442 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Balanced Scorecard dan Analytical Hierarcy Process (AHP) Dalam Penentuan Karyawan Berprestasi (Studi Kasus : Kantor Pertanahan Kota Pekanbaru)

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    The National Land Agency (abbreviated BPN in Indonesian) is a non-ministerial government institution that is under and responsible to the President and led by the Head (in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 63 of 2013). The problems that occur at the Pekanbaru Land Office in determining outstanding employees are only seen based on the results of the work they do, not based on the criteria for each employee. Therefore, this study was conducted to provide application in determining outstanding employees with more detailed results based on the criteria of each employee using several methods, including the Balanced Scorecard method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the research results, it is known that based on the Balanced Scorecard method, the criteria to be used are Comprehension, Accuracy, Craft, and Discipline with the same highest value, namely 12.25. After that, each employee was assessed based on the criteria using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with the highest score being DHEA with a value of 0.301


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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Praktikum Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Sifat-Sifat Penyangga Minuman Isotonik” bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS praktikum inkuiri terbimbing dan memperoleh informasi mengenai keterlaksanaan tahapan inkuiri, respon siswa serta penilaian guru dan dosen terhadap LKS yang dikembangkan. Langkah penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu studi pendahuluan (studi kepustakaan, survei lapangan, dan penyusunan produk awal) dan pengembangan model (uji coba terbatas). Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah 10 SMA di Kota Bandung, bahan ajar kimia, siswa kelas XII di SMAN 16 Bandung, 7 orang guru kimia SMA, serta 3 orang dosen jurusan kimia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar analisis LKS praktikum, pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan praktikum, pedoman penilaian jawaban siswa terhadap tugas LKS, angket respon siswa, serta lembar penilaian LKS oleh guru dan dosen. Hasil penelitian pada tahap studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik LKS pada materi pokok larutan penyangga yang tersedia saat ini adalah LKS cookbook. Karakteristik LKS praktikum inkuiri terbimbing yang dikembangkan terdiri dari fenomena, arahan rumusan masalah, arahan dalam membuat hipotesis, arahan dalam mengumpulkan data (memilih bahan, memilih alat, merancang prosedur percobaan, melakukan percobaan, menuliskan hasil pengamatan dan menjawab pertanyaan analisis data), arahan membuktikan hipotesis, dan arahan membuat kesimpulan. Keterlaksanaan praktikum menggunakan LKS yang dikembangkan tergolong baik sekali 94,23% yang terdiri dari observasi keterlaksanaan praktikum (100%) dan penilaian jawaban siswa terhadap tugas-tugas dalam LKS (88,46%). Adapun respon siswa terhadap praktikum menggunakan LKS yang dikembangkan tergolong baik (78,57%). Berdasarkan penilaian guru dan dosen terhadap LKS tergolong baik sekali (88,56%) yang terdiri dari kesesuaian LKS yang dikembangkan dengan konsep larutan penyangga (88,86%) dan kesesuaian LKS yang dikembangkan terhadap tata bahasa (88,27%). Kata kunci: LKS, Inkuiri terbimbing, Sifat penyangga, Minuman isotonik. This study entitled “The Development of Worksheet in Guided Inquiry Lab Work on Isotonic Drink Buffer Properties” is aimed at developing worksheet in a guided inquiry lab work and gaining information regarding the implementation of inquiry steps, the students’ responses and the teachers’ as well as the lecturers’ assessment toward the students’ worksheet developed. The steps of conducting the research are prior study (literature review, field survey, and early products construction) and model development (limited try out). The data sources of the research are ten senior high schools in Bandung, chemistry materials, twelfth graders in SMAN 16 Bandung, seven senior high school chemistry teachers and three lecturers from chemistry education department, Indonesia University of Education. The instruments used in the research are analysis sheet for the worksheets in lab work, interview guidance, observation sheet for lab work, assessment guidance for the worksheets, the students’ response questionnaires and assessment sheets for the worksheets given to the teachers and the lecturers. The results from the prior study show that the worksheets characteristic available in the recent time is cookbook. The developed worksheets characteristics comprise phenomena, guidance for the research problem, guidance for making hypothesis, guidance for collecting data (selecting materials, selecting tools, designing experiment procedures, experimenting, writing the observation results, and answering the data analysis questions), guidance for testing the hypothesis and guidance for drawing conclusions. The implementation of the lab work using the developed worksheets is categorized very good (94,23%) that consists of the observation of the implemented lab work (100%) and the assessment of the students’ answers toward the assignments in the worksheet (88,46%). The students’ responses toward the implemented lab work using the developed worksheet are good (78,57%). The teachers’ and the lecturers’ assessment toward the developed worksheet is considered very good (88,56%) which comprises the suitability of the worksheet with the concept of buffer solution (88,86%) and with linguistic aspects (88,27%). Keywords: Worksheet, Guided Inquiry, Buffer Properties, Isotonic Drink


