33 research outputs found

    Depression and anxiety disorders in children and adolescents with velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS)

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    Velo-cardio-facial syndrome (VCFS) is characterized by a high prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescence. These disorders are a source of great impairment in everyday functioning, as well as important risk factors for the emergence of later psychotic disorders. Impairment in daily and social functioning as well as loss of IQ throughout growth are also are well-established correlates of the VCFS. This study aimed to confirm the high prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders. The second objective was to ascertain the correlation between anxious and depressive symptoms and the decline in adaptive and cognitive functioning. A total of 73 children and adolescents with VCFS (mean age 11.9years) underwent psychiatric evaluation. Subjects were further divided into four age groups: ages 6-9, 9-12, 12-15 and 15-18years. Assessments measuring intelligence, anxious and depressive symptoms, and adaptation skills reported by parents were submitted to a subsample of 62 children (mean age 12.2years); 62.2% of the sample showed an anxiety disorder, specific phobia being the most represented at all ages. Lifetime depression concerned 27% of the sample, peaking at age 12-15years. Anxious and depressive symptoms and low IQ were significantly associated with low adaptive functioning. Anxiety and depression are common disorders in children and adolescents with VCFS and have a great impact on adaptive functioning. Clinicians should pay great attention to diagnosis and treatmen

    Examining readmission factors in psychiatric emergency care for individuals with personality disorders: A 6-year retrospective study

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    People with personality disorders (PDs) are often admitted to psychiatric emergency services due to the frequent repetition of acute crises. This study drew on the ICD diagnostic records of 2,634 individuals with PDs who were admitted to a specialized inpatient psychiatric crisis unit over a 6-year period.Multiple logistic regressions and survival regressionswere performed to examinewhether PD categories, gender, and other individual, interpersonal, and precipitating factors were associated with readmission and time-to-readmission. The results showed a 16.1% readmission rate. Of these, 99.5% of readmissions occurred within 4 years following the first admission. Gender was the main factor associated with both readmission and time-to-readmission: while men were readmitted faster, more women in total were readmitted for a second psychiatric emergency hospitalization. Findings also indicated that readmission rate and time-to-readmission differed following the category of PD: readmission rate in a ratio of 1–2 (from 8% to 10% for dissocial and paranoid PD up to 19%–21%for impulsive and borderline PD), and time-to-readmission in a ratio of 1–5 (from 1month for anankastic and dependent, to 5 months for impulsive, histrionic and anxious-avoidant PD). Limitations of this naturalistic study include a lack of self-reported measures and generalizability to less specialized emergency settings. Future research should include a prospective longitudinal design using standardized scalablemeasurement tools to improve the completeness and accuracy of the data concerning the psychological processes involved in risk and time-to-readmission after brief hospitalizations in emergency psychiatry

    Body modifications in borderline personality disorder patients: prevalence rates, link with non-suicidal self-injury, and related psychopathology

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    Background: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a potentially severe personality disorder, characterized by difficulties in emotion regulation and control of behaviors. It is often associated with non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). Borderline personality features have also been linked to body modifications (BMs). However, the prevalence of BMs, the link between BMs and NSSI, and between BMs and several psychopathology dimensions (e.g. borderline severity, emotion regulation, impulsivity …) remains understudied in patients with BPD. This study aims to fill this gap, and to provide further evidence on the link between NSSI and BMs. Methods: We used data from a psychiatric outpatient center located in Switzerland (n = 116), specialized in the assessment and treatment of BPD patients. Patients underwent several semi-structured interviews and self-report psychometric scales at the arrival, and the data were retrospectively analyzed. Results: We found that 70.69% of the patients had one piercing or more, and 69.83% were tattooed. The total score of body modifications and the total number of piercings score of piercings were significantly positively associated with NSSI and the SCID BPD total score. The association with the SCID score was mainly driven by the “suicide and self-damaging behaviors” item and the “chronic feeling of emptiness” item. A significant association was found between total number of piercings and emotion dysregulation. On the other hand, the self-reported percentage of body covered by tattoos score was specifically associated with the sensation seeking subscale of the UPPS-P. Conclusion: This study provides evidence on the prevalence of BMs in BPD patients, and on the link between BMs and NSSI in this population, suggesting a role of emotion regulation in the link between both constructs. These results also suggests that tattoos and piercings may be differentially linked to specific underlying psychological mechanisms. This calls for further considerations of body modifications in the assessment and care of BPD patients

