80 research outputs found

    La parole de l’État. À propos de la crise sociale qui a paralysé la France en novembre-décembre 1995

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    Cet article propose une analyse du mouvement social qui s’est opposé en France à la fin de l’année 1995 au plan gouvernemental de réforme de la sécurité sociale et de la Société nationale des chemins de fer (SNCF). La thèse des auteurs est que cette crise a trouvé son origine dans la conjonction de trois manquements à la parole de l’État s’inscrivant dans des temporalités différentes et que le plan de réforme a mis en synchronie : les promesses électorales du Président de la République, encore toutes fraîches et à l’exact opposé du plan de réforme retenu; les engagements en matière de retraite pris à l’égard des salariés concernés et qui sont dénoncés unilatéralement et sans dédommagement; enfin les assurances données par les gouvernements socialistes que les plans de rigueur successifs engagés depuis 1983 et la stratégie de désinflation compétitive qui les sous-tendait déboucheraient sur la prospérité pour les salariés.This article analyses the French social movement which opposed Juppé's social security and national railway (SNCF) reforms during the last month of 1995. This essay suggests that this crisis originated in the convergence of three breaches of government promises which despite having occurred at différent times were highlighted by Juppé's reforms: first are the Présidents électoral promises, still fresh in the memory of the people, which contradicted the reforms; second were the commitments regarding public pension liabilities which were unilaterally denounced without any compensation; and third were the Socialist government's assurances that the austerity measures undertaken since 1983, based on the strategy of competitive inflation, would result in prosperity for wage-earners

    Contribution à la connaissance de la typologie ichthyenne des rivières ardennaises

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    Les auteurs, disposant d'un ensemble de données quantitatives concernant des populations de poissons issus d'un même contexte biogéographique, l'Ardenne belge, leur appliquent divers traitements mathématiques dans le but de connaître celui(ceux) qui perme(tten)t de préciser l'existence de groupements Ichthyens (hiérarchisation de 2° ordre).Il en ressort que l'analyse des fréquences relatives des espèces en chaque station par la méthode des composantes principales, met en évidence les structures biotypologiques et leurs relations :- le classement structurel des eaux torrentielles ne dépend que d'un paramètre lié fortement à la vitesse du courant (en relation avec la pente). - le classement structurel des eaux modérées à lentes est étroitement lié à un paramètre de limnophilie, complété de 2 paramètres probables demeurant à déterminer.Les auteurs proposent, pour le rhitron et le potamon supérieur des affluents ardennais de la Meuse et du Rhin belges :• un essai de typologie basé sur l'existence de groupes socio-écologiques de poissons téléostéens, définis au mieux comme suit :- Rhéophile           supra             truite, chabot                             médio            vairon, loche franche                             infra              ombre, goujon, chevesne- Limnophile          supra             hotu, vandoise, barbeau, gardon                             médio            tanche (réserves pour échantillonnage trop faible) ;• une méthodologie de détermination du niveau typologique pour le rhitron et l'épipotamon ;• les limites d'extension des zones typologiques obtenues.Quantitative data about fish populations from a homogeneous biogeographical environment, the Belgian Ardenne rivera, have been subjected to statistical analysis. This analysis was designed to determine which statistical method(s) could be used to identify ichthyological groups (second-ordre hierarchy).Electro-fishing data were available for 140 sites ; elimination of polluted stations left 98 sites, and of these 84 were used for the statistical analysis. Four matrices were constructed frome the raw data : absolute and relative species frequencies ; absolute and relative species biomasses. Correlation coefficients were used together with a hierarchical ranking method, based on chaining and principal component analysis (PCA). Methodological variations involved the selected data basic, selection of distance, species position criteria and chaining method.Application of PCA to the species frequency data yielded a primary axis (33 % explained variance) which separated suprarheophilic and limnophilic species. The second, third and fourth axes explained 14, 10 and 8 % of the variance, respectively. Similarly, PCA analysis of the biomass data yielded a primary axis (25 % explained variance) separating suprarheophilic and moderate-water species. The second, third and fourth axes explained 13, 10 and 8 % al the variance. Projection of the structure in the 1-2-3 numerical sub-space (57 % of the information) is very expressive.Hierarchical analysis of the proximity of different species led to the définition of the following socio-ecological groups :- Rheophilic    supra    brown trout, bullhead    medio    minnow, stone-loach    infra    grayling, gudgeon, chub- Limnophilic    supra    common nose, dace, barbet, roach    medio    tench (with reserves)Hierarchical analysis of the proximity between stations confirms, in the 2-4 space of the first PC analysis, these same divisions.In conclusion, the PC analysis of the relative occurrence of the various species at each station reveals the biogeographical structures and their relations. The structural ranking of the torrential waters depends on a single parameter, strongly related to the flow velocity (in relation to the bed slope). The structural ranking of the moderate to slow-moving waters is strongly related to a limnophilic parameter, likely associated with two other unknown parameters (to be determined). A typological level determination is proposed for the rhitron and epipotamon, as are the extension limits for the defined typological zones

