19 research outputs found

    The coupling between internal waves and shear-induced turbulence in stellar radiation zones: the critical layer

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    Internal gravity waves (hereafter IGWs) are known as one of the candidates for explaining the angular velocity profile in the Sun and in solar-type main-sequence and evolved stars, due to their role in the transport of angular momentum. Our bringing concerns critical layers, a process poorly explored in stellar physics, defined as the location where the local relative frequency of a given wave to the rotational frequency of the fluid tends to zero (i.e that corresponds to co-rotation resonances). IGW propagate through stably-stratified radiative regions, where they extract or deposit angular momentum through two processes: radiative and viscous dampings and critical layers. Our goal is to obtain a complete picture of the effects of this latters. First, we expose a mathematical resolution of the equation of propagation for IGWs in adiabatic and non-adiabatic cases near critical layers. Then, the use of a dynamical stellar evolution code, which treats the secular transport of angular momentum, allows us to apply these results to the case of a solar-like star.The analysis reveals two cases depending on the value of the Richardson number at critical layers: a stable one, where IGWs are attenuated as they pass through a critical level, and an unstable turbulent case where they can be reflected/transmitted by the critical level with a coefficient larger than one. Such over-reflection/transmission can have strong implications on our vision of angular momentum transport in stellar interiors. This paper highlights the existence of two regimes defining the interaction between an IGW and a critical layer. An application exposes the effect of the first regime, showing a strengthening of the damping of the wave. Moreover, this work opens new ways concerning the coupling between IGWs and shear instabilities in stellar interiors.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Corotation resonances for gravity waves and their impact on angular momentum transport in stellar interiors

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    Gravity waves, which propagate in radiation zones, can extract or deposit angular momentum by radiative and viscous damping. Another process, poorly explored in stellar physics, concerns their direct interaction with the differential rotation and the related turbulence. In this work, we thus study their corotation resonances, also called critical layers, that occur where the Doppler-shifted frequency of the wave approaches zero. First, we study the adiabatic and non-adiabatic propagation of gravity waves near critical layers. Next, we derive the induced transport of angular momentum. Finally, we use the dynamical stellar evolution code STAREVOL to apply the results to the case of a solar-like star. The results depend on the value of the Richardson number at the critical layer. In the first stable case, the wave is damped. In the other unstable and turbulent case, the wave can be reflected and transmitted by the critical layer with a coefficient larger than one: the critical layer acts as a secondary source of excitation for gravity waves. These new results can have a strong impact on our understanding of angular momentum transport processes in stellar interiors along stellar evolution where strong gradients of angular velocity can develo

    Helium-rich stars in globular clusters: constraints for self-enrichment by massive stars

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    Globular clusters exhibit peculiar chemical patterns where Fe and heavy elements are constant inside a given cluster while light elements (Li to Al) show strong star-to-star variations. This pattern can be explained by self-pollution of the intracluster gas by the slow winds of fast rotating massive stars. Besides, several main sequences have been observed in several globular clusters which can be understood only with different stellar populations with distinct He content. Here we explore how these He abundances can constrain the self-enrichment in globular cluster

    Why the globular cluster NGC 6752 contains no sodium-rich second-generation AGB stars

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    Context. Globular clusters host multiple stellar populations showing different sodium enrichments. These various populations can be observed along the main sequence, red giant and horizontal branch phases. Recently it was shown, however, that at least in the globular cluster NGC 6752, no sodium-rich stars are observed along the early asymptotic giant branch (AGB), posing an apparent problem for stellar evolution. Aims. We present an explanation for this lack of sodium-rich stars in this region of the colour–magnitude diagram. Methods. We computed models for low-mass stars following the prediction of the so-called fast rotating massive stars model for the initial composition of second-generation stars. We studied the impact of different initial helium contents on the stellar lifetimes and the evolutionary path in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Results. We propose that the lack of sodium-rich stars along the early-AGB arises because sodium-rich stars were born with a high initial helium abundance, as predicted by the fast rotating massive stars scenario. Helium-rich stars have much shorter lifetimes for a given initial mass than stars with a normal helium abundance, and above a cutoff initial helium abundance that slightly depends on the mass-loss rate on the RGB they do not go through the AGB phase and evolve directly into a white dwarf stage. Within the fast rotating massive stars framework we obtained a cutoff in [Na/Fe] between the second-generation models evolving into the AGB phase and those skipping that phase between 0.18 and 0.4 dex, depending on the mass loss rate used during the red giant phase. In view of the uncertainties in abundance determinations, the cutoff obtained by the present model agrees well with the one inferred from recent observations of the cluster NGC 6752. Conclusions. The helium-sodium correlation needed to explain the lack of sodium-rich stars along the early-AGB of NGC 6752 corresponds to the one predicted by the fast rotating massive stars models. A crucial additional test of the model is the distribution of stars with various helium abundances among main-sequence stars. Our model predicts that two magnitudes below the turnoff a very large percentage of stars, about 82%, probably has a helium content lower than 0.275 in mass fraction, while only 5% of stars are expected to have helium abundances greater than 0.4

