64 research outputs found

    Cognitive processing and mathematical achievement: a study with schoolchildren between fourth and sixth grade of primary education

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    This investigation analyzed the relation between cognitive functioning and mathematical achievement in 114 students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. Differences in cognitive performance were studied concurrently in three selected achievement groups: mathematical learning disability group (MLD), low achieving group (LA), and typically achieving group (TA). For this purpose, performance in verbal memory and in the PASS cognitive processes of planning, attention, and simultaneous and successive processing was assessed at the end of the academic course. Correlational analyses showed that phonological loop and successive and simultaneous processing were related to mathematical achievement at all three grades. Regression analysis revealed simultaneous processing as a cognitive predictor of mathematical performance, although phonological loop was also associated with higher achievement. Simultaneous and successive processing were the elements that differentiated the MLD group from the LA group. These results show that, of all the variables analyzed in this study, simultaneous processing was the best predictor of mathematical performance

    Arithmetical difficulties and low arithmetic achievement: analysis of the underlying cognitive functioning

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    This study analyzed the cognitive functioning underlying arithmetical difficulties and explored the predictors of arithmetic achievement in the last three grades of Spanish Primary Education. For this purpose, a group of 165 students was selected and divided into three groups of arithmetic competence: Mathematical Learning Disability group (MLD, n = 27), Low Achieving group (LA, n = 39), and Typical Achieving group (TA, n = 99). Students were assessed in domain-general abilities (working memory and PASS cognitive processes), and numerical competence (counting and number processing) during the last two months of the academic year. Performance of children from the MLD group was significantly poorer than that of the LA group in writing dictated Arabic numbers (d = –0.88), reading written verbal numbers (d = –0.84), transcoding written verbal numbers to Arabic numbers (–0.75) and comprehension of place value (d = –0.69), as well as in simultaneous (d = –0.62) and successive (d = –0.59) coding. In addition, a specific developmental sequence was observed in both groups, the implications of which are discussed. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed simultaneous coding (β = .47, t(155) = 6.18, p < .001) and number processing (β = .23, t(155) = 3.07, p < .01) as specific predictors of arithmetical performance.Universidade de Vigo | Ref. INOU201

    Educación especial y diversidad educativa

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    [Resumen] Nuestra felicitación a los Profesores Barca y Duarte, en su calidad de Presidentes del Comité Organizador, por el nivel de los temas propuestos para este Congreso, su buena marcha y, sobre todo, por el éxito obtenido en la convocatoria para la realización de este gran evento. La pretensión en esta ponencia, Educación Especial y Diversidad Educativa, es darles a conocer algunos aspectos del trabajo que en este momento estamos realizando un grupo de profesores del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación en la Universidad de Vigo. Para ello, en primer lugar, nos referiremos brevemente a la consideración de la Diversidad y de la Educación Especial; en segundo lugar hablaremos de los procesos cognitivos en cuanto maximizadores del aprendizaje y que se ponen de manifiesto cuando se aprende, de cuáles son y de su medida y, en tercer lugar, de la intervención consiguiente centrada en el curriculum escolar y en el contexto del grupo clase

    Cognitive processing and arithmetic achievement

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    Esta investigación analizó la relación entre el funcionamiento cognitivo y el logro aritmético de 114 alumnos españoles de 4º, 5º y 6º curso. Con este fin se evaluó, a finales del curso escolar, el logro aritmético, el rendimiento en la memoria verbal y en los procesos cognitivos PASS planificación, atención, procesamiento simultáneo y sucesivo. Los análisis correlacionales mostraron que el lazo fonológico, el procesamiento sucesivo y el simultáneo se relacionaron con el logro aritmético en los tres niveles educativos. El análisis de regresión señaló al simultáneo como predictor cognitivo del rendimiento aritmético, aunque el lazo fonológico también se asoció a un mayor logro. Estos resultados demostraron que, de entre todas las variables analizadas en este estudio, el procesamiento simultáneo fue el mejor predictor del rendimiento aritmético.This research examined the relationship between cognitive functioning and arithmetic achievement of 114 Spanish students of 4 th, 5 th and 6 th grade. For this purpose was evaluated at the end of the school, arithmetic achievement, performance on verbal memory and PASS cognitive processes, planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing. Correlational analyzes showed that the phonological loop, the successive and simultaneous processing related to arithmetic achievement in three educational levels. Regression analysis indicated the simultaneous as a cognitive predictor of performance arithmetic, although the phonological loop was also associated with higher achievement. These results showed that among all the variables analyzed in this study, simultaneous processing was the best predictor of arithmetical performance

