287 research outputs found


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    A measure will be considered as State aid if through the transfer of State resources to recipients selectively grants an economic advantage and thereby distorts competition and affects trade between countries. In the paper certain aspects of State aid in the form of public revenue reduction have been analysed. The authors research each of the elements of the definition of the fscal State aid corroborating the analysis by relevant ECJ jurisprudence. They also point out that selective tax measures can simultaneously infringe both the rules on fundamental freedoms from TFEU and State aid law. The effects of the EU law on Serbian fiscal State aid law have been depicted throughout the paper.Neka mera smatraće se državnom pomoći ako transferom državnih resursa korisnicima selektivno pruža ekonomsku pogodnost i time narušava konkurenciju i trgovinu između zemalja. Predmet rada su samo određeni aspekti državne pomoći u vidu umanjenja javnih prihoda. Autori podvrgavaju analizi svaki od elemenata pojma poreske državne pomoći, potkrepljujući je odgovarajućim presudama sudova EU. Sem toga, oni ističu da selektivnim poreskim merama mogu da se istovremeno naruše i osnovne slobode iz konstitutivnih sporazuma EU i pravila o državnoj pomoći. U radu je ukazano na uticaj prava EU na srpsko pravo državne pomoći dodeljene putem poreskih instrumenata

    Swirl flow in a conical diffusers

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    Овим радом обухваћена су комплексна теоријска и експериментална истраживања вихорних турбулентних струјања, у правим дифузорима кружног попречног пресека. Генератор вихорног струјања, у оквиру овог рада, је обртно коло аксијалног вентилатора, које је постављено у почетном делу кратке цевне деонице кружног попречног пресека на коју се наставља испитивани дифузор. Први циљ истраживања је изучавање карактеристика вихорног струјања у дифузору, односно одређивање односа коефицијента губитака при вихорном струјању са коефицијентом губитака при чисто аксијалном струјању у правим дифузорима кружног попречног пресека. Други циљ, је формирање алгебарског модела турбулентног вихорног струјања, базираног на Рејнолдсовим једначинама и сазнањима о укупним напонима турбулентног струјања до којих се дошло у оквиру истраживања. Укупни напони турбулентног струјања рачунају се на основу просечних вредности величина стања флуида. Просечне вредности одређене су мерењем профила тоталног (укупног) притиска, статичког (струјног) притиска и струјног угла, односно профила обимске и аксијалне компоненте просечне брзине, у различитим пресецима дуж три дифузора (различитих углова ширења), за више различитих режима. Анализом срачунатих укупних напона турбулентног вихорног струјања, добијени су општи изрази и законитости њихових промена по радијусу дуж дифузора. На основу алгебарског модела одређују се поље брзине и притиска у низструјним пресецима дифузора, када су дати гранични и почетни услови нестишљивог струјања флуида...This doctoral dissertation comprises complex theoretical and experimental investigations of the turbulent swirl flow in conical diffusers. The incompressible swirl flow field is induced by the axial fan runner, which is set in the initial part of the straight pipe section followed by a conical diffuser. The first goal of this research is studying of swirl flow caracteristics in conical diffusers, and determination of the ratio of swirl flow loss coefficients and loss coefficients in pure axial flow in conical diffusers. The second goal is to form an algebraic model for the calculation of turbulent swirl flow, which is based on the Reynolds equations and turbulent stresses determined in the experimental investigations. Turbulent stresses are calculated on the basis of the average values of fluid state parameters. Average values were determined by measuring the profiles of total and static pressure, as well as flow angle, i.e. profiles of the average circumferential and axial velocity components at different sections along the three conical diffuser geometries (various diffuser angles), for different regimes. Аnalysis of calculated turbulent stresses provides general expressions and their distributions along the radius and diffuser axis. Velocity and pressure fields in the downstream sections of the diffuser are determined on the basis of algebraic model, when boundary and initial conditions of incompressible fluid flow are defined..

