325 research outputs found

    Executing AADL models with UML/Marte

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    International audienceAADL and MARTE are two modeling formalisms supporting the analysis of real-time embedded systems. Since both cover similar aspects, a clear assessment of their respective strength and weakness is required. Building on previous works, we focus here on the time aspects of the two specifications. Relying on the MARTE Time Model and the operational semantics of its companion language CCSL we attempt to equipped UML activities with the execution semantics of an AADL specification. This is part of a much broader effort to build a generic simulator for UML models with the semantics explicitly defined within the model

    Early timing analysis based on scenario requirements and platform models

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    Distributed, software-intensive systems (e.g., in the automotive sector) must fulfill communication requirements under hard real-time constraints. The requirements have to be documented and validated carefully using a systematic requirements engineering (RE) approach, for example, by applying scenario-based requirements notations. The resources of the execution platforms and their properties (e.g., CPU frequency or bus throughput) induce effects on the timing behavior, which may lead to violations of the real-time requirements. Nowadays, the platform properties and their induced timing effects are verified against the real-time requirements by means of timing analysis techniques mostly implemented in commercial-off-the-shelf tools. However, such timing analyses are conducted in late development phases since they rely on artifacts produced during these phases (e.g., the platform-specific code). In order to enable early timing analyses already during RE, we extend a scenario-based requirements notation with allocation means to platform models and define operational semantics for the purpose of simulation-based, platform-aware timing analyses. We illustrate and evaluate the approach with an automotive software-intensive system

    Semantic Multi-View model for Low-Power

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    5 pagesNational audiencePower is an important concern in embedded systems. Reduction of power consumption is achieved by balancing the control of multiple domains: switching power, reducing or increasing voltage and changing the frequency on system sections. Model-Driven Engineering gives tools to model the interactions of these domains. In this work, we propose to use MARTE combined to UPF concepts to capture the structure and behavior of these multiple domains. We adopt CCSL to unify the multiform aspects among domains and to verify their proper interaction. We provide an example to illustrate MARTE representation and a simulation of multi-domain power design, specified on CCSL and running on TIMESQUARE

    Multi-View Power Modeling based on UML MARTE and SysML

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    The development of SoC involves different activities, usually driven by specialists. These specialists use specific languages and tools to manipulate their specific concepts. The problem is that the multiple views of the system are split into different tools with redundant information. It makes it difficult to ensure consistency as well as to change from one tool to another. We propose a multi-view model where each view represents the specialist concepts in a tool-agnostic manner. The model can be kept consistent by using explicit associations instead of redundancy and tool transformation can be performed to analysis-specific tools. The approach is based on UML and two of its extensions: MARTE and SysML. It is illustrated by adding specific views to specify power management techniques. The resulting model is then transformed into a tool-specific model; \ie a model for Docea Aceplorer, a power analysis tool

    Com as Ciências da Natureza nos pessuelos : reminiscências de uma professora do campo em tempos de pandemia

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    A busca de uma educação de ciências investigativa, consciente e de valorização do diálogo entre os saberes populares e os científicos são o que embasam este artigo de conclusão no programa de pós-graduação “Ciências é 10”. Busca a identificação da escolha entre os eixos temáticos e seus recursos didáticos e tecnológicos, o cuidado ao observar e reconhecer a pesquisa como metodologia importante para o aprendizado do ensino de ciências, sendo ele presencial, remoto ou impresso, dialogando com o lugar onde a escola está inserida e com os sujeitos que aqui vivem. Sendo esta uma escola ¨no¨ campo na qual procura-se trabalhar com a ideia de uma escola “do" campo, é mais um desafio a ser vencido. Buscar os espaços de aprendizagem que o campo oferece, observando as novas tecnologias e recurso de aprendizagem durante o período de pandemia são relatadas as vivências na disciplina de ciências da natureza sobre o olhar de quem modificou o jeito de ministrar aulas, mas que, acima de tudo, colocou “as mãos na massa” e acreditou ser possível uma aprendizagem investigativa e de pesquisa. Importante ressaltar que o artigo foi escrito com a linguagem de quem vive no campo, vivenciando a cultura do lugar e que, ao apropriar-se do conhecimento científico reconhece nele as vivências dos sujeitos, o momento histórico e a contextualização da disciplina de ciências da natureza.The search for an investigative science education, conscious and valuing the dialogue between popular and scientific knowledge is what underlies this concluding article in the graduate program Science is 10. The choice between the Thematic Axes and their didactic resources and technological care to observe and recognize research as an important methodology for learning science education, whether in person, remotely or printed, dialoguing with the place where the school is located and with the subjects who live here. Since this is a school "in the field" in which one seeks to work with the idea of a school "of" the field, it is a challenge to be overcome. Search for the learning spaces that the field offers, observing new technologies and learning resources During the pandemic period, experiences in the natural sciences discipline are reported from the perspective of those who changed the way of teaching classes, but above all put their hands dirty and believed that investigative and research learning is possible. that the article is written in the language of those who live in the countryside, experiencing the culture of the place and that by appropriating scientific knowledge, it recognizes in it the experiences of the subjects, the historical moment and the contextualization of the discipline of natural sciences

