809 research outputs found
A study to improve the mechanical properties of silicon carbide ribbon fibers
Preliminary deposition studies of SiC ribbon on a carbon ribbon substrate showed that the dominant strength limiting flaws were at the substrate surface. Procedures for making the carbon ribbon substrate from polyimide film were improved, providing lengths up to 450 meters (1,500 ft.) of flat carbon ribbon substrate 1,900 microns (75 mils) wide by 25 microns (1 mil) thick. The flaws on the carbon ribbon were smaller and less frequent than on carbon ribbon used earlier. SiC ribbon made using the improved substrate, including a layer of pyrolytic graphite to reduce further the severity of substrate surface flaws, showed strength levels up to the 2,068 MPa (300 Ksi) target of the program, with average strength levels over 1,700 MPa (250 Ksi) with coefficient of variation as low as 10% for some runs
Development of a process for producing ribbon shaped filaments
Silicon carbide (SiC) ribbon filaments were produced on a carbon ribbon substrate, about 1500 microns (60 mils) wide and 100 microns (4 mils) thick in lengths up to 2 meters (6 ft), and with tensile strengths up to 142 KN/cm sq (206 Ksi). During the course of the study, ribbon filaments of boron were also produced on the carbon ribbon substrate; the boron ribbon produced was extremely fragile. The tensile strength of the SiC ribbon was limited by large growths or flaws caused by anomalies at the substrate surface; these anomalies were either foreign dirt or substrate imperfections or both. Related work carried out on round 100 micron (4 mils) diameter SiC filaments on a 33 micron (1.3 mil) diameter, very smooth carbon monofilament substrate has shown that tensile strengths as high as 551 KN/cm sq (800 Ksi) are obtainable with the SiC-carbon round substrate combination, and indicates that if the ribbon substrate surface and ribbon deposition process can be improved similar strengths can be realizable. Cost analysis shows that 100 micron x 5-10 micron SiC ribbon can be very low cost reinforcement material
An Examination of Sex-Differences in Emotion Identification as Influenced by BDSM Negotiations
Abstinence-only sexual education curriculums are dominant in the USA, which leads the younger generation to seek sexual health knowledge from the next most readily available source—the media (Leistner & Mark, 2016); mass media portrayal of bondage-discipline/dominant-submissive/sadist-masochist (BDSM) relationships borders on the pathological. The present study sought to destigmatize BDSM practitioners through the use of empirical data. Participants of this study read a half page vignette of a conversation (to be imagined between them and a sexual partner) pertaining to either a sexual history overview, an adrenaline producing activity, or a BDSM-scene negotiation. Immediately following, participants viewed a self-progressed slide show of the seven culturally universal emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, contempt and surprise) at a rate of .1 seconds each, and judged which emotion they saw in which face. It was predicted that participants having read and imagined the BDSM-scene negotiation would have better emotion detection scores than participants in either the sexual history or adrenaline activity discussion and that women would be better able to accurately identify emotions, as compared to men. Predictions failed to receive support from the data analysis
A Phenomenological Study of the Perinatal Experiences Shaping a Woman’s Identity in Academia
The purpose of this qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand the meaning women faculty in academia in the United States ascribe to their perinatal experiences and how these experiences affect the integration of their academic and maternal identities and outlook on continuing in the academy. The theories guiding this study were Mercer\u27s theory on becoming a mother and Bronfenbrenner\u27s bioecological model. The study was comprised of 10 women who became a mother with their first child within the last seven years of the study\u27s initiation while holding a faculty position in academia that included teaching, scholarship, and service responsibilities while pregnant and during the first nine months postpartum. Data collection methods included questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and a letter-writing exercise. Data analysis was founded upon van Manen\u27s hermeneutic approach and supplemented by Saldaña\u27s data analysis and coding methods. Through cyclical coding and condensing, the data was organized into five major themes and sub-themes to capture the essence of the participants’ perinatal experiences in application to the study’s central and sub-research questions. Among the findings, two crucial implications included the need participants had for supportive relationships and institutional policies during the perinatal period, along with a recognition of the dynamic changes that occur in one’s identity of becoming a mother
Benefits of Incorporating Health Promotion Courses for College Music Majors
Our purpose for this project was to explore correlations between music study and health and wellness. Music study involves auditory, mental, physical, and emotional health. It can also cause performance injury. In an effort to reduce performance injuries and encourage good auditory, physical and emotional health in their students, the Music Teacher National Association advocates for wellness, stating that, “music teachers need to become substantially involved in injury prevention by teaching health-conscious music-related practices to students.
Women\u27s Stories of Reaching a Diagnosis of Endometriosis: A Qualitative Study
Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological condition affecting 10% of reproductive-aged women worldwide. Women with endometriosis often experience a decreased quality of life compared to women without endometriosis. The average time to diagnosis is greater than six years for adult women and greater than 11 years for adolescents. Yet, there is little research investigating the pre-diagnostic experiences of women with endometriosis. This study aims to inform healthcare providers of patients\u27 pre-diagnostic experiences of endometriosis in an effort to improve patient care. Using one-on-one, semi-structured online interviews and a qualitative design, this study explored six women\u27s pre-diagnostic experiences of endometriosis. The main themes that emerged from the research were, Seeking, Support and Finding. From the theme Seeking, the participant\u27s journeys to care and the day-to-day impact of endometriosis were explored. The theme Support underlined the advocacy and resilience each participant experienced. The theme Finding highlighted what the experience and outcome of having been diagnosed with endometriosis was like experientially for the participants. The participants\u27 experiences revealed a lack of provider knowledge regarding endometriosis, the importance of positive support, and a strong patient-provider relationship. The findings of this study serve to advocate for the enhancement of endometriosis recognition and pre-diagnostic care of patients with endometriosis
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