232 research outputs found

    Potential effects of oilseed rape expressing oryzacystatin-1 (OC-1) and of purified insecticidal proteins on larvae of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis

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    Despite their importance as pollinators in crops and wild plants, solitary bees have not previously been included in non-target testing of insect-resistant transgenic crop plants. Larvae of many solitary bees feed almost exclusively on pollen and thus could be highly exposed to transgene products expressed in the pollen. The potential effects of pollen from oilseed rape expressing the cysteine protease inhibitor oryzacystatin-1 (OC-1) were investigated on larvae of the solitary bee Osmia bicornis (= O. rufa). Furthermore, recombinant OC-1 (rOC-1), the Bt toxin Cry1Ab and the snowdrop lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) were evaluated for effects on the life history parameters of this important pollinator. Pollen provisions from transgenic OC-1 oilseed rape did not affect overall development. Similarly, high doses of rOC-1 and Cry1Ab as well as a low dose of GNA failed to cause any significant effects. However, a high dose of GNA (0.1%) in the larval diet resulted in significantly increased development time and reduced efficiency in conversion of pollen food into larval body weight. Our results suggest that OC-1 and Cry1Ab expressing transgenic crops would pose a negligible risk for O. bicornis larvae, whereas GNA expressing plants could cause detrimental effects, but only if bees were exposed to high levels of the protein. The described bioassay with bee brood is not only suitable for early tier non-target tests of transgenic plants, but also has broader applicability to other crop protection products

    Use of an innovative T-tube maze assay and the proboscis extension response assay to assess sublethal effects of GM products and pesticides on learning capacity of the honey bee Apis mellifera L.

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    Transgenic Cry1Ac+CpTI cotton (CCRI41) is a promising cotton cultivar throughout China but side effects and especially sublethal effects of this transgenic cultivar on beneficial insects remain poorly studied. More specifically potential sublethal effects on behavioural traits of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. have not been formally assessed despite the importance of honey bees for pollination. The goal of our study was to assess potential effects of CCRI41 cotton pollen on visual and olfactory learning by honey bees. After a 7-day oral chronic exposure to honey mixed with either CCRI41 pollen, imidacloprid-treated conventional pollen (used as positive sublethal control) or conventional pollen (control), learning performance was evaluated by the classical proboscis extension reflex (PER) procedure as well as a T-tube maze test. The latter assay was designed as a new device to assess potential side effects of pesticides on visual associative learning of honey bees. These two procedures were complementary because the former focused on olfactory learning while the latter was involved in visual learning based on visual orientation ability. Oral exposure to CCRI41 pollen did not affect learning capacities of honey bees in both the T-tube maze and PER tests. However, exposure to imidacloprid resulted in reduced visual learning capacities in T-tube maze evaluation and decreased olfactory learning performances measured with PER. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of risks of transgenic CCRI41 cotton crops for honey bees

    Humid tropical rain forest has expanded into eucalypt forest and savanna over the last 50 years

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    Tropical rain forest expansion and savanna woody vegetation thickening appear to be a global trend, but there remains uncertainty about whether there is a common set of global drivers. Using geographic information techniques, we analyzed aerial photography of five areas in the humid tropics of northeastern Queensland, Australia, taken in the 1950s and 2008, to determine if changes in rain forest extent match those reported for the Australian monsoon tropics using similar techniques. Mapping of the 1950s aerial photography showed that of the combined study area (64,430 ha), 63% was classified as eucalypt forests/woodland and 37% as rain forest. Our mapping revealed that although most boundaries remained stable, there was a net increase of 732 ha of the original rain forest area over the study period, and negligible conversion of rain forest to eucalypt forest/woodland. Statistical modeling, controlling for spatial autocorrelation, indicated distance from preexisting rain forest as the strongest determinant of rain forest expansion. Margin extension had a mean rate across the five sites of 0.6 m per decade. Expansion was greater in tall open forest types but also occurred in shorter, more flammable woodland vegetation types. No correlations were detected with other local variables (aspect, elevation, geology, topography, drainage). Using a geographically weighted mean rate of rain forest margin extension across the whole region, we predict that over 25% of tall open forest (a forest type of high conservation significance) would still remain after 2000 years of rain forest expansion. This slow replacement is due to the convoluted nature of the rain forest boundary and the irregular shape of the tall open forest patches. Our analyses point to the increased concentration of atmospheric CO2 as the most likely global driver of indiscriminate rain forest expansion occurring in northeastern Australia, by increasing tree growth and thereby overriding the effects of fire disturbance

