423 research outputs found

    Heating and Turbulence Driving by Galaxy Motions in Galaxy Clusters

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    Using three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, we investigate heating and turbulence driving in an intracluster medium (ICM) by orbital motions of galaxies in a galaxy cluster. We consider Ng member galaxies on isothermal and isotropic orbits through an ICM typical of rich clusters. An introduction of the galaxies immediately produces gravitational wakes, providing perturbations that can potentially grow via resonant interaction with the background gas. When Ng^{1/2}Mg_11 < 100, where Mg_11 is each galaxy mass in units of 10^{11} Msun, the perturbations are in the linear regime and the resonant excitation of gravity waves is efficient to generate kinetic energy in the ICM, resulting in the velocity dispersion sigma_v ~ 2.2 Ng^{1/2}Mg_11 km/s. When Ng^{1/2}Mg_11 > 100, on the other hand, nonlinear fluctuations of the background ICM destroy galaxy wakes and thus render resonant excitation weak or absent. In this case, the kinetic energy saturates at the level corresponding to sigma_v ~ 220 km/s. The angle-averaged velocity power spectra of turbulence driven in our models have slopes in the range of -3.7 to -4.3. With the nonlinear saturation of resonant excitation, none of the cooling models considered are able to halt cooling catastrophe, suggesting that the galaxy motions alone are unlikely to solve the cooling flow problem.Comment: 12 pages including 3 figures, To appear in ApJ

    Inverse Compton Scattering as the Source of Diffuse EUV Emission in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies

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    We have examined the hypothesis that the majority of the diffuse EUV flux in the Coma cluster is due to inverse Compton scattering of low energy cosmic ray electrons (0.16 < epsilon < 0.31 GeV) against the 3K black-body background. We present data on the two-dimensional spatial distribution of the EUV flux and show that these data provide strong support for a non-thermal origin for the EUV flux. However, we show that this emission cannot be produced by an extrapolation to lower energies of the observed synchrotron radio emitting electrons and an additional component of low energy cosmic ray electrons is required.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Heat-enhanced peptide synthesis on Teflon-patterned paper

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    In this report, we describe the methodology for 96 parallel organic syntheses of peptides on Teflon-patterned paper assisted by heating with an infra-red lamp. SPOT synthesis is an important technology for production of peptide arrays on a paper-based support for rapid identification of peptide ligands, epitope mapping, and identification of bio-conjugation reactions. The major drawback of the SPOT synthesis methodology published to-date is suboptimal reaction conversion due to mass transport limitations in the unmixed reaction spot. The technology developed in this report overcomes these problems by changing the environment of the reaction from static to dynamic (flow-through), and further accelerating the reaction by selective heating of the reaction support in contact with activated amino acids. Patterning paper with Teflon allows for droplets of organic solvents to be confined in a zone on the paper array and flow through the paper at a well-defined rate and provide a convenient, power-free setup for flow-through solid-phase synthesis and efficient assembly of peptide arrays. We employed an infra-red (IR) lamp to locally heat the cellulosic support during the flow-through delivery of the reagents to each zone of the paper-based array. We demonstrate that IR-heating in solid phase peptide synthesis shortened the reaction time necessary for amide bond formation down to 3 minutes; in some couplings of alpha amino acids, conversion rates increased up to fifteen folds. The IR-heating improved the assembly of difficult sequences, such as homo-oligomers of all 20 natural amino acids

    Implications of a Nonthermal Origin of the Excess EUV Emission from the Coma Cluster of Galaxies

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    The inverse Compton (IC) interpretation of the excess EUV emission, that was recently reported from several clusters of galaxies, suggests that the amount of relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium is highly significant, W_e>10^{61} erg. Considering Coma as the prototype galaxy cluster of nonthermal radiation, we discuss implications of the inverse Compton origin of the excess EUV fluxes in the case of low intracluster magnetic fields of order 0.1 muG, as required for the IC interpretation of the observed excess hard X-ray flux, and in the case of high fields of order 1 muG as suggested by Faraday rotation measurements. Although for such high intracluster fields the excess hard X-rays will require an explanation other than by the IC effect, we show that the excess EUV flux can be explained by the IC emission of a `relic' population of electrons driven into the incipient intracluster medium at the epoch of starburst activity by galactic winds, and later on reenergized by adiabatic compression and/or large-scale shocks transmitted through the cluster as the consequence of more recent merger events. For high magnetic fields B > 1 muG the interpretation of the radio fluxes of Coma requires a second population of electrons injected recently. They can be explained as secondaries produced by a population of relativistic protons. We calculate the fluxes of gamma-rays to be expected in both the low and high magnetic field scenarios, and discuss possibilities to distinguish between these two principal options by future gamma-ray observations.Comment: LaTeX, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    Hard X-ray emission from the galaxy cluster A3667