    Swirl flow in a conical diffusers

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    Ovim radom obuhvaćena su kompleksna teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja vihornih turbulentnih strujanja, u pravim difuzorima kružnog poprečnog preseka. Generator vihornog strujanja, u okviru ovog rada, je obrtno kolo aksijalnog ventilatora, koje je postavljeno u početnom delu kratke cevne deonice kružnog poprečnog preseka na koju se nastavlja ispitivani difuzor. Prvi cilj istraživanja je izučavanje karakteristika vihornog strujanja u difuzoru, odnosno određivanje odnosa koeficijenta gubitaka pri vihornom strujanju sa koeficijentom gubitaka pri čisto aksijalnom strujanju u pravim difuzorima kružnog poprečnog preseka. Drugi cilj, je formiranje algebarskog modela turbulentnog vihornog strujanja, baziranog na Rejnoldsovim jednačinama i saznanjima o ukupnim naponima turbulentnog strujanja do kojih se došlo u okviru istraživanja. Ukupni naponi turbulentnog strujanja računaju se na osnovu prosečnih vrednosti veličina stanja fluida. Prosečne vrednosti određene su merenjem profila totalnog (ukupnog) pritiska, statičkog (strujnog) pritiska i strujnog ugla, odnosno profila obimske i aksijalne komponente prosečne brzine, u različitim presecima duž tri difuzora (različitih uglova širenja), za više različitih režima. Analizom sračunatih ukupnih napona turbulentnog vihornog strujanja, dobijeni su opšti izrazi i zakonitosti njihovih promena po radijusu duž difuzora. Na osnovu algebarskog modela određuju se polje brzine i pritiska u nizstrujnim presecima difuzora, kada su dati granični i početni uslovi nestišljivog strujanja fluida...This doctoral dissertation comprises complex theoretical and experimental investigations of the turbulent swirl flow in conical diffusers. The incompressible swirl flow field is induced by the axial fan runner, which is set in the initial part of the straight pipe section followed by a conical diffuser. The first goal of this research is studying of swirl flow caracteristics in conical diffusers, and determination of the ratio of swirl flow loss coefficients and loss coefficients in pure axial flow in conical diffusers. The second goal is to form an algebraic model for the calculation of turbulent swirl flow, which is based on the Reynolds equations and turbulent stresses determined in the experimental investigations. Turbulent stresses are calculated on the basis of the average values of fluid state parameters. Average values were determined by measuring the profiles of total and static pressure, as well as flow angle, i.e. profiles of the average circumferential and axial velocity components at different sections along the three conical diffuser geometries (various diffuser angles), for different regimes. Аnalysis of calculated turbulent stresses provides general expressions and their distributions along the radius and diffuser axis. Velocity and pressure fields in the downstream sections of the diffuser are determined on the basis of algebraic model, when boundary and initial conditions of incompressible fluid flow are defined..

    On common fixed point for sequences of mappings in cone metric space

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    In this paper the existence of a common fixed point for sequences in cone metric space will be considered. Some recent results of Lj. Gajic, T. Taniguchi, Sh. Rezapour and R. Hamlbarani will be generalized

    Integral and statistical characteristics of the turbulent swirl flow in a straight conical diffuser

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    The results of the experimental investigations of the turbulent swirl flow in a straight conical diffuser with inlet diameter 0.4 m and total divergence angle 8.6 degrees are presented in this paper. The incompressible swirl flow field is generated by the axial fan with outer diameter 0.397 m. The measurements were performed in one measuring section downstream the axial fan impeller in the conical diffuser in position (z/R-0 = 1) with original classical probes and an one-component laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) system, for four flow regimes. The comparative measurements of axial and circumferential velocities are presented. The Reynolds number, calculated on the basis of the average velocity, ranges from 149857 to 216916. Integral parameters, such as volume flow rate, average circulation and swirl number, are determined. Statistical characteristics, such as level of turbulence, skewness and flatness factors, are calculated. The highest levels of turbulence for axial velocity are reached in region 0.4 lt r/R lt 0.6, where D = 2R. The highest levels of turbulence for circumferential velocity are reached for the regimes with lower circulation in r/R approximate to 0.4, i.e., in the vortex core region for the cases with higher circulation

    Experimental investigations of the turbulent swirl flow in straight conical diffusers with various angles

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    Results of experimental investigations of the turbulent swirl flow in three straight conical diffusers with various diffuser total angles are presented in this paper. All three diffusers have the inlet diameter 0.4 m and total divergence angles 8.6 degrees, 10.5 degrees, and 12.6 degrees. The incompressible swirl flow field is generated by the axial fan impeller, and for each diffuser several regimes were achieved by changing rotation number. Original classical probes were used for measurements. The distributions of the average main swirl flow characteristics along the diffuser are shown. Distributions of the inlet Boussinesq number, outlet Coriolis coefficient, ratio of the swirl and completely axial flow loss coefficients at conical diffuser on the inlet swirl flow parameter are also presented


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    The increasing importance of achieving sustainable development is largely positively influenced the emergence and increasing the level of application of artificial intelligence in different spheres of human activity, but especially in the field of health care. It is this trend and initiated that in work devote special attention to precisely to the analysis of potential opportunities, and economic effects of the use of artificial intelligence in the direction of improving efficiency, but the economic effects of health car