407 research outputs found

    Probing core overshooting using asteroseismology

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    Modeling properly the interface between convective cores and radiative interiors is one the most challenging and important open questions in modern stellar physics. The rapid development of asteroseismology, with the advent of space missions partly dedicated to this discipline, has provided new constraints to progress on this issue. We here give an overview of the information that can be obtained from pressure modes, gravity modes and mixed modes. We also review some of the most recent constraints obtained from space-based asteroseismology on the nature and the amount of mixing beyond convective cores.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the workshop "How Much do we Trust Stellar Models?" held in Li\`ege in September 201

    Angular momentum transport efficiency in post-main sequence low-mass stars

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    Context. Using asteroseismic techniques, it has recently become possible to probe the internal rotation profile of low-mass (~1.1-1.5 Msun) subgiant and red giant stars. Under the assumption of local angular momentum conservation, the core contraction and envelope expansion occurring at the end of the main sequence would result in a much larger internal differential rotation than observed. This suggests that angular momentum redistribution must be taking place in the interior of these stars. Aims. We investigate the physical nature of the angular momentum redistribution mechanisms operating in stellar interiors by constraining the efficiency of post-main sequence rotational coupling. Methods. We model the rotational evolution of a 1.25 Msun star using the Yale Rotational stellar Evolution Code. Our models take into account the magnetic wind braking occurring at the surface of the star and the angular momentum transport in the interior, with an efficiency dependent on the degree of internal differential rotation. Results. We find that models including a dependence of the angular momentum transport efficiency on the radial rotational shear reproduce very well the observations. The best fit of the data is obtained with an angular momentum transport coefficient scaling with the ratio of the rotation rate of the radiative interior over that of the convective envelope of the star as a power law of exponent ~3. This scaling is consistent with the predictions of recent numerical simulations of the Azimuthal Magneto-Rotational Instability. Conclusions. We show that an angular momentum transport process whose efficiency varies during the stellar evolution through a dependence on the level of internal differential rotation is required to explain the observed post-main sequence rotational evolution of low-mass stars.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Accretion from debris disks onto white dwarfs : Fingering (thermohaline) instability and derived accretion rates

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    Recent observations of a large number of DA and DB white dwarfs show evidence of debris disks, which are the remnants of old planetary systems. The infrared excess detected with \emph{Spitzer} and the lines of heavy elements observed in their atmospheres with high-resolution spectroscopy converge on the idea that planetary material accretes onto these stars. Accretion rates have been derived by several authors with the assumption of a steady state between accretion and gravitational settling. The results are unrealistically different for DA and DB white dwarfs. When heavy matter is accreted onto stars, it induces an inverse Ό\mu-gradient that leads to fingering (thermohaline) convection. The aim of this letter is to study the impact of this specific process on the derived accretion rates in white dwarfs and on the difference between DA and DB. We solve the diffusion equation for the accreted heavy elements with a time-dependent method. The models we use have been obtained both with the IRAP code, which computes static models, and the La Plata code, which computes evolutionary sequences. Computations with pure gravitational settling are compared with computations that include fingering convection. The most important result is that fingering convection has very important effects on DAs but is inefficient in DBs. When only gravitational settling is taken into account, the time-dependent computations lead to a steady state, as postulated by previous authors. When fingering convection is added, this steady state occurs much later. The surprising difference found in the past for the accretion rates derived for DA and DB white dwarfs disappears. The derived accretion rates for DAs are increased when fingering convection is taken into account, whereas those for DBs are not modified. More precise and developed results will be given in a forthcoming paper

    Period spacings in red giants I. Disentangling rotation and revealing core structure discontinuities

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    Asteroseismology allows us to probe the physical conditions inside the core of red giant stars. This relies on the properties of the global oscillations with a mixed character that are highly sensitive to the physical properties of the core. However, overlapping rotational splittings and mixed-mode spacings result in complex structures in the mixed-mode pattern, which severely complicates its identification and the measurement of the asymptotic period spacing. This work aims at disentangling the rotational splittings from the mixed-mode spacings, in order to open the way to a fully automated analysis of large data sets. An analytical development of the mixed-mode asymptotic expansion is used to derive the period spacing between two consecutive mixed modes. The \'echelle diagrams constructed with the appropriately stretched periods are used to exhibit the structure of the gravity modes and of the rotational splittings. We propose a new view on the mixed-mode oscillation pattern based on corrected periods, called stretched periods, that mimic the evenly spaced gravity-mode pattern. This provides a direct understanding of all oscillation components, even in the case of rapid rotation. The measurement of the asymptotic period spacing and the signature of the structural glitches on mixed modes are then made easy. This work opens the possibility to derive all seismic global parameters in an automated way, including the identification of the different rotational multiplets and the measurement of the rotational splitting, even when this splitting is significantly larger than the period spacing. Revealing buoyancy glitches provides a detailed view on the radiative core.Comment: Accepted in A&

