3,491 research outputs found

    Children’s improvement of a motor response during backward falls through the implementation of a safe fall program

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    The World Health Organization has warned that, in children, the second cause of death from unintentional injuries are falls. The objective of this study was to analyze the motor response of primary schoolchildren when a backwards fall occurs. These analyses occurred before and after interventions of the Safe Fall program, which aims to teach safe and protected ways of backward falling. A quasi-experimental research design was used, with a sample of 122 Spanish (Sevillian) schoolchildren in the 10–12 age bracket. The INFOSECA ad-hoc observation scale was used for data collection: this scale registers 5 essential physical reactions throughout the process of a safe and protected backwards fall. After that, a number of descriptive, correlational and contrast statistics were applied. The value used in the McNemar test to establish statistical significance was p < 0.05. Results showed that over 85% of students had developed the competence to correctly perform all five physical motions that allow for a safer backward fall. The teaching of safe and protected techniques for falling backwards in child population in Primary Education is possible through the implementation of the Safe Fall program in Physical Education classes, which can help making falls safer, diminishing the risk and severity of the injuries they cause

    Adaptación y mejora de un dispositivo de filtración de agua de uso doméstico existente para la extracción mediante disolución en el agua de productos solubles contenidos en envoltura hidrosoluble

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    Número de publicación: ES2397892 A1 (12.03.2013) También publicado como: ES2397892 B1 (16.01.2014) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201100258 (18.02.2011)El objetivo es proponer un procedimiento y un dispositivo que permitan la extracción de un fertilizante contenido en una envoltura hidrosoluble sin generar residuos provenientes del envase vacío, evitando el contacto con el producto, garantizando la extracción del fertilizante mediante la disolución previa del envoltorio y a una circulación de agua a su través, incorporando un sistema de filtrado final, y facilitando el llenado y limpieza del dispositivo mediante un sistema de apertura y cierre roscado.Universidad de Almerí

    New late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) conodont and graptolite records from the southern South American Gondwana margin (Eastern Cordillera, Argentina)

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    New late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) conodont and graptolite faunas from the eastern and central belts of the Eastern Cordillera (Jujuy Province, northwestern Argentina) are reported. The conodont fauna includes the guide species Paltodus deltifer pristinus, Paltodus deltifer deltifer, and Acodus deltatus (sensu lato), in association with other taxa, and the graptolites Aorograptus victoriae, Ancoragraptus cf. bulmani, and Adelograptus cf. altus. Overlapping ranges of the recorded species allow for a partial correlation between the Acodus deltatus-Paroistodus proteus and Aorograptus victoriae zones, and the Notopeltis orthometopa trilobite Zone. The conodont fauna includes a mixture of forms typical of the Baltoscandian and Laurentian provinces, respectively. The Early Ordovician basin of northwestern Argentina may correspond to the Shallow-Sea Realm and Cold Domain and probably records the development of a differentiated conodont province in the southern South American margin of Gondwana

    Poly(3-methyltiophene)- Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes Composite Electrodes

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    AbstractOur goal, is focalized in the synthesis of composite film electrodes used in the detection of contaminants from water. Films of poly(3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) were prepared by electropolymerization over glassy carbon electrode (ϕ= 3mm) and then impregnated with a thin dispersion of multi wall–carbon nanotubes, (MWCNT). Also, the MWCNT was directly embedded over the glassy carbon electrode. These composite materials P3MT/MWCNT and MWCNT coated onto a glassy carbon electrode (GC) are applied in electrochemical As(III) detection with different supporting electrolytes. The cyclic voltammetry of MWCNT/GC modified electrode in NaNO3 or Na2SO4 0.1 molL-1 showed As(III) irreversible anodic wave occurring at 0.9 to 1.3V vs Ag/AgCl range, and lineal conduct up to 5-10 mmol L-1 As(III), and even reproducible results after it had been used for several times at highest concentrations. The alkaline Na2HPO4 solution improved the response and resolution this electrode with anodic wave at 1.1V vs Ag/AgCl. Performance of modified P3MT/MWCNT/GC electrode, by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) in 0.1mol L-1 Na2HPO4 (pH 10) solution was notable, because the low potential 0.55V vs Ag/AgCl by As(III) anodic current peak. The electrolysis of As(III) at constant potential with MWCNT/felt carbon electrode (ϕ = 8mm) produced a 94% of less toxic As(V) form, which was recovered by liquid phase retention-assisted by polymers (LPR-P) method

    The moderating role of prior experience in technological acceptance models for ubiquitous computing services in urban environments

