1,698 research outputs found

    Regulación de los cuerpos sexuados en la promoción de decisiones reproductivas autónomas

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    Resumen En la provincia de Salta, Argentina, la norma jurídica que promueve la autonomía de las personas en la vida reproductiva es ejecutada principalmente por el personal de los Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud desde una lógica biomédica y marcadamente individualista que convierte la decisión reproductiva en un imperativo ético de control del cuerpo. A partir de los datos producidos en el trabajo de campo que tuvo lugar en tres centros de salud ubicados en barrios periféricos de la ciudad de Salta, tomo en consideración en este artículo la construcción que se hace de la promoción de la autonomía en las decisiones reproductivas desde la perspectiva del personal de salud y cómo esta construcción se encuentra atravesada por un modelo asistencial, valores y relaciones de poder que se materializan en el trabajo cotidiano de la asistencia a la salud reproductiva. Palabras clave: decisiones reproductivas, control social, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, género. Abstract In the province of Salta, Argentina, the law promoting autonomy in people’s reproductive lives is applied mainly by primary health care professionals using a biomedical and highly individualistic logic that converts reproductive decisions into ethical imperatives to control the body. Based on data from fieldwork conducted in three health centers located in the suburbs of Salta, the provincial capital, this paper examines how the promotion of autonomy in reproductive decisions is constructed from the perspective of health care professionals and how this construction is affected by the model of care, values, and power relations that are embodied in the daily work of reproductive health care. Keywords: reproductive decisions, social control, sexual and reproductive rights, gender.Resumen En la provincia de Salta, Argentina, la norma jurídica que promueve la autonomía de las personas en la vida reproductiva es ejecutada principalmente por el personal de los Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud desde una lógica biomédica y marcadamente individualista que convierte la decisión reproductiva en un imperativo ético de control del cuerpo. A partir de los datos producidos en el trabajo de campo que tuvo lugar en tres centros de salud ubicados en barrios periféricos de la ciudad de Salta, tomo en consideración en este artículo la construcción que se hace de la promoción de la autonomía en las decisiones reproductivas desde la perspectiva del personal de salud y cómo esta construcción se encuentra atravesada por un modelo asistencial, valores y relaciones de poder que se materializan en el trabajo cotidiano de la asistencia a la salud reproductiva. Palabras clave: decisiones reproductivas, control social, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, género. Abstract In the province of Salta, Argentina, the law promoting autonomy in people’s reproductive lives is applied mainly by primary health care professionals using a biomedical and highly individualistic logic that converts reproductive decisions into ethical imperatives to control the body. Based on data from fieldwork conducted in three health centers located in the suburbs of Salta, the provincial capital, this paper examines how the promotion of autonomy in reproductive decisions is constructed from the perspective of health care professionals and how this construction is affected by the model of care, values, and power relations that are embodied in the daily work of reproductive health care. Keywords: reproductive decisions, social control, sexual and reproductive rights, gender

    The health and well-being of older adults with dual sensory impairment (DSI) in four countries

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    Objectives Dual sensory impairment (DSI) is a combination of vision and hearing impairments that represents a unique disability affecting all aspects of a person’s life. The rates of DSI are expected to increase due to population aging, yet little is known about DSI among older adults (65+). The prevalence of DSI and client characteristics were examined among two groups, namely, older adults receiving home care services or those residing in a long-term care (LTC) facility in four countries (Canada, US, Finland, Belgium). Methods Existing data, using an interRAI assessment, were analyzed to compare older adults with DSI to all others across demographic characteristics, functional and psychosocial outcomes. Results In home care, the prevalence of DSI across the four countries ranged from 13.4% to 24.6%; in LTC facilities, it ranged from 9.7% to 33.9%. Clients with DSI were more likely to be 85+, have moderate/severe cognitive impairment, impairments in activities of daily living, and have communication difficulties. Among residents of LTC facilities, individuals with DSI were more likely to be 85+ and more likely have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Having DSI increased the likelihood of depression in both care settings, but after adjusting for other factors, it remained significant only in the home care sample. Conclusions While the prevalence of DSI cross nationally is similar to that of other illnesses such as diabetes, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease, we have a limited understanding of its affects among older adults. Raising awareness of this unique disability is imperative to insure that individuals receive the necessary rehabilitation and supportive services to improve their level of independence and quality of life

    Fe-Mg M1 site distribution in some clinopyroxenes from Santa Olalla (Huelva, Spain)

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    The crystal structures of two clinopyroxenes related to the skarns from Santa Olalla (Huelva. Spain) have been refined. From these refinements it is shown that pyroxene SO-1 of metamorphic origin is almost pure diopside. whereas for pyroxene SO-2 of metasomatic origin the following formula CaMg 0.64 Fe 0,34 Si2 O6. was found. These clinopyroxenes show cation ordering

