208 research outputs found

    Dietary Nitrate: Effects on the health of weaning pigs and Antimicrobial activity on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains

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    The potential role of nitrite as an antimicrobial substance in the stomach may be of some importance in the ecology of the gastrointestinal tract and in host physiology. It has been shown that nitrite, under the acidic conditions of the stomach, may kill gut pathogens like Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Yersinia enterocolitica, whereas acid alone has only a bacteriostatic effect. An in vivo study was conducted in order to assess the effects of dietary nitrate on microbiota and on the health of the gut (particularly in the stomach and small intestine). 96 weaning pigs were fed a diet containing high nitrate levels (15 mg and 150 mg) and then challenged with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. Differences in composition of the gut microbiota were assessed by analysing samples from the pigs: To date analysis of 48 pigs has been completed.. Preliminary results demonstrated no effect on the population densities of microbial groups either from the challenge or from nitrate intake. However, increasing the time from challenge decreased either the counts of LAB in the stomach and jejunum or of clostridia in the stomach. Bifidobacteria also decreased in the stomach contents as nitrate supplementation increased. Supplementing the feedstuff with high dietary nitrate intake and then challenging with Salmonella did not affect the gastric pH or the degree of ulceration in the pigs. The synergistic bactericidal effects of pH, nitrite and thiocyanate on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains were also investigated in an in vitro study. The results of the in vitro study demonstrated that an inhibitory effect exists on the seven probiotic bifidobacteria investigated with an exposure longer than 2 hours and pH values < 5.0. Addition of thiocyanate also increased the susceptibility of the tested strains. In this in vitro study, the most resistant strains at all conditions were B. animalis subsp. lactis Ra 18 and P32 and B. choerinum Su 877, Su 837 and Su 891

    Bifidobacteria Strain Typing by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, a technology traditionally used in chemistry to determine the molecular composition of a wide range of sample types, has gained growing interest in microbial typing. It is based on the different vibrational modes of the covalent bonds between atoms of a given sample, as bacterial cells, induced by the absorption of infrared radiation. This technique has been largely used for the study of pathogenic species, especially in the clinical field, and has been proposed also for the typing at different subspecies levels. The high throughput, speed, low cost, and simplicity make FTIR spectroscopy an attractive technique also for industrial applications, in particular, for probiotics. The aim of this study was to compare FTIR spectroscopy with established genotyping methods, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), whole-genome sequencing (WGS), and multilocus sequence typing (MLST), in order to highlight the FTIR spectroscopy potential discriminatory power at strain level. Our study focused on bifidobacteria, an important group of intestinal commensals generally recognized as probiotics. For their properties in promoting and maintaining health, bifidobacteria are largely marketed by the pharmaceutical, food, and dairy industries. Strains belonging to Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis were taken into consideration together with some additional type strains. For B. longum subsp. longum, it was possible to discriminate the strains with all the methods used. Although two isolates were shown to be strictly phylogenetically related, constituting a unique cluster, based on PFGE, WGS, and MLST, no clustering was observed with FTIR. For B. animalis subsp. lactis group, PFGE, WGS, and MLST were non-discriminatory, and only one strain was easily distinguished. On the other hand, FTIR discriminated all the isolates one by one, and no clustering was observed. According to these results, FTIR analysis is not only equivalent to PFGE, WGS, and MLST, but also for some strains, in particular, for B. animalis subsp. lactis group, more informative, being able to differentiate strains not discernible with the other two methods based on phenotypic variations likely deriving from certain genetic changes. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has highlighted the possibility of using the cell surface as a kind of barcode making tracing strains possible, representing an important aspect in probiotic applications. Furthermore, this work constitutes the first investigation on bifidobacterial strain typing using FTIR spectroscopy

    From mining wastes to mineral sources - investigating the REE-bearing occurrences in the ArburĂšse District (SW Sardinia)

