aspects that are strongly related to the composition of electricity generation systems that influence the integration of wind power in the systems. These aspects range from the composition of the system to more specific technical parameters of the power plants and their operation, such as the marginal power plant and the greenhouse gas emission levels. The results shed some light on the reasons for the divergence in wind power integration studies. Moreover, it can help in gaining insights in the future development of electricity generation systems where wind power is being introduced. © 2009 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.status: publishe

    Impact of large amounts of wind power on the operation of an electricity generation system: Belgian case study

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    Wind power can have considerable impacts on the operation of electricity generation systems. Energy from wind power replaces other forms of electricity generation, thereby lowering overall fuel costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the intermittency of wind power, reflected in its variability and relative unpredictability restrains the full potential benefits of wind power. The variable nature of wind power requires power plants to be ready for bridging moments of low wind power output. The occurrence of forecast errors for wind speed necessitates sufficient reserve capacity in the system, which cannot be used for other useful purposes. These forecast errors inevitably cause efficiency losses in the operation of the system. To analyse the extent of these impacts, the Belgian electricity generation system is taken as a case and investigated on different aspects such as technical limitations for wind power integration and cost and GHG emissions' reduction potential of wind power under different circumstances. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.status: publishe
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