1,165 research outputs found
Implementasi Pelayanan Publik Di Dinas Pariwisata Di Kota Jambi
Implementation of Public Service is all services organized by public service providers as an effort to meet the needs of service recipients and implementers of legislation. Public service is basically about the vast aspects of life. In the life of the state, the government has the function of providing various public services required by the community. One thing that until now is often still a problem in the relationship between the people and the government in the region is in the field of public services, especially in terms of the quality or quality of service government apparatus to the community.Tourism is currently being intensively incentive in the city of Jambi. Lots of local and foreign tourists visiting the city of Jambi. But with the level of service is said to be less than the relevant Office to make the process of tourism is not going well.In this research used qualitative research method, so the researcher will not specify the research only based on research variable, but the whole social situation examined covering aspect of place, actors and activity that interact synergistically. The result of the research shows that the lack of public service available in the Jambi City Tourism Office makes the tourism process less good. With the level of human resources that have not qualified with the limitations of foreign language skills make the tourists, especially foreign tourists feel uncomfortable. The tourism program created by the government itself has not been fully felt directly by the community. Lack of socialization of the existence of tourism programs from the government to make people less aware of the importance of existing tourism
ABSTRAKKata Kunci : Placemat Technique, Ketuntasan Belajar, TrigonometriProses belajar matematika umumnya dilakukan dengan cara siswa mendengar penjelasan dari guru, kemudian mencatat, diberikan soal-soal, lalu PR. Sehingga membuat siswa merasa bosan dan berpengaruh pada hasil belajar yang tidak mencapai KKM. Salah satu materi yang diajarkan secara konvensional adalah trigonometri. Terkait hal tersebut, maka diterapkan suatu model pembelajaran yang aktif, yaitu melalui Placemat Technique. Penelitian ini mengangkat masalah apakah melalui penerapan Placemat Technique siswa dapat mencapai ketuntasan belajar pada materi trigonometri di kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Banda Aceh?. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui ketuntasan belajar siswa melalui penerapan Placemat Technique pada materi trigonometri di kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Banda Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Banda Aceh yang terdiri dari 9 kelas. Sampelnya diambil satu kelas yang dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Untuk mendapatkan data digunakan instrumen penelitian berupa tes hasil belajar dalam bentuk soal uraian (esai). Data diperoleh dari lembaran jawaban siswa dan diolah melalui statistik uji-t pada taraf signifikan ? = 0,05. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Banda Aceh dapat mencapai ketuntasan belajar pada materi trigonometri melalui penerapan Placemat Technique
Pengaruh Corporate Culture The Ritz-Carlton Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Di The Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort & SPA)
These day corporate cultures have been confessed as one of important capital which must be owned by a company. Because with the existence of culture believed, learned, and applied together by all employee in company, expected process of target attainment which have been specified ambulatory effectively and efficient. Corporate Culture will determine what may and may not be done by all organizational member, behavioral boundary, nature of and form the operation and also observation, leadership style, technique of emotion channeling in interaction between one and another, and also as controller of stability in organization. Realized of corporate culture as efficient and effective ways in target attainment, every company obliges every employees joining to learn and apply the corporate culture in all day when they are as the company worker. Besides corporate culture, satisfaction work of the employees also represent one of important problem which must always watched by management in order to management and make-up of performance human resource in company. Employee who is satisfied in working will give something more than expected. Satisfaction work the employees will affect to employees performance, direct will affect to performance of company. Work in a company work also with the form culture embraced by the company. Principal, confidence, and personal philosophy have to be overruled beforehand for the benefit of company. Because of that this research aim to know whether there is influence between corporate cultures to satisfaction work the employees. Because corporate culture arrange so much matter in company which is concerning process of company life. In this research data collected with the spreading question to responder. Test of doubled regression and correlation to know the relation and influence between corporate culture and satisfaction work. Result of this research indicate that the corporate culture have an effect to each satisfaction factors work the employees and own the levels which can be categorized high. Satisfaction work is important problem, and also corporate culture. Therefore compatibility there must be and relation which is supporting each other
Biosignal Telemetry
Import 22/07/2015Práce se zabývá problematikou bezdrátového přenosu změřeného EKG signálu do počítače. K přenosu dat je použita bezdrátová komunikace standardu IEEE 802.15.4. To znamená, že pracuje ve frekvenčním pásmu 2,4 GHz, přesněji v rozsahu 2405 – 2480 MHz.
