21 research outputs found


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    The issue of the use of hyphenated words in terminology is significant both from the semantic and the structural aspect of the Latvian language. In Latvian literary theory hyphenated words are used extensively to name professions or types of occupation, for example, writer-satirist and author-storyteller. The greatest part of the hyphenated words are used to diversify and describe genres more precisely, for example, poem-letter, novel-poem, story-fairy tale.In the 20th century Latvian linguistics hyphenated words are used often enough and deserve to be discussed in a separate study. They are either loans or word combinations derived according to the loan word pattern (most often English or Russian).KEY WORDS: literary theory, terminology, terminological units, hyphenated words

    State-space solutions to standard H_2 and H_∞ control problems

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    Simple state-space formulas are presented for a controller solving a standard H_∞-problem. The controller has the same state-dimension as the plant, its computation involves only two Riccati equations, and it has a separation structure reminiscent of classical LQG (i.e., H_2) theory. This paper is also intended to be of tutorial value, so a standard H_2-solution is developed in parallel

    Formação de treinadores(as) no contexto universitário: a complexidade da apropriação e do desenvolvimento do ensino centrado no(a) aprendiz

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the initial development of learner-centered teaching (LCT) in the “Sports Coach” course, from the Sports Science program at University of Campinas. Following a qualitative approach and action research procedures, we present the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the LCT in the course through the program and institutional plan, class plans and logbook; the teachers' perspective through critical-reflective conversations and logbook entries; the opinions of the student-coaches through questionnaires and focus group. We used the thematic analysis technique. The LCT was shown to be complex, especially due to the appropriation of principles and development as an approach. The student-coaches perceived an approximation of the course to the practical reality of the coach, contributing to motivation and significant learning. We emphasize the need to train teachers in LCT and the approximation of the role of coach developers in coach education at the university.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el desarrollo inicial de la enseñanza centrada en el alumno (ECA) en la disciplina "Entrenador Deportivo" de la carrera de Ciencias del Deporte de la Universidad Estatal de Campinas. Siguiendo un enfoque cualitativo y utilizando procedimientos de investigación-acción, presentamos la planificación, implementación y evaluación del ECA en la disciplina a través del programa y plan institucional, los planes de lecciones y la bitácora. Abordamos la perspectiva de los docentes mediante conversaciones crítico-reflexivas y apuntes en la bitácora, así como las opiniones de los estudiantes-entrenadores a través de cuestionarios y grupos focales. Empleamos la técnica de análisis temático. El ECA resultó ser un enfoque complejo, especialmente en cuanto a la apropiación de principios y desarrollo. Los estudiantes-entrenadores percibieron una aproximación de la disciplina a la realidad práctica del entrenador, lo que contribuyó a la motivación y al aprendizaje significativo. Destacamos la necesidad de capacitar a los docentes en ECA y de abordar el papel de los formadores de entrenadores en la educación universitaria inicial.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o desenvolvimento inicial do ensino centrado no(a) aprendiz (ECA) na disciplina “Treinador Desportivo”, do curso de Ciências do Esporte da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Seguindo uma abordagem qualitativa e procedimentos da pesquisa-ação, apresentamos o planejamento, implementação e avaliação do ECA na disciplina por meio do programa e plano institucional, planos de aula e diário de bordo; a perspectiva das docentes por conversas crítico-reflexivas e registros em diário de bordo; as opiniões de estudantes-treinadores(as) por questionários e grupo focal. Utilizamos a técnica de análise temática. O ECA se mostrou complexo, especialmente pela apropriação dos princípios e desenvolvimento enquanto abordagem. Os(as) estudantes-treinadores(as) perceberam uma aproximação da disciplina à realidade prática do(a) treinador(a), contribuindo com a motivação e aprendizagem significativa. Enfatizamos a necessidade de formação de docentes acerca do ECA e aproximação com o papel de formadores(as) de treinadores(as) na formação inicial universitária

