26 research outputs found

    Landlocked Countries, Natural Resources and Growth: The Double Economic Curse Hypothesis

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    In this paper, we discuss the hypothesis of a double effect of economic slowdown on economic growth, resulting by the income of natural resources and being a landlocked country. We considered the problem of heterogeneity as conditioned functions to quantile moments in response of economic growth. To do this, groups of 97 countries are considered for the period 1970-2014. The results suggest that the “double economic curse” presents an annual impact of -3% in quantiles of medium-low growth countries. Subsequently, additive effects between human capital and trade openness are evaluated to mitigate the lag impacts on growth: decreasing approximately between 20% and 40% of the negative effect for low growth countries and contracting around 10% and 50% for countries with medium growth rates. Keywords: Landlocked countries, economic growth, natural resources, human capital, trade openness, quantile regressions. JEL Classifications: O43, O47, O57, P48, C21 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.803

    Oxidative stress homeostasis in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Plants can maintain growth and reproductive success by sensing changes in the environment and reacting through mechanisms at molecular, cellular, physiological, and developmental levels. Each stress condition prompts a unique response although some overlap between the reactions to abiotic stress (drought, heat, cold, salt or high light) and to biotic stress (pathogens) does occur. A common feature in the response to all stresses is the onset of oxidative stress, through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). As hydrogen peroxide and superoxide are involved in stress signaling, a tight control in ROS homeostasis requires a delicate balance of systems involved in their generation and degradation. If the plant lacks the capacity to generate scavenging potential, this can ultimately lead to death. In grapevine, antioxidant homeostasis can be considered at whole plant levels and during the development cycle. The most striking example lies in berries and their derivatives, such as wine, with nutraceutical properties associated with their antioxidant capacity. Antioxidant homeostasis is tightly regulated in leaves, assuring a positive balance between photosynthesis and respiration, explaining the tolerance of many grapevine varieties to extreme environments. In this review we will focus on antioxidant metabolites, antioxidant enzymes, transcriptional regulation and cross-talk with hormones prompted by abiotic stress conditions. We will also discuss three situations that require specific homeostasis balance: biotic stress, the oxidative burst in berries at veraison and in vitro systems. The genetic plasticity of the antioxidant homeostasis response put in evidence by the different levels of tolerance to stress presented by grapevine varieties will be addressed. The gathered information is relevant to foster varietal adaptation to impending climate changes, to assist breeders in choosing the more adapted varieties and suitable viticulture practice

    People with intellectual disability and ICTs

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    New technologies have dramatically changed our daily lives and the way we are connected to other people. Television, cellular telephony and the Internet have opened up new opportunities in communication, leisure and training, and yet barriers prevent certain social groups from accessing these new technologies. People with intellectual disability (ID), for instance, are often «invisible» to communication and new technology researchers. An exploratory study was made of 156 adults with ID (workers and users of the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation sheltered employment programs and workshops in Madrid, Spain) to show their patterns of new technology (cell phones, Internet and television) use. The study confirms that these patterns are similar to those expected of the general public but spe cific differences were found. Some could be attributed to the direct effects of intellectual disability, but others could result from the hypothetical stigma effect on the attitude of those close to the person with intellectual disability, which might lead to discriminatory behaviors

    Bibliografía del profesor Dr. José Luis del Río Sadornil

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    El presente trabajo constituye nuestro pequeño y humilde homenaje al profesor Dr. D. José Luis del Río Sadornil. Abarca un recorrido por su trayectoria vital y profesional. Se aportan en este artículo datos sobre su formación académica, profesional y humana, así como los referentes a su experiencia profesional, en el ámbito de la docencia preuniversitaria y universitaria. Se analiza, además, su experiencia investigadora y se sintetizan sus principales publicaciones en el ámbito de la Documentación, generadas durante su andadura como profesor titular en el Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense, y, asimismo, sus trabajos publicados en otros campos afines. | This article is a review of life and professional path of late professor Dr. D. José Luis del Río Sadornil. Itâs analised his curriculum vitae, academic, professional and human training and research experience. Furthermore, itâs summarized his principal publications circunscribe in Library and Information Science field, as titular professor in Library and Information Science Department of Information Science, in Complutense University, and his publications circunscribe in other fields

    La propiedad intelectual y las nuevas tecnologías documentales

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    La propiedad intelectual y los derechos de autor han sido objeto de preocupaclon constante en el mundo de la cultura, de modo especial en nuestro siglo y, particularmente, en los últimos tiempos. en los que las nuevas tecnologías, en especial la digital y la «navegación» por las «arnopi?stas de la información», han planteado una óplica nueva en el campo documental y en relación con los derechos de autor, tanto en la Unión Europea, como en el área anglo-sajo>na, que ha supuesto una problemática de urgente, pero difícil solución. El núcleo de la cuestión radica en la inmaterialidad de la documentación que fluye por las redes integradas y en la interactividad, que puede desfigurar la originalidad de la misma, haciendo prácticamente imposible su protección y control

    Los hipertexto, hipermedia, hiperdocumento : una revolución creativa en la informática documental

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    Los sistemas y logicales «hiper» cobran importancia a partir de 1987. La lectura documental pasa con el «hipenato». de la linealidad al conexionismo y a la asociatividad. Los «nudos» y los «lazos» amplían sus posibilidades en los sistemas «hipermedia ». abriendo espacio a la «hiperestructura» y al «hiperdocumenroxâ. Los «nudos» dan soporte a las unidades básicas de información y los «lazos» suponen sus relaciones somasiológicas, por lo que el conexionismo es clave en la sistemática de los «hipenâ. «1-Jiperte. ao>â, «hipermedia» e «hiperdocumento», creativamente utilizados, pueden ser plataforma de lanzamiento para la investigación informática documental del futuro. La comercialización de sus logicales no anda a la zaga y cada dia puede sorprendernos con nuevas aplicaciones e inventos

    El documentalista en la sociedad de la información

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    El acceso a la información virtual y las posibilidades que supone la utilización de Internet constituyen el mayor desafío para el documentalista del siglo XXI. Aunque perdure su misión, es necesaria una revisión de su perfil ante las exigencias que presentarán la Documentación digital, las nuevas tecnologías y los usuarios del futuro, de cara a la virtualteca

    La redes y la documentación

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    1. Las redes y la telecomunicación 2. Internet, la red de redes 3. Documentación e Internet: desafíos y planteamientos 4. Las redes en el 2.000 5. La tecnología documental del 2.01

    Otro avance tecnológico de la Reprografía Documental : la impresión con rayo láser

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