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    In recent years, the search for possible sources of REE minerals in Europe involved numerous old mine areas with high volumes of mining wastes that may offer significant amounts of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs). In some cases, strong evidence of CRMs anomalous concentrations arises from environmental characterization of wastes, so that an interesting problem is that of finding their sources, i.e., the original CRMs - rich mineral phases in the residual ore. An excellent example is provided by the Arburùse district of SW Sardinia, for about 150 years a major Pb-Zn source in Italy, now an area under study for remediation of its severe environmental problems, including &gt;10 Mt of waste deposits. The district exploited a large system (&gt;10 km) of low-temperature polymetallic veins hosted in Lower Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks belonging to the Variscan Nappe zone, arranged in two main geometrical trends relative to the late Variscan Arbus pluton: “peripheral” and “intersecting”. Recent investigations in the Montevecchio mine area discovered high Zn (up to 2.65 wt.%) and Pb (1.23 wt.%) grades in stratified tailing materials belonging to the Sanna old processing plant. Remarkably, ICP-MS analyses on the same materials revealed total REE+ Y contents attaining about 600 ppm. XRD studies confirmed a tailing composition essentially made of gangue minerals (quartz, siderite and micas) with goethite, baryte and traces of Zn carbonates and Pb sulfates. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns are coherent with the hydrothermal character of the source: however, both the REE mineralogical host(s) in tailings and in the Montevecchio ore are still undetermined. In the search of REE-bearing phases in the ores, some relevant insights are provided by studies on the southern branch of the Arburùse system, where the veins of “peripheral” system are hosted in late Ordovician-Silurian sedimentary sequences. In this part of the district the polymetallic veins assume the character of five-elements (Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag) veins, with a rich Ni-Co-Fe arsenide – quartz association (1) overprinted by a Zn-Pb-Cu sulfide – siderite – quartz association (2), very similar to that dominating in Montevecchio. Investigations in the Pira Inferida mine sector highlighted the presence of LREE fluorocarbonates (synchysite-Ce and bastnaesite-Ce) and phosphates (monazite) associated with rutile and apatite. LREE minerals have been detected by SEM-EDS as tiny crystals in the quartz-sericitic gangue of the Montevecchio-type (2) mineral association. The same minerals are found in millimetric aggregates in the oxide zone of the veins, sporadically reported by mineral collectors in other mine sites of the same system. Overall, these occurrences, similar to those found in other low-temperature vein systems of Sardinia (e.g., Silius vein system), appear reliable mineral REE sources for Montevecchio mine wastes; they may be therefore used as proxies for REE exploration and assessment in the district

    Estudio comparativo de diferentes técnicas geofísicas para el control de la intrusión salina en acuíferos costeros: Aplicación al acuífero de Oued Laou (Marruecos)

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    Groundwater is a fundamental and strategic resource for water supply of coastal areas, especially in the Mediterranean basin where the irregularity of precipitation, both seasonally and year-onyear, put at risk the availability of surface water in the rivers, which go from being dry for long periods to causing torrential discharges. In particular, if the exploitation of coastal aquifers is not properly managed and the quality of groundwater is not monitored regularly, important sectors of the aquifer may be affected by saltwater intrusion, and cause the abandonment of the wells. Geophysical methods are a very effective complement to provide indirect information on groundwater salinity in areas of the aquifer where wells or piezometers are not available for sampling. This study presents the results obtained from the application of different geophysical methods in the coastal aquifer of Oued Laou (Morocco) as a complement to hydrochemical data. Four geophysical methods, two electrical: vertical electrical sounding and electrical resistivity tomography, and two electromagnetic: frequency domain EM and time domain EM sounding. The comparative analysis of the results obtained by each method has made it possible to assess the coherence and complementarity of each method, as well as their corresponding advantages and limitations in terms of resolution and cost-effectiveness

    Application of Resistivity and Seismic Refraction Tomography for Landslide Stability Assessment in Vallcebre, Spanish Pyrenees

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    Geophysical surveys are a noninvasive reliable tool to improve geological models without requiring extensive in situ borehole campaigns. The usage of seismic refraction tomography (SRT), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and borehole data for calibrating is very appropriate to define landslide body geometries; however, it is still only used occasionally. We present here the case of a Spanish Pyrenees slow-moving landslide, where ERT, SRT and lithological log data were integrated to obtain a geological three-dimensional model. The high contrasts of P-wave velocity and electrical resistivity values of the upper materials (colluvial debris and clayey siltstone) provided accurate information on the geometry of the materials involved in the landslide body, as well as the sliding surface. Geophysical prospecting allowed us to identify the critical sliding surface over a large area and at a reduced cost and, therefore, gives the geophysical method an advantage over borehole data. The three-dimensional model was used to carry out stability analyses of a landslide in 2D and 3D, which, coherently with previous studies, reveal that the lower part is more unstable than the upper units