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    Ubiquitous computing services constitute a new information technology that can be used in thousands of potential applications and environments. Ubiquitous computing is also changing the classic paradigm of information technology as it is forcing social and cultural changes. Determining factors affecting the use of ubiquitous services is essential to correctly define the characteristics of new value added services. However, this study investigates not only these factors, but also the moderating effect of previous experience. Due to the technological nature of ubiquitous services, previous experience alters the way in which potential users face these services. Findings suggest that previous experience changes the way in which antecedent relates to basic TAM constructs. The derived research models and empirical results also provide valuable indicators for future research and managerial guidelines for the successful adoption of ubiquitous computing servicesJunta de Andalucia. Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo P12-SEJ-32

    Análisis de las competencias y perfiles profesional es de los programas de máster en el ámbito de las TIC

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis comparativo de la oferta actual de programas de máster en el ámbito de las TICs ofertados en España. Como punto de partida se tomarán las competencias definidas en diversas iniciativas Europeas y los perfiles profesionales específicos al ámbito de las TICs definidos por el consorcio Career-Space. Como resultado se obtendrá el grado de cobertura en España de los perfiles profesionales demandados por la industria, identidad las principales carencias existente

    Identification of new added value services on intelligent transportation systems

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    The evolution of electronics and the growing capabilities of in-vehicle and public infrastructure equipment make feasible the development of new value-added services in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). However, initiatives in this sense frequently failed due to the lack of agreement or coordination among service providers, public authorities and final users. This article proposes a scientific method based on concept mapping techniques to extract these value-added services. The main benefit of the proposed methodology is its ability to take into account the different points of view of the main actors involved in the transportation field. Obtained results will provide the general guidelines for future ITS servicesMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2007- 60128Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P07-TIC-0262

    Sistema de análisis de validez de las declaraciones (protocolo SVA) en un caso de abuso sexuales entre menores. Descripción de criterios y su aplicación

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    El SVA (Statement Validity Assessment) se aplica con frecuencia para la valoración de la credibilidad del testimonio en menores víctimas de abusos sexuales. Constituye una herram ienta validada en el ámbito de la psicología forense, pero no está exenta de subjetividad. El rigor metodológico en la aplicación del protocolo es imprescindible para que las conclusiones obtenidas t engan alguna validez en el procedimiento. En un caso de d enuncia de abusos sexuales entre menores se aportó al procedimiento un informe psicológico forense que analizaba la credibilidad del testimonio tras aplicar el protocolo SVA. Se discute la metodología apl icada y la argumentación del informe, y, por tanto, la validez de las conclusiones obtenidas en el informe pericial presentadoThe SVA (Statement Validity Assessment) is often applied to the assessment of the credibilit y of testimony in child victims of sexual abuse. It is a validated tool in the field of forensic psychology, but is somewhat subjective. The methodol ogical rigor in the application of the protocol is essential for the conclusions have any validity in the p roceeding. In case of a complaint of sexual abuse among children a forensic psychological report analyzing the credibility of the testimony after applying the SVA protocol is presented to the court. It discusses the methodology and therefore the validity of the conclusions of the expert report submitted

    Development of an Activity Patterns Scale (APS)

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    Six activity patterns were identified across various self-report measures in participants with chronic pain: Pain Avoidance, Activity Avoidance; Task Contingent Persistence; Excessive Persistence, Pain Contingent Persistence and Pacing (Kindermans et al., 2011). It was proposed that instruments assessing “pacing” should include items addressing one specific pacing behavior (breaking tasks into smaller pieces; taking frequent short rests and speeding up or slowing down) with a single goal (increasing activity level, conserve energy for valued activities and pain reduction) (Nielson et al., 2013). The aim of the present study was to develop an instrument to assess the activity patterns identified by Kindermans et al. (2011). The instrument also included three pacing scales one for each of the aforementioned goals. Methods A sample of 229 patients with fibromyalgia and 62 suffering other rheumatic diseases answered online the APS and the “Patterns of Activity Measure-Pain” (POAM-P) (Cane et al., 2007). Three alternative factor structures were tested by confirmatory factor analyses performed via structural equation modelling. . Results The structure with the best fit had 8 factors corresponding to the hypothesized scales: Pain Avoidance (α=.60), Activity Avoidance (α=.60); Task Contingent Persistence (α=.81); Excessive Persistence (α=.84), Pain Contingent Persistence (α=.70), Pacing for increasing activity (α=.76), Pacing for energy conservation (α=.72) and Pacing for pain reduction (α=.65). The correlations with the POAM-P scales were high and in the postulated direction. Conclusions The APS showed adequate reliability and structural validity. According to these results, Avoidance, Persistence and Pacing seem to be multidimensional constructs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech