
Pengaruh Corporate Culture The Ritz-Carlton Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Di The Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort & SPA)


These day corporate cultures have been confessed as one of important capital which must be owned by a company. Because with the existence of culture believed, learned, and applied together by all employee in company, expected process of target attainment which have been specified ambulatory effectively and efficient. Corporate Culture will determine what may and may not be done by all organizational member, behavioral boundary, nature of and form the operation and also observation, leadership style, technique of emotion channeling in interaction between one and another, and also as controller of stability in organization. Realized of corporate culture as efficient and effective ways in target attainment, every company obliges every employees joining to learn and apply the corporate culture in all day when they are as the company worker. Besides corporate culture, satisfaction work of the employees also represent one of important problem which must always watched by management in order to management and make-up of performance human resource in company. Employee who is satisfied in working will give something more than expected. Satisfaction work the employees will affect to employees performance, direct will affect to performance of company. Work in a company work also with the form culture embraced by the company. Principal, confidence, and personal philosophy have to be overruled beforehand for the benefit of company. Because of that this research aim to know whether there is influence between corporate cultures to satisfaction work the employees. Because corporate culture arrange so much matter in company which is concerning process of company life. In this research data collected with the spreading question to responder. Test of doubled regression and correlation to know the relation and influence between corporate culture and satisfaction work. Result of this research indicate that the corporate culture have an effect to each satisfaction factors work the employees and own the levels which can be categorized high. Satisfaction work is important problem, and also corporate culture. Therefore compatibility there must be and relation which is supporting each other

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