    Long-Term Vegetation Change in Central Africa: The Need for an Integrated Management Framework for Forests and Savannas

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    peer reviewedTropical forests and savannas are the main biomes in sub-Saharan Africa, covering most of the continent. Collectively they offer important habitat for biodiversity and provide multiple ecosystem services. Considering their global importance and the multiple sustainability challenges they face in the era of the Anthropocene, this chapter undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the past, present, and future vegetation patterns in central African forests and savannas. Past changes in climate, vegetation, land use, and human activity have affected the distribution of forests and savannas across central Africa. Currently, forests form a continuous block across the wet and moist areas of central Africa, and are characterized by high tree cover (>90% tree cover). Savannas and woodlands have lower tree cover (<40% tree cover), are found in drier sites in the north and south of the region, and are maintained by frequent fires. Recent tree cover loss (2000–2015) has been more important for forests than for savannas, which, however, reportedly experienced woody encroachment. Future cropland expansion is expected to have a strong impact on savannas, while the extent of climatic impacts depends on the actual scenario. We finally identify some of the policy implications for restoring ecosystems, expanding protected areas, and designing sustainable ecosystem management approaches in the region

    Prise en charge de l’asthénie chez le patient atteint de cancer

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    Médecine généraleRésumé : la fatigue liée au cancer (FLC) est le symptôme le plus fréquent en cancérologie. Il est actuellement sous-déclaré, sous-diagnostiqué et insuffisamment traité. Il peut être lié au cancer ou à ses thérapeutiques. Cinq ans après le diagnostic, un patient sur deux souffre encore d’asthénie. L’analyse de la littérature montre que la FLC est secondaire dans la plupart des cas à un phénomène inflammatoire. Il n’existe pas en France de recommandations de prescription médicamenteuse pour la FLC. L’activité physique adaptée de type aérobique doit être envisagée dans tous les cas, d’autant plus efficace qu’elle sera précoce. Elle peut être complétée par l’homéopathie ainsi que des interventions non médicamenteuses telles que l’acupuncture, le guarana et les interventions psychologiques dans une démarche intégrative des soins. Le dépistage, la reconnaissance, l’évaluation régulière et une approche multidisciplinaire de ce symptôme sont indispensables pour la réussite de sa prise en charge.Summary : Cancer related fatigue (CRF) is the most common symptom in oncology and currently under reported, under diagnosed and under treated. It may be related to cancer or its therapeutics. Five years after the diagnosis, one in two patients is still suffering from CRF. Literature review shows that in most cases, CRF is secondary to an inflammatory phenomenon. In France there are no guidelines for medical treatment in CRF. Appropriate aerobic physical activity should be considered in any case, especially since it appears to be even more effective if it’s started at an early stage. It can be supplemented by homeopathy as well as non-drug interventions such as acupuncture, guarana and psychological interventions in an integrative approach to care. Screening, recognition, regular assessment and a multidisciplinary approach of this symptom are essential to its successful management

    L'écriture de la vérité dans Les Tragiques

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    Delègue Yves. L'écriture de la vérité dans Les Tragiques. In: Albineana, Cahiers d'Aubigné, 3, 1990. pp. 7-17

    Louis Cristiani. Madame de Franssu, fondatrice de la congrégation de la Nativité de Notre-Seigneur. 1751-1824

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    Delègue René. Louis Cristiani. Madame de Franssu, fondatrice de la congrégation de la Nativité de Notre-Seigneur. 1751-1824. In: Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France, tome 14, n°65, 1928. pp. 495-498

    Le Pantagruelion ou le Discours de la Vérité

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    Delègue Yves. Le Pantagruelion ou le Discours de la Vérité. In: Bulletin de l'Association d'étude sur l'humanisme, la réforme et la renaissance, n°16, 1983. pp. 18-40

    Impact de plantes transgéniques et de produits phytosanitaires sur l'abeille

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    National audienc