586 research outputs found

    Downstream changes in spring-fed stream invertebrate communities: The effect of increased temperature range?

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    ABSTRACT: Reduced thermal amplitude has been highlighted as a limiting factor for aquatic invertebrate diversity in springs. Moving downstream water temperature range increases and invertebrate richness is expected to change accordingly. In the present study temperature patterns were investigated in seven spring-fed streams, between April 2001 and November 2002, and compared to five run-off-fed streams to assess the degree of crenic temperature constancy. Temperature and physico-chemical characteristics of the water, and food resource levels were measured, and the invertebrate fauna collected at 4 distances (0, 100, 500 m and 1 km) from seven springs in the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Temperature variability was greater for run-off-fed streams than for springs, and increased in the spring-fed streams with distance from the source. Periphyton and physico-chemical characteristics of the water did not change markedly over the 1 km studied, with the exception of water velocity and organic matter biomass, which increased and decreased, respectively. The rate of increase in temperature amplitude differed greatly for the studied springs, probably being affected by flow, altitude, and the number and type of tributaries (i.e., spring- or run-off-fed) joining the spring-fed stream channel. Longitudinal changes in the number and evenness of invertebrate taxa were positively correlated to thermal amplitude (rs = 0.8). Moving downstream, invertebrate communities progressively incorporated taxa with higher mobility and taxa more common in nearby run-off-fed streams. Chironomids and non-insect taxa were denser at the sources. Chironomid larvae also numerically dominated communities 100 and 500 m downstream from the sources, together with Pycnocentria spp. and Zelolessica spp., while taxa such as Hydora sp. and Hydraenidae beetles, the mayflies Deleatidium spp. and Coloburiscus humeralis, and the Trichoptera Pycnocentrodes spp., all had greater abundances 1 km from the sources. In conclusion, water temperature range was highly correlated with number of taxa, although other factors, such as substratum composition, stability and invertebrate drift, may also play an important role in the determination of longitudinal changes in invertebrate community composition and structure along spring-fed streams.We are grateful to Kirsty Francis and the postgraduate students in the Ecology Department, Massey University, for assistance in the field and in the lab. We are also thankful to Pablo Barquín, Lucía Creste, and Kyrin Weaver for help with bug sorting, and to Fiona Death for editing the manuscript. We would also like to thank to two anonymous reviewers for comments that greatly improved the paper. This research was supported by a scholarship from the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government

    The influence of nutrient enrichment on riverine food web function and stability

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    Nutrient enrichment of rivers and lakes has been increasing rapidly over the past few decades, primarily because of agricultural intensification. Although nutrient enrichment is known to drive excessive algal and microbial growth, which can directly and indirectly change the ecological community composition, the resulting changes in food web emergent properties are poorly understood. We used ecological network analysis (ENA) to examine the emergent properties of 12 riverine food webs across a nutrient enrichment gradient in the Manawatu, New Zealand. We also derive Keystone Sensitivity Indices to explore whether nutrients change the trophic importance of species in a way that alters the resilience of the communities to further nutrient enrichment or floods. Nutrient enrichment resulted in communities composed of energy inefficient species with high community (excluding microbes) respiration. Community respiration was several times greater in enriched communities, and this may drive hypoxic conditions even without concomitant changes in microbial respiration. Enriched communities exhibited weaker trophic cascades, which may yield greater robustness to energy flow loss. Interestingly, enriched communities were also more structurally and functionally affected by species sensitive to flow disturbance making these communities more vulnerable to floods

    Nutrient criteria to achieve New Zealand’s riverine macroinvertebrate targets

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    Waterways worldwide are experiencing nutrient enrichment from population growth and intensive agriculture, and New Zealand is part of this global trend. Increasing fertilizer in New Zealand and intensive agriculture have driven substantial water quality declines over recent decades. A recent national directive has set environmental managers a range of riverine ecological targets, including three macroinvertebrate indicators, and requires nutrient criteria be set to support their achievement. To support these national aspirations, we use the minimization-of-mismatch analysis to derive potential nutrient criteria. Given that nutrient and macroinvertebrate monitoring often does not occur at the same sites, we compared nutrient criteria derived at sites where macroinvertebrates and nutrients are monitored concurrently with nutrient criteria derived at all macroinvertebrate monitoring sites and using modelled nutrients. To support all three macroinvertebrate targets, we suggest that suitable nutrient criteria would set median dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations at ~0.6 mg/L and median dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations at ~0.02 mg/L. We recognize that deriving site-specific nutrient criteria requires the balancing of multiple values and consideration of multiple targets, and anticipate that criteria derived here will help and support these environmental goals

    Forest canopy affects stream macroinvertebrate assemblage structure but not trophic stability

