107 research outputs found

    A Digital Booklet about Natural Disasters with Graphic Animation Focused on Landslides: A Study Case at Amazonas

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    The main occurrences of natural disasters in Brazil occur, being in the biggest part constituted by floods and landslides. The use of digital models is very useful to assist in the understanding of those phenomena, mostly geological processes that are developed at subsurface as landslides and are not possible to be seen by humans. This way, a digital booklet about landslides was developed and evaluated with two studies. One, that evaluates the usability through the SUS scale and the other, that evaluates the booklet importance by the perception of Earth Sciences field professors. The results indicate that the booklet brings an important theme and easy utilization, helping to spread to the population how the landslides occur and what to do to avoid them

    Potentiometric map based on integrated piezometer data with geophysical results, Manaus-AM / Mapa potenciométrico a partir de dados de piezômetros integrados com resultados de geofísica em Manaus-AM

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    The research carried out consisted of a field survey upstream of the Lago Amazônico area and close to the Ecological Effluent Treatment Station (ETEE) of the National Institute for Research in the Amazon - INPA. The objective of the study was to detect possible impacts on the quality of groundwater due to the ETEE and the waters of Lago do Bosque da Ciência, which requires knowledge of the direction of groundwater flow at the site. The geophysical resistivity method, through the technique of vertical electrical sounding with the Schlumberger arrangement, was applied with the purpose of defining the depth of the top of the saturated zone in the study area as well as detecting possible impacts of the effluents of the treatment plant in subsurface. The resistivity method, through measurements by equipment placed on the surface, determines the electrical resistivity of the materials and their subsurface contrasts at different depths. In the area, three piezometers were installed, which enabled the calibration of the interpretation of the results of vertical electrical sounding. The survey of geophysical data provided a volume of information about the subsurface situation of the layout, lithological content and the depth of the water level of the subsurface layers through the seven vertical electrical surveys carried out around the INPA Lake and close to the ETEE. The results of the interpretation of the vertical electrical sounding and water level depth measurements in the piezometers were integrated to produce a potentiometric map to understand the hydrogeological behavior from the point of view of underground flow. The electrical resistivity values, relatively high in the study area, attribute a predominantly sandy lithological constitution, a result that is consolidated with the lithological description of the piezometers. The top of the saturated layer around the lake is deeper compared to the lake, causing its waters to seep into the aquifer. This is because the lake is artificial, constantly receiving water to maintain its level. The potentiometric map indicates a practically radial flow direction, with a slight inclination towards the north. The electrical surveys carried out near the treatment plant showed lower resistivity values, which may be related to the influence of effluents in the subsurface. The study was carried out with resources provided for in Law No. 8,387 and in accordance with Article 21 of Decree 10,521 / 2020 - INPA / SAMSUNG Partnership

    The march of pluripotent stem cells in cardiovascular regenerative medicine

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the leading cause of global morbidity and mortality. Heart failure remains a major contributor to this mortality. Despite major therapeutic advances over the past decades, a better understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms of CVD as well as improved therapeutic strategies for the management or treatment of heart failure are increasingly needed. Loss of myocardium is a major driver of heart failure. An attractive approach that appears to provide promising results in reducing cardiac degeneration is stem cell therapy (SCT). In this review, we describe different types of stem cells, including embryonic and adult stem cells, and we provide a detailed discussion of the properties of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We also present and critically discuss the key methods used for converting somatic cells to pluripotent cells and iPSCs to cardiomyocytes (CMs), along with their advantages and limitations. Integrating and non-integrating reprogramming methods as well as characterization of iPSCs and iPSC-derived CMs are discussed. Furthermore, we critically present various methods of differentiating iPSCs to CMs. The value of iPSC-CMs in regenerative medicine as well as myocardial disease modeling and cardiac regeneration are emphasized

    7-O-methylpunctatin, a novel homoisoflavonoid, inhibits phenotypic switch of human arteriolar smooth muscle cells

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    Remodeling of arterioles is a pivotal event in the manifestation of many inflammation-based cardio-vasculopathologies, such as hypertension. During these remodeling events, vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) switch from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype. The latter is characterized by increased proliferation, migration, and invasion. Compounds with anti-inflammatory actions have been successful in attenuating this phenotypic switch. While the vast majority of studies investigating phenotypic modulation were undertaken in VSMCs isolated from large vessels, little is known about the effect of such compounds on phenotypic switch in VSMCs of microvessels (microVSMCs). We have recently characterized a novel homoisoflavonoid that we called 7-O-methylpunctatin (MP). In this study, we show that MP decreased FBS-induced cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and adhesion. MP also attenuated adhesion of THP-1 monocytes to microVSMCs, abolished FBS-induced expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, and NF-?B, as well as reduced activation of ERK1/2 and FAK. Furthermore, MP-treated VSMCs showed an increase in early (myocardin, SM-22?, SM-?) and mid-term (calponin and caldesmon) differentiation markers and a decrease in osteopontin, a protein highly expressed in synthetic VSMCs. MP also reduced transcription of cyclin D1, CDK4 but increased protein levels of p21 and p27. Taken together, these results corroborate an anti-inflammatory action of MP on human microVSMCs. Therefore, by inhibiting the synthetic phenotype of microVSMCs, MP may be a promising modulator for inflammation-induced arteriolar pathophysiology. - 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Funding: This work was supported by the American University of Beirut (Grant # MPP 320133 to A.E.), University of Petra (Grant #: 5/4/2019) to A.B., E.B., and A.E., and the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS) to M.F.Scopu