    Metacognitive instruction and simultaneous processing

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    Este estudio presenta la mejora producida por la aplicación de la instrucción metacognitiva en el procesamiento simultáneo en estudiantes de grado 3 de Educación primaria. La muestra estuvo constituida por 30 estudiantes de un aula de un centro de educación primaria. Se formaron dos grupos, el grupo de intervención se formó con los estudiantes del aula que presentaban dificultades en el procesamiento simultáneo, mostrando una debilidad cognitiva que compromete la comprensión lectora. El segundo grupo estaba formado por el resto de los estudiantes del grupo aula, constituyendo el grupo de comparación. Se utilizó un diseño pre-post-follow-up test. Los grupos están igualados en estatus socioeconómico y cultural y en procesamiento sucesivo. Se diferenciaban en procesamiento simultáneo. Al grupo de intervención se le aplicó el programa de instrucción metacognitiva operativizando mediante la estrategia de facilitación de la planificación, que permite a los estudiantes discutir entre sí los textos de comprensión y además verbalizarlo reflexivamente para comparar y contrastar sus respuestas. El grupo de comparación siguió las actividades curriculares según el modelo de enseñanza tradicional. El programa se desarrolló en 24 sesiones durante siete semanas. Tras la intervención el grupo mejoro significativamente en procesamiento simultáneo. Estas mejoras se interpretan en el sentido de que la instrucción metacognitiva que facilita la discusión entre los alumnos y la verbalización reflexiva para comparar y contrastar respuestas, es la responsable de la mejora de la función del procesamiento simultaneo para la comprensión lectora.This study presents the improvement produced by the application of metacognitive instruction in simultaneous processing in grade 3 students of primary education. The sample consisted of 30 students from a classroom in a primary school. Two groups were formed, the intervention group was formed with the students of the classroom who presented difficulties in the simultaneous processing, showing a cognitive weakness that compromises the reading comprehension. The second group consisted of the rest of the students in the group, constituting the comparison group. A pre-post-follow-up test design is applied. The groups are matched in socio-economic and cultural status and in the successive processing. They differed in the simultaneous processing. The intervention group was applied the operative metacognitive instruction program through the planning facilitation strategy, which allows the students to answer the comprehension texts and also verbalize the reflex to compare and contrast their answers. The comparison group followed the curricular activities according to the traditional teaching model. The program is written in 24 sessions for seven weeks. After the intervention, the group improved significantly in the simultaneous processing. These improvements are interpreted in the sense that the metacognitive instruction that facilitates the discussion between the students and the reflexive verbalization to compare and contrast answers, is responsible for the improvement of the simultaneous processing function for reading comprehension.peerReviewe

    Mathematical learning disabilities and attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder: A study of the cognitive processes involved in arithmetic problem solving

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of cognitive functioning to arithmetic problem solving and to explore the cognitive profiles of children with attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and with mathematical learning disabilities (MLD). Methods: The sample was made up of a total of 90 students of 4th, 5th, and 6th grade organized in three: ADHD (n = 30), MLD (n = 30) and typically achieving control (TA; n = 30) group. Assessment was conducted in two sessions in which the PASS processes and arithmetic problem solving were evaluated. Results: The ADHD group’s performance in planning and attention was worse than that of the control group. Children with MLD obtained poorer results than the control group in planning and simultaneous and successive processing. Executive processes predicted arithmetic problem solving in the ADHD group whereas simultaneous processing was the unique predictor in the MLD sample. Conclusions: Children with ADHD and with MLD showed characteristic cognitive profiles. Groups’ problem-solving performance can be predicted from their cognitive functioning

    Expectativas, según sexo, de los estudiantes españoles de primer año de Enseñanza Superior tras sus primeras experiencias