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the Human Resource Development Strategy Design (HRD) is in line with the Plans and Strategies at PT Essei Perbama (PT ESPE). The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were interviews, documentation studies and literature review. The interview method this time was conducted to collect information regarding the implementation of HR development at PT ESPE which was sourced directly from the board of directors and company management. Meanwhile, the data analysis method used is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. The types and sources of this research data are primary and secondary data. The sample in this study who were interviewed amounted to 4 people. Interviews were conducted with HR managers from PT ESPE and the author conducted interviews with 3 people in top management. The findings of this study indicate that the business strategy of PT ESPE is relevant to Porter's (1980) generic strategy theory, namely the cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, and focus strategy. Then the business strategy that has been determined by PT ESPE can be continued with the HR strategy by using an approach to the same theory, namely the HR strategy of Porter (1980). There are 3 choices of HRM strategies that can be applied from the results of business strategy development, namely: (1) Emphasis on innovation and flexibility; (2) The existence of training based on teamwork; (3) Evaluation using job appraisal.    Keywords: strategic design; HR development; alignment; plans and strategies; PT ESPE.   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Rancangan Strategi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) apakah selaras dengan Rencana dan Strategi di PT Essei Perbama (PT ESPE). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara (interview), studi dokumentasi dan kajian pustaka. Metode wawancara kali ini dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai penerapan pengembangan SDM di PT ESPE yang bersumber langsung dari direksi serta manajemen perusahaan. Sedangkan, metode analisa data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan serta verifikasi. Adapun jenis dan sumber data penelitian ini yaitu primer dan data sekunder. Sampel pada penelitian ini yang diwawancara berjumlah 4 orang. Wawancara dilakukan dengan manajer HR dari PT ESPE dan penulis melakukan wawancara kepada 3 orang yang ada di top management. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi bisnis dari PT ESPE relevan dengan teori strategi generik Porter (1980) yaitu strategi keunggulan biaya, strategi diferensiasi, dan strategi fokus. Kemudian strategi bisnis yang sudah ditentukan oleh PT ESPE dapat dilanjutkan dengan strategi MSDM dengan menggunakan pendekatan pada teori yang sama yaitu strategi SDM dari Porter (1980). Terdapat 3 pilihan dari strategi MSDM yang dapat diterapkan dari hasil pengembangan strategi bisnis yaitu: (1) Menekankan pada inovasi dan fleksibilitas; (2) Adanya training yang berbasis pada kerjasama tim; (3) Evaluasi menggunakan penilaian kerja. Kata kunci:    rancangan strategi; pengembangan SDM; selaras; rencana dan strategi; PT ESPE.    

    Aloe soap value chain initiative and its effect on livelihood diversification strategy: the case of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists of Borana, Southern Ethiopia

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    This study aimed at assessing the effect of ‘ Aloe soap value chain initiative ’ on pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in supplementing their livelihood diversification strategy to overcome impacts of recurrent shocks in the Didayabello, Fulduwa and Dambala Badana Pastoral Associations (PA) in Yabello, Arero and Dire districts, respectively, of Borana Zone. Wild Aloe plant is one of the abundant plant species found in the area and most neglected/underutilized as means of livelihoods except for few traditional medicines and ritual purposes. The research employed qualitative and quantitative research methods using both primary and secondary data. Purposive sampling method was used by which three sample PA administrations with potential aloe soap processing sub-centers were selected for data collection. A total of 120 sample households (60 participants and 60 nonparticipants) were selected by using probability proportional to size for the survey. Data analysis was made by descriptive statistics and econometrics using propensity score matching method. The study, therefore, had evaluated the effect of aloe soap value chain initiatives interventions in the target PAs. It has used cross-sectional survey data of 2012-2013 to see the effect of the intervention in supplementing the participants livelihood diversification strategy. The intervention has resulted in an increased amount of income to participants earning an average total income of Birr 2688.70 per month from the aloe soap production. . Besides being a productive plant species with best economic value, the Aloe plant species are found to be environmental friendly, drought tolerant and best for soil and water conservation, in addition to its magnificent medicinal uses. Based on the results obtained, such innovative product of market development interventions has a paramount importance for the enhancement of alternative livelihood diversification strategies of the pastoralists and agro-pastoralists

