9,760 research outputs found


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    The main task of every husband and wife is to fulfill each other to improve their personality, to achieve prosperity both from the material and spiritual side. However, in reality, people who marry sometimes do not find the happiness and harmony that every couple hopes for. Various arguments and differences of opinion between partners cause disputes. When there are endless arguments in the household, so that harmony is no longer felt, it can become a burden to maintain a marriage. This research was conducted to determine the implementation of the settlement of divorce case No. 194/Pdt. G/2023/PA.Kab.Mlg which was completed by default (verstek). The author conducted research using empirical juridical methods which are known as research that goes directly into the field by deepening the existing legal regulations in Indonesia which are what actually occur in the social order of life. In the process of resolving this case, it can be said that there is a trial that is quite unique when compared to the process of resolving talak divorce cases in general. In general, we can see that there are several series of trial agendas with different trial objectives in each agenda, such as a separate initial trial, a separate evidentiary trial, or a separate conclusion trial. However, what happened in the process of resolving the divorce divorce case with number No. 194/Pdt. G/2023/PA.Kab.Mlg means that all trial agendas are combined into one trial agenda, namely at the initial trial. In this case, it was certain from the start that the respondent would not attend or at least care about this case. This is due to the current situation and condition of the Respondent, where the Respondent has (knowingly and intentionally) abandoned the Applicant and the children resulting from the marriage of the Applicant and Respondent in order to be with the Respondent's mistress, and the whereabouts of the Respondent are unknown even to the Respondent's own family. Therefore, indirectly, the default decision will definitely be the decision that ends the process of resolving this divorce divorce case. According to the author, there are still things that can be further harmonized between several points of related legal rules (for example, such as for divorce and divorce cases), considering the differences in the rules regulated in Indonesian law and religious law itself

    Constant-output atomizer

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    A constant-output atomizer includes a body which has a generally frustoconical expansion nozzle for producing an air jet when a supply of pressurized air is connected to the nozzle upstream of the throat of the nozzle. A liquid feed line supplies liquid to be atomized by the air jet, and the body includes a groove which opens into the diffuser section of the nozzle downstream of the throat for conducting liquid from the feed line to the nozzle. The groove which extends in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the nozzle, and radially with respect to it, has a depth approximately equal to half the axial length of the nozzle. Liquid, conducted by capillary action in the groove to the nozzle, is atomized into a fine mist by the air jet in the nozzle; and the groove eliminates fluctuations in spray order


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan membuat produk berbentuk media komik dengan basis Comic Life yang layak serta efektif dipakai di pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai yakni Research and Development (R&D) tipe 4D menurut teori Thiagarajan, yakni define, design, development, serta disseminate. Metode serta model ini dipilih sebab model pengembangan efektif mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran. Teknik pengumpul data memakai wawancara, observasi, angket serta dokumentasi. Analisis yang dipakai yakni analisis kuantitatif serta kualitatif dengan sampel 10 peserta didik kelas II SD Negeri Cipaot Ciwandan. Pengujian validitas meliputi aspek pembelajaran, materi/kebenaran isi, pemilihan media, pemanfaatan media, dan bentuk fisik media yang melibatkan beberapa validator. Hasil penelitian terhadap kelayakan produk menunjukan bahwa dosen ahli materi memberikan nilai skor 86% (sangat layak), dosen ahli media 88% (sangat layak), guru 99% (sangat layak), maka hal ini menunjukan produk sudah layak digunakan. Hasil uji coba produk terbatas memperoleh nilai Pre-test 63% serta hasil post-test 88% dan hasil uji coba jumlah banyak 85,5% , Maka hal ini memperlihatkan produk media komik berbasis Comic Life dapat dikatakan efektif untuk digunakan di Sekolah Dasar Kata kunci: Kemampuan membaca, media Comic Life, Bahasa Indonesi


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    Dea Lestari, 2020. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Harga Saham yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2015-2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility, komite audit, komisaris independen, total cash flow, ROA, ROE dan EPS terhadap harga saham pada perusahaan makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2015-2018. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di BEI dengan sampel sebanyak 14 perusahaan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, (2) komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, (3) komisaris independen tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, (4) total cash flow tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, (5) ROA tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham, (6) ROE tidak berpengaruh terhadap harga saham dan (7) EPS berpengaruh terhadap harga saham. Kata Kunci : Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Komite Audit, Komisaris Independen, Total Cash Flow, Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), Earning Per Share (EPS