    Mentalizing in Adolescents and Young Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Associations with Age and Attention Problems

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    Introduction: Growing, albeit heterogenous evidence questions whether attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with socio-cognitive impairments, especially beyond childhood. This study focuses on mentalizing - the socio-cognitive ability to attribute and reason in terms of mental states. We aimed to characterize mentalizing performance in terms of correct scores and types of errors in adolescents and young adults with ADHD. Methods: Forty-nine adolescents and adults with ADHD and 49 healthy controls matched for age and gender completed a computerized naturalistic mentalizing task, the Movie for Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC). Repeated measures analyses of variance examined the effects of age group and ADHD diagnosis on MASC performance. Additionally, associations between mentalizing scores, the severity of attention problems, and the presence of comorbidity were explored in the ADHD group. Results: Results showed an increased prevalence of hypomentalizing errors in adolescents with ADHD. Lower mentalizing scores in adolescents with ADHD were correlated with indices of inattentiveness, impulsivity, and vigilance problems. Hypomentalizing errors in adolescents showed to be particularly associated with inattentiveness, after controlling for age and comorbidity. In contrast, adults with ADHD performed similarly to controls and their scores on the mentalizing task were not correlated to attention problems. Conclusion: These findings highlight potential developmental differences in mentalizing abilities in ADHD youths and their association with attentional impairments

    Childhood maltreatment, dissociation and borderline personality disorder: Preliminary data on the mediational role of mentalizing in complex post-traumatic stress disorder

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    Objectives: Treatments for borderline personality disorder (BPD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are less effective for patients with co-occurring symptoms of both disorders, who are considered to have complex PTSD (cPTSD), compared with patients with either condition alone. Evidence suggests that co-occurrence of symptoms indicates greater impairment in mentalizing. This study examines evidence for targeting mentalizing when treating individuals with co-occurring symptoms, irrespective of their exposure to developmental trauma and, for the first time, investigates the mediational role of mentalizing in the associations between BPD symptomatology and cPTSD.// Design: We identified in a routine clinical service a group of patients with BPD, with or without co-occurring symptoms of PTSD. We hypothesized that patients with co-occurring symptoms and a history of childhood maltreatment will show more severe clinical profiles and greater mentalizing problems, which in turn lead to symptoms consistent with cPTSD.// Method: Clinical profiles of 72 patients with BPD (43 with and 29 without co-occurring symptoms of PTSD; mean age in both groups 28 years, 79% and 83% female, respectively) were identified using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders. Patients completed self-report measures of BPD and PTSD symptoms, well-being, dissociation and reflective functioning. Childhood trauma histories were evaluated.// Results: Compared with patients with BPD-only, those with co-occurring BPD and PTSD showed greater severity in terms of BPD and dissociative symptoms, met a broader range of BPD diagnostic criteria, had a greater sense of personal worthlessness and self-evaluated their well-being as considerably diminished. This group was also more inclined to recall increased instances of childhood sexual abuse. In a mediation analysis, mentalizing acted as a partial mediator for the relationship between BPD severity and cPTSD, as well as between dissociative symptoms and cPTSD. Interestingly, mentalizing did not mediate the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and cPTSD.// Conclusions: Overall, the correlational findings are consistent with an intended focus on mentalizing to treat cPTSD symptoms in individuals who also meet criteria for a diagnosis of BPD

    Association between self-reported attachment and neurostructural development throughout adolescence

