118 research outputs found

    Sexual violence through Digital Media in School – Considerations to a double connection of concealment

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    Die Lebensbedingungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen verĂ€ndern sich unter dem Eindruck neuer medialer Umwelten. Dabei bieten Internet und digitale Medien wichtige ErfahrungsrĂ€ume im Sozialisationsprozess und bilden nicht zuletzt aus diesem Grund einen zunehmend bedeutsamen Gegenstandsbereich schulischer wie ausserschulischer pĂ€dagogischer Praxis. In der letzten Zeit sind digitale Medien auch in Zusammenhang mit sexualisierter Gewalt in pĂ€dagogischen Kontexten vermehrt in den Blick geraten. Gleichwohl besteht noch immer ein Anschlussproblem, denn einerseits blendet die Literatur zu sexuellen Grenzverletzungen mittels digitaler Medien die Schule weitgehend aus. Andererseits verzichtet schulbezogene Forschung entweder auf eine gesonderte Betrachtung digitaler Medien im Zusammenhang mit sexuellen Grenzverletzungen oder eine ausfĂŒhrliche und eigenstĂ€ndige Analyse sexualisierter Gewalt. DarĂŒber hinaus scheinen die Einzelthemen (Umgang mit SexualitĂ€t bzw. sexualisierter Gewalt sowie Umgang mit Medienkonsum in der Schule) in der Schule spezifischen Tabuisierungen zu unterliegen. So mĂŒndet die Betrachtung dieser im öffentlichen Diskurs als problematisch wahrgenommenen Einzelthemen zusammengenommen in eine Art doppelten Verdeckungszusammenhang in der Schnittmenge von sexualisierter Gewalt und digitalen Medien. Perspektiven fĂŒr Forschung und Medienbildung werden in der Fokussierung auf einzelschulische Medien- und Sexualkulturen identifiziert.The living conditions of children and adolescents are changing under the impact of new media environments. The Internet as well as digital media offer important experimental spaces during the socialization process and, not least for this reason, form an increasingly important field of educational as well as extracurricular pedagogical practice. Recently, digital media have come into focus in connection with sexualised violence in pedagogical contexts. Nevertheless, there is still a connection problem, because on the one hand, the literature on sexual violations by means of digital media largely hides the school. On the other hand, school-related research dispenses with either a separate consideration of digital media in connection with sexual violations or a detailed and independent analysis of sexual violence. In addition, the both individual topics (dealing with sexuality or sexual violence as well as the use of media consumption in school) seem to be subject to specific tabooing at school. Thus, the consideration of these individual issues perceived as problematic in the public discourse culminates in a kind of double concealment in the intersection of sexualised violence and digital media. Perspectives for research and media education are identified in focussing on individual school media and sexual cultures

    Beziehungsformen im Lebensverlauf dreier Generationen: Sequenzmusteranalyse von Beziehungsbiographien 30-, 45- und 60-jÀhriger MÀnner und Frauen in Hamburg und Leipzig

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    "Der soziale Wandel von Beziehungsformen und die zunehmende Verbreitung nicht-konventioneller Lebensformen wird von vielen - meist auf Querschnittsdaten beruhenden - familiensoziologischen Untersuchungen gegenwĂ€rtig nur unzureichend abgebildet. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der vorliegende Aufsatz die LebensverlĂ€ufe 30-, 45-, und 60-jĂ€hriger MĂ€nner und Frauen mittels einer Optimal-Matching-Analyse im LĂ€ngsschnitt. Im Jahr 2002 wurden in Hamburg und Leipzig 776 quantitative computergestĂŒtzte Interviews (CAPI) durchgefĂŒhrt, die u.a. die gesamte Beziehungsbiographie der Befragten in Form retrospektiver LĂ€ngsschnittdaten erfassten. Eine Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Biographietypen bis zum Alter von 30 Jahren und bis zum Alter von 45 Jahren zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme der nicht-konventionellen Beziehungsmodelle des 'living-apart-together' und der nichtehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft." (Autorenreferat)"The striking changes in the organization of family relationships and the emergence of unconventional patterns of partnerships are usually underestimated in sociological empirical research. This is due in part to the methodological restriction of using only cross-sectional data. This paper contributes to the debate with a longitudinal analysis (optimal matching analysis) of the biographies of 30-, 45-, and 60-year old men and women. A sample of 776 men and women from Hamburg and Leipzig were interviewed in 2002. The Computer assisted personal interviews (CAPI) included the retrospective recall of every steady relationship and every single period during the subjects' adulthood. A comparative analysis of different types of biographies up to the age of 30 versus up to the age of 45 reveals a significant increase in unconventional patterns of relationships such as living-apart-together or cohabiting." (author's abstract

