64 research outputs found

    Kitchen waste management by vermicomposting using locally available epigeic earthworm species

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    A large quantity of kitchen waste is generated in India which is either burnt, left in open or landfilled posing a serious problem of its safe disposal. To mitigate this problem all the kitchen waste can be converted into highly valuable nutrient rich vermicompost using the locally available epigeic earthworms. The biodegradable kitchen waste like vegetables, fruits, food waste etc can be cultured with earthworms to form the vermicompost by using vermitechnology. Since these vermicomposts are rich in nutrients which can replace the chemical fertilizers.  In the present study the vermicomposting of kitchen waste has been attempted using locally available epigeic earthworm species of Jammu namely Amynthus diffringens, Metaphire houlleti and Octolasion tyrtaeum. The physico-chemical analysis of generated vermicomposts was carried out and compared with each other and with that of original soil sample that has been added in vermibeds prior to earthworm inoculation and addition of kitchen waste. The average values of macronutrients in the vermicompost produced by O. tyrtaeum were observed to be the highest among all types of vermicomposts i.e. Organic Carbon (OC)- 11.66 ± 0.34% , Nitrogen (N)- 1.17 ± 0.20%, Phosphorus (P)- 2.97 ± 0.32%, Potassium (K)- 1.18 ± 0.15%, Calcium (Ca)- 0.26 ± 0.04%, Magnesium (Mg)- 0.17 ± 0.04%

    A clinical study in the management of Garbhini Mutrakricchra with Shatavari Ksheerapaka w.s.r. to UTI in Pregnancy

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    Background: Pregnancy is the state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body. Profound biochemical, anatomical and physiological changes occur during the course of pregnancy. Urinary tract infections are the second most common infections worldwide. Pregnant women have 4 times higher rate of developing UTI as compared to non-pregnant women.  Pregnant women develop ureteral dilation resulting in increased urinary stasis and ureterovesical reflux due to increased progesterone level and the pressure of gravid uterus on the bladder. The classical Lakshanas of Mutrakricchra like frequent micturition, difficulty during micturition, burning sensation during micturition are similar to the signs and symptoms of Urinary tract infection. Shatavari Ksheerapaka has been mentioned in Sahasrayogam for the management of Mutrakricchra.  Shatavari is Sheeta in Virya, acts as a diuretic and helps in the reduction of Mutrakricchra symptoms. According to Bhavprakash Nighantu, Sita is Ruchikara and Ksheera is Rasayana. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Shatavari Ksheerapaka in Garbhini Mutrakricchra w.s.r UTI in Pregnancy. Method: It is a controlled clinical study of two groups consisting 15 patient each in control and trial group. Conclusion: Shatavari Ksheerapaka and Trinapanchmoola Ksheerapaka both are equally effective in treating the Garbhini Mutrakricchra w.s.r. UTI in Pregnancy

    Schwannoma in oropharynx: a rare site posing diagnostic challenge

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    Schwannomas are benign nerve sheath tumors. These arise from Schwann cells of the neural sheath. Intra oral region is a relatively uncommon site of these tumors. They are solitary, slow growing, smooth surfaced, usually asymptomatic, and encapsulated tumors, about 25% of all schwannomas are located in the head and neck, but only 1% show intraoral origin. A 22-year-old female came with dysphagia since, 3 years. FNAC was not feasible and so excision biopsy of the lesion was performed. Histopathology revealed schwannoma like picture and it was confirmed with diffuse S-100 positivity on immunohistochemistry. Hence, finally confirming schwannoma of the oropharyngeal region. Schwannomas can be found anywhere in the body but a quarter of all occur in the head and neck region. Intraorally its percentage is only 1% with tongue being the commonest. Pharyngeal presentations of schwannoma are rare. Schwannomas are benign tumors having excellent prognosis. Basically, this case report is important as these very rarely occur in the oropharyngeal region and it’s a must to consider them in the differential diagnosis of lesions at this site

    Exploring trace elemental analysis of human remains from San Pablo Medieval site using ICP-MS