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    We report the results of a long BeppoSAX observation of Abell 3667, one of the most spectacular galaxy cluster in the southern sky. A clear detection of hard X-ray radiation up to ~ 35 keV is reported, while a hard excess above the thermal gas emission is present at a marginal level that should be considered as an upper limit to the presence of nonthermal radiation. The strong hard excesses reported by BeppoSAX in Coma and A2256 and the only marginal detection of nonthermal emission in A3667 can be explained in the framework of the inverse Compton model. We argue that the nonthermal X-ray detections in the PDS energy range are related to the radio index structure of halos and relics present in the observed clusters of galaxie.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, ApJL in pres

    The Energy Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Ray Electrons in Clusters of Galaxies and Inverse Compton Emission

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    Models for the evolution of the integrated energy spectrum of primary cosmic ray electrons in clusters of galaxies have been calculated, including the effects of losses due to inverse Compton (IC), synchrotron, and bremsstrahlung emission, and Coulomb losses to the intracluster medium (ICM). The combined time scale for these losses reaches a maximum of ~3e9 yr for electrons with a Lorentz factor ~300. Only clusters in which there has been a substantial injection of relativistic electrons since z <~ 1 will have any significant population of primary cosmic ray electrons at present. In typical models, there is a broad peak in the electron energy distribution extending to gamma~300, and a steep drop in the electron population beyond this. In clusters with current particle injection, there is a power-law tail of higher energy electrons with an abundance determined by the current rate of injection. A significant population of electrons with gamma~300, associated with the peak in the particle loss time, is a generic feature of the models. The IC and synchrotron emission from these models was calculated. In the models, EUV and soft X-ray emission are nearly ubiquitous. This emission is produced by electrons with gamma~300. The spectra are predicted to drop rapidly in going from the EUV to the X-ray band. The IC emission also extends down the UV, optical, and IR bands with a fairly flat spectrum. Hard X-ray (HXR) and diffuse radio emission due to high energy electrons (gamma~10e4) is present only in clusters which have current particle acceleration. Assuming that the electrons are accelerated in ICM shocks, one would only expect diffuse HXR/radio emission in clusters which are currently undergoing a large merger.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, with minor revisons to wording for clarity and one additional reference. 19 pages with 16 embedded Postscript figures in emulateapj.sty. Abbreviated abstract belo

    Neutrinos and Gamma Rays from Galaxy Clusters

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    The next generation of neutrino and gamma-ray detectors should provide new insights into the creation and propagation of high-energy protons within galaxy clusters, probing both the particle physics of cosmic rays interacting with the background medium and the mechanisms for high-energy particle production within the cluster. In this paper we examine the possible detection of gamma-rays (via the GLAST satellite) and neutrinos (via the ICECUBE and Auger experiments) from the Coma cluster of galaxies, as well as for the gamma-ray bright clusters Abell 85, 1758, and 1914. These three were selected from their possible association with unidentified EGRET sources, so it is not yet entirely certain that their gamma-rays are indeed produced diffusively within the intracluster medium, as opposed to AGNs. It is not obvious why these inconspicuous Abell-clusters should be the first to be seen in gamma-rays, but a possible reason is that all of them show direct evidence of recent or ongoing mergers. Their identification with the EGRET gamma-ray sources is also supported by the close correlation between their radio and (purported) gamma-ray fluxes. Under favorable conditions (including a proton spectral index of 2.5 in the case of Abell 85, and sim 2.3 for Coma, and Abell 1758 and 1914), we expect ICECUBE to make as many as 0.3 neutrino detections per year from the Coma cluster of galaxies, and as many as a few per year from the Abell clusters 85, 1758, and 1914. Also, Auger may detect as many as 2 events per decade at ~ EeV energies from these gamma-ray bright clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Comparison of Radio and X-Ray Morphologies of Four Clusters of Galaxies Containing Radio Halos