    Mērķhipotēžu izvirzīšana latviešu valodas apguvēju korpusā

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    Funding Information: This work has received financial support from the Latvian Council of Science under the grant agreement No. lzp-2018/1-0527 (“Development of Learner Corpus of Latvian: methods, tools and applications”) in synergy with the Latvian State Research Programme “Latvian Language”, agreement No. VPP-IZM-2018/2-0002 (subproject “Acquisition of Latvian Language”). Keywords: corpus; learner corpus; target hypothesis; language acquisition; error annotation; corpus linguistics. Publisher Copyright: © 2020 University of Latvia. All rights reserved.Apguvēju korpuss ir sistemātiski datorizētu valodas apguvēju (gan svešvalodas, gan otrās valodas) veidotu tekstu datubāze. Tas ir ārvalstnieku valodas apguvēju īpatnību izpētes un datos balstītu latviešu valodas mācību materiālu un metodisko līdzekļu izstrādes pamats. Apguvēju korpusu, tāpat kā citus valodas korpusus, var marķēt dažādos valodas līmeņos (morfoloģiski, sintaktiski), bet īpaši nozīmīgs apguvēju valodas izpētē ir kļūdu marķējums un tajā balstītā kļūdu analīze. Kļūdu analīzi ietekmē divi faktori: 1) izraudzītie kļūdu tipi jeb kļūdu tipoloģija un 2) izvirzītās mērķhipotēzes, t. i., labotais teksts. Tādēļ pirms kļūdu marķēšanas ir būtiski vienoties, kas tiks marķēts un kā tas tiks darīts. Raksta ievadā ir īsi raksturots veidojamais „Latviešu valodas apguvēju korpuss” (LaVA), aplūkots mērķhipotēzes jēdziens un mērķhipotēzes nozīme valodas apguvēju korpusa izveides procesā. Rakstā ir izklāstīti galvenie mērķhipotēzes izvirzīšanas principi korpusā LaVA, kā arī minēti konkrēti piemēri, kā valodas apguvēju izteikumi tiek laboti atbilstoši latviešu valodas normām un kādas ir būtiskākās atkāpes, kas tiek pieļautas A learner corpus is a computerized textual database of the language produced by foreign language learners. Such corpus enables researchers to create more efficient learning materials and teaching methodology for language learners by using the corpus-driven error analysis. The learner's corpus, like other language corpora, can be annotated at different language levels (morphologically, syntactically); however, corpus-based error annotation and the corpus-based error analysis are especially important in the learner's language research. Error analysis is influenced by certain factors: 1) the error types setup or error typology; and 2) target hypothesis setup, e. g., corrected text. Therefore, it is crucial to have special guidelines indicating the subject of annotation and the methods how the annotation is performed. The article begins with description of “The Latvian Learner corpus” (LaVA) and its initial development strategies, the term of target hypothesis and its role in the creation of the learner corpus. The main target hypothesis setup criteria in the LaVa corpus is also provided with the examples showing how the language learners' utterances are being corrected according to the language norms, and the main deviations from the rules allowed.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Aprendizaje de programación de robots en el sector educativo

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    El objetivo de la presente memoria es la creación de una herramienta que permita a los alumnos de ciclos de grado medio o superior de las ramas de automatización y electrónica, profundizar en el conocimiento de los principios básicos de funcionamiento de los Robots industriales, así como iniciarse en el manejo de una herramienta de programación profesional que les permita incrementar sus posibilidades de integración en el mundo profesional una vez finalizados sus estudios. Por tanto, ésta memoria se construye con el objetivo de ser un complemento a la formación académica recibida durante su formación, pero también con la posibilidad de ser integrada dentro de la programación reglada de los diferentes ciclos descritos en ésta memoria. La memoria está diseñada cómo si fuera una unidad didáctica con sus objetivos didácticos, contenidos, resultados de aprendizaje, metodología utilizada y su temporalización. Dentro de los contenidos el autor ha decidido incluir aquellos conceptos teóricos que, bajo su experiencia profesional, considera claves para la formación del estudiante, explicados siempre de una forma sencilla y lo más visual posible, apoyándonos siempre en el software profesional en cuestión, de modo que cada concepto siempre tenga una aplicación inmediata. Ésta memoria se completa con seis actividades realizadas en modalidad de “video learning”, dónde el estudiante repasará los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos y a su vez se iniciará en el manejo de una herramienta profesional de programación utilizada en el mundo de la Robótica Industrial.The main goal of this report is the creation of a tool that allows students of middle o higher degree cycles of the branches of automation and electronics increase their knowledge of the basics principles of operation of industrial robots. In addition, to start in the management of a professional programming tool that allows them to increase their possibilities of integration into the professional world. Therefore, this report is built with the aim of being a complement to the academic formation received during their training stage, but also with the possibility to be integrated into the regulated programming of the different cycles described in this report. The memory is designed like a didactic unit including objectives, contents, learning results, methodology used and scheduling. Within the contents, the author has decided to include the main theoretical concepts that under his professional experience he considers keys to the student’s training developed always in a simple and visual way. This report is completed with six activities carried out in a “video learning” mode, by which the students will be able to review the main concepts included in this report as well as take their first steps managing a professional programming tool used in the world of Industrial Robots.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    A Influência Da Nova Abordagem Por Competência Na Metodologia De Ensino Utilizada Por Professores Do 1ºano Do Ensino Básico Integrado