    Associations of sedentary behavior bouts with community-dwelling older adults' physical function

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    The study aim was to explore associations between sedentary behavior (SB) bouts and physical function in 1360 community-dwelling older adults (≄65 years old). SB was measured using an ActiGraph wGT3X + accelerometer for seven consecutive days at the dominant hip and processed accordingly. Various SB bout lengths were assessed including: 1- to 9-minutes; 10- to 29-minutes; 30- to 59-minutes; and ≄60-minutes, as well as maximum time spent in a SB bout. Total SB time was adjusted for within the SB bout variables used (percentage SB time in the SB bout length and number of SB bouts per total SB hour). Physical function was assessed using the 2-minute walk test (2MWT), 5-times sit-to-stand (chair stand) test, and unipedal stance test (UST). Hierarchical linear regression models were utilized. Covariates such as moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), demographic and health characteristics were controlled for. Lower percentage time spent in ≄60-minute SB bouts was significantly (P <.05) associated with longer 2MWT distance while lower numbers of ≄60-minute SB bouts were associated with longer 2MWT distance, shorter chair stand time and longer UST time. There were mixed associations with physical function for 10- to 29-minute SB bouts. In a large cohort of European older adults, prolonged SB bouts lasting ≄60-minutes appear to be associated with reduced physical function after controlling for MVPA and numerous other important covariates. Besides reducing SB levels, these findings suggest there is a need to regularly interrupt prolonged SB to improve physical function in older adults

    The effectiveness and complexity of interventions targeting sedentary behaviour across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Evidence suggests that sedentary behaviour (SB) is associated with poor health outcomes. SB at any age may have significant consequences for health and well-being and interventions targeting SB are accumulating. Therefore, the need to review the effects of multicomponent, complex interventions that incorporate effective strategies to reduce SB are essential. Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted investigating the impact of interventions targeting SB across the lifespan. Six databases were searched and two review authors independently screened studies for eligibility, completed data extraction and assessed the risk of bias and complexity of each of the included studies. Results: A total of 77 adult studies (n=62, RCTs) and 84 studies (n=62, RCTs) in children were included. The findings demonstrated that interventions in adults when compared to active controls resulted in non-significant reductions in SB, although when compared to inactive controls significant reductions were found in both the short (MD -56.86; 95%CI -74.10, -39.63; n=4632; I2 83%) and medium-to-long term (MD -20.14; 95%CI -34.13, -6.16; n=4537; I2 65%). The findings demonstrated that interventions in children when compared to active controls may lead to relevant reductions in daily sedentary time in the short-term (MD -59.90; 95%CI -102.16, -17.65; n=267; I2 86%), while interventions in children when compared to inactive controls may lead to relevant reductions in the short-term (MD -25.86; 95%CI -40.77, -10.96; n=9480; I2 98%) and medium-to-long term (MD -14.02; 95%CI -19.49, -8.55; n=41,138; I2 98%). The assessment of complexity suggested that interventions may need to be suitably complex to address the challenges of a complex behaviour such as SB, but demonstrated that a higher complexity score is not necessarily associated with better outcomes in terms of sustained long-term changes. Conclusions: Interventions targeting reductions in SB have been shown to be successful, especially environmental interventions in both children and adults. More needs to be known about how best to optimise intervention effects. Future intervention studies should apply more rigorous methods to improve research quality, considering larger sample sizes, randomised controlled designs and valid and reliable measures of SB

    Elemental Fingerprinting Combined with Machine Learning Techniques as a Powerful Tool for Geographical Discrimination of Honeys from Nearby Regions

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    Discrimination of honey based on geographical origin is a common fraudulent practice and is one of the most investigated topics in honey authentication. This research aims to discriminate honeys according to their geographical origin by combining elemental fingerprinting with machinelearning techniques. In particular, the main objective of this study is to distinguish the origin of unifloral and multifloral honeys produced in neighboring regions, such as Sardinia (Italy) and Spain. The elemental compositions of 247 honeys were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The origins of honey were differentiated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Random Forest (RF). Compared to LDA, RF demonstrated greater stability and better classification performance. The best classification was based on geographical origin, achieving 90% accuracy using Na, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn, Ce, Nd, Eu, and Tb as predictor