    Perancangan Kemasan Telur Asin "Cah Angon" Di Brebes

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    PERANCANGAN KEMASAN TELUR ASIN “CAH ANGON” DI BREBES Taneswari Dega Viratri1 Hermansyah Muttaqin, S.Sn., M.Sn.2, Esty Wulandari, S.Sos., M.Si.3 ABSTRAK 2015, Taneswari Dega Viratri. Pengantar Tugas Akhir ini berjudul “Perancangan Kemasan Telur Asin “Cah Angon” Di Brebes”. Adapun permasalahan yang dikaji adalah (1) Bagaimana merancang kemasan telur asin “Cah Angon” yang dapat melindungi produknya serta menarik? (2) Bagaimana memilih media yang tepat untuk mempromosikan telur asin “Cah Angon”? Tujuan perancangan kemasan “Cah Angon” ini adalah untuk membuat kemasan telur asin yang dapat melindungi produknya dengan baik serta membuat tampilan grafis kemasan yang menarik agar konsumen tertarik membeli serta mengingat merek dari telur asin “ Cah Angon”. _______________________ 1 Mahasiswa Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual dengan NIM C0709070 2 Dosen Pembimbing I 3 Dosen Pembimbing I

    The Social and Ecological Trajectory of Prehistoric Cambodian Earthworks

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    This article moves discussion of prehistoric earthworks in Cambodia from normative archaeology into an ecological landscape structure, based on archaeological data sets. Discussions provide a synthesis of archaeological and newly borne-out ecological explanations for original site construction, occupation, landscape use, sustainability of occupation for the earthwork culture over a 2000-year period and terminal use of the sites. A model is presented to assess site abandonment and post-earthwork region settlement patterns

    A Brief Study of Cambodian Circular Earthwork Ceramics as

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    Prehistoric circular earthwork sites occurring across the basaltic plateau of eastern Cambodia/western Vietnam are internally homogenous in terms of site characteristics and material record. Energy Dispersive X-Ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis of several earthwork ceramic assemblage samples was studied in efforts to identify if ceramic production centers could be recognized within the circular site grouping. The EDXRF study provides an additional level of analysis to show that earthwork pottery was not being traded further south, into the Mekong Delta floodplains, and vice-versa