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    Understanding the determinates of community structure and function is a central theme in community ecology. The form in which energy is supplied to foodwebs can strongly influence community structure and function. Trophic stability is also thought to be affected by the nature of food web energy pathways and whether they are external (allochthonous) or internal (autochthonous) to the ecosystem. In this study, we assessed whether stream invertebrate assemblages differ in taxonomic composition, energetic network structure, trophic network stability, and assemblage temporal variability based on whether the streams they occupy occur under forested canopies or in open grasslands. We assumed that forested sites would receive more allochthonous inputs, whereas grassland sites would rely more on autochthonous resources. We also tested whether food web stability (robustness, the conservation of energy flow) changed after simulated species extinctions. We found that the forest stream assemblages were dominated by filter feeders and shredders, whereas the grassland assemblages were dominated by grazers. In spite of these differences in assemblage composition, we found no significant differences in trophic network structure, stability, or temporal variability among different site types. Many stream systems, particularly in mountainous areas, such as New Zealand, are exposed to regular and large physical disturbance from flooding, which may result in assemblages with similarly generic diets irrespective of the energy source

    Nitrate enrichment does not affect enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in aquatic microcosms but may affect other strains present in aquatic habitats

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    Eutrophication of the planet’s aquatic systems is increasing at an unprecedented rate. In freshwater systems, nitrate—one of the nutrients responsible for eutrophication—is linked to biodiversity losses and ecosystem degradation. One of the main sources of freshwater nitrate pollution in New Zealand is agriculture. New Zealand’s pastoral farming system relies heavily on the application of chemical fertilisers. These fertilisers in combination with animal urine, also high in nitrogen, result in high rates of nitrogen leaching into adjacent aquatic systems. In addition to nitrogen, livestock waste commonly carries human and animal enteropathogenic bacteria, many of which can survive in freshwater environments. Two strains of enteropathogenic bacteria found in New Zealand cattle, are K99 and Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC). To better understand the effects of ambient nitrate concentrations in the water column on environmental enteropathogenic bacteria survival, a microcosm experiment with three nitrate-nitrogen concentrations (0, 1, and 3 mg NO3-N/L), two enteropathogenic bacterial strains (STEC O26—human, and K99—animal), and two water types (sterile and containing natural microbiota) was run. Both STEC O26 and K99 reached 500 CFU/10 ml in both water types at all three nitrate concentrations within 24 hours and remained at those levels for the full 91 days of the experiment. Although enteropathogenic strains showed no response to water column nitrate concentrations, the survival of background Escherichia coli, imported as part of the in-stream microbiota did, surviving longer in 1 and 3 mg NO3-N/L concentrations (P < 0.001). While further work is needed to fully understand how nitrate enrichment and in-stream microbiota may affect the viability of human and animal pathogens in freshwater systems, it is clear that these two New Zealand strains of STEC O26 and K99 can persist in river water for extended periods alongside some natural microbiota

    Use of a retrospective methodology to examine the process of care surrounding serious medical events in HIV-positive patients: a feasibility study

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    Introduction: Co-morbidities are increasingly common amongst people living with HIV (PLWH) as they age. There is no evidence regarding models of care. We aimed to assess feasibility of a novel methodology to investigate care processes for serious medical events in PLWH. Method: The method was based on the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD). Data were extracted from medical records and questionnaires completed by General Practitioners (GPs), HIV physicians, and non-HIV specialist physicians. A panel reviewed anonymised cases and gave feedback on the review process. Results: Eleven out of 13 patients consented to the study. Questionnaires were completed by 64% of HIV physicians, 67% of non-HIV specialist physicians and 55% of GPs. The IRP advised improvement in the methodology including data presentation and timing. Conclusion: This method was acceptable to patients and secondary care physicians. Further work is needed to the improve GP responses and facilitate IRP

    The assessment of shear stress and bed stability in stream ecology

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    1. Substratum stability and shear stress exerted by flowing water can have a strong influence on the structure of benthic communities. Bed stability can be characterised in a variety of ways, e.g. flow competence, threshold of article entrainment, measures of erosion and deposition, particle transport distance, abrasion and bedload transport rate. This paper reviews methods for the quantification of bed stability and shear stress in streams and rivers that are relevant for the examination of the relationships between stream biota and bed stability. 2. The most suitable method for a research project depends mainly on the objectives. The targeted group of biota, spatial and temporal scale of investigation, as well as hydraulic conditions and substratum characteristics at the study site(s) determine the choice of a technique for the assessment of bed stability. 3. Indirect measurement of shear stress can be more accurate than calculations based on the DuBoys equation. However, the latter is preferred for reach-wide applications within the limits imposed by hydraulic conditions. The entrainment of the substratum is most effectively assessed using a combination of shear stress and competence equations, but the latter require careful parameterisation. At the patch-scale, direct measurement of entrainment force is a valid alternative. 4. Morphometric budgeting is the most comprehensive and least invasive technique for the assessment of rates of erosion and deposition. The transport of substratum particles is efficiently monitored with in situ marked or active tracer particles which allow for rapid and non-invasive identification and high recovery rate.As the assessment of bedload transport rate by formulae can be inaccurate, direct measurement is preferred. However, bedload traps interfere with the substratum and continuity of measurement with samplers is limited. Thus developments in the sector of acoustic and piezoelectric devices offer a potential alternative. 5. The abrasive forces by suspended sediments on stream biota are effectively evaluated with artificial blocks that are fixed on the stream bed. Descriptive surveys that assess bed stability offer an alternative to direct measurement and calculations. They are straightforward and non-invasive but can be observer-biased. If single methods do not provide useful links with biological data this may be improved by the application of a multivariate approach. 6. Many of the methods assessed have not yet been applied in research on benthic communities, but these hydraulic and geomorphologic techniques offer considerable potential for the assessment of bed stability in stream ecology

