29 research outputs found

    Novel Graphene Electrode for Retinal Implants: An in vivo Biocompatibility Study

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    Evaluating biocompatibility is a core essential step to introducing a new material as a candidate for brain-machine interfaces. Foreign body reactions often result in glial scars that can impede the performance of the interface. Having a high conductivity and large electrochemical window, graphene is a candidate material for electrical stimulation with retinal prosthesis. In this study, non-functional devices consisting of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene embedded onto polyimide/SU-8 substrates were fabricated for a biocompatibility study. The devices were implanted beneath the retina of blind P23H rats. Implants were monitored by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and eye fundus which indicated a high stability in vivo up to 3 months before histology studies were done. Microglial reconstruction through confocal imaging illustrates that the presence of graphene on polyimide reduced the number of microglial cells in the retina compared to polyimide alone, thereby indicating a high biocompatibility. This study highlights an interesting approach to assess material biocompatibility in a tissue model of central nervous system, the retina, which is easily accessed optically and surgically.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 785219 (GrapheneCore2) and No. 881603 (GrapheneCore3). DN has received funding from the doctoral school of Cerveau, cognition, comportement (3C) of Sorbonne Université. SP was also supported by the French state funds managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche within the Programme Investissements d’Avenir, LABEX LIFESENSES (ANR-10-LABX-65) and IHU FOReSIGHT (ANR-18-IAHU-0001). This work has made use of the Spanish ICTS Network MICRONANOFABS partially supported by MICINN and the ICTS ‘NANBIOSIS,’ more specifically by the Micro-NanoTechnology Unit of the CIBER in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) at the IMB-CNM

    CXCR3 Antagonism of SDF-1(5-67) Restores Trabecular Function and Prevents Retinal Neurodegeneration in a Rat Model of Ocular Hypertension

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    Glaucoma, the most common cause of irreversible blindness, is a neuropathy commonly initiated by pathological ocular hypertension due to unknown mechanisms of trabecular meshwork degeneration. Current antiglaucoma therapy does not target the causal trabecular pathology, which may explain why treatment failure is often observed. Here we show that the chemokine CXCL12, its truncated form SDF-1(5-67), and the receptors CXCR4 and CXCR3 are expressed in human glaucomatous trabecular tissue and a human trabecular cell line. SDF-1(5-67) is produced under the control of matrix metallo-proteinases, TNF-α, and TGF-β2, factors known to be involved in glaucoma. CXCL12 protects in vitro trabecular cells from apoptotic death via CXCR4 whereas SDF-1(5-67) induces apoptosis through CXCR3 and caspase activation. Ocular administration of SDF-1(5-67) in the rat increases intraocular pressure. In contrast, administration of a selective CXCR3 antagonist in a rat model of ocular hypertension decreases intraocular pressure, prevents retinal neurodegeneration, and preserves visual function. The protective effect of CXCR3 antagonism is related to restoration of the trabecular function. These data demonstrate that proteolytic cleavage of CXCL12 is involved in trabecular pathophysiology, and that local administration of a selective CXCR3 antagonist may be a beneficial therapeutic strategy for treating ocular hypertension and subsequent retinal degeneration

    Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to study the in vivo evolution of the electrochemical properties of neural implants

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    International audienceElectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is widely used in biomedical technology, for instance to monitor the body composition of patients or for the electrochemical characterization Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). When a neural implant is placed within a body, its EIS is modified by the interaction of the material with cells and by action of the biological tissue itself. Classical impedance meters are not practical for measurements on animal models and hence not suited for the in vivo follow-up of such BCI. The present study describes a portable device based on homemade electronic shields compatible with classical microcontrollers that can measure the EIS. EIS measurements concerning a subretinal diamond implant inserted chronically in the eye of a wild-type rat eye are performed with this custom impedance meter and presented here. This low-cost on-board wireless impedance meter can be used for a large range of applications

    Monitoring the evolution of boron doped porous diamond electrode on flexible retinal implant by OCT and in vivo impedance spectroscopy

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    International audienceNanocrystalline Boron doped Diamond proved to be a very attractive material for neural interfacing, especially with the retina, where reduce glia growth is observed with respect to other materials, thus facilitating neuro-stimulation over long terms. In the present study, we integrated diamond microelectrodes on a polyimide substrate and investigated their performances for the development of neural prosthesis. A full description of the microfabrication of the implants is provided and their functionalities are assessed using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A porous structure of the electrode surface was thus revealed and showed promising properties for neural recording or stimulation. Using the flexible implant, we showed that is possible to follow in vivo the evolution of the electric contact between the diamond electrodes and the retina over 4 months by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The position of the implant was also monitored by optical coherence tomography to corroborate the information given by the impedance measurements. The results suggest that diamond microelectrodes are very good candidates for retinal prosthesis

    Protuberant Electrode Structures for Subretinal Electrical Stimulation: Modeling, Fabrication and in vivo Evaluation