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    Clusters of galaxies may contain cluster-wide, centrally located, diffuse radio sources, called halos. They have been found to show morphologies similar to those of the X-ray emission. To quantify this qualitative statement we performed a point-to-point comparison of the radio and the X-ray emission for four clusters of galaxies containing radio halos: Coma, Abell 2255, Abell 2319, Abell 2744. Our study leads to a linear relation between the radio and the X-ray surface brightness in two clusters, namely Abell 2255 and Abell 2744. In Coma and A2319 the radio and the X-ray brightnesses seem to be related with a sub-linear power law. Implications of these findings within simple radio halo formation models are briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 13 .ps figures, accepted by A&

    Nonthermal Bremsstrahlung and Hard X-ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies

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    We have calculated nonthermal bremsstrahlung (NTB) models for the hard X-ray (HXR) tails recently observed by BeppoSAX in clusters of galaxies. In these models, the HXR emission is due to suprathermal electrons with energies of about 10-200 keV. Under the assumption that the suprathermal electrons form part of a continuous spectrum of electrons including highly relativistic particles, we have calculated the inverse Compton (IC) extreme ultraviolet (EUV), HXR, and radio synchrotron emission by the extensions of the same populations. For accelerating electron models with power-law momentum spectra (N[p] propto p^{- mu}) with mu <~ 2.7, which are those expected from strong shock acceleration, the IC HXR emission exceeds that due to NTB. Thus, these models are only of interest if the electron population is cut-off at some upper energy <~1 GeV. Similarly, flat spectrum accelerating electron models produce more radio synchrotron emission than is observed from clusters if the ICM magnetic field is B >~ 1 muG. The cooling electron model produces vastly too much EUV emission as compared to the observations of clusters. We have compared these NTB models to the observed HXR tails in Coma and Abell 2199. The NTB models require a nonthermal electron population which contains about 3% of the number of electrons in the thermal ICM. If the suprathermal electron population is cut-off at some energy above 100 keV, then the models can easily fit the observed HXR fluxes and spectral indices in both clusters. For accelerating electron models without a cutoff, the electron spectrum must be rather steep >~ 2.9.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 10 pages with 5 embedded Postscript figures in emulateapj.sty. An abbreviated abstract follow

    Environmental drivers of soil phosphorus composition in natural ecosystems

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    Soil organic and inorganic phosphorus (P) compounds can be influenced by distinctive environmental properties. This study aims to analyze soil P composition in natural ecosystems, relating organic (inositol hexakisphosphate, DNA and phosphonates) and inorganic (orthophosphate, polyphosphate and pyrophosphate) compounds with major temporal (weathering), edaphic and climatic characteristics. A dataset including 88 sites was assembled from published papers that determined soil P composition using one-dimensional liquid state 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of NaOH-EDTA extracts of soils. Bivariate and multivariate regression models were used to better understand the environmental properties influencing soil P. In bivariate relationships, trends for soil P compounds were similar for mineral and organic layers but with different slopes. Independent and combined effects of weathering, edaphic and climatic properties of ecosystems explained up to 78% (inositol hexakisphosphates) and 89% (orthophosphate) of variations in organic and inorganic P compounds across the ecosystems, likely deriving from parent material differences. Soil properties, particularly pH, total carbon, and carbon-to-phosphorus ratios, over climate and weathering mainly explained the P variation. We conclude that edaphic and climatic drivers regulate key ecological processes that determine the soil P composition in natural ecosystems. These processes are related to the source of P inputs, primarily determined by the parent material and soil forming factors, plant and microbe P cycling, the bio-physico-chemical properties governing soil phosphatase activity, soil solid surface specific reactivity, and P losses through leaching, and finally the P persistence induced by the increasing complexity of organic and inorganic P compounds as the pedogenesis evolves. Soil organic and inorganic P compounds respond differently to combinations of environmental drivers, which likely indicates that each P compound has specific factors governing its presence in natural ecosystems. © Author(s) 2018
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