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    The existing literature suggests that individual differences in attachment may be associated with differential trajectories of structural brain development. In addition to maturation during infancy and childhood, developmental trajectories are characteristic of adolescence, a period marked by increasingly complex interpersonal relationships and significant neurostructural and functional plasticity. It remains to be examined whether attachment prospectively relates to neurostructural developmental trajectories during adolescence. In this longitudinal study, we investigated whether self-reported attachment dimensions of anxiety (AX) and avoidance (AV) could predict elements of cortical thickness (CT) and subcortical volume (SV) trajectories in 95 typically developing adolescents (12–19 years old at study baseline). Self-reported scores of AX and AV were obtained at study baseline, and neurostructural development was assessed at baseline and three timepoints over the four following years. Self-reported AX and AV were associated with steeper CT decreases in prefrontal cortical and cortical midline structures as well as anterior temporal cortex, particularly in participants younger at study baseline. Regarding SV, preliminary differential associations were observed between developmental trajectories and attachment dimensions. Our study suggests that interindividual differences in attachment contribute to shaping neurodevelopmental trajectories for several cortical and subcortical structures during adolescence and young adulthood

    The role of mentalizing in the relationship between schizotypal personality traits and state signs of psychosis risk captured by cognitive and perceptive basic symptoms

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    Objective: Schizotypal traits and disturbances in mentalizing (the capacity to understand the mental states driving one’s own and others’ behaviors) have been implicated in increased vulnerability for psychosis. Therefore, we explored the associations linking schizotypal traits, mentalizing difficulties and their interactions to clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR-P), as captured by the Basic Symptoms (BS) approach, during adolescence and young adulthood. Methods: Eighty-seven adolescents and young adults from the general population (46% male, 44% female; age: 14–23 years) were assessed with the Schizophrenia Proneness Interview (SPI-CY/A) for 11 perceptive and cognitive BS, with the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) for schizotypal traits, and with the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (RFQ) for self-reported mentalizing abilities. The RFQ evaluates the level of certainty (RFQc scale) and uncertainty (RFQu scale) with which individuals use mental state information to explain their own and others’ behaviors. Results: Logistic regression models showed significant positive effects of the SPQ disorganization scale on perceptive BS and of the SPQ interpersonal scale on cognitive BS. Post-hoc analyses revealed that schizotypal features pertaining to odd speech and social anxiety, respectively, were associated with perceptive and cognitive BS. Furthermore, higher scores on the RFQu scale and lower scores on the RFQc scale independently explained the presence of cognitive BS. Finally, significant interaction effects between RFQc and SPQ odd speech on perceptive BS, and between RFQc and SPQ social anxiety on cognitive BS were found. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that schizotypal traits and mentalizing significantly relate both independently and through their interactions to the presence of cognitive and perceptive BS included in CHR-P criteria. Furthermore, mentalizing dysfunction may contribute in the relation between schizotypal traits and early state signs of CHR-P. Mentalizing may support both detection and early treatment of CHR-P among adolescents and young adults who present with trait risk for psychosis

    Predictors and moderators of outcome of psychotherapeutic interventions for mental disorders in adolescents and young adults : protocol for systematic reviews

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    Background: Adolescence and young adulthood is a risk period for the emergence of mental disorders. There is strong evidence that psychotherapeutic interventions are effective for most mental disorders. However, very little is known about which of the different psychotherapeutic treatment modalities are effective for whom. This large systematic review aims to address this critical gap within the literature on non-specific predictors and moderators of the outcomes of psychotherapeutic interventions among adolescents and young adults with mental disorders. Methods: The protocol is being reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P) Statement. PubMed and PsycINFO databases will be searched for randomized controlled and quasi-experimental/naturalistic clinical trials. Risk of bias of all included studies will be assessed by the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. The quality of predictor and moderator variables will be also assessed. A narrative synthesis will be conducted for all included studies. Discussion: This systematic review will strengthen the evidence base on effective mental health interventions for young people, being the first to explore predictors and moderators of outcome of psychotherapeutic interventions for a wide range of mental disorders in young people.Peer reviewe