    Chromosome-level assembly of the Atlantic silverside genome reveals extreme levels of sequence diversity and structural genetic variation [preprint]

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    The levels and distribution of standing genetic variation in a genome can provide a wealth of insights about the adaptive potential, demographic history, and genome structure of a population or species. As structural variants are increasingly associated with traits important for adaptation and speciation, investigating both sequence and structural variation is essential for wholly tapping this potential. Using a combination of shotgun sequencing, 10X Genomics linked reads and proximity-ligation data (Chicago and Hi-C), we produced and annotated a chromosome-level genome assembly for the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) - an established ecological model for studying the phenotypic effects of natural and artificial selection - and examined patterns of genomic variation across two individuals sampled from different populations with divergent local adaptations. Levels of diversity varied substantially across each chromosome, consistently being highly elevated near the ends (presumably near telomeric regions) and dipping to near zero around putative centromeres. Overall, our estimate of the genome-wide average heterozygosity in the Atlantic silverside is the highest reported for a fish, or any vertebrate, to date (1.32-1.76% depending on inference method and sample). Furthermore, we also found extreme levels of structural variation, affecting ~23% of the total genome sequence, including multiple large inversions (\u3e 1 Mb and up to 12.6 Mb) associated with previously identified haploblocks showing strong differentiation between locally adapted populations. These extreme levels of standing genetic variation are likely associated with large effective population sizes and may help explain the remarkable adaptive divergence among populations of the Atlantic silverside

    Factors associated with non-use of condoms among heterosexually-active single people in Germany: Results from the first representative, population-based German health and sexuality survey (GeSiD)

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    BACKGROUND: Against the backdrop of rising STI incidence among the heterosexual population, sexually active single people are at particularly high STI transmission risk. Gaining insight into circumstances related to condoms non-use in this population is therefore important for developing effective health interventions. METHODS: The nationally-representative survey, GeSiD (German Health and Sexuality Survey) undertaken 2018–2019, interviewed 4,955 people aged 18–75 years. A total of 343 heterosexually-active single participants answered a question about condom use at last sex. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behaviours and circumstances of last sex were analysed to identify independently associated factors. RESULTS: Condom non-use at last sex was reported more commonly by participants aged >35 years than by younger participants (48.5 vs 33.7%, respectively) and more likely among longer relationships (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 2.43) or early loving relationships (AOR: 3.59) than in one-night-stands. It was also associated with not discussing using condoms before sex (AOR: 6.50) and with reporting non-use of condoms at sexual debut (AOR: 4.75). CONCLUSIONS: Non-use of condoms is a common STI risk behaviour among heterosexually-active single people in Germany and so needs promoting from sexual debut throughout the life course, regardless of relationship type and age, but particularly among middle-aged and older people

    Wie gut ist das Wissen ĂŒber sexuell ĂŒbertragbare Infektionen in Deutschland? Ergebnisse der ersten bundesweiten reprĂ€sentativen Befragung zu Gesundheit und SexualitĂ€t (GeSiD)

