399 research outputs found

    New Supersymmetric Solutions in N=2 Matter Coupled AdS_3 Supergravities

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    We construct new 1/2 supersymmetric solutions in D=3, N=2, matter coupled, U(1) gauged supergravities and study some of their properties. We do this by employing a quite general supersymmetry breaking condition, from which we also redrive some of the already known solutions. Among the new solutions, we have an explicit non-topological soliton for the non-compact sigma model, a locally flat solution for the compact sigma model and a string-like solution for both types of sigma models. The last one is smooth for the compact scalar manifold.Comment: 1+21 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX2e, JHEP style; v2: added one reference + made minor changes and added a few comments to clarify the presentatio

    (2,0) Chern-Simons Supergravity Plus Matter Near the Boundary of AdS_3

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    We examine the boundary behaviour of the gauged N=(2,0) supergravity in D=3 coupled to an arbitrary number of scalar supermultiplets which parametrize a Kahler manifold. In addition to the gravitational coupling constant, the model depends on two parameters, namely the cosmological constant and the size of the Kahler manifold. It is shown that regular and irregular boundary conditions can be imposed on the matter fields depending on the size of the sigma model manifold. It is also shown that the super AdS transformations in the bulk produce the transformations of the N=(2,0) conformal supergravity and scalar multiplets on the boundary, containing fields with nonvanishing Weyl weights determined by the ratio of the sigma model and the gravitational coupling constants. Various types of (2,0) superconformal multiplets are found on the boundary and in one case the superconformal symmetry is shown to be realized in an unconventional way.Comment: 28 pages, latex, references adde

    Calibrated Entanglement Entropy

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    The Ryu-Takayanagi prescription reduces the problem of calculating entanglement entropy in CFTs to the determination of minimal surfaces in a dual anti-de Sitter geometry. For 3D gravity theories and BTZ black holes, we identify the minimal surfaces as special Lagrangian cycles calibrated by the real part of the holomorphic one-form of a spacelike hypersurface. We show that (generalised) calibrations provide a unified way to determine holographic entanglement entropy from minimal surfaces, which is applicable to warped AdS3_3 geometries. We briefly discuss generalisations to higher dimensions.Comment: v1 22 pages, 1 figure; v2 appendix improved and moved into the body to show the application of calibrations to find minimal surfaces in warped AdS, matches published versio

    Matter Coupled AdS_3 Supergravities and Their Black Strings

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    We couple n copies of N=(2,0) scalar multiplets to a gauged N=(2,0) supergravity in 2+1 dimensions which admits AdS_3 as a vacuum. The scalar fields are charged under the gauged R-symmetry group U(1) and parametrize certain Kahler manifolds with compact or non-compact isometries. The radii of these manifolds are quantized in the compact case, but arbitrary otherwise. In the compact case, we find half-supersymmetry preserving and asymptotically Minkowskian black string solutions. For a particular value of the scalar manifold radius, the solution coincides with that of Horne and Horowitz found in the context of a string theory in 2+1 dimensions. In the non-compact case, we find half-supersymmetry preserving and asymptotically AdS_3 string solutions which have naked singularities. We also obtain two distinct AdS_3 supergravities coupled to n copies of N=(1,0) scalar multiplets either by the truncation of the (2,0) model or by a direct construction.Comment: 20 pages, latex, typos corrected in Sec.

    Matter coupled AdS 3 supergravities and their black strings

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    Random Forests Applied to High-precision Photometry Analysis with Spitzer IRAC

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    We present a new method employing machine-learning techniques for measuring astrophysical features by correcting systematics in IRAC high-precision photometry using random forests. The main systematic in IRAC light-curve data is position changes due to unavoidable telescope motions coupled with an intrapixel response function. We aim to use the large amount of publicly available calibration data for the single pixel used for this type of work (the sweet-spot pixel) to make a fast, easy-to-use, accurate correction to science data. This correction on calibration data has the advantage of using an independent data set instead of the science data themselves, which has the disadvantage of including astrophysical variations. After focusing on feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, we show that a boosted random forest model can reduce the data such that we measure the median of 10 archival eclipse observations of XO-3b to be 1459 ± 200 ppm. This is a comparable depth to the average of those in the literature done by seven different methods; however, the spread in measurements is 30%–100% larger than those literature values, depending on the reduction method. We also caution others attempting similar methods to check their results with the fiducial data set of XO-3b, as we were also able to find models providing initially great scores on their internal test data sets but whose results significantly underestimated the eclipse depth of that planet

