237 research outputs found

    The Deans\u27 Roundtable

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    The Deans\u27 Roundtable

    Understanding the extent of polypharmacy and its impact on outcomes among persons with cancer and multimorbidity

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    Cancer often co-occurs with other chronic conditions, and despite the high prevalence of multimorbidity (MMB) in this group, conditions are often treated individually, resulting in multiple prescriptions. Polypharmacy commonly defined as the use of five or more medications, is more common among people with MMB and is associated with a number of adverse outcomes (i.e., increased health service utilization and death). The literature sufficiently describes the occurrence and associated adverse outcomes among older adults; however, there are limited studies on this topic in younger adults. Objectives: The aim of this current study is to examine polypharmacy and its impact among adults 18 years or older with cancer and other chronic diseases. Specifically, it examines the prevalence of polypharmacy across age, sex, MMB level, and type of cancer. It also assesses the relationship between polypharmacy, high use of health services (i.e., emergency room visits, hospitalization) and death, while controlling for other factors

    The importance of being informed: forecasting market risk measures for the Russian RTS index future using online data and implied volatility over two decades

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    This paper focuses on the forecasting of market risk measures for the Russian RTS index future, and examines whether augmenting a large class of volatility models with implied volatility and Google Trends data improves the quality of the estimated risk measures. We considered a time sample of daily data from 2006 till 2019, which includes several episodes of large-scale turbulence in the Russian future market. We found that the predictive power of several models did not increase if these two variables were added, but actually decreased. The worst results were obtained when these two variables were added jointly and during periods of high volatility, when parameters estimates became very unstable. Moreover, several models augmented with these variables did not reach numerical convergence. Our empirical evidence shows that, in the case of Russian future markets, T-GARCH models with implied volatility and student’s t errors are better choices if robust market risk measures are of concern

    The importance of being informed: forecasting market risk measures for the Russian RTS index future using online data and implied volatility over two decades

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    This paper focuses on the forecasting of market risk measures for the Russian RTS index future, and examines whether augmenting a large class of volatility models with implied volatility and Google Trends data improves the quality of the estimated risk measures. We considered a time sample of daily data from 2006 till 2019, which includes several episodes of large-scale turbulence in the Russian future market. We found that the predictive power of several models did not increase if these two variables were added, but actually decreased. The worst results were obtained when these two variables were added jointly and during periods of high volatility, when parameters estimates became very unstable. Moreover, several models augmented with these variables did not reach numerical convergence. Our empirical evidence shows that, in the case of Russian future markets, T-GARCH models with implied volatility and student’s t errors are better choices if robust market risk measures are of concern

    Dissipation Rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Diel Vertical Migrations: Comparison of ANSYS Fluent Model to Measurements

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    Recent studies suggest that diel vertical migrations of zooplankton may have an impact on ocean mixing, though details are not completely clear. A strong sound scattering layer of zooplankton undergoing diel vertical migrations was observed in Saanich Inlet, British Colombia, Canada by Kunze et al. (2006). In this study, a shipboard 200- kHz echosounder was used to track vertical motion of the sound scattering layer, and microstructure profiles were collected to observe turbulence. An increase of dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy by four to five orders of magnitude was measured during diel vertical migrations of zooplankton in one case (but not observed during other cases). A strong sound scattering layer undergoing diel vertical migration was also observed in the Straits of Florida via a bottom mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler at 244 m isobath. A 3-D non-hydrostatic computational fluid dynamics model with Lagrangian particle injections (a proxy for migrating zooplankton) via a discrete phase model was used to simulate the effect of diel vertical migrations on the turbulence for both Saanich Inlet and the Straits of Florida. The model was initialized with idealized (but based on observation) density and velocity profiles. Particles, with buoyancy adjusted to serve as a proxy for vertically swimming zooplankton, were injected to simulate diel vertical migration cycles. Results of models run with extreme concentrations of particles showed an increase in dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy of approximately five orders of magnitude over background turbulence during migration of particles in both Saanich Inlet and the Straits of Florida cases (though direct relation of the turbulence produced by buoyant particles and swimming organisms isn’t straightforward). This increase was quantitatively consistent, with turbulence measurements by Kunze et al. (2006). When 10 times fewer particles were injected into the model, the effect on dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy was an order of magnitude smaller than that from the extreme concentration. At a concentration of particles 100 times smaller than the extreme concentration, there was no longer an observable effect. In the Straits of Florida, direct turbulence measurements were not available to make a quantitative comparison. However, a small, but statistically significant decrease in northward current velocity profiles during migration times were observed after averaging these profiles over 11 months. A small decrease of current velocity connected to the vertical migrations of particles was reproduced in the Straits of Florida model case. The deviations in the velocity profiles can be explained by the increase in turbulent mixing during vertical migration periods