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    Abstract Jolotundo is one of the historical heritage objects in the area of ​​cultural tourism in Trawas subdistrict in Mojokerto district but its numbers of visitors is lesser than in cultural attractions in Trowulan subdistrict. This research aimed to know the supporting factors and obstacles of tourism development based on some aspects of tourism, and to know the right strategy to develop Jolotundo using SWOT analysis. This research use quantitative study. The setting of the research was Jolotundo site in Mojokerto. There were 100 respondents as the samples selected using purposive sampling method. Data were collected using observation, questionnaires and documentation, and analyzed using scoring technique, and SWOT analysis. The result of the research showed that the supporting factors Jolotundo as cultural heritage tourism were the gazebo and joglo, the food stall and the souvenir, human resources, national-wide promotion, as well as good road accessibility The inhibiting factors of development were old and less infrastructure facilities such as public toilets and lodging, the less frequently promotion that was onlyl twice a month, the absence of public transportation, and lack of supporting facilities such as hotel communications, and restaurants around tourism. The Strategy to develop the tourismwas based on SWOT analysis is in quadrant I, Recommendation given strategy was Progressive. The right strategy done at the Jolotundo Site attractions was to preserve historical heritage as the main attraction of Jolotundo Site tourism by taking care of the temple and maintaining the asset. Increasing the construction of basic infrastructure such as public and utilize human resources and building accessibility are enough and able to facilitate visitors. Keywords  : Cultural Tourism, Development, SWOT Abstrak Obyek wisata Situs Jolotundo merupakan salah satu obyek wisata peninggalan sejarah di kawasan peruntukan pariwisata budaya Kabupaten Mojokerto yaitu di Kecamatan Trawas. Kunjungan wisatawan cenderung lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan di obyek wisata budaya di Kecamatan Trowulan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pengembangan pariwisata dilihat dari beberapa aspek pariwisata, serta untuk mengetahui strategi  pengembangan yang tepat obyek wisata Situs Jolotundo dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di obyek wisata Situs Jolotundo Kecamatan Trawas, Mojokerto. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Peneliti mengambil sampel 100 orang responden. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik skoring, serta analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor pendukung pengembangan  obyek wisata Situs Jolotundo adalah daya tarik obyek wisata Situs Jolotundo sebagai warisan sejarah, adanya gazebo dan joglo, warung makan dan tempat oleh-oleh, sumberdaya manusia, promosi tingkat nasional, serta aksesibilitas jalan yang sudah baik. Faktor penghambat pengembangan adalah sarana prasarana yang sudah tua dan kurang seperti toilet umum dan penginapan, frekuensi promosi yang masih dua kali dalam sebulan, tidak adanya transportasi umum, dan kurangnya fasilitas penunjang seperti komunikasi hotel, dan restoran yang ada disekitar obyek wisata. Strategi pengembangan wisata berdasarkan analisis SWOT berada pada kuadran I, Rekomendasi strategi yang diberikan adalah Progresif. Strategi yang tepat dilakukan di obyek wisata Situs Jolotundo adalah menjaga peninggalan sejarah sebagai daya tarik utama obyek wisata Situs. Meningkatkan pembangunan sarana prasarana pokok di lokasi obyek wisata serta memanfaatkan sumber daya manusia yang ada dengan maksimal dan menggencarkan promosi dan membangun aksesibilitas yang memadai dan memudahkan pengunjung. Kata Kunci : Pariwisata Budaya, Pengembangan, SWO


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    Tulungagung Regency as one of the districts that has a considerable potential for marine waters, makes the development of the role of the Fisheries and Marine Sector in Tulungagung Regency, able to absorb labor and help the community's economy. However, in these two years, the production of capture fisheries in Tulungagung Regency has continued to decline. Nevertheless, the Tulungagung Regency Government through the Fisheries Service still has a high commitment to build and improve facilities and infrastructure in an effort to improve the economy of the fishery business community, so that welfare can be realized for the community, especially those engaged in the fisheries business sector. This research uses a qualitative approach method, which is a research step that explores a deeper picture of looking at all activities in their context. Data collection through interview and observation methods. The subjects determined were the Head of the Fisheries Service, the Head of aquaculture, the head of the capture fisheries sector and the fish farming community. The validity of the data is evidenced by the trianggulation of sources through quality analysis which consists of several procedures such as data reduction, presentation and conclusion making.Kabupaten Tulungagung sebagai salah satu kabupaten yang mempunyai potensi perairan laut yang cukup besar, menjadikan pengembangan peran Sektor Perikanan dan Kelautan di Kabupaten Tulungagung, mampu menyerap tenaga kerja dan membantu perekonomian masyarakat. Namun, dalam dua tahun ini, produksi perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Tulungagung terus menurun. Meskipun demikian, Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulungagung melalui Dinas Perikanan tetap memiliki komitmen tinggi untuk membangun dan meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat pelaku usaha perikanan, sehingga bisa terwujudnya kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat khususnya yang bergerak dalam sektor usaha perikanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu langkah penelitian yang menggali gambaran lebih mendalam memandang seluruh aktivitas didalam konteksnya. Pengumpulan data melalui metode wawancara dan observasi. Subjek yang ditentukan adalah Kepala Dinas Perikanan, Kepala Bidang Perikanan Budidaya, Kepala Bidang Perikanan Tangkap dan masyarakat pembudidaya ikan. Keabsahan data dibuktikan dengan trianggulasi sumber melalui analisis kualitatuif yang terdiri dari beberapa prosedur sperti reduksi data, penyajian dan pengambilan kesimpulan