    Characterization of the transverse relaxation rates in lipid bilayers

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    The 2H NMR transverse relaxation rates of a deuterated phospholipid bilayer reflect slow motions in the bilayer membrane. A study of dimyristoyl lecithin specifically deuterated at several positions of the hydrocarbon chains indicates that these motions are cooperative and are confined to the hydrocarbon chains of the lipid bilayer. However, lipid head group interactions do play an important role in modulating the properties of the cooperative fluctuations of the hydrocarbon chains (director fluctuations), as evidenced by the effects of various lipid additives on the 2H NMR transverse relaxation rates of the dimyristoyl lecithin bilayer


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    Background : Burn injury is kind of wound that happen the most in society. Kind of burn that often happen is superficial partial thickness burn, which is people choose to do some self medication because the expense is relatively high. The content of alliin in onion (Allium sativum L) be trusted can be used to help healing process of superficial partial thickness burn, with its biology activity as anti-agregation of platelet cells, fibrinolysis accelerator, and anti-bacterial. Aims : To find out the effect of onion extract (Allium sativum L) in superficial partial thickness burn. Method : A post test only control group design study with 4 groups which divided into two categories consist of control group and treatment group. the control group is rats that been given superficial partial thickness burn without any preferential treatment and treatment groups are hordes of rats that been given superficial partial thickness burn which divided into 3 group then each group smeared with onion extract 1.5%, 3.0%, and 6.0%. The assessment is conducted in 14 days using Bates Jensen Wound Assessment Tool. Result : Subjects in control group, superficial partial thickness burn without any treatment reach its recovery in 14 days. Subjects with superficial atrial thickness burn smeared with onion extract 1.5% reach its recovery in 10 days ,with onion extract 3.0% in 11days , and onion extract 6.0% in 12 days. Conclusion : There is an effect that can be found in onion extract with 1.5%, 3.0%, and 6.0% concentration that smeared on superficial partial thickness burn Key Words : Burn injury, superficial atrial thickness burn, onion, Allium sativum L

    Implementation and Effectiveness of the Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Method in Fiqh Teaching: An Analysis at MTs Nurul Islam, Kuala District

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    Purpose – This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Think Pair Share (TPS) learning method in the context of Fiqh education at MTs Nurul Islam, Kuala District, focusing on enhancing student participation and understanding and overcoming challenges in conventional learning. Design/methods/approach – Employing qualitative approaches and field research, this study gathered data from school principals, teachers, and students using structured interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis process was carried out qualitatively and descriptively, focusing on the reduction, presentation, and conclusion of relevant data. Findings – The research findings indicate that applying the TPS method has improved student engagement in the Fiqh learning process. This method facilitated more interactive and collaborative learning, reduced monotony, and developed critical and creative thinking skills. Challenges encountered include a lack of active student participation and group management issues, which can be addressed by adjusting teaching materials and adopting more heterogeneous learning strategies. Research implications – These findings provide new insights into the benefits of using innovative methods like TPS in Fiqh education. They emphasize the importance of further teacher training in innovative learning methods to improve the quality of Islamic education in Indonesia. This study also has implications for developing more effective learning strategies in various educational contexts

    S-Mbank: Secure Mobile Banking Authentication Scheme Using Signcryption, Pair Based Text Authentication, and Contactless Smartcard

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    Nowadays, mobile banking becomes a popular tool which consumers can conduct financial transactions such as shopping, monitoring accounts balance, transferring funds and other payments. Consumers dependency on mobile needs, make people take a little bit more interest in mobile banking. The use of the one-time password which is sent to the user mobile phone by short message service (SMS) is a vulnerability which we want to solve with proposing a new scheme called S-Mbank. We replace the authentication using the one-time password with the contactless smart card to prevent attackers to use the unencrypted message which is sent to the user's mobile phone. Moreover, it deals vulnerability of spoofer to send an SMS pretending as a bank's server. The contactless smart card is proposed because of its flexibility and security which easier to bring in our wallet than the common passcode generators. The replacement of SMS-based authentication with contactless smart card removes the vulnerability of unauthorized users to act as a legitimate user to exploit the mobile banking user's account. Besides that, we use public-private key pair and PIN to provide two factors authentication and mutual authentication. We use signcryption scheme to provide the efficiency of the computation. Pair based text authentication is also proposed for the login process as a solution to shoulder-surfing attack. We use Scyther tool to analyze the security of authentication protocol in S-Mbank scheme. From the proposed scheme, we are able to provide more security protection for mobile banking service.Comment: 6 page
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