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    A abordagem analítica do uso de Trace Elements (TEs) pode ser usada não só para entender o ambiente vivo e a dieta, mas até a diagênese pós mortem de qualquer resíduo humano usando a variabilidade nas composições elementares de dentes e ossos. Oito indivíduos foram amostrados do convento de San Pablo em Burgos usando seus dois tipos de tecido ósseo (ossos cortical e trabecular) do fêmur e esmalte dentário para cada caso. Três dessas amostras pertenciam à nave da igreja (século 16th -19th) enquanto o resto era encontrado no pátio do claustro pertencente ao século XIV-XVI. Essas amostras foram processadas na Espectrometria de Massa Plasmática Acoplada Induzamente (ICP-MS) para analisar as concentrações de Ca e P, bem como os TEs não essenciais e bio-essenciais, a fim de poder estabelecer a integridade das amostras e para descobrir quais TEs podem ser úteis para fazer inferências sobre a dieta antiga e a absorção diagenética e em que medida. Os dados de TE foram tratados usando diferentes ferramentas estatísticas e testes para encontrar possíveis diferenças de gênero ou mesmo diferenças intra-locais na dieta e também foram corroborados com informações coletadas a partir da análise de microwear. Verificou-se que a dieta dos indivíduos era de tipo misto com componentes vegetais e de carne, enquanto a presença de alimentos marinhos não pôde ser confirmada. Isto foi de acordo com os resultados de microwear para algumas das amostras. Usando as razões de Ba e Sr por Ca, verificou-se que os ossos corticais deram os resultados mais confiáveis para inferências sobre dieta, excluindo o uso de níveis de Mn e Fe que foram altamente afetados pela absorção diagenetica nos tecidos ósseos. Além disso, as amostras enterradas na nave da igreja podem estar consumindo mais proteínas de carne do que as enterradas no claustro, o que pode indicar uma diferença em seu status social ou uma mudança na dieta ao longo do tempo. Como esperado, para a maioria dos elementos, como Pb, Mn, Fe, Cu, os tecidos trabeculares foram os mais afetados pela absorção diagenetica, ademais, na em sua maioria superfície interna do eixo do fêmur; Abstract: The analytical approach of using Trace Elements (TEs) can be used not only to understand the living environement and diet but even post-mortem diagenesis of any human remains using the variability in the elemental compositions of both teeth and bones. Eight individuals were sampled from the convent of San Pablo in Burgos using their two types of bone tissues (cortical and trabecular bones) from the femur and tooth enamel for each case. Three of these samples belonged to the church nave (16th -19th C) while the rest were found from the cloister courtyard belonging to 14th -16th Century. These samples were processed in solution mode Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to analyse concentrations of Ca and P as well as both non-essential and bio-essential TEs in order to be able to establish the integrity of the samples and to find out which TEs can be helpful in making inferences on ancient diet and diagenetic uptake and to which extent. The TE data was treated using different statistical tools and tests to find possible gender differences or even intra-site differences in the diet and was also corroborated with information gathered from microwear analysis. It was found that the diet of the individuals was of a mixed type with both vegetal and meat components while presence of marine food could not be confirmed. This was in accordance with the microwear results for some of the samples. Using the Ba and Sr ratios to Ca, it was found that cortical bones gave the most reliable results for inferences on diet excluding the use of Mn and Fe levels which were both highly affected by diagenetic uptake in the bone tissues. Additionally, the samples buried in church nave might be consuming more meat proteins than those buried in the cloister which might indicate a difference in their social status or a change in the diet through time. As expected, for most of the elements such as Pb, Mn, Fe, Cu, trabecular tissues were the most affected by diagenetic uptake moreover mosly at the inner surface of the femur shaft

    An overview of pesticides in the development of agriculture crops

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    The development of agriculture yield is closely related to the use of pesticides. This review categorizes and identifies the pathway of toxicity in the environment and their prevention measures to reduce risks from pesticide use. The inherent properties of selected pesticides released into the environment through different routes such as spray, drift, vaporization, surface run-off, unlawful acts, spills and drainage discharges, and through leaching or soil dust are related to their potential effects on environmental health. The intensive use of various pesticides like BHC, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, DDT, endosulfan and pyrethroids have harmful effects on non-target organisms and interfere in the development of agriculture crops. The preventive measures for pesticides are the crop rotation, use of protective equipment, integrated pest management, protection and regulation policy in pesticide application. The development of alternatives to pesticides is also needed in order to advance the design of better farming systems. A regular monitoring programme of pest management would help to improve the production of high quality of food as well as to protect the health of the environment and humans

    Incandescent Cultures: Cultural Expressions in Lighting Design

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    Lighting design and cultural expression have the potential to create cultural nostalgia leading to positive emotional states. The above phenomena were explored with immigrants from Persian, Chinese, South Asian and Anglo-Saxon Canadian ethnicities living in Toronto, with the objective of creating a human-centered design of a culturally inclusive lighting design. Using an inclusive design approach and a human-centered design process, data were gathered from 15 participants from above cultures about their lighting and cultural preferences using a questionnaire survey and contextual interview in their residences. With their consent, photographs of lighting and cultural artefacts around their living spaces were collected. Analysis of the data revealed significant information about their use of lighting, space and colour to enhance their positive emotions, using which three personalizable, multicultural lighting system designs were conceptualized

    Are menstrual knowledge outcome scores similar among rural and urban girls?