    Function of caspase-14 in trophoblast differentiation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Within the human placenta, the cytotrophoblast consists of a proliferative pool of progenitor cells which differentiate to replenish the overlying continuous, multi-nucleated syncytiotrophoblast, which forms the barrier between the maternal and fetal tissues. Disruption to trophoblast differentiation and function may result in impaired fetal development and preeclampsia. Caspase-14 expression is limited to barrier forming tissues. It promotes keratinocyte differentiation by cleaving profilaggrin to stabilise keratin intermediate filaments, and indirectly providing hydration and UV protection. However its role in the trophoblast remains unexplored.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using RNA Interference the reaction of control and differentiating trophoblastic BeWo cells to suppressed caspase-14 was examined for genes pertaining to hormonal, cell cycle and cytoskeletal pathways.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcription of hCG, KLF4 and cytokeratin-18 were increased following caspase-14 suppression suggesting a role for caspase-14 in inhibiting their pathways. Furthermore, hCG, KLF4 and cytokeratin-18 protein levels were disrupted.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Since expression of these molecules is normally increased with trophoblast differentiation, our results imply that caspase-14 inhibits trophoblast differentiation. This is the first functional study of this unusual member of the caspase family in the trophoblast, where it has a different function than in the epidermis. This knowledge of the molecular underpinnings of trophoblast differentiation may instruct future therapies of trophoblast disease.</p

    Fe-dolomite(teruelite) from the Keuper of the southern sector of the Iberian Mountain Range, Spain

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    En la parte meridional del Keuper de la Cordillera Ibérica una variedad de dolomita ferrosa es de interés como curiosidad mineralogica (teruelita). Los analisis quimicos y el estudio cristalografico por medio de las tecnicas de difraccion de rayos X de monocristales confirman que se trata de una variedad de la dolomita y no de la ankerita. Solo ligeras diferencias morfologicas han sido apreciadas entre dolomita y temelita. Asi, la teruelita cristaliza en la forma(4041) mientras que la dolomita cristaliza preferentemente en la forma (l0l 1)

    Práctica de los agentes de salud frente a usuarias/os que buscan regular su fecundidad.

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    La norma jurídica habla de adoptar decisiones libres en la vida reproductiva, en tanto que, las prácticas de los efectores de dicha norma, atravesadas por un modelo asistencial, por valores culturales y por la propia subjetividad del agente de salud, producen y reproducen “un” modelo de “sujeto libre y autónomo”.\ud El análisis de las prácticas de los agentes de salud permite profundizar en los\ud procedimientos del ejercicio del poder, en el “cómo” del poder, y se propone desentrañar\ud el modo en que las normativas institucionales, los modelos asistenciales, los valores\ud culturales y las ideologías se configuran y se materializan en el trabajo cotidiano de los servicios de salud.\ud En este marco, el objetivo general se refiere a la identificación de los factores culturales, institucionales y subjetivos presentes en las prácticas de los agentes de salud que facilitan u obstaculizan la autonomía de los sujetos en sus decisiones reproductivas.\ud Los objetivos específicos se orientan a describir las prácticas de los agentes de salud que se vinculan con la atención de la salud sexual y reproductiva. Por otra parte, se busca indagar los factores culturales, institucionales y subjetivos desde los cuales los agentes de salud organizan esas prácticas y el modo en que éstas inciden en la autonomía de los sujetos en sus decisiones reproductivas

    An approach to fulfill art 8 of directive 2009/128: procedure of risk assessment for pesticide application equipment

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    The EU Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides requires that Member States (MS) shall ensure that all Pesticide Application Equipment (PAE) in professional use shall be subject to inspection at regular intervals. Article 8.3 of the Directive allows the MS to derogate from the mandatory inspection at regular intervals or to apply different timetables and inspection intervals for certain types of PAE based on a Risk Assessment (RA) for human health, food safety and environment and an assessment of the scale of use. In order to fulfill Article 8.3, a risk assessment protocol was developed in Belgium within the framework of the SIRA-APESTICON project. Risk is now evaluated for the human health and the environment on all Belgian equipment. It will offer guidelines about the necessity to carry out an inspection of every PAE in use. The protocol is based on technical parameters subject to inspections, their occurrences and severities, but also on national scale of use of the PAE types. Results are expressed at different scale levels: the defect, the machine and the country.The EU Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides requires that Member States (MS) shall ensure that all Pesticide Application Equipment (PAE) in professional use shall be subject to inspection at regular intervals. Article 8.3 of the Directive allows the MS to derogate from the mandatory inspection at regular intervals or to apply different timetables and inspection intervals for certain types of PAE based on a Risk Assessment (RA) for human health, food safety and environment and an assessment of the scale of use. In order to fulfill Article 8.3, a risk assessment protocol was developed in Belgium within the framework of the SIRA-APESTICON project. Risk is now evaluated for the human health and the environment on all Belgian equipment. It will offer guidelines about the necessity to carry out an inspection of every PAE in use. The protocol is based on technical parameters subject to inspections, their occurrences and severities, but also on national scale of use of the PAE types. Results are expressed at different scale levels: the defect, the machine and the country