Bezdrátová komunikace byla realizována moduly JN5148 001 M00 od firmy NXP, a to kvůli jejich nízké spotřebě (ve vysílacím módu 17,5 mA). Moduly jsou naprogramovány tak, aby fungovaly pouze jako bezdrátová sériová linka.
Ke snímání EKG signálu byl použit modul EMI12 vyráběný firmou NXP. EMI12 má spotřebu do 90 mA. Může snímat až 12 svodů s různou vzorkovací frekvencí (100, 200, 500 a 1000 Hz). Dále lze hardwarově nastavit přenosovou rychlost na 38 400, 115 200, 230 400 nebo 921 600 bit/sec.
Navržený software dává uživateli na výběr ze zobrazování tří, šesti, nebo dvanácti svodů. Veškeré naměřené hodnoty mohou být uloženy ve formátu .csv.This work deals with the issue of measured wireless ECG signal transfer to computer. To data transmission is used wireless communication based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It means it works on 2,4 GHz frequency band, precisely in range from 2405 to 2480 MHz.
Wireless communication were implemented by modules JN5148 001 M00 from NXP company, because of low consumption (in a transmitting mode 17,5 mA). Modules are programmed to work only as wireless serial port.
To read ECG signal, module EMI12 was used. It was developed by Corscince company. EMI12’s consumption is maximally 90 mA. It may read up to 12 leads with different sampling rate (100, 200, 500 and 1000 Hz). Furthermore, the baud rate could be mechanically set on 38 400, 115 200, 230 400 or 921 600 bit / sec.
Created software provides user a choice of showing three, six, or twelve leads. All measured values can be saved as .csv file.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn
From Norms to Facts: The Realization of Rights in Common and Civil Private Law
Every legal system that ties judicial decision making to a body of preconceived norms has to face the tension between the normative formulation of the ideal and its approximation in social reality. In the parlance of the common law, it is, more concretely, the remedy that bridges the gap between the ideal and the real, or, rather, between norms and facts. In the common law world—particularly in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth—a lively discourse has developed around the question of how rights relate to remedies. To the civilian legal scholar—used to thinking within a framework that strictly categorizes terms like substance and procedure, subjective right, action, and execution—the concept of remedy remains a mystery. The lack of “remedy” in the vocabulary of the civil law is more than just a matter of attaching different labels to functional equivalents, it is the expression of a different way of thinking about law. Only if a legal system is capable of satisfactorily transposing the abstract discourse of the law into social reality does the legal machinery fulfill its purpose: due to the pivotal importance of this translational process, the way it is cast in legal concepts thus allows for an insight into the deep structure of a legal culture, and, convergence notwithstanding, the remaining epistemological differences between the legal traditions of the West. A mixed jurisdiction must reflect upon these differences in order to understand its own condition and to define its future course.Tout système juridique qui lie la prise de décision judiciaire à un ensemble de normes préconçues doit faire face à la tension qui existe entre la formulation normative d’un idéal et son approximation dans la réalité sociale. Dans la terminologie de la common law, c’est le remède, plus concrètement, qui palie l’écart entre l’idéal et le réel, ou plutôt, entre les normes et les faits. Dans les juridictions de common law, plus particulièrement au Royaume-Uni et au sein du Commonwealth, un vif débat est apparu sur les liens que les droits entretiennent avec les remèdes. Pour le juriste civiliste, habitué à raisonner dans un cadre qui catégorise strictement des termes tels que substance et procédure, droit subjectif, action et exécution, le concept de remède demeure un mystère. L’absence de « remèdes » dans le vocabulaire du droit civil n’est pas une simple question de nomenclature divergente pour décrire des équivalents fonctionnels. Il s’agit de l’expression d’une façon différente d’aborder le droit. L’appareil juridique n’atteindra ses objectifs que s’il est capable de transposer le discours abstrait du droit en réalité sociale. Étant donné l’importance primordiale de ce processus de transposition, son expression dans des concepts juridiques révèle la structure profonde d’une culture juridique et les différences épistémologiques qui subsistent entre les traditions juridiques occidentales, malgré leur convergence. Une juridiction mixte doit réfléchir sur ces différences afin de comprendre son propre état et de définir son parcours futur
System of the Electronic Information Display
Import 05/08/2014Práce se zabývá vytvořením světelného ukazatele skóre pro rekreační sporty. Světelná tabule obsahuje umělou inteligenci, která dokáže samostatně vyhodnocovat pravidla zvolené hry, ukazatel tedy bude multifunkční a po spuštění bude možno zvolit typ hry. Prozatím se uvažuje o čtyřech integrovaných hrách: Volejbal, Nohejbal, Petangue a doplňková funkce zápisník.