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    Las expectativas académicas recogen la confianza en aquello que, según la experiencia previa, se considera que es más probable que ocurra. Constituyen una interpretación y predicción sobre lo que ha de suceder en la Enseñanza Superior (ES) en función de la experiencia vivida. La confrontación con el primer semestre lectivo conduce, muchas veces, a una reevaluación y modificación de las expectativas iniciales. Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de comprobar si se produce un cambio en las puntuaciones de expectativas de los estudiantes, según su sexo, desde que se inician por primera vez en la Universidad hasta que finalizan el primer semestre académico. La muestra estuvo formada por 223 estudiantes de la Universidad de Vigo-Campus Ourense, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 39 años de edad (M=19,8; Mdn= 19). El 68% era de sexo femenino y el 32% de sexo masculino. Se utilizó para la medida inicial y semestral de las expectativas el Cuestionario de Percepciones Académicas (CPA). Los resultados, indicaron que las mujeres obtuvieron inicialmente puntuaciones más altas que los hombres en sus expectativas de Formación empleo/carrera, Desarrollo personal y social, Movilidad estudiantil, Participación político/ciudadana y Presión social. Al finalizar el primer semestre, ese patrón de puntuaciones se invirtió obteniendo los hombres puntuaciones más elevadas en dichas dimensiones de expectativas. Los resultados se interpretan en el sentido de que las mujeres ajustan en mayor medida que los hombres sus expectativas en función de las experiencias universitarias vividas en ese período de tiempo, suponiéndose una mejor adaptación de las estudiantes a la Universidad.Academic expectations reflected confidence in that which, according to previous experience, is considered to be more likely to occur. They are an interpretation and prediction about what will happen in Higher Education (ES) based on the experience. The confrontation with the first school semester leads, often, to a reevaluation and modification of initial expectations. This study was conducted to see whether a change in the scores of student expectations occurs, by sex, since they was first start in college until complete it the first semester. The sample consisted of 223 students from the University of Vigo, Ourense Campus, aged between 18 and 39 years (M = 19.8, Mdn = 19 ). 68% were female and 32% male. Was used for initial and semiannual measure Academic Perceptions Questionnaire (CPA). The results indicated that initially, women, scored higher than men in their expectations of training employment/career, personal and social development, student mobility, political/citizenship implication and social pressure. At the end of the first semester, that pattern was reversed, the men got higher scores on these dimensions of expectations. The results are interpreted to mean that women conform to a greater extent than men based on their expectations of university experiences in that time period, assuming a better adjustment of women students to college.peerReviewe

    Mathematical difficulties vs. High achievement: an analysis of arithmetical cognition in elementary school

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    This study analyzed the contribution of cognitive processes (planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing) and domain-specific skills (counting, number processing and conceptual comprehension) to the arithmetic performance achieved in the last three grades (4th, 5th, and 6th) of elementary school. Three groups of students with a different arithmetic achievement level were characterized. The predictive value of the cognitive processes and the math specific skills are explored through diverse covariance and discriminant analyses. Participants were 110 students (M = 10.5 years, SD = 1.17) classified in three groups: mathematical difficulties (MD; n = 26), high achieving (HA; n = 26), and typical achieving (TA; n = 58). Cognitive processes and domain-specific skills were evaluated in two individual sessions at the end of the school year. Nonverbal intelligence was assessed in a final collective session with each class. The mathematical difficulties group’s achievement was deficient in simultaneous and successive processing, number processing, and conceptual comprehension compared to the typical achievement group. High achievement children obtained significantly better results than the typical achievement children in simultaneous processing, counting, number processing, and conceptual comprehension. Number processing and conceptual comprehension were the most consistent classifiers, although successive and simultaneous processing, respectively, also contributed to identifying students with mathematical difficulties and high achievement. These findings have practical implications for preventive and intervention proposals linked to the observed profiles

    Nanogel formation of polymer solutions flowing through porous media

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    A gelation process was seen to occur when Boger fluids made from aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide (PAA) and NaCl flowed through porous media with certain characteristics. As these viscoelastic fluids flow through a porous medium, the pressure drop across the bed varies linearly with the flow rate, as also happens with Newtonian fluids. Above a critical flow rate, elastic effects set in and the pressure drop grows above the low-flow-rate linear regime. Increasing further the flow rate, a more dramatic increase in the slope of the pressure drop curve can be observed as a consequence of nanogel formation. In this work, we discuss the reasons for this gelation process based on our measurements using porous media of different sizes, porosity and chemical composition. Additionally, the rheological properties of the fluids were investigated for shear and extensional flows. The fluids were also tested as they flowed through different microfluidic analogues of the porous media. The results indicate that the nanogel inception occurs with the adsorption of PAA molecules on the surface of the porous media particles that contain silica on their surfaces. Subsequently, if the interparticle space is small enough a jamming process occurs leading to flow-induced gel formation

    Evaluación cognitiva desde el modelo PASS en niños adoptados

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las variables cognitivas evaluadas desde el modelo PASS, a través de la batería de evaluación cognitiva DN:CAS. Los resultados mostraron tres tipos de rendimiento cognitivo: un grupo de alumnos de rendimiento cognitivo bajo (51%), otro de rendimiento cognitivo medio (37%) y el tercero de rendimiento cognitivo alto (12%). Los procesos más alterados son la atención, el procesamiento sucesivo y la planificación. A partir del análisis de varianza la escala de planificación y la escala completa (rendimiento cognitivo general) muestran diferencias significativas en relación con el rendimiento académico.