    The effects of climatic fluctuations and extreme events on running water ecosystems

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    Most research on the effects of environmental change in freshwaters has focused on incremental changes in average conditions, rather than fluctuations or extreme events such as heatwaves, cold snaps, droughts, floods or wildfires, which may have even more profound consequences. Such events are commonly predicted to increase in frequency, intensity and duration with global climate change, with many systems being exposed to conditions with no recent historical precedent. We propose a mechanistic framework for predicting potential impacts of environmental fluctuations on running water ecosystems by scaling up effects of fluctuations from individuals to entire ecosystems. This framework requires integration of four key components: effects of the environment on individual metabolism, metabolic and biomechanical constraints on fluctuating species interactions, assembly dynamics of local food webs and mapping the dynamics of the meta-community onto ecosystem function. We illustrate the framework by developing a mathematical model of environmental fluctuations on dynamically assembling food webs. We highlight (currently limited) empirical evidence for emerging insights and theoretical predictions. For example, widely supported predictions about the effects of environmental fluctuations are: high vulnerability of species with high per capita metabolic demands such as large-bodied ones at the top of food webs; simplification of food web network structure and impaired energetic transfer efficiency; reduced resilience and top-down relative to bottom-up regulation of food web and ecosystem processes. We conclude by identifying key questions and challenges that need to be addressed to develop more accurate and predictive bio-assessments of the effects of fluctuations, and implications of fluctuations for management practices in an increasingly uncertain world

    Colliding AdS gravitational shock waves in various dimensions and holography

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    The formation of marginally trapped surfaces in the off-center collision of two shock waves on AdS_D (with D=4,5,6,7 and 8) is studied numerically. We focus on the case when the two waves collide with nonvanishing impact parameter while the sources are located at the same value of the holographic coordinate. In all cases a critical value of the impact parameter is found above which no trapped surface is formed. The numerical results show the existence of a simple scaling relation between the critical impact parameter and the energy of the colliding waves. Using the isometries of AdS_D we relate the solutions obtained to the ones describing the collision of two waves with a purely holographic impact parameter. This provides a gravitational dual for the head-on collision of two lumps of energy of unequal size.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures. v2: minor changes, typos corrected. To appear in JHE

    Comparing research investment to United Kingdom institutions and published outputs for tuberculosis, HIV and malaria: A systematic analysis across 1997-2013

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    Background: The "Unfinished Agenda" of infectious diseases is of great importance to policymakers and research funding agencies that require ongoing research evidence on their effective management. Journal publications help effectively share and disseminate research results to inform policy and practice. We assess research investments to United Kingdom institutions in HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, and analyse these by numbers of publications and citations and by disease and type of science. Methods: Information on infection-related research investments awarded to United Kingdom institutions across 1997-2010 were sourced from funding agencies and individually categorised by disease and type of science. Publications were sourced from the Scopus database via keyword searches and filtered to include only publications relating to human disease and containing a United Kingdom-based first and/or last author. Data were matched by disease and type of science categories. Investment (United Kingdom pounds) and publications were compared to generate an 'investment per publication' metric; similarly, an 'investment per citation' metric was also developed as a measure of the usefulness of research. Results: Total research investment for all three diseases was £1.4 billion, and was greatest for HIV (£651.4 million), followed by malaria (£518.7 million) and tuberculosis (£239.1 million). There were 17,271 included publications, with 9,322 for HIV, 4,451 for malaria, and 3,498 for tuberculosis. HIV publications received the most citations (254,949), followed by malaria (148,559) and tuberculosis (100,244). According to UK pound per publication, tuberculosis (£50,691) appeared the most productive for investment, compared to HIV (£61,971) and malaria (£94,483). By type of science, public health research was most productive for HIV (£27,296) and tuberculosis (£22,273), while phase I-III trials were most productive for malaria (£60,491). According to UK pound per citation, tuberculosis (£1,797) was the most productive area for investment, compared to HIV (£2,265) and malaria (£2,834). Public health research was the most productive type of science for HIV (£2,265) and tuberculosis (£1,797), whereas phase I-III trials were most productive for malaria (£1,713). Conclusions: When comparing total publications and citations with research investment to United Kingdom institutions, tuberculosis research appears to perform best in terms of efficiency. There were more public health-related publications and citations for HIV and tuberculosis than other types of science. These findings demonstrate the diversity of research funding and outputs, and provide new evidence to inform research investment strategies for policymakers, funders, academic institutions, and healthcare organizations.Infectious Disease Research Networ