15 research outputs found

    A systems-level framework for drug discovery identifies Csf1R as an anti-epileptic drug target

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    The identification of drug targets is highly challenging, particularly for diseases of the brain. To address this problem, we developed and experimentally validated a general computational framework for drug target discovery that combines gene regulatory information with causal reasoning (“Causal Reasoning Analytical Framework for Target discovery”—CRAFT). Using a systems genetics approach and starting from gene expression data from the target tissue, CRAFT provides a predictive framework for identifying cell membrane receptors with a direction-specified influence over disease-related gene expression profiles. As proof of concept, we applied CRAFT to epilepsy and predicted the tyrosine kinase receptor Csf1R as a potential therapeutic target. The predicted effect of Csf1R blockade in attenuating epilepsy seizures was validated in three pre-clinical models of epilepsy. These results highlight CRAFT as a systems-level framework for target discovery and suggest Csf1R blockade as a novel therapeutic strategy in epilepsy. CRAFT is applicable to disease settings other than epilepsy

    Loss of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in microglia of the developing brain drives pro-inflammatory activation leading to white matter injury

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    Microglia-mediated neuroinflammation is key in numerous brain diseases including encephalopathy of the preterm born infant. Microglia of the still-developing brain have unique properties but little is known of how they regulate their inflammatory activation. This is important information as every year 9 million preterm born infants acquire persisting neurological injuries associated with encephalopathy and we lack strategies to prevent and treat these injuries. Our study of activation state regulators in immature brain microglia found a robust down-regulation of Wnt/β-catenin pathway receptors, ligands and intracellular signalling members in pro-inflammatory microglia. We undertook our studies initially in a mouse model of microglia-mediated encephalopathy including the clinical hallmarks of oligodendrocyte injury and hypomyelination. We purified microglia from this model and applied a genome-wide transcriptomics analysis validated with quantitative profiling. We then verified that down-regulation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling cascade is sufficient and necessary to drive microglia into an oligodendrocyte-damaging phenotype using multiple pharmacological and genetic approaches in vitro and in vivo in mice and in humans and zebrafish. We also demonstrated that genomic variance in the WNT/β-catenin pathway is associated with the anatomical connectivity phenotype of the human preterm born infant. This integrated analysis of genomics and connectivity, as a surrogate for oligodendrocyte function/myelination, is agnostic to cell type. However, this data indicates that the WNT pathway is relevant to human brain injury and specifically that WNT variants may be useful clinically for injury stratification and prognosis. Finally, we performed a translational experiment using a BBB penetrant microglia-specific targeting 3DNA nanocarrier to deliver a Wnt agonist specifically and directly to microglia in vivo. Increasing the activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway specifically in microglia in our model of microglia-mediated encephalopathy was able to reduce microglial pro-inflammatory activation, prevent the typical hypomyelination and also prevent the long-term memory deficit associated with this hypomyelination. In summary, the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway regulates microglial activation and up-regulation of this pathway could be a viable neurotherapeutic strategy

    Systems genetics identifies a convergent gene network for cognition and neurodevelopmental disease

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    Genetic determinants of cognition are poorly characterized, and their relationship to genes that confer risk for neurodevelopmental disease is unclear. Here we performed a systems-level analysis of genome-wide gene expression data to infer gene-regulatory networks conserved across species and brain regions. Two of these networks, M1 and M3, showed replicable enrichment for common genetic variants underlying healthy human cognitive abilities, including memory. Using exome sequence data from 6,871 trios, we found that M3 genes were also enriched for mutations ascertained from patients with neurodevelopmental disease generally, and intellectual disability and epileptic encephalopathy in particular. M3 consists of 150 genes whose expression is tightly developmentally regulated, but which are collectively poorly annotated for known functional pathways. These results illustrate how systems-level analyses can reveal previously unappreciated relationships between neurodevelopmental disease–associated genes in the developed human brain, and provide empirical support for a convergent gene-regulatory network influencing cognition and neurodevelopmental disease

    Somatic mosaicism in Cornelia de Lange syndrome : a further contributor to the wide clinical expressivity?

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a rare, congenital syndrome characterized by growth retardation, dysmorphic face, mental retardation and limb reduction defects. Clinical manifestations of CdLS can be extremely variable. Mutations in NIPBL, SMC1A and SMC3 genes, encoding for a regulator and two subunits of the cohesin complex, respectively, are found in 60-65% of CdLS patients. We report on a male with CdLS who is mosaic for the c.2827delA mutation in the NIPBL gene. Allele quantitation by pyrosequencing showed the presence of the mutation in about 10% and 33% of DNA samples from peripheral blood and buccal smears, respectively. The patient shows a complex phenotype: growth and psychomotor retardation are characteristic of the severe forms of CdLS, while the absence of severe limb reduction defects and major malformations are typical of the mild phenotype. He also has depigmentation areas following Blashko lines, an unusual finding in CdLS, which has been associated with mosaicism in other genetic conditions. This case represents the first evidence of somatic mosaicism in CdLS and explains the mild phenotype in the patient as compared to that predicted by a truncating mutation. Besides confirming the clinical and genetic heterogeneity of CdLS, this case also raises the likely underestimated mutation rate of known genes and points to the complexity of addressing genotype-phenotype correlations

