103 research outputs found

    Representation and Encoding of Heterogeneous Data in a Web Based Research Environment for Manuscript and Textual Studies

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    This paper describes the general architecture of a digital research environment for manuscript and textual studies (particularly those pertaining to ancient Greek and Byzantine texts), and it discusses some questions of data representation and encoding in the framework of such an online research platform. The platform is being developed by the project Teuchos. Zentrum für Handschriften- und Textforschung, established in 2007 by the Institut für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie (Universität Hamburg) in cooperation with the Aristoteles-Archiv (Freie Universität Berlin). Teuchos is a long-term infrastructural project of the Universität Hamburg. It is currently in its three-year initial phase which is being co-funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the "Thematic Information Networks" scheme within the "Scientific Library Services and Information Systems" programme. We introduce the main object types to be handled by our system and describe the overall functionality of the online platform. The paper focuses on the representations of two main object types: manuscripts as textual witnesses and watermarks, with an emphasis on the former. Since the adequate encoding of different layers of structure of a transmitted text is particularly relevant to optimising users' choices of navigating both digital images of the containing manuscripts and trancriptions of the text contained, this topic is discussed in some detail. We introduce the formal data model and the corresponding encoding for the object types discussed. The project encodes textual data in XML, aiming for TEI conformance where possible. Since no accepted XML model exists for the encoding of metadata within a watermark collection, we briefly explain how we chose to model the objects to accomodate the collections the project is making accessible

    Zum Einsatz von Synchrotronstrahlung bei der Wiedergewinnung gelöschter Texte in Palimpsesten mittels Röntgenfluoreszenz

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    Zusammenfassung Gelöschte Schrift in mittelalterlichen Palimpsesthandschriften kann durch zweidimen- sionale Abbildung geringer Spuren der in den Pergamentblättern enthaltenen Metalle lesbar gemacht werden. Die bisherigen Versuche greifen auf Röntgenstrahlung aus einem Elektronen-Speicherring zurück, sind aber so zeitintensiv, dass nur wenige einzelne Blätter probehalber untersucht werden konnten. Anhand des Versuchsaufbaus und der bisherigen Ergebnisse werden die Perspektiven und künftigen Entwicklungs- möglichkeiten auf dem Weg zu einem regelmäßig und für ganze Handschriften einsetzbaren Verfahren aufgezeigt

    Kommunion und Kommunikation. Überlegungen zu Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland

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    Es ist noch einmal gut gegangen. Der Sommer 2004 ist zu Ende, und noch ist die katholische Kirche in Deutschland von einem Mediengewitter größeren Umfangs verschont geblieben. Das war in den vergangeneu Jahren nicht immer der Fall. Nach dem Gesetz der Serie hätte in den zurückliegenden Sommermonaten eigentlich wieder ein Thema über die 27 Diözesen in Deutschland kommen müssen, bei dessen Behandlung sich die Kirche und ihre Repräsentanten in der Öffentlichkeit erneut gründlich diskreditiert und so den allgemeinen Vertrauensverlust weiter befördert hätten. Statt dessen zog diesmal ein Hurrikan namens "Homosexualität im Priesterseminar" über Österreich hinweg, ohne daß dessen Ausläufer in Deutschland viel Wirbel machten. Das war nicht immer so. (...

    Determining RUSLE P-factors for stonebunds and trenches in rangeland and cropland, Northern Ethiopia

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    The implementation of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures in the Ethiopian highlands is a top priority to reduce soil erosion rates and to enhance the sustainability of agroecosystem. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of many of these measures for different hillslope and land use conditions remains currently poorly understood. As a result, the overall effects of these measures at regional or catchment scale remain hard to quantify. This study addresses this knowledge gap by determining the cover-management (C) and support practice (P) factors of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), for commonly used SWC measures in semi-arid environments (i.e. stone bunds, trenches and a combination of both). Calculations were based on soil loss data collected with runoff plots in Tigray, northern Ethiopia (i.e. 21 runoff plots of 600 to 1000 m2 , monitored during 2010, 2011 and 2012). The runoff plots were installed in rangeland and cropland sites corresponding to a gentle (5%), medium (12%) and steep (16%) slope gradients. The C and P factors of the RUSLE were calculated following the recommended standard procedures. Results show that the C-factor for rangeland ranges from 0.31 to 0.98 and from 0.06 to 0.39 for cropland. For rangeland, this large variability is due to variations in vegetation cover caused by grazing. In cropland, C-factors vary with tillage practices and crop types. The calculated P-factors ranged from 0.32 to 0.74 for stone bunds, from 0.07 to 0.65 for trenches and from 0.03 to 0.22 for a combination of both stone bunds and trenches. This variability is partly due to variations in the density of the implemented measures in relation to land use (cropland vs rangeland) and slope angles. However, also annual variations in P factor values are highly significant. Especially trenches showed a very significant decline of effectiveness over time, which is attributable to their reduced static storage capacity as a result of sediment deposition (e.g. for trenches in rangeland: 0.07-0.13 in 2010 to 0.37-0.65 in 2012). Hence, the results of this work may not only help in better modelling and quantifying the average long-term impacts of SWC measures over larger areas, but also show the importance of considering temporal variations of the effectiveness of SWC measures

    Uso de un modelo de aguas someras para analizar la influencia del Atlántico Tropical Norte y del Pacı́fico Ecuatorial del Este sobre la circulación atmosférica en los mares Intra-Americanos

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    A shallow water model was used to simulate the anomalous circulation over the Intra American Seas (IAS), due to heat forcing fun ctions located at the Tropical North Atlantic and the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Oceans, respectively.Despite of its simplicity, the shallow water model represented the main features of the anomalous circulation over the IAS due to the heat forcing functions described previously. The main anomaly patterns were observed when heat sources have opposite signs across the IAS, e.g. Tropical North Atlantic cool (warm) and Eastern Equatorial Pacific warn (cool). Results imply an increase (a decrease) in the vertical wind shear over the IAS for a cool (warm) Tropical North Atlantic and a warm (cool) Eastern Equatorial Pacific. These patterns could be associated with a larger (smaller) vertical wind shear over the IAS.Se usó un modelo numérico de aguas someras para simular la circulación anómala en la región de los Mares Intra-americanos (MIA) inducida por dos funciones forzantes asociadas con fuentes de calor localizadas en las regiones oceánicas del Atlántico Tropical Norte y del Pacıfico Ecuatorial del Este, respectivamente. A pesar de su simplicidad, el modelo de aguas someras represento algunas de las características principales de la circulación inducida sobre los MIA por las funciones forzantes descritas anteriormente. La principal respuesta, en términos ´ de anomalías, se observó cuando estas fuentes de calor eran de signo opuesto, es decir, Atlántico Tropical Norte ´ anómalamente frıo (cálido) y Pacıfico Ecuatorial del Este anómalamente cálido (frıo). Estos patrones podrían estar asociados con una mayor (menor) cizalladura vertical del viento sobre los MIA.Universidad de Costa Rica/[805-A7-002]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[808-A6-053]/UCR/Costa RicaCRN-2050-IAIExtensión Docente/[ED-1977]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de FísicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR

    Interview notes BaFin

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