    Risk adjustment for inter-hospital comparison of caesarean delivery rates in low-risk deliveries

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    BACKGROUND: Caesarean delivery (CD) rates have been frequently used as quality measures for maternity service comparisons. More recently, primary CD rates (CD in women without previous CD) or CD rates within selected categories such as nulliparous, term, cephalic singleton deliveries (NTCS) have been used. The objective of this study is to determine the extent to which risk adjustment for clinical and socio-demographic variables is needed for inter-hospital comparisons of CD rates in women without previous CD and in NTCS deliveries. METHODS: Hospital discharge records of women who delivered in Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy) from January, 2007 to June 2009 and in Tuscany Region for year 2009 were linked with birth certificates. Adjusted RRs of CD in women without a previous Caesarean and NTCS were estimated using Poisson regression. Percentage differences in RR before and after adjustment were calculated and hospital rankings, based on crude and adjusted RRs, were examined. RESULTS: Adjusted RR differed substantially from crude RR in women without a previous Caesarean and only marginally in NTCS group. Hospital ranking was markedly affected by adjustment in women without a previous CD, but less in NTCS. CONCLUSION: Risk adjustment is warranted for inter-hospital comparisons of primary CD rates but not for NTCS CD rates. Crude NTCS CD rates are a reliable estimate of adjusted NTCS CD

    Prognosis Does not Change the Landscape: Palliative Home Care Clients Experience High Rates of Pain and Nausea, Regardless of Prognosis

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    Background: Most individuals who typically receive palliative care (PC) tend to have cancer and a relatively short prognosis (\u3c 6 months). People with other life-limiting illnesses can also benefit from a palliative care approach. However, little is known about those who receive palliative home care in Ontario, Canada\u27s largest province. To address this gap, the goal of this project was to understand the needs, symptoms and potential differences between those with a shorter (\u3c 6 months) and longer prognosis (6+ months) for individuals receiving PC in the community. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted using interRAI Palliative Care (interRAI PC) assessment data collected between 2011 and 2018. Individuals with a shorter prognosis (\u3c 6 months; n = 48,019 or 64.1%) were compared to those with a longer prognosis (6+ months; n = 26,945) across several clinical symptoms. The standardized difference (stdiff), between proportions, was calculated to identify statistically meaningful differences between those with a shorter and longer prognosis. Values of the stdiff of 0.2 or higher (absolute value) indicated a statistically significant difference. Results: Overall, cancer was the most prevalent diagnosis (83.2%). Those with a shorter prognosis were significantly more likely to experience fatigue (75.3% vs. 59.5%; stdiff = 0.34) and shortness of breath at rest (22.1% vs. 13.4%; stdiff = 0.23). However, the two groups were similar in terms of severe pain (73.5% vs. 66.5%; stdiff = - 0.15), depressive symptoms (13.2% vs. 10.7%; stdiff = 0.08) and nausea (35.7% vs. 29.4%; stdiff = 0.13). Conclusions: These results highlight the importance of earlier identification of individuals who could benefit from a palliative approach to their care as individuals with a longer prognosis also experience high rates of symptoms such as pain and nausea. Providing PC earlier in the illness trajectory has the potential to improve an individual\u27s overall quality of life throughout the duration of their illness

    A GSM-GPRS/UMTS FDD-TDD/WLAN 802.11a-b-g multi-standard carrier generation system

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    A compact carrier generation system enabling proper interoperability among quad-band GSM, WCDMA (FDD and TDD), and WLAN (802.11a/b/g) standards is developed. The implementation is achieved in 0.25-mum BiCMOS-SiGe process. The measured tuning range is higher that 1 GHz (3.05 to 4.1 GHz) exceeding the specifications by 25%. The voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) exhibits a phase noise of -118 and -125 dBc/Hz measured, respectively, at 400 kHz and 1 MHz offsets while drawing 2.5 mA from 2.5 V supply. The measured phase noise at 400 kHz offset of the PCS/DCS output local-oscillator (LO) signal and the GSM output LO signal is, respectively, -124 dBc/Hz and -130 dBc/H