    Grids of stellar models with rotation - III. Models from 0.8 to 120 Msun at a metallicity Z = 0.002

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    (shortened) We provide a grid of single star models covering a mass range from 0.8 to 120 Msun with an initial metallicity Z = 0.002 with and without rotation. We discuss the impact of a change in the metallicity by comparing the current tracks with models computed with exactly the same physical ingredients but with a metallicity Z = 0.014 (solar). We show that the width of the main-sequence (MS) band in the upper part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD), for luminosity above log(L/Lsun) > 5.5, is very sensitive to rotational mixing. Strong mixing significantly reduces the MS width. We confirm, but here for the first time on the whole mass range, that surface enrichments are stronger at low metallicity provided that comparisons are made for equivalent initial mass, rotation and evolutionary stage. We show that the enhancement factor due to a lowering of the metallicity (all other factors kept constant) increases when the initial mass decreases. Present models predict an upper luminosity for the red supergiants (RSG) of log (L/Lsun) around 5.5 at Z = 0.002 in agreement with the observed upper limit of RSG in the Small Magellanic Cloud. We show that models using shear diffusion coefficient calibrated to reproduce the surface enrichments observed for MS B-type stars at Z = 0.014 can also reproduce the stronger enrichments observed at low metallicity. In the framework of the present models, we discuss the factors governing the timescale of the first crossing of the Hertzsprung gap after the MS phase. We show that any process favouring a deep localisation of the H-burning shell (steep gradient at the border of the H-burning convective core, low CNO content) and/or the low opacity of the H-rich envelope favour a blue position in the HRD for the whole or at least a significant fraction of the core He-burning phase.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Rapidly rotating second-generation progenitors for the blue hook stars of {\omega} Cen

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    Horizontal Branch stars belong to an advanced stage in the evolution of the oldest stellar galactic population, occurring either as field halo stars or grouped in globular clusters. The discovery of multiple populations in these clusters, that were previously believed to have single populations gave rise to the currently accepted theory that the hottest horizontal branch members (the blue hook stars, which had late helium-core flash ignition, followed by deep mixing) are the progeny of a helium-rich "second generation" of stars. It is not known why such a supposedly rare event (a late flash followed by mixing) is so common that the blue hook of {\omega} Cen contains \sim 30% of horizontal branch stars 10 , or why the blue hook luminosity range in this massive cluster cannot be reproduced by models. Here we report that the presence of helium core masses up to \sim 0.04 solar masses larger than the core mass resulting from evolution is required to solve the luminosity range problem. We model this by taking into account the dispersion in rotation rates achieved by the progenitors, whose premain sequence accretion disc suffered an early disruption in the dense environment of the cluster's central regions where second-generation stars form. Rotation may also account for frequent late-flash-mixing events in massive globular clusters.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables in Nature, online june 22, 201

    Abundance anomalies in globular clusters in light of models of rotaring stars

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    L'objet de cette thèse est de déterminer l'origine des importantes variations d'abondances en éléments légers observées d'étoile à étoile dans les globulaires galactiques qui sont des amas stellaires denses gravitationnellement liés comptant parmi les plus vieux objets de l'Univers. Ce travail présente l'étude des effets de la rotation dans les modèles théoriques d'étoiles en vue de mieux comprendre ces anomalies. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que les étoiles de masse intermédiaire en rotation ne peuvent être à l'origine de ces anomalies. Nous avons ensuite étudié les effets de la rotation rapide sur des étoiles massives ; ceci nous a conduits à élaborer le scénario du vent des étoiles massives en rotation rapide pour expliquer les observations par une pollution du milieu intra-amas où sont nées les étoiles chimiquement anormales. Enfin, des contraintes sur la formation des amas globulaires ont été dégagées

    Rotating models of low metallicity AGB stars with STAREVOL

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