    IV.1 Insights on the internal structure of stars as provided by seismology

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    This book is dedicated to all the people interested in the CoRoT mission and the beautiful data that were delivered during its six year duration. Either amateurs, professional, young or senior researchers, they will find treasures not only at the time of this publication but also in the future twenty or thirty years. It presents the data in their final version, explains how they have been obtained, how to handle them, describes the tools necessary to understand them, and where to find them. It also highlights the most striking first results obtained up to now. CoRoT has opened several unexpected directions of research and certainly new ones still to be discovered

    Strong Approximation of Empirical Copula Processes by Gaussian Processes

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    We provide the strong approximation of empirical copula processes by a Gaussian process. In addition we establish a strong approximation of the smoothed empirical copula processes and a law of iterated logarithm

    Measuring the extent of convective cores in low-mass stars using Kepler data: towards a calibration of core overshooting

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    Our poor understanding of the boundaries of convective cores generates large uncertainties on the extent of these cores and thus on stellar ages. Our aim is to use asteroseismology to consistently measure the extent of convective cores in a sample of main-sequence stars whose masses lie around the mass-limit for having a convective core. We first test and validate a seismic diagnostic that was proposed to probe in a model-dependent way the extent of convective cores using the so-called r010r_{010} ratios, which are built with l=0l=0 and l=1l=1 modes. We apply this procedure to 24 low-mass stars chosen among Kepler targets to optimize the efficiency of this diagnostic. For this purpose, we compute grids of stellar models with both the CESAM2k and MESA evolution codes, where the extensions of convective cores are modeled either by an instantaneous mixing or as a diffusion process. Among the selected targets, we are able to unambiguously detect convective cores in eight stars and we obtain seismic measurements of the extent of the mixed core in these targets with a good agreement between the CESAM2k and MESA codes. By performing optimizations using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, we then obtain estimates of the amount of extra-mixing beyond the core that is required in CESAM2k to reproduce seismic observations for these eight stars and we show that this can be used to propose a calibration of this quantity. This calibration depends on the prescription chosen for the extra-mixing, but we find that it should be valid also for the code MESA, provided the same prescription is used. This study constitutes a first step towards the calibration of the extension of convective cores in low-mass stars, which will help reduce the uncertainties on the ages of these stars.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted in A&

    Seismic evidence for a weak radial differential rotation in intermediate-mass core helium burning stars

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    The detection of mixed modes that are split by rotation in Kepler red giants has made it possible to probe the internal rotation profiles of these stars, which brings new constraints on the transport of angular momentum in stars. Mosser et al. (2012) have measured the rotation rates in the central regions of intermediate-mass core helium burning stars (secondary clump stars). Our aim was to exploit& the rotational splittings of mixed modes to estimate the amount of radial differential rotation in the interior of secondary clump stars using Kepler data, in order to place constraints on angular momentum transport in intermediate-mass stars. We selected a subsample of Kepler secondary clump stars with mixed modes that are clearly rotationally split. By applying a thorough statistical analysis, we showed that the splittings of both gravity-dominated modes (trapped in central regions) and p-dominated modes (trapped in the envelope) can be measured. We then used these splittings to estimate the amount of differential rotation by using inversion techniques and by applying a simplified approach based on asymptotic theory (Goupil et al. 2013). We obtained evidence for a weak radial differential rotation for six of the seven targets that were selected, with the central regions rotating 1.8±0.31.8\pm0.3 to 3.2±1.03.2\pm1.0 times faster than the envelope. The last target was found to be consistent with a solid-body rotation. This demonstrates that an efficient redistribution of angular momentum occurs after the end of the main sequence in the interior of intermediate-mass stars, either during the short-lived subgiant phase, or once He-burning has started in the core. In either case, this should bring constraints on the angular momentum transport mechanisms that are at work.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A&

    Open issues in probing interiors of solar-like oscillating main sequence stars: 2. Diversity in the HR diagram

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    We review some major open issues in the current modelling of low and intermediate mass, main sequence stars based on seismological studies. The solar case was discussed in a companion paper, here several issues specific to other stars than the Sun are illustrated with a few stars observed with CoRoT and expectations from Kepler data.Comment: GONG 2010 - SoHO 24, A new era of seismology of the Sun and solar-like stars, To be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Strong magnetic fields detected in the cores of 11 red giant stars using gravity-mode period spacings

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    Despite their importance in stellar evolution, little is known about magnetic fields in the interior of stars. The recent seismic detection of magnetic fields in the core of several red giant stars has given measurements of their strength and information on their topology. We revisit the puzzling case of hydrogen-shell burning giants that show deviations from the expected regular period spacing of gravity modes. These stars also tend to have a too low measured period spacing compared to their counterparts. We here show that these two features are well accounted for by strong magnetic fields in the cores of these stars. For 11 Kepler red giants showing these anomalies, we place lower limits on the core field strengths ranging from 40 to 610 kG. For one star, the measured field exceeds the critical field above which gravity waves no longer propagate in the core. We find that this star shows mixed mode suppression at low frequency, which further suggests that this phenomenon might be related to strong core magnetic fields.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted as an Letter in A&