    ARCABOUÇO ESTRATIGRÁFICO NEÓGENO-QUATERNÁRIO DA PORÇÃO OESTE DA BACIA DO SOLIMÕES, AMAZÔNIA OCIDENTAL : Neogene-Quaternary stratigraphic framework of the western portion of the Solimões Basin, Western Amazon

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    The stratigraphic context of the western Solimões Basin, in the border area between Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, was based on nine (9) wells (P1 to P9) from the Alto Solimões Carvão  Project. With the geological data (well logging) and geophysical data (Gamma Rays, Resistivity, and Spontaneous Potential) was elaborated the geological section A-A’, with SW-NE direction and about 400 km of extension, where was defined the thicknesses and boundaries of Solimões (Miocene-Pliocene) and Içá (Pliocene-Pleistocene) formations and the Quaternary Deposits. The Solimões Formation, exhibits lateral continuity in the P1 to P9 and 332 meters thickness, being comprised by pelites and sandstones interbedded, with limestone, lignites and subordinate conglomerates, that exhibit patterns of thinning, thickening and interdigitation. The Içá Formation occurs in the eastern portion of the section, being predominantly sandy, with rare intercalations of pelitos and lignites and thickness varying between 30 to 55m, covered by thin Quaternary deposits, composed by sand and mud (silt and clay), with a thickness of up to 16 meters. Geophysical profiles provided electrofacies patterns and, together with lithological data, allowed the individualization of stratigraphic limits and internal lithofacies, which were correlated in the analyzed profiles.O contexto estratigráfico da porção oeste da Bacia do Solimões, na zona limítrofe entre Brasil, Peru e Colômbia, foi elaborado com base em dados de 9 logs de sondagem (P1 a P9) do Projeto Carvão no Alto Solimões. Com os dados geológicos (testemunhos) e geofísicos (Raios Gama, Resistividade e Potencial Espontâneo) foi elaborada a seção geológica A-A’, de direção geral SW-NE, com cerca de 400 km de extensão, onde foram definidas as espessuras e limites das formações Solimões (Mioceno-Plioceno) e Içá (Plioceno-Pleistoceno) e Depósitos Quaternários. A Formação Solimões exibe continuidade lateral nas sondagens P1 a P9 e espessura em torno de 332 metros, sendo constituída por intercalações de pelitos e arenitos, com calcários, linhitos e conglomerados subordinados, que exibem padrões de adelgaçamento, espessamento e interdigitação. A Formação Içá ocorre principalmente na porção leste da seção, sendo predominantemente arenosa, com raras intercalações de pelitos e linhitos e espessura variando entre 30 a 55m, recoberta por delgados depósitos Quaternários, compostos de areia e lama (silte e argila), com espessura de até 16 metros. Perfis geofísicos proporcionaram padrões de eletrofácies e em conjunto com dados litológicos permitiram a individualização dos limites estratigráficos e das litofácies internas, que foram correlacionados nos perfis analisados

    Numerical and Experimental Analyses of Hybrid Composites Made from Amazonian Natural Fibers

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    The application of lignocellulosic fibers as reinforcements in composite materials has found increasing use in recent years, due to the attractive characteristics of natural fibers such as their low cost, high specific modulus, biodegradability, abundance and with many technical qualities. Natural fiber hybrid composites are very frequently used in automotive aerospace and other industries. In this work, numerical and experimental analysis is carried out to compare curauá, jute and sisal fibers in epoxy composites for use in industry. The most appropriate hybridization effect by establishing the amounts of each fiber on the mechanical properties was considered. Finite Element Models were designed and validated through mechanical tests. The number of Finite Element models and specimens performed was determined through the design of experiments using the Taguchi Method and then the results were statistically validated. Higher strength was obtained in composites made with curauá fiber, followed by jute and sisal fibers. Such behavior was achieved by FEM and experimental tests, revealing an increase in tensile strength by increasing the amount of fibers up to 35% in total. Higher strength was achieved when the composite was made with curauá (20 wt.%), jute (10 wt.%) and sisal (5 wt.%) fibers. The results show a good agreement between the FEM and the experimental tests. Furthermore, the results of the present study were compared with those obtained previously mentioned in the open literature