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    Background: Adolescent girls constitute a vulnerable group particularly in India where menstruation is still regarded as something dirty and messy. The cultural and social influences appear to be hurdle for advancement of knowledge of the subject. This results in adverse health outcomes in these adolescent girls. Awareness about menstruation and hygienic practices followed during menstruation are of immense importance as it has a health impact in terms of increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infection.Aim: a) To assess and compare the knowledge regarding menstruation in rural and urban adolescent girls. b) To associate the findings with the selected socio-demographic variables.Subjects and methods: A community based, cross sectional study was undertaken among 715 adolescent schools going girls in the field practice area of the RHTC and UHTC of Department of Community Medicine, District Bareilly. A pre-designed, pretested structured questionnaire was used in the study regarding knowledge and perception of the school going girls regarding menstruation.Results: Majority of the girls had first heard of menstruation and acquired knowledge related to it before attaining menarche (72.45%). The major source of information was from their mothers and sisters (60.6%). Maximum number of girls was not aware of the source of bleeding (53.7%). Statistically significant difference with knowledge scores was seen in girls of higher standards, maternal literacy and father’s occupation.Conclusion: Several factors are known to influence menstrual behaviour, the most significant being maternal literacy and father’s occupation. Imparting knowledge about menstruation and safe practices during menstruation is necessary to mitigate the suffering of adolescent girls. Therefore promoting positive attitudes towards management of menstruation and related problems among the adolescent girls is the need of the hour.Keywords: Menstruation, Knowledge, Perceptio

    Leukocytosis- A tight roped walk

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    It is common for patients to reveal a leukocytosis (increased white blood cell count) within twenty four hours of initiation of a glucocorticoid. It is important for clinicians to be aware of this expected side effect and to understand the rationale for such an increase. Here, we present a case of nine years old boy with intracranial space occupying lesion (medulloblastoma) posted for surgery who was on oral steroids and had leucocytosis which gradually subsided on stopping steroids

    Spectrum of Childhood and Adolescent Ovarian Tumors in India: 25 Years Experience at a Single Institution

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    BACKGROUND: Ovarian tumour in children and adolescent girls form an uncommon but important part of gynaecological malignancies. They account for 1% of all the childhood malignancies and 8% of all abdominal tumours in children. Since the ovarian cysts are thought to arise from mature follicles, these tumours were considered to be infrequent in the paediatric population.AIM: The rarity of this condition prompted us to conduct this study and share our experience on the incidence and clinicopathological features of different ovarian tumours in girls up to 20 years of age observed in last 25 years at a single tertiary care hospital.MATERIAL AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study conducted in the Department of Pathology at a tertiary hospital, Delhi. All ovarian tumours up to the age of 20 years in the past 25 years (1990-2014) were included for the purpose of studying the clinicopathological aspects of ovarian tumours in this age group. Descriptive statistics for prevalence and age-wise prevalence was done. Chi-square test, to find an association between the age, laterality and size with malignancy was performed.RESULTS: We received a total of 1102 cases of ovarian tumours over the period of 25 years  (1990 to 2014), of which 112 (10%) cases were seen in girls up to 20 years of age. The mean age of the patients was 15.3 ± 4 years. The most common presenting complaint was pain abdomen (46.4 %) There was a statistically significant correlation found between size and malignancy status of tumours in our study (p = 0.00). Of 112 cases of ovarian tumours, 39/112 (34.8%) were malignant and 73/112 (65.2%) were benign. Mature  cystic teratoma (27.6%) was the most common type of benign tumour in this age group and immature teratomas were the most common type of malignant ovarian neoplasms.CONCLUSION: Premenarchal girls with ovarian masses may have varied presentations. Abdominal pain is the most common presenting complaint of young adolescent girls with adnexal masses. So the index of suspicion should be kept high and prompt investigations like ultrasound must be performed early to rule out such adnexal masses. Immature Teratoma was the most common malignant and mature cystic teratoma was the most common benign tumour in our study

    Comparative evaluation of Hand, Rotary and Reciprocation motion on Dentin thickness and instrumentation time in Primary anterior teeth using CBCT: An observational study

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    Ultimate goal of BMP is to extirpate the pulp tissue completely, microorganisms, debris & shaping the canal which preserves the original course of the canal to receive an obturating material. Due to various morphological challenges present in deciduous root canal, there is high demand of an improved quality & design of file system with less working length to prevent undesirable complication & reduce treatment time. Aim: To evaluate & inter-compare the dentin thickness and instrumentation time in root dentin of deciduous teeth after BMP in Hand, Rotary & Reciprocation motion with single-file systems. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 60 extracted primary single rooted teeth with un-resorbed roots were included in the study. Teeth were divided into three groups consisting of 20 teeth in each group. In Group-1 Root canal preparation was done with pediatric Hand files, In Group-2 with pediatric Single-file system in rotary motion and in Group-3 with pediatric Single-file system in reciprocating motion. Teeth were scanned before & after preparation with CBCT. Segments were analyzed for dentin thickness at 3mm,5mm and 7mm respectively. Instrumentation time was recorded by an assistant. RESULTS: Mean instrumentation time of Rotary was least as compared to Reciprocation & Hand respectively, instrumentation time taken by hand filing was significantly higher. Reciprocating filing helps in better dentin debridement at apical and the middle third and no difference was found at the coronal third among all three groups. CONCLUSIONS: Reciprocating filing helps in better dentin debridement and rotary instrumentation requires least time for canal preparation. Key words:Hand Files, Rotary Files, Reciprocating motion, CBCT
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