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    Hintergrund: Sexuell ĂŒbertragbare Infektionen (STI) sind ein relevanter Risikofaktor fĂŒr die sexuelle Gesundheit des Einzelnen und der Bevölkerung. FĂŒr eine zielgruppenspezifische PrĂ€ventionsarbeit ist der Wissensstand zu STI in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen daher von besonderem Interesse. Ziel: Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Wissensstand zu neun STI in der deutschen Bevölkerung zu analysieren. DafĂŒr werden ZusammenhĂ€nge mit soziodemografischen Variablen, sexualitĂ€tsbezogenen Merkmalen sowie der subjektiven Zufriedenheit mit dem Informationsstand untersucht. Methode: Die GeSiD-Studie "Gesundheit und SexualitĂ€t in Deutschland" erhob von 4955 Personen per Face-to-Face-Interview reprĂ€sentative quantitative Daten zum Wissensstand zu STI. Als Auswahlverfahren wurde eine zweifache Zufallsstichprobe gezogen. DafĂŒr wurden zunĂ€chst 200 Sample Points (Gemeinden) in ganz Deutschland regional proportional ausgewĂ€hlt. Anschließend wurde eine Zufallsstichprobe von Adressen ĂŒber die jeweiligen EinwohnermeldeĂ€mter gezogen. Die Teilnahmequote betrug 30,2 %; das Durchschnittsalter lag bei 46,3 Jahren. Ergebnisse: Wissen ĂŒber HIV/Aids war in allen Altersgruppen weit verbreitet. Andere STI waren deutlich weniger bekannt. Besonders wenig informiert zeigten sich Ältere und Befragte mit niedrigem Bildungsstand, regionaler sozialer Benachteiligung sowie mit Migrationshintergrund. Eine höhere Anzahl von SexualpartnerInnen hing mit einem besseren Wissensstand zusammen. Gut informiert zeigten sich Personen, die sich nicht als heterosexuell beschreiben, sowie Personen, die schon einmal an einer STI erkrankt waren. Fazit: Heterosexuelle Erwachsene in Deutschland sind unzureichend ĂŒber STI informiert. Zielgruppenspezifische Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung des Wissens ĂŒber STI sind nötig, um sexuelles Risikoverhalten zu vermindern und die Inanspruchnahme von PrĂ€ventionsangeboten zu verbessern.Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a relevant risk factor for the sexual health of individuals and the population. Therefore, the level of awareness and knowledge about STIs in different population groups is of particular interest for specific prevention work. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the awareness of and knowledge about nine STIs in the German population. To do so, the study examined correlations with sociodemographic variables, sexuality-related characteristics, and subjective satisfaction with the level of information. Methods: The GeSiD study "German Health and Sexuality Survey" collected representative quantitative data from 4955 persons via face-to-face interviews on the state of knowledge about STIs. As a selection procedure, a two-step random sample was collected. Firstly, 200 sample points (municipalities) were initially selected proportionally across Germany. Secondly, a random sample of addresses was drawn from the respective residents’ registration offices. The participation rate was 30.2%; the average age was 46.3 years. Results: Knowledge about HIV/AIDS was widespread in all age groups, but other STIs were significantly less known. Older people and respondents with a low level of education were particularly poorly informed. Local social disadvantage and a family history of migration were also negatively correlated with knowledge about STIs. A higher number of sexual partners is related to a better level of knowledge. In addition, persons who do not describe their sexual orientation as heterosexual as well as those with a history of STIs were well informed. Conclusion: Heterosexual adults in Germany are insufficiently informed about the risks of STIs. Therefore, target-group-specific efforts are needed to improve knowledge about STIs in order to reduce sexual risk behavior and improve the utilization of prevention programs among socially disadvantaged groups

    Corrigendum to: Who feels affected by “out of control” sexual behavior? Prevalence and correlates of indicators for ICD-11 Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)

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    As a result of a mistake made during the production phase, the above paper was published with the in-text citations appearing in an incorrect order, first as an Online First article on 20 September 2022, and later in the 3rd issue of Volume 11 (2022) on 26 September 2022. DOI: 10.1556/2006.2022.0006

    The (ir)relevance of the abandoned criterion II for the diagnosis of serrated polyposis syndrome:a retrospective cohort study