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    A pesquisa estabelece critérios para a aplicabilidade do método geofísico GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), conhecido também por Radar de Penetração, em áreas sujeitas à fonte de contaminação em subsuperfície por substâncias orgânicas, em particular, por hidrocarbonetos, produzida por vazamento em postos de serviços. A solução deste problema pelos métodos diretos é muito complexa, principalmente pelo fato de contaminantes orgânicos moverem-se em subsuperfície de maneira dispersa e descontínua. Em contrapartida, devem ser imediatamente detectados e mapeados, pois podem apresentar riscos de incêndio e explosões. Esta tese avalia a aplicabilidade do método GPR no estudo de vazamento de combustíveis em postos de serviço na cidade de São Paulo. As condições propostas podem ser consideradas como as piores possíveis do ponto de vista do método, aliando as limitações inerentes do GPR com as condições geológicas, de ocupação e presença de ruídos em ambiente altamente urbanizado. A metodologia proposta constitui-se de levantamento de campo com o GPR, execução de processamento dos dados, interpretação dos radargramas processados e sondagens a trado em locais sem contaminação e suspeitos de contaminação de acordo com a interpretação para a confirmação da mesma. Um critério numérico é estabelecido para a apresentação dos resultados na forma de mapa de isolinhas para delinear a pluma de contaminação. As seções de GPR obtidas do local de estudo foram processadas e apresentaram anomalias na forma de ausência de reflexão de sinal denominadas por \"zonas de sombra\" ou \"apagão\". A ausência de reflexão provavelmente ocorreu devido ao fato do contaminante em subsuperfície expulsar parte da água contida no meio e, portanto, provocar um processo de \"homogeneização\" do ponto de vista eletromagnético. Outra observação que reforça a idéia da homogeneização causada pela diminuição da constante dielétrica é feita através do cálculo de velocidade que apresentou valores maiores nas áreas contaminadas e valores menores em locais sem indícios de contaminação. Apesar das condições de campo, o método possibilitou a delineação da pluma de contaminação além da extensão detectada por métodos diretos, o que mostra ser aplicável e eficiente para detecção de contaminação por vazamento de tanque subterrâneo de armazenamento de gasolina em postos de serviços. Conclui-se que a utilização de antenas blindadas do GPR na cidade de São Paulo viabiliza a delineação da pluma de contaminação por vazamento de gasolina proveniente de tanque subterrâneo de armazenamento em posto de serviçoThe present research establishes criterion for the applicability of the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) method in areas with organic contamination caused by leakage in gas stations. The solution of this problem by means of direct methods is very complex due to the discontinuous and disperse movement of the contaminant in subsurface. Otherwise, these problems must be detected rapidly due to the inherent fire and explosion risks. This thesis evaluates the applicability of the GPR method to study leakage from a gas station in São Paulo city. The conditions of this proposal may be considered as being the worst to apply the GPR method, considering the intrinsic limitations of the method, the degree of occupation and the noise inherent to a highly urbanized environment. The proposed methodology is based on the field data acquisition, data processing, interpretation of the radargrams, and execution of boreholes in contaminated and non-contaminated areas as suggested by the interpretation. A numerical criterion was established to allow representation of the conclusions in an isovalues map to allow the identification of the contamination extent. The GPR sections were processed and presented anomalies consisting of lack of reflection that were called as \"shadow zones\" . That lack of reflection is probably due to the fact that the contaminant purges part of the water present in the medium, provoking a \"homogenization\" from the electromagnetic point of view. Another observation that reinforces this idea, caused by the decreasing of the dielectric constant, is the presence of larger velocity values in the contaminated areas and lower values in the non-contaminated ones. Despite the difficult field conditions, the method allowed to detect the contamination plume farther from the extension initially defined by direct methods, and showed that it is applicable and efficient to detect contamination due to leakage from underground gasoline vessels in gas stations. In addition, it was noted that the analysis was possible due to the use of shielded antennas, that allows to work in noisy environments

    Biomimetic Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery and Removal

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    Nanoparticle drug delivery has revolutionized the way we think of disease treatment over the last decade. The encapsulation of drugs into nanoparticles has led to better bioavailability, longer circulation times and an extended therapeutic window, and fewer off target effects than free drug administration. Nanoparticles are able to be tailored to specific applications through their size, shape, and surface design. Nanoparticles are just beginning to see clinical translation and FDA approval. Recently, significant efforts have been put into creating biomimetic targeting, particularly utilizing cell membrane coatings. Cell membrane can be used as a biomaterial to “cloak” nanoparticles, endowing them with the surface properties of the parent cell. Each different cell type in the body has a distinct surface structure with lipids, proteins, and receptors perfectly tailored to its purpose and location. Some of these proteins, such as CD47 or the selectins, have well known purposes like immune evasion or specific receptor targeting respectively. Additionally, there are yetundescribed and uncharacterized surface moieties on cells whose properties can be retained by using the entire cell membrane as a biomaterial. By cloaking nanoparticles in cell membrane, they retain many of the properties of the original cell type. We show that this allows for new biointerfacing abilities and a highly specific drug delivery vehicle. This new technology also promises future clinical translation,as the materials are inherently biocompatible. Herein, we will discuss engineered nanoparticle platforms that utilize this biomimetic cell membrane coating technology to improve the delivery of drugs, and additionally the detoxification and removal of pathogens. The biomimetic techniques developed during this PhD range from novel formulations of classical small molecule targeting for cancer therapy, to new methods of utilizing a fusion of natural cell membranes to create custom tailored targeting. These improvements to the field of targeted drug delivery will hopefully lead to better use of drugs and treatment of disease, and a higher level of tailoring ability available to engineers designing future platforms