    A Semantic-Aware, Accurate and Efficient API for (Co-)Simulation of CPS

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    International audienceTo understand the behavior emerging from the coordination of heterogeneous simulation units, co-simulation usually relies on either a time-triggered or an event-triggered Application Programming Interface (API). It creates bias in the resulting behavior since time or event triggered API may not be appropriate to the behavioral semantics of the model inside the simulation unit. This paper presents a new semanticaware API to execute models. This API is a simple and straightforward extension of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) API. It can be used to execute models in isolation, to debug them, and to co-simulate them. The new API is semantic aware in the sense that it goes beyond time/event triggered API to allow communication based on the behavioral semantics of internal models. This API is illustrated on a simple co-simulation use case with both Cyber and Physical models

    CoSim20: An Integrated Development Environment for Accurate and Efficient Distributed Co-Simulations

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    International audienceThe development of Cyber-Physical Systems involves several disciplines and stakeholders, which use heterogeneous models and formalisms to specify the system and make early validation and verification. In order to understand the behaviour emerging from the heterogeneous models, a collaborative simulation (co-simulation) can be used. To make it happen, the system engineer must define a correct coordination of the different executable models, which can be distributed over different enterprises. This is an important but difficult (and error prone) task that can not be done without information about the behavioral semantics of each model. In this paper, we introduce an integrated development environment which allows 1) to import different executable models (named simulation units), 2) to graphically connect them with rich connectors and 3) to generate a dedicated, accurate and efficient distributed co-simulation. The framework is based on Eclipse EMF for the modeling part and on ∅MQ for the deployment. It is named CoSim20

    Coping with Semantic Variation Points in Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

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    International audienceEven if they exhibit differences, many Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) share elements from their concepts, notations and semantics. StateCharts is a well known family of DSMLs that share many concepts but exhibit notational differences and many execution semantics variants (called Semantic Variation Points – SVPs –). For instance, when two conflicting transitions in a state machine are enabled by the same event occurrence, which transition is fired depends on the language variant (Harel original StateCharts, UML, Rhapsody, etc.) supported by the execution tool. Tools usually provide only one implementation of SVPs. It complicates communication both between tools and end-users, and hinders the co-existence of multiple variants. More generally, Language Workbenches dedicated to the specification and implementation of eXecutable Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (xDSMLs) often do not offer the tools and facilities to manage these SVPs, making it a time-consuming and troublesome activity. In this paper, we describe a modularized approach to the operational execution semantics of xDSMLs and show how it allows us to manage SVPs. We illustrate this proposal on StateCharts

    CiberMouse design: a case study for SAIA model reuse

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    The paper describes the approach proposed during the international robotic challenge : cibermouse.In the context of last year RTSS robotic competition, SAIA models and their implementation have been proposed. The goal was the development of an exploration robot. This year, the paper proposes the reuse one of these models for the ciberMouse design. The realized modifications are presented and an emphasis is made on benefits and limits of SAIA model reuse