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    Kegiatan Kewirausahaan ini di latarbelakangi oleh semakin meningkatnya permintaan akan berbagai macam model pakaian. Akhir-akhir ini masyarakat Indonesia lebih senang untuk memilih berbelanja secara online. Hal ini terlihat dari semakin banyaknya situs jual beli online yang beredar di dunia maya. Keadaan ini membuat peluang usaha jual beli online terbuka lebar. Usaha jual beli online khususnya pakaian yang di design menarik dan menawarkan harga yang murah menjadi usaha yang menjanjikan. Selain peluang usaha yang terbuka lebar, bisnis jual beli online juga sebagai sebuah sarana untuk memperluas ruang lingkup perdagangan di Indonesia. Adapun tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan di kalangan mahasiswa untuk mendorong terciptanya wirausahawan muda yang memiliki tanggungjawab dalam mengelola usahanya, dapat memanfaatkan sosial media untuk hal yang bermanfaat khususnya di bidang bisnis, mengajarkan mahasiswa untuk terjun langsung dalam dunia perdagangan Indonesia. Target khusus dari kegiatan ini adalah menjual barang kualitas yang baik dengan harga yang terjangkau bagi masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan sebagai sebuah upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan serta menjadi salah satu usaha kreatif mahasiswa yang nantinya dapat membuka lapangan kerja baru serta memperoleh profit yang sebesar-besarnya

    DNA, spectroscopic and geochemical analyses of bone fragments and associated speleothems in Postojna cave, Slovenia

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    a loose/broken stalagmite containing small fragments of cemented bones were collected from the Postojna Cave to investigate whether deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be determined. The study is complemented by the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy - attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) analysis in order to determine the alteration of the bones and to test whether this analysis can be used as an indicator of possible DNA preservation. In addition, geochemical analyses were conducted in order to determine whether the associated flowstone/stalagmite is suitable for elucidating the timing of bone thanatocoenosis and further palaeoenvironmental analyses. The organic matter (collagen) is poorly preserved. However, we succeeded in amplifying a 94 bp long fragment of the cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for one sample, and in sequencing the amto that of the Cyt b of the cave bear (Ursus deningeri or Ursus spelaeus sensu lato). The uranium-thorium dating of the speleothem covering the bones revealed its thanatocoenosis occurred prior to 55 ka, most likely in the late marine isotope stage 4 or early marine isotope stage 3. High porosity and recrystallisation of the flowstone/stalagmite at this part of the cave prevent high-resolution palaeoclimatic interpretation; however, low-resolution stable isotope geochemistry suggests a steppe-like environment during the subsequent growth of the speleothem.Iz Postojnske jame so bili vzeti delci kosti, prevlečeni s kalcitno skorjo, vključno z odlomljenim stalagmitom, v katerem so zacementirani drobci kosti, da bi se ugotovilo, ali je mogoče določiti deoksiribonukleinsko kislino (DNA). Ć tudijo dopolnjuje analiza s Fourierevo transformacijsko infrardečo spektroskopijo z zmanjĆĄanim popolnim odbojem (FTIR-ATR), ki je bila izvedena, da se ugotovijo biokemične spremembe v kosteh in se preveri, ali je mogoče to analizo uporabiti kot kazalnik morebitne ohranjenosti DNA. Izvedene so bile tudi geokemijske analize, da bi ugotovili, ali je pripadajoča siga primerna za razlago časa kostne tanatocenoze in nadaljnje paleookoljske analize. Organska snov (kolagen) je slabo ohranjena. Pri enem vzorcu nam je z veriĆŸno reakcijo s polimerazo (PCR) uspelo pomnoĆŸiti 94 bp dolg fragment gena za citokrom b (Cyt b) mitohondrijske DNA (mtDNA) in pomnoĆŸene produkte smo uspeĆĄno sekvencirali. Dobljeno zaporedje dolĆŸine 70 bp ustreza zaporedju Cytb jamskega medveda (Ursus deningeri ali Ursus spelaeus sensu lato). U-Th datacija sige, ki pokriva kosti, nakazuje, da se je tanatocenoza pojavila pred 55 ka, najverjetneje v fazi MIS 4 ali MIS 3. Visoka poroznost in rekristalizacija sige v tem delu jame preprečujeta paleoklimatsko interpretacijo visoke ločljivosti, geokemija stabilnih izotopov z nizko ločljivostjo pa nakazuje na stepi podobno okolje

    The Impact of Nutrition and Health Claims on Consumer Perceptions and Portion Size Selection: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey

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    Nutrition and health claims on foods can help consumers make healthier food choices. However, claims may have a ‘halo’ effect, influencing consumer perceptions of foods and increasing consumption. Evidence for these effects are typically demonstrated in experiments with small samples, limiting generalisability. The current study aimed to overcome this limitation through the use of a nationally representative survey. In a cross-sectional survey of 1039 adults across the island of Ireland, respondents were presented with three different claims (nutrition claim = “Low in fat”; health claim = “With plant sterols. Proven to lower cholesterol”; satiety claim = “Fuller for longer”) on four different foods (cereal, soup, lasagne, and yoghurt). Participants answered questions on perceived healthiness, tastiness, and fillingness of the products with different claims and also selected a portion size they would consume. Claims influenced fillingness perceptions of some of the foods. However, there was little influence of claims on tastiness or healthiness perceptions or the portion size selected. Psychological factors such as consumers’ familiarity with foods carrying claims and belief in the claims were the most consistent predictors of perceptions and portion size selection. Future research should identify additional consumer factors that may moderate the relationships between claims, perceptions, and consumption