    Genome-wide analysis of differential RNA editing in epilepsy

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    The recoding of genetic information through RNA editing contributes to proteomic diversity, but the extent and significance of RNA editing in disease is poorly understood. In particular, few studies have investigated the relationship between RNA editing and disease at a genome-wide level. Here, we developed a framework for the genome-wide detection of RNA sites that are differentially edited in disease. Using RNA-sequencing data from 100 hippocampi from mice with epilepsy (pilocarpine–temporal lobe epilepsy model) and 100 healthy control hippocampi, we identified 256 RNA sites (overlapping with 87 genes) that were significantly differentially edited between epileptic cases and controls. The degree of differential RNA editing in epileptic mice correlated with frequency of seizures, and the set of genes differentially RNA-edited between case and control mice were enriched for functional terms highly relevant to epilepsy, including “neuron projection” and “seizures.” Genes with differential RNA editing were preferentially enriched for genes with a genetic association to epilepsy. Indeed, we found that they are significantly enriched for genes that harbor nonsynonymous de novo mutations in patients with epileptic encephalopathy and for common susceptibility variants associated with generalized epilepsy. These analyses reveal a functional convergence between genes that are differentially RNA-edited in acquired symptomatic epilepsy and those that contribute risk for genetic epilepsy. Taken together, our results suggest a potential role for RNA editing in the epileptic hippocampus in the occurrence and severity of epileptic seizures

    Decreased microglial Wnt/β-catenin signalling drives microglial pro-inflammatory activation in the developing brain.

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    Microglia of the developing brain have unique functional properties but how their activation states are regulated is poorly understood. Inflammatory activation of microglia in the still-developing brain of preterm-born infants is associated with permanent neurological sequelae in 9 million infants every year. Investigating the regulators of microglial activation in the developing brain across models of neuroinflammation-mediated injury (mouse, zebrafish) and primary human and mouse microglia we found using analysis of genes and proteins that a reduction in Wnt/β-catenin signalling is necessary and sufficient to drive a microglial phenotype causing hypomyelination. We validated in a cohort of preterm-born infants that genomic variation in the Wnt pathway is associated with the levels of connectivity found in their brains. Using a Wnt agonist delivered by a blood-brain barrier penetrant microglia-specific targeting nanocarrier we prevented in our animal model the pro-inflammatory microglial activation, white matter injury and behavioural deficits. Collectively, these data validate that the Wnt pathway regulates microglial activation, is critical in the evolution of an important form of human brain injury and is a viable therapeutic target.This study was supported by grants from Inserm, Université Paris Diderot, Université Sorbonne-Paris-Cité, Investissement d'Avenir (ANR-11-INBS-0011, NeurATRIS), ERA-NET Neuron (Micromet), DHU PROTECT, Association Robert Debré, PremUP, Fondation de France, Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau, Fondation des Gueules Cassées, Roger de Spoelberch Foundation, Grace de Monaco Foundation, Leducq Foundation, Action Medical Research, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation Australia, Wellcome Trust (WSCR P32674) and The Swedish Research Council (2015-02493). We wish to acknowledge the support of the Department of Perinatal Imaging and Health, King’s College London. In addition, the authors acknowledge financial support from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. We also wish to thank Dr Dominique Langui (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France) for providing us with access to electron microscopy facilities and Dr Manuela ZinniI INSERM U1141 NeuroDiderot for access to additional molecular biology facilities

    CDK13-related disorder: Report of a series of 18 previously unpublished individuals and description of an epigenetic signature

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    Purpose: Rare genetic variants in CDK13 are responsible for CDK13-related disorder (CDK13-RD), with main clinical features being developmental delay or intellectual disability, facial features, behavioral problems, congenital heart defect, and seizures. In this paper, we report 18 novel individuals with CDK13-RD and provide characterization of genome-wide DNA methylation. Methods: We obtained clinical phenotype and neuropsychological data for 18 and 10 individuals, respectively, and compared this series with the literature. We also compared peripheral blood DNA methylation profiles in individuals with CDK13-RD, controls, and other neurodevelopmental disorders episignatures. Finally, we developed a support vector machine–based classifier distinguishing CDK13-RD and non–CDK13-RD samples. Results: We reported health and developmental parameters, clinical data, and neuropsychological profile of individuals with CDK13-RD. Genome-wide differential methylation analysis revealed a global hypomethylated profile in individuals with CDK13-RD in a highly sensitive and specific model that could aid in reclassifying variants of uncertain significance. Conclusion: We describe the novel features such as anxiety disorder, cryptorchidism, and disrupted sleep in CDK13-RD. We define a CDK13-RD DNA methylation episignature as a diagnostic tool and a defining functional feature of the evolving clinical presentation of this disorder. We also show overlap of the CDK13 DNA methylation profile in an individual with a functionally and clinically related CCNK-related disorder