    Simulating Avionics Upgrades to the Space Shuttles

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    Cockpit Avionics Prototyping Environment (CAPE) is a computer program that simulates the functions of proposed upgraded avionics for a space shuttle. In CAPE, pre-existing space-shuttle-simulation programs are merged with a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) display-development program, yielding a package of software that enables high-fi46 NASA Tech Briefs, September 2008 delity simulation while making it possible to rapidly change avionic displays and the underlying model algorithms. The pre-existing simulation programs are Shuttle Engineering Simulation, Shuttle Engineering Simulation II, Interactive Control and Docking Simulation, and Shuttle Mission Simulator playback. The COTS program Virtual Application Prototyping System (VAPS) not only enables the development of displays but also makes it possible to move data about, capture and process events, and connect to a simulation. VAPS also enables the user to write code in the C or C++ programming language and compile that code into the end-product simulation software. As many as ten different avionic-upgrade ideas can be incorporated in a single compilation and, thus, tested in a single simulation run. CAPE can be run in conjunction with any or all of four simulations, each representing a different phase of a space-shuttle flight

    Random Forests Applied to High-precision Photometry Analysis with Spitzer IRAC

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    We present a new method employing machine-learning techniques for measuring astrophysical features by correcting systematics in IRAC high-precision photometry using random forests. The main systematic in IRAC light-curve data is position changes due to unavoidable telescope motions coupled with an intrapixel response function. We aim to use the large amount of publicly available calibration data for the single pixel used for this type of work (the sweet-spot pixel) to make a fast, easy-to-use, accurate correction to science data. This correction on calibration data has the advantage of using an independent data set instead of the science data themselves, which has the disadvantage of including astrophysical variations. After focusing on feature engineering and hyperparameter optimization, we show that a boosted random forest model can reduce the data such that we measure the median of 10 archival eclipse observations of XO-3b to be 1459 ± 200 ppm. This is a comparable depth to the average of those in the literature done by seven different methods; however, the spread in measurements is 30%–100% larger than those literature values, depending on the reduction method. We also caution others attempting similar methods to check their results with the fiducial data set of XO-3b, as we were also able to find models providing initially great scores on their internal test data sets but whose results significantly underestimated the eclipse depth of that planet

    Spectrum of D=6, N=4b Supergravity on AdS_3 x S^3

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    The complete spectrum of D=6, N=4b supergravity with n tensor multiplets compactified on AdS_3 x S^3 is determined. The D=6 theory obtained from the K_3 compactification of Type IIB string requires that n=21, but we let n be arbitrary. The superalgebra that underlies the symmetry of the resulting supergravity theory in AdS_3 coupled to matter is SU(1,1|2)_L x SU(1,1|2)_R. The theory also has an unbroken global SO(4)_R x SO(n) symmetry inherited from D=6. The spectrum of states arranges itself into a tower of spin-2 supermultiplets, a tower of spin-1, SO(n) singlet supermultiplets, a tower of spin-1 supermultiplets in the vector representation of SO(n) and a special spin-1/2 supermultiplet also in the vector representation of SO(n). The SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R Yang-Mills states reside in the second level of the spin-2 tower and the lowest level of the spin-1, SO(n) singlet tower and the associated field theory exhibits interesting properties.Comment: 37 pages, latex, 5 tables and 3 figures, typos corrected, a reference adde

    SU(2) Reduction of Six-dimensional (1,0) Supergravity

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    We obtain a gauged supergravity theory in three dimensions with eight real supersymmetries by means of a Scherk-Schwarz reduction of pure N=(1,0) supergravity in six dimension on the SU(2) group manifold. The SU(2) Yang-Mills fields in the model propagate, since they have an ordinary kinetic term in addition to Chern-Simons couplings. The other propagating degrees of freedom consist of a dilaton, five scalars which parameterise the coset SL(3,R)/SO(3), three vector fields in the adjoint of SU(2), and twelve spin 1/2 fermions. The model admits an AdS_3 vacuum solution. We also show how a charged black hole solution can be obtained, by performing a dimensional reduction of the rotating self-dual string of six-dimensional (1,0) supergravity.Comment: Latex, 24 page
