1,184 research outputs found

    Noticia sobre los manuscritos en karšuni pertenecientes al “Fondo Oriental” de la Biblioteca del Monasterio de Montserrat

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    The aim of the present article is to offer a description about contents, material and formal features of nine arabic-karšuni manuscripts conserved in the Oriental Collection of Montserrat Monastery (Barcelona). All the copies were acquired by the benedictine monk Buenaventura Ubach in Lebanon during the years 1923-1924.El propósito del presente artículo es presentar una descripción del contenido y de las características materiales y formales de nueve manuscritos árabes karšuni conservados en el Fondo Oriental de la biblioteca del monasterio de Montserrat (Barcelona). Todos ellos fueron adquiridos por el monje benedictino Buenaventura Ubach en el Líbano durante los años 1923 y 1924

    Un debate entre Elías de Nísibe y el visir Ibn ‘Alī al-Magribī (417H-1026 d. C.)

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    This is a translation with commentaries of a debate on the unicity of God and Trinity that took place in the year 1026 between the metropolitan Elias of Nisibis and the muslim visir Ab´ l-QOEsim Ibn >Al¥ al-Magrib¥. Such a debate can be highlighted for its moderate tone, the high standards of the reflections, the firm determination of ignoring sterile polemics as well as the desire of making avail of common vocabulary. Both speakers are familiar with the categories used by the opponent.Traducción comentada de un debate sobre la unicidad de Dios y la Trinidad que tuvo lugar durante el año 1026 entre el metropolitano Elías de Nísibe y el visir musulmán Ab´ l-QOEsim Ibn >Al¥ al-Magrib¥. Destaca por la moderación, el nivel de las reflexiones, la firme decisión de evitar polémicas inútiles y el deseo de usar un vocabulario común. Ambos interlocutores se encuentran familiarizados con las categorías del contrario

    Medication use by the driving population

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    Producción CientíficaThis study investigated patterns of medicine use among Spanish drivers. The study was conducted in the fall of 1993 on 1500 drivers aged over 16, all of whom completed accordingly and then returned the questionnaires. Among those surveyed, 45.1% had used drugs at least once in the previous year, while 17.3% of drivers surveyed were using medicines chronically. Chronic users, the majority of whom were female and belonging to the older age group, were using an average of two drugs. Central nervous system drugs (21.7%), respiratory system drugs (19.2%), cardiovascular system drugs (14.9%) and alimentary tract drugs (14.3%) were the most frequent groups of medication used, Of those surveyed 76.5% who took drugs regularly had never been warned by health professionals about the effects of the medication use on driving skills. The study shows both how often drivers use medication as well as the need to inform patients and drivers about the effect of medication on driving performance

    Medication and fitness to drive

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose The aim of this study is to analyze the consumption patterns of medicaments among motor vehicle drivers who attend ‘Medical Driving Test Centres’ and the relation between habitual consumption of medicaments and fitness to drive. Methods The study was carried out on 8043 drivers who attended 25 Medical Driving Test Centres. Results 24.7% of drivers chronically consume medicaments while 6.8% consume medicaments along with alcohol every day. Of those who chronically consume medicaments with a warning about the medications on driving, 65.8% were considered ‘fit’ to drive, 27.3% ‘fit with restrictions’, 5.1% ‘suspended’ and 0.4% ‘unfit’. Conclusions The results show how frequent the consumption of medicaments along with alcohol is and that the great majority of drivers who take medicaments are considered fit to drive

    Alcohol use among fatally injured drivers in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaBlood from 285 fatally injured drivers in Northern Spain was collected and tested for the presence of alcohol and drugs. Alcohol was detected in 50.5% of all fatalities. Alcohol alone was detected in 44.2% of all samples and in the remaining 6.3% another substance was found together with alcohol. Blood alcohol concentration was classified in different levels. It has been observed that in 35.4% of the cases the blood alcohol level was≥0.8 g/l, the legal limit in Spain for car drivers. Alcohol together with other substances was encountered in 18 cases, with medication in 22.2% (4 out of 18), alcohol with illegal drugs in 66.6% of the cases (12 out of 18), and alcohol with medicines and illegal drugs in 11.1% (2 out of 18). Cocaine was the most commonly detected drug. The study shows how widespread the incidence of a high level of alcohol concentration among drivers involved in fatal accidents in Spain

    Presence of illegal drugs in drivers involved in fatal road traffic accidents in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThis study investigated the presence of illegal drugs in the blood of 285 fatally injured drivers in Spain. Illegal drugs were detected in 10.2% of all samples. Illicit drugs alone were detected in 2.5% and together with other substances in 7.7%. Cocaine was the most common drug detected. The mean number (9S.D.) of substances detected was 2.691.2: consisting of 46 illegal drugs, 14 alcohol cases and 16 medicines. Three concentration levels of the different substances have been established: low, medium and high-toxic. In 68.9% of the samples in which an illegal drug was detected, a substance was also found at the high-toxic level. The results show that illegal drugs are commonly detected in road accident victims

    La construcción de la identidad andaluza percibida y proyectada como reclamo turístico : los libros de viaje y las guías turísticas del siglo XX (1920-1970)

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    El objetivo de este artículo es descubrir cuál es la imagen percibida y proyectada a través de las guías turísticas publicadas a lo largo del siglo XX. Igualmente, pretendemos analizar la posible evolución de la misma con la selección de una muestra significativa de estas guías editadas entre 1920 y 1970.L'objectiu d'aquest article és descobrir quina és la imatge percebuda i projectada a través de les guies turístiques publicades al segle XX. Així mateix també pretenem analitzar la possible evolució d'aquesta imatge a través de la selecció d'una mostra significativa de les guies editades entre els anys 1920 i 1970.The article focus on the image perceived and projected through the tourist guides published along the 20th century. Likewise, we analyze the possible evolution of this image with the selection of a significant sample of these guides published between 1920 and 1970