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    Este trabalho tem como objectivo principal averiguar se a abordagem por competência tem modificado a metodologia de ensino utilizada pelos professores EBI designadamente das escolas: António Nunes, Capelinha, Colégio da Turminha e Colégio Semear, todas localizadas na cidade da Praia. A abordagem por competência integra-se na escola como um processo de mudança, que de acordo com a reorganização curricular de 2006 do Ensino Básico Integrado, particularmente para o 1º ano, e a após sua generalização no ano lectivo 2012/13, pressupõe um ensino por competência com apoio em uma metodologia mais activa, de modo que o aluno aprenda com base em acções desencadeadas por desafios, problemas, projectos, entre outros. Essas mudanças mudam o papel do professor, onde este deixa de ter um papel de mero transmissor de conhecimentos, e passa a ser considerado um mediador/facilitador das aprendizagens efectuados pelos alunos, fazendo com que os estes adquiram um espírito critico, proactivo e autónomo. Para melhor compreender a influência da abordagem por competência na metodologia de ensino utlizada pelo professor no desenvolvimento de competências, realizamos a nossa pesquisa científica através de uma abordagem qualitativa, em que os resultados do nosso estudo apontam que a abordagem por competência tem influenciado a metodologia de ensino utilizada pelos professores na sala de aula, modificando assim, os métodos, as estratégias de ensinar, as actividades práticas desenvolvidas pelos professores e a forma de se fazer a avaliação das aprendizagens dos alunos

    La profession d'interprète Langue des signes québécoise-français : vers un profil de sortie de la formation

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    Le métier d’interprète Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ)-français n’est toujours pas reconnu officiellement au Québec comme une profession et aucune formation spécifique n’est exigée par les employeurs pour occuper un emploi dans ce domaine. Plusieurs recherches démontrent l’insatisfaction des utilisateurs, des employeurs et des interprètes eux-mêmes à l’égard de leurs compétences. En éducation, l’approche par compétence tente justement d’arrimer la formation à la réalité professionnelle. Le profil de sortie est le premier objet curriculaire à concevoir lorsqu’on souhaite mettre en place un programme selon cette approche. Il est constitué, entre autres, d’un ensemble d’énoncés de compétences que l’étudiant doit maîtriser au terme de son parcours d’études. Cette recherche, qualitative et appliquée, a pour objectif de constituer le profil de sortie d’une formation professionnelle en interprétation LSQ-français. Afin d’y arriver, elle procède au recueil et à la description fine des pratiques professionnelles de référence des interprètes par le biais d’entretiens collectifs auprès de trois groupes : les interprètes, les Sourds et les employeurs. Le corpus de données constitué a été traité selon une démarche inductive afin de faire émerger les activités professionnelles des interprètes et les ressources mobilisées nécessaires à leur actualisation. À partir de ces résultats, du cadre théorique et de recommandations d’experts consultés par questionnaire, cette recherche propose un profil de sortie constitué de huit grandes compétences, auxquelles sont associées un ensemble d’habiletés, de connaissances et d’attitudes. En conclusion, cette recherche propose que la conception et la mise en œuvre d’un programme conçu à partir de ce profil de sortie se fassent selon l’approche-programme. Il permettrait de répondre aux insatisfactions exprimées par les interprètes, les employeurs et les Sourds et serait un vecteur de professionnalisation pour les interprètes.The profession of interpreting between Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) and French has yet to be formally recognized in Quebec, and employees working in this field are not required to have any specific training. Many studies have indicated a general dissatisfaction among users, employers, and even interpreters themselves regarding the skill level within the profession. In the field of education, competency-based learning aims to make training an integral part of professional practice. When designing curriculum using a competency-based approach, the exit profile should be the first point of order. This profile includes the full list of competencies that students should have acquired during their studies. The aim of this thesis, which combines qualitative and applied research, was to establish an exit profile for professional training in LSQ-French interpretation. This was done by gathering and dissecting best practices in professional interpretation through group interviews with three groups: interpreters, Deaf people, and employers. The data was analysed using an inductive approach to identify the professional activities of interpreters and the dedicated resources that these require. Based on the results, the theoretical framework, and survey obtained expert recommendations, this thesis proposes an exit profile consisting of eight principal competencies, associated in turn with a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes. It ultimately suggests that a program inspired by this exit profile be designed and implemented using a program based approach. This would address the dissatisfaction expressed by interpreters, employers, and the Deaf community and facilitate professionalization in the interpreting field

    A gas micromechanical sensor based on surface plasmon resonance

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    peer reviewedWe will present a new concept related to the micromechanical sensors for detecting the presence and concentration of chemical substances and/or biological organisms. A bi-dimensional array of micro-cantilever coated by different types of sensing layer enables to identify a characteristic chemical composition of the gas in real-time mode. The selective molecular absorption by cantilever sensing layer will produce cantilever bending proportional to the concentration of molecules. To increase the gas sensor sensitivity, the SPR phenomenon is used for cantilever deflection monitoring

    A far infrared/terahertz micromechanical sensor based on surface plasmons resonance

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    peer reviewedThis paper describes a new concept related to the bolometric micromechanical sensors for detecting far IR and THz radiation. We believe that this concept permits a low cost and ease of fabrication of large bi-dimensional array of sensors with an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. The micromechanical sensor comprises a thermo-sensitive bi-material (multimaterial) micro-cantilever beam with a selective absorber dedicated to far IR and THz radiation energy, and optical readout system based on surface plasmon resonance for detecting the bending of the micro-cantilever element. To increase the radiation detector sensitivity, the SPR phenomenon is used for cantilever deflection monitoring