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) recently updated the diagnostic criteria for serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS). One of the three previous diagnostic criteria (criterion II 2010) is now abandoned: ≄ 1 serrated polyp (SP) proximal to the sigmoid in a first-degree relative (FDR) of a patient with SPS. Individuals fulfilling this abandoned criterion now receive the same surveillance recommendations as all FDRs of patients with SPS. We aimed to compare the incidence of advanced neoplasia (AN) in FDRs with vs. without fulfillment of the abandoned criterion II 2010. We retrospectively recruited FDRs of patients with SPS who underwent a colonoscopy, and stratified them according to fulfilment of criterion II 2010 at baseline. Our primary and secondary outcomes were AN incidence during surveillance and at baseline, respectively. We included 224 FDRs of patients with SPS, of whom 36 (16%) fulfilled criterion II 2010 at baseline. One hundred and five underwent surveillance after baseline. Criterion II 2010-positive FDRs were at increased risk of AN, both during surveillance (hazard ratio 8.94, 95% CI 2.15–37.1, p =.003) as well as at baseline (adjusted odds-ratio 9.30, 95% CI 3.7–23.3, p <.001). FDRs of patients with SPS that underwent colonoscopy and fulfilled the abandoned criterion II 2010 for SPS diagnosis were at increased risk of AN at baseline and during surveillance in this small, retrospective cohort study. Our results should be interpreted with caution but suggest that adherence to surveillance recommendations for all FDRs of patients with SPS is important, especially for those that would have fulfilled the now abandoned criterion II 2010

    Substantial and sustained improvement of serrated polyp detection after a simple educational intervention: Results from a prospective controlled trial

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    Objective: Serrated polyps (SPs) are an important cause of postcolonoscopy colorectal cancers (PCCRCs), which is likely the result of suboptimal SP detection during colonoscopy. We assessed the long-term effect of a simple educational intervention focusing on optimising SP detection. Design: An educational intervention, consisting of two 45 min training sessions (held 3 years apart) on serrated polyp detection, was given to endoscopists from 9 Dutch hospitals. Hundred randomly selected and untrained endoscopists from other hospitals were selected as control group. Our primary outcome measure was the proximal SP detection rate (PSPDR) in trained versus untrained endoscopists who participated in our faecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based population screening programme. Results: Seventeen trained and 100 untrained endoscopists were included, who performed 11 305 and 51 039 colonoscopies, respectively. At baseline, PSPDR was equal between the groups (9.3% vs 9.3%). After training, the PSPDR of trained endoscopists gradually increased to 15.6% in 2018. This was significantly higher than the PSPDR of untrained endoscopists, which remained stable around 10% (p=0.018). All below-average (ie, PSPDR ≀6%) endoscopists at baseline improved their PSPDR after training session 1, as did 57% of endoscopists with average PSPDR (6%-12%) at baseline. The second training session further improved the PSPDR in 44% of endoscopists with average PSPDR after the first training. Conclusion: A simple educational intervention was associated with substantial long-term improvement of PSPDR in a prospective controlled trial within FIT-based population screening. Widespread implementation of such interventions might be an easy way to improve SP detection, which may ultimately result in fewer PCCRCs. Trial registration number: NCT03902899

    A formin-nucleated actin aster concentrates cell wall hydrolases for cell fusion in fission yeast.

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    Cell-cell fusion is essential for fertilization. For fusion of walled cells, the cell wall must be degraded at a precise location but maintained in surrounding regions to protect against lysis. In fission yeast cells, the formin Fus1, which nucleates linear actin filaments, is essential for this process. In this paper, we show that this formin organizes a specific actin structure-the actin fusion focus. Structured illumination microscopy and live-cell imaging of Fus1, actin, and type V myosins revealed an aster of actin filaments whose barbed ends are focalized near the plasma membrane. Focalization requires Fus1 and type V myosins and happens asynchronously always in the M cell first. Type V myosins are essential for fusion and concentrate cell wall hydrolases, but not cell wall synthases, at the fusion focus. Thus, the fusion focus focalizes cell wall dissolution within a broader cell wall synthesis zone to shift from cell growth to cell fusion
