8,612 research outputs found

    Shock-waves in disordered media

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    We investigate experimentally the effect of disorder on the formation of optical shock waves in thermal media

    Photonic polarization gears for ultra-sensitive angular measurements

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    Quantum metrology bears a great promise in enhancing measurement precision, but is unlikely to become practical in the near future. Its concepts can nevertheless inspire classical or hybrid methods of immediate value. Here, we demonstrate NOON-like photonic states of m quanta of angular momentum up to m=100, in a setup that acts as a "photonic gear", converting, for each photon, a mechanical rotation of an angle {\theta} into an amplified rotation of the optical polarization by m{\theta}, corresponding to a "super-resolving" Malus' law. We show that this effect leads to single-photon angular measurements with the same precision of polarization-only quantum strategies with m photons, but robust to photon losses. Moreover, we combine the gear effect with the quantum enhancement due to entanglement, thus exploiting the advantages of both approaches. The high "gear ratio" m boosts the current state-of-the-art of optical non-contact angular measurements by almost two orders of magnitude.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, + supplementary information (10 pages, 3 figures

    Second-order electronic correlation effects in a one-dimensional metal

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    The Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model of a single-band one-dimensional (1D) metal is studied at the Hartree-Fock level, and by using the second-order perturbation theory of the electronic correlation. The PPP model provides an extension of the Hubbard model by properly accounting for the long-range character of the electron-electron repulsion. Both finite and infinite version of the 1D-metal model are considered within the PPP and Hubbard approximations. Calculated are the second-order electronic-correlation corrections to the total energy, and to the electronic-energy bands. Our results for the PPP model of 1D metal show qualitative similarity to the coupled-cluster results for the 3D electron-gas model. The picture of the 1D-metal model that emerges from the present study provides a support for the hypothesis that the normal metallic state of the 1D metal is different from the ground state.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures; v2: small correction in title, added 3 references, extended and reformulated a few paragraphs (detailed information at the end of .tex file); added color to figure

    Response of microchannel plates to single particles and to electromagnetic showers

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    We report on the response of microchannel plates (MCPs) to single relativistic particles and to electromagnetic showers. Particle detection by means of secondary emission of electrons at the MCP surface has long been proposed and is used extensively in ion time-of-flight mass spectrometers. What has not been investigated in depth is their use to detect the ionizing component of showers. The time resolution of MCPs exceeds anything that has been previously used in calorimeters and, if exploited effectively, could aid in the event reconstruction at high luminosity colliders. Several prototypes of photodetectors with the amplification stage based on MCPs were exposed to cosmic rays and to 491 MeV electrons at the INFN-LNF Beam-Test Facility. The time resolution and the efficiency of the MCPs are measured as a function of the particle multiplicity, and the results used to model the response to high-energy showers.Comment: Paper submitted to NIM

    Sociobiological Control of Plasmid copy number

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All known mechanisms and genes responsible for the regulation of plasmid replication lie with the plasmid rather than the chromosome. It is possible therefore that there can be copy-up mutants. Copy-up mutants will have within host selective advantage. This would eventually result into instability of bacteria-plasmid association. In spite of this possibility low copy number plasmids appear to exist stably in host populations. We examined this paradox using a computer simulation model.

Our multilevel selection model assumes a wild type with tightly regulated replication to ensure low copy number. A mutant with slightly relaxed replication regulation can act as a “cheater” or “selfish” plasmid and can enjoy a greater within-host-fitness. However the host of a cheater plasmid has to pay a greater cost. As a result, in host level competition, host cell with low copy number plasmid has a greater fitness. Furthermore, another mutant that has lost the genes required for conjugation was introduced in the model. The non-conjugal mutant was assumed to undergo conjugal transfer in the presence of another conjugal plasmid in the host cell.

The simulatons showed that if the cost of carrying a plasmid was low, the copy-up mutant could drive the wild type to extinction or very low frequencies. Consequently, another mutant with a higher copy number could invade the first invader. This process could result into an increasing copy number. However above a certain copy number within-host selection was overcompensated by host level selection leading to a rock-paper-scissor (RPS) like situation. The RPS situation allowed the coexistence of high and low copy number plasmids. The non-conjugal “hypercheaters” could further arrest the copy numbers to a substantially lower level.

These sociobiological interactions might explain the stability of copy numbers better than molecular mechanisms of replication regulation alone

    Plan de negocios para la implementaci?n de una cadena de food trucks de comida fusi?n peruano-venezolana en la ciudad de Lima

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    En los ?ltimos a?os la migraci?n de venezolanos al pa?s por crisis pol?tica y econ?mica que en la actualidad viven est? ha generado la entrada al pa?snuevos productos gastron?micos como la arepa, esto se observa en reportaje realizado por Per? 21 donde se puede ver a venezolanos vendiendo este producto en el gir?n de la uni?n en el centro de Lima (Per? 21). De all? surge la idea de la crear un producto novedoso e innovador, que consiste en la fusi?n de los m?s tradicionales platos de la cocina peruana con la arepa venezolana, es por esto que se plantearon como objetivo general la viabilidad comercial, operativa, legal y econ?mica para la implementaci?n de una cadena de ?food Truck? de comida fusi?n peruano - venezolana en Lima Metropolitana, apoyado en los siguientes objetivos espec?ficos: - Realizar una investigaci?n de mercado para conocer la demanda de comida venezolana, perfil del consumidor y atributos valorados por los consumidores. - Establecer los factores cr?ticos de ?xito para el desarrollo de una cadena de ?food truck?. - Definir las acciones estrat?gicas para la puesta en marcha y gesti?n del negocio en los puntos de venta elegidos. - Desarrollar el plan comercial y operativo para implementar la idea de negocio. - Evaluar la viabilidad econ?mica del negocio de venta de comida r?pida fusi?n peruano-venezolana en ?food truck?

    GNO Solar Neutrino Observations: Results for GNOI

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    We report the first GNO solar neutrino results for the measuring period GNOI, solar exposure time May 20, 1998 till January 12, 2000. In the present analysis, counting results for solar runs SR1 - SR19 were used till April 4, 2000. With counting completed for all but the last 3 runs (SR17 - SR19), the GNO I result is [65.8 +10.2 -9.6 (stat.) +3.4 -3.6 (syst.)]SNU (1sigma) or [65.8 + 10.7 -10.2 (incl. syst.)]SNU (1sigma) with errors combined. This may be compared to the result for Gallex(I-IV), which is [77.5 +7.6 -7.8 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1sigma). A combined result from both GNOI and Gallex(I-IV) together is [74.1 + 6.7 -6.8 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1sigma).Comment: submitted to Physics Letters B, June 2000. PACS: 26.65. +t ; 14.60 Pq. Corresponding author: [email protected] ; [email protected]