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    International audienceMany neural interfaces used for therapeutic applications are based on extracellular electrical stimulation to control cell polarization and thus functional activity. Amongst them, retinal implants have been designed to restore visual perception in blind patients affected by photoreceptor degeneration diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or retinitis pigmentosa (RP). While designing such a neural interface, several aspects must be taken into account, like the stimulation efficiency related to the current distribution within the tissue, the bio-interface optimization to improve resolution and tissue integration, and the material biocompatibility associated with long-term aging. In this study, we investigate the use of original microelectrode geometries for subretinal stimulation. The proposed structures combine the use of 3D wells with protuberant mushroom shaped electrode structures in the bottom, implemented on a flexible substrate that allows the in vivo implantation of the devices. These 3D microelectrode structures were first modeled using finite element analysis. Then, a specific microfabrication process compatible with flexible implants was developed to create the 3D microelectrode structures. These structures were tested in vivo to check the adaptation of the retinal tissue to them. Finally, preliminary in vivo stimulation experiments were performed

    Neuroglobin effectively halts vision loss in Harlequin mice at an advanced stage of optic nerve degeneration

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    International audienceMitochondrial diseases are among the most prevalent groups of inherited neurological disorders, affecting up to 1 in 5000 adults. Despite the progress achieved on the identification of gene mutations causing mitochondrial pathologies, they cannot be cured so far. Harlequin mice, a relevant model of mitochondrial pathology due to apoptosis inducing factor depletion, suffer from progressive disappearance of retinal ganglion cells leading to optic neuropathy. In our previous work, we showed that administering adeno-associated virus encompassing the coding sequences for neuroglobin, (a neuroprotective molecule belonging to the globin family) or apoptosis-inducing factor, before neurodegeneration onset, prevented retinal ganglion cell loss and preserved visual function.One of the challenges to develop an effective treatment for optic neuropathies is to consider that by the time patients become aware of their handicap, a large amount of nerve fibers has already disappeared.Gene therapy was performed in Harlequin mice aged between 4 and 5 months with either a neuroglobin or an apoptosis-inducing factor vector to determine whether the increased abundance of either one of these proteins in retinas could preserve visual function at this advanced stage of the disease.We demonstrated that gene therapy, by preserving the connectivity of transduced retinal ganglion cells and optic nerve bioenergetics, results in the enhancement of visual cortex activity, ultimately rescuing visual impairment.This study demonstrates that: (a) An increased abundance of neuroglobin functionally overcomes apoptosis-inducing factor absence in Harlequin mouse retinas at a late stage of neuronal degeneration; (b) The beneficial effect for visual function could be mediated by neuroglobin localization to the mitochondria, thus contributing to the maintenance of the organelle homeostasis

    Implication of Melanopsin and Trigeminal Neural Pathways in Blue Light Photosensitivity in vivo

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    International audiencePhotophobia may arise from various causes and frequently accompanies numerous ocular diseases. In modern highly illuminated world, complaints about greater photosensitivity to blue light increasingly appear. However, the pathophysiology of photophobia is still debated. In the present work, we investigated in vivo the role of various neural pathways potentially implicated in blue-light aversion. Moreover, we studied the light-induced neuroinflammatory processes on the ocular surface and in the trigeminal pathways. Adult male C57BL/6J mice were exposed either to blue (400–500 nm) or to yellow (530–710 nm) LED light (3 h, 6 mW/cm2). Photosensitivity was measured as the time spent in dark or illuminated parts of the cage. Pharmacological treatments were applied: topical instillation of atropine, pilocarpine or oxybuprocaine, intravitreal injection of lidocaine, norepinephrine or “blocker” of the visual photoreceptor transmission, and intraperitoneal injection of a melanopsin antagonist. Clinical evaluations (ocular surface state, corneal mechanical sensitivity and tear quantity) were performed directly after exposure to light and after 3 days of recovery in standard light conditions. Trigeminal ganglia (TGs), brainstems and retinas were dissected out and conditioned for analyses. Mice demonstrated strong aversion to blue but not to yellow light. The only drug that significantly decreased the blue-light aversion was the intraperitoneally injected melanopsin antagonist. After blue-light exposure, dry-eye-related inflammatory signs were observed, notably after 3 days of recovery. In the retina, we observed the increased immunoreactivity for GFAP, ATF3, and Iba1; these data were corroborated by RT-qPCR. Moreover, retinal visual and non-visual photopigments distribution was altered. In the trigeminal pathway, we detected the increased mRNA expression of cFOS and ATF3 as well as alterations in cytokines’ levels. Thus, the wavelength-dependent light aversion was mainly mediated by melanopsin-containing cells, most likely in the retina. Other potential pathways of light reception were also discussed. The phototoxic message was transmitted to the trigeminal system, inducing both inflammation at the ocular surface and stress in the retina. Further investigations of retina-TG connections are needed

    Soft 3D retinal implants with diamond electrode a way for focal stimulation

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    International audienceIn neuroprostheses, the focal stimulation of the neuronal tissues is today a real challenge. These questions are particularly important in retinal prostheses to improve the quality of the images mapped onto an electrode array. It has been demonstrated that to achieve a normal vision the future generation of retinal implant must have 600 pixels with a pitch between electrodes around 50 μm. The long term in-vivo stability of electrodes in contact with the tissues remains a general and important challenge. After several days of implantation several histological studies show an inflammatory of the tissue at the interface between the electrode and tissues. Here we proposed a new approach based on retinal implants fabricated from 3D shaped diamond electrodes exhibiting both an improvement of the spatial resolution of the stimulation and a long term bio-inertness