22 research outputs found

    Exploring the origins of the Dzyalloshinski-Moria interaction in MnSi

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    By using magnetization and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements, we have investigated the magnetic behavior of Mn_{1-x}Ir_{x}Si system to explore the effect of increased carrier density and spin-orbit interaction on the magnetic properties of MnSi. We determine estimates of the spin wave stiffness and the Dzyalloshinski-Moria, DM, interaction strength and compare with Mn_{1-x}Co_{x}Si and Mn_{1-x}Fe_{x}Si. Despite the large differences in atomic mass and size of the substituted elements, Mn_{1-x}Co_{x}Si and Mn_{1-x}Ir_{x}Si show nearly identical variations in their magnetic properties with substitution. We find a systematic dependence of the transition temperature, the ordered moment, the helix period and the DM interaction strength with electron count for Mn{1-x}Ir{x}Si, Mn_{1-x}Co_{x}Si, and Mn_{1-x}Fe_{x}Si indicating that the magnetic behavior is primarily dependent upon the additional carrier density rather than on the mass or size of the substituting species. This indicates that the variation in magnetic properties, including the DM interaction strength, are primarily controlled by the electronic structure as Co and Ir are isovalent. Our work suggests that although the rigid band model of electronic structure along with Moira's model of weak itinerant magnetism describe this system surprisingly well, phenomenological models for the DM interaction strength are not adequate to describe this system.Comment: 17 pages, 7 Figure

    Effect of microstructure on the internal hydriding behavior of uranium

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    Annihilation and Control of Chiral Domain Walls with Magnetic Fields

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    The control of domain walls is central to nearly all magnetic technologies, particularly for information storage and spintronics. Creative attempts to increase storage density need to overcome volatility due to thermal fluctuations of nanoscopic domains and heating limitations. Topological defects, such as solitons, skyrmions, and merons, may be much less susceptible to fluctuations, owing to topological constraints, while also being controllable with low current densities. Here, we present the first evidence for soliton/soliton and soliton/antisoliton domain walls in the hexagonal chiral magnet Mn1/3NbS2 that respond asymmetrically to magnetic fields and exhibit pair-annihilation. This is important because it suggests the possibility of controlling the occurrence of soliton pairs and the use of small fields or small currents to control nanoscopic magnetic domains. Specifically, our data suggest that either soliton/soliton or soliton/antisoliton pairs can be stabilized by tuning the balance between intrinsic exchange interactions and long-range magnetostatics in restricted geometriesComment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Squeezing the periodicity of Néel-type magnetic modulations by enhanced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of 4d electrons

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    In polar magnets, such as GaV4_{4}S8_{8}, GaV4_{4}Se8_{8} and VOSe2_{2}O5_{5}, modulated magnetic phases namely the cycloidal and the Néel-type skyrmion lattice states were identified over extended temperature ranges, even down to zero Kelvin. Our combined small-angle neutron scattering and magnetization study shows the robustness of the Néel-type magnetic modulations also against magnetic fields up to 2 T in the polar GaMo4_{4}S8_{8}. In addition to the large upper critical field, enhanced spin-orbit coupling stabilize cycloidal, Néel skyrmion lattice phases with sub-10 nm periodicity and a peculiar distribution of the magnetic modulation vectors. Moreover, we detected an additional single-q state not observed in any other polar magnets. Thus, our work demonstrates that non-centrosymmetric magnets with 4d and 5d electron systems may give rise to various highly compressed modulated states

    Stripe Helical Magnetism and Two Regimes of Anomalous Hall Effect in NdAlGe

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    We report the magnetic and electronic transport properties of the inversion and time-reversal symmetry breaking Weyl semimetal NdAlGe. This material is analogous to NdAlSi, whose helical magnetism presents a rare example of a Weyl-mediated collective phenomenon, but with a larger spin-orbit coupling. Our neutron diffraction experiments revealed that NdAlGe, similar to NdAlSi, supports an incommensurate Ising spin density wave (Tinc=6.8T_{\text{inc}}=6.8 K) with a small helical spin canting of 3^\circ and a long-wavelength of \sim 35 nm, which transitions to a commensurate ferrimagnetic state below Tcom=5.1T_{\text{com}}=5.1 K. Using small-angle neutron scattering, we showed that the zero-field cooled ferrimagnetic domains form stripes in real space with characteristic length scales of 18 nm and 72 nm parallel and perpendicular to the [110] direction, respectively. Interestingly, for the transport properties, NdAlSi does not exhibit an anomalous Hall effect (AHE) that is commonly observed in magnetic Weyl semimetals. In contrast to NdAlSi, we identify two different AHE regimes in NdAlGe that are respectively governed by intrinsic Berry curvature and extrinsic disorders/spin fluctuations. Our study suggests that Weyl-mediated magnetism prevails in this group of noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetals NdAlXX, but transport properties including AHE are affected by material-specific extrinsic effects such as disorders, despite the presence of prominent Berry curvature.Comment: Preprint, 16 pages, 6 main figures, 6 supplementary figure

    Three-Dimensional Structure of Hybrid Magnetic Skyrmions Determined by Neutron Scattering

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    Magnetic skyrmions are topologically protected chiral spin textures which present opportunities for next-generation magnetic data storage and logic information technologies. The topology of these structures originates in the geometric configuration of the magnetic spins - more generally described as the structure. While the skyrmion structure is most often depicted using a 2D projection of the three-dimensional structure, recent works have emphasized the role of all three dimensions in determining the topology and their response to external stimuli. In this work, grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering and polarized neutron reflectometry are used to determine the three-dimensional structure of hybrid skyrmions. The structure of the hybrid skyrmions, which includes a combination of N\'eel-like and Bloch-like components along their length, is expected to significantly contribute to their notable stability, which includes ambient conditions. To interpret the neutron scattering data, micromagnetic simulations of the hybrid skyrmions were performed, and the corresponding diffraction patterns were determined using a Born approximation transformation. The converged magnetic profile reveals the magnetic structure along with the skyrmion depth profile, including the thickness of the Bloch and N\'eel segments and the diameter of the core

    Magnetic-field control of topological electronic response near room temperature in correlated Kagome magnets

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    Strongly correlated Kagome magnets are promising candidates for achieving controllable topological devices owing to the rich interplay between inherent Dirac fermions and correlation-driven magnetism. Here we report tunable local magnetism and its intriguing control of topological electronic response near room temperature in the Kagome magnet Fe3Sn2 using small angle neutron scattering, muon spin rotation, and magnetoresistivity measurement techniques. The average bulk spin direction and magnetic domain texture can be tuned effectively by small magnetic fields. Magnetoresistivity, in response, exhibits a measurable degree of anisotropic weak localization behavior, which allows the direct control of Dirac fermions with strong electron correlations. Our work points to a novel platform for manipulating emergent phenomena in strongly-correlated topological materials relevant to future applications