    Global trends in infectious diseases at the wildlife–livestock interface

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    The role and significance of wildlife–livestock interfaces in disease ecology has largely been neglected, despite recent interest in animals as origins of emerging diseases in humans. Scoping review methods were applied to objectively assess the relative interest by the scientific community in infectious diseases at interfaces between wildlife and livestock, to characterize animal species and regions involved, as well as to identify trends over time. An extensive literature search combining wildlife, livestock, disease, and geographical search terms yielded 78,861 publications, of which 15,998 were included in the analysis. Publications dated from 1912 to 2013 and showed a continuous increasing trend, including a shift from parasitic to viral diseases over time. In particular there was a significant increase in publications on the artiodactyls–cattle and bird–poultry interface after 2002 and 2003, respectively. These trends could be traced to key disease events that stimulated public interest and research funding. Among the top 10 diseases identified by this review, the majority were zoonoses. Prominent wildlife–livestock interfaces resulted largely from interaction between phylogenetically closely related and/or sympatric species. The bird–poultry interface was the most frequently cited wildlife–livestock interface worldwide with other interfaces reflecting regional circumstances. This review provides the most comprehensive overview of research on infectious diseases at the wildlife–livestock interface to date

    L'internalisation de l'idéologie de la "bonne gouvernance" dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement en eau potable en Inde rurale

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    To examine the governance of safe water policies, one must apply a global perspective. The solutions seem to require less exclusionary intergovernmental negotiations, but on a broader more inclusive dialogue that incorporates all stakeholders. This shift in the ways in which safe water is addressed results from a new quality of permeability in the exercise of state sovereignty. The institutions of Bretton Woods play a prominent role in the definition and the orientation of these policies through the concept of "good governance". This paper will examine the internalization of "good governance" ideologies and how they translate to safe water provisions in rural India.Interroger les modalités de la gouvernance des politiques d'approvisionnement en eau potable appelle une perspective globale. Les solutions semblent moins reposer sur des négociations exclusivement intergouvernementales que sur un dialogue plus vaste, non exclusif et impliquant l'ensemble des parties prenantes. Ce transfert de prérogatives résulte d'une nouvelle qualité de perméabilité dans l'exercice de la souveraineté étatique. Les institutions de Bretton Woods jouent un rôle prédominant dans la définition et l'orientation de ces politiques à travers le concept de "bonne gouvernance". Il s'agit donc de comprendre l'internalisation de cette l'idéologie dans la chaine d'approvisionnement en eau potable en Inde rurale

    Varieties of neo-colonialism: government accounting reforms in Anglophone and Francophone Africa - Benin and Ghana compared

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    This study compares government accounting reforms in an Anglophone and a Francophone African country, namely Ghana and Benin, with respect to neo-colonialism. The data draws from interviews with local officials concerned with government accounting, documents and documentaries. The focus lay on the perceived effectiveness of reforms, and their formulation and implementation. In both countries their former colonial powers, Britain and France, still influence accounting through economic means (through monetary systems), international financial institutions, political advisors, Northern accounting associations and neo-patrimonialism. However, their use of these differs. While France structures her control mostly around the monetary system established during colonialism, Britain relies on its post-colonial infrastructure and accounting profession, and concedes much influence to the USA, essentially through international financial institutions. France exerts more direct control through advisors than Britain (with the USA). The French approach is conceptualized as coercive-neo-colonialism and the British as soft-neo-colonialism. Despite international financial institutions’ pervasive presence, they are not monolithic agents with a uniform role and influence in Ghana and Benin, and good governance aims to increase civil service capacity, financial transparency and accountability remain problematic

    L'intervention du témoin en classe pour lier histoire et mémoire

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    J'ai choisi d'axer mon mémoire de recherche de fin de master sur l'intervention d'un témoin pour enseigner l'histoire en cycle III. Cette pratique est très particulière et se différencie des autres outils didactiques que l'on utilise communément à l'école pour cette discipline. N'étant pas une spécialiste d'histoire car licenciée en langues étrangères appliquées (anglais et allemand), et me vouant à l'enseignement dans le premier degré, il m'a semblé inévitable d'élargir mes connaissances sur l'enseignement de cette discipline. Il est primordial, selon moi, de transmettre aux générations futures, le récit de la nation, l'histoire et la mémoire, dans un contexte plus attrayant

    La sociologie politique de Tocqueville

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    Dehove Gérard. La sociologie politique de Tocqueville. In: Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études francaises, 1953, n°3-5. pp. 127-142

    Keith Middlemas. Orchestrating Europe

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    Dehove Mario. Keith Middlemas. Orchestrating Europe. In: Politique étrangère, n°4 - 1996 - 61ᵉannée. pp. 924-925