V komerční sféře se takovéto světelné tabule cenově pohybují v řádech desetitisíců českých korun. Navíc je nutno, aby takovouto tabuli obsluhoval operátor. U světelné tabule, která je objektem této práce, se uvažuje s dálkovým ovládáním velikosti klíčenky s možností plné ovladatelnosti světelné tabule. Koncepce počítá s obsluhou této klíčenky, a skrze ni se světelnou tabulí, v osobě jednoho z hráčů, v čemž je tedy výhoda oproti komerčním projektům.
V této práci počítám s vývojem vlastních zobrazovacích jednotek, LED displejů a s konstrukcí odolného a estetického hardwaru.The subject of this thesis is making a light board for recreational sports. The light board contains an artificial intelligence, which is capable of evaluating the rules of a chosen game. The light board is multifunctional and after each start provides a selection of game types. Currently the following game modes are available: Volleyball and its variations played in legs, Petanque and a notepad function.
In the commercial sphere, the cost of this light board can be calculated to tens of thousands, although the actual cost is relative to the functionality given to the board controller. The lighting board is controlled by a small controller that can be easily handled by one of the players; this feature is one of the subjects of this work and places it at an advantage over other score boards currently available on the market.
This thesis will also explore the development of the board’s LED display and its tough, esthetic exterior.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn
Action Recognition
Tématem této bakalářské práce je rozpoznávání akcí. V této práci jsem se zaměřil na rozpoznávání a klasifikaci akcí pomocí dvou metod. Konkrétně na DMM a SSM. Tyto metody jsou v práci popsány a implementovány. K implementací byl použit programovací jazyk C++ a knihovna pro zpracování obrazu OpenCV.Theme of this bachelor’s thesis is action recognition. In this thesis I focused on action recognition and classification by using two methods. Specifically on DMM and SSM. These methods are in this thesis described and implemented. The work is based on programming language C++and computer vision library OpenCV.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn
This study aims to discuss the existence of women as the other in the novel Lampuki by Arafat Nur, which raises the theme of conflict in Aceh. This novel shows more of the daily life of the conflict-stricken community so that the situation and position of women can be seen more deeply, namely in the community itself. Furthermore, the analysis will focus on three female characters who represent the general situation of Acehnese women during the conflict. The theory used in this study is existentialist feminism, developed by Simone de Beauvoir. This study uses the qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that society's deeply rooted patriarchal culture is the biggest challenge preventing women from achieving freedom and actualizing themselves. Halimah and Siti viewed their status as wives. In other words, they are part of their husbands. However, the condition of women who do not have a husband is not better, such as Rukiya, who still needs men or is not independent. This lack of independence is due to the social construct that makes women always dependent on men. In Beauvoir's view, men place themselves as subjects and women as objects whose existence is to be subdued. Furthermore, the fate of marginalized women, and dependence on men, including being victims in the conflict, is the result of the objectification that occurs to them
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