4,630 research outputs found
The integration of project competences within the post-graduate programme: a case study of the International Masters in Rural Development AGRIS MUNDUS
Experiences relating to the InternationalMasters in Rural Development from the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM), the first Spanish programme to receive a mention as a Registered Education Programme by InternationalProject Management Association (IPMA) are considered. Backed by an educational strategy based on Project-Based Learning dating back twenty years, this programme has managed to adapt to the competence evaluation requirements proposed by the European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). In order to do this the training is linked to the professional qualification using competences as a reference leading to the qualification in project management as established by the IPMA
Aristotle and the Nature of the Fortunate Person: the Theory of External Goods and the Permanent Character of Good Luck in Eudemian Ethics VIII 2
Indexación: Revista UNABDesde el punto de vista de su investigación sobre la suerte
(tychê) y la casualidad (automaton), la filosofía de Aristóteles
presenta una sugerente contradicción entre el carácter puntual
de lo fortuito en los escritos físicos y la exigencia de una
prosperidad externa permanente como condición necesaria de
la felicidad (eudaimonia) en los escritos éticos. Este problema entronca directamente con la elucidación de la naturaleza del
hombre afortunado (eutychês) en Ética Eudemia VIII 2. El objetivo
del presente artículo es aproximarse a este núcleo de
problemas desde el tratamiento de Ética a Nicómaco (EN),
Ética a Eudemo (EE) y Magna Moralia (MM), centrando la
atención en: i) qué papel juegan la fortuna (tychê) y los bienes
externos (ta ektos agatha) en la consecución de la felicidad; y
ii) en qué consiste la condición de “afortunado” o eutychês atribuida
a cierto tipo de individuos. En otras palabras: por qué
algunos seres humanos, expuestos a los avatares de la fortuna
como cualquier agente racional y moral, parecen verse favorecidos
siempre o la mayor parte de las veces por el decurso de
los acontecimientos.From the perspective of his research on luck (tychê) and
chance (automaton), Aristotle’s philosophy presents an interesting
contradiction between the unusual nature of chance in
the physical writings and the demand of a permanent external
prosperity as necessary condition for happiness (eudaimonia)
in the ethics. This problem is related to the elucidation of the
nature of the fortunate person (eutychês) in Eudemian Ethics
VIII 2. The paper attempts to approach these problems paying
special attention to Nicomachean Ethics (NE), Eudemian
Ethics (EE) and Magna Moralia and trying to elucidate: i)
what is the role of fortune and external prosperity in the fulfillment
of happiness; and ii) what does it mean for certain
human beings to be “fortunate”. In other words: why certain
rational and moral agents, exposed to the vicissitudes of fortune
as anybody else, seem to be favored by circumstances
always or for the most part.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/A1.-DE-LOS-RIOS.pd
“…But nothing more terrible than man” : Democracy, Philosophy and tragedy in Castoriadis’s Greece
Indexación: Revista UNAB.La figura de Cornelius Castoriadis y su propuesta de interpretación
de la Grecia antigua se enmarcan de manera singular en la historia
de una recepción cultural polivalente: la del modelo helénico
diseñado en la Alemania del siglo XVIII y su rendimiento
sociocultural en la Europa de los siglos XIX y XX. En esta línea,
Castoriadis protagoniza una de las tentativas de apropiación
crítica del pasado más penetrantes y originales de los últimos
tiempos. El presente artículo se propone analizar las posiciones fundamentales de dicha propuesta desde su contextualización
en el marco de la recepción crítica del modelo helénico en el
pensamiento contemporáneo.Cornelius Castoriadis and his interpretation of ancient Greece
belong to the history of a polyvalent cultural reception: the one
of the Hellenic paradigm constructed in Germany´s XVIIIth
century and its socio-cultural efficiency in Europe during XIXth
and XXth centuries. Within these limits, Castoriadis designs one
of the most sharp and original attempts of critical appropriation
of the past in the last century. This paper aims to analyze the
theoretical foundations of this proposal from the perspective of
its contextualization within the limits of the critical reception
of Ancient Greece in contemporary philosophy
Strong Optomechanical Coupling at Room Temperature by Coherent Scattering
Quantum control of a system requires the manipulation of quantum states
faster than any decoherence rate. For mesoscopic systems, this has so far only
been reached by few cryogenic systems. An important milestone towards quantum
control is the so-called strong coupling regime, which in cavity optomechanics
corresponds to an optomechanical coupling strength larger than cavity decay
rate and mechanical damping. Here, we demonstrate the strong coupling regime at
room temperature between a levitated silica particle and a high finesse optical
cavity. Normal mode splitting is achieved by employing coherent scattering,
instead of directly driving the cavity. The coupling strength achieved here
approaches three times the cavity linewidth, crossing deep into the strong
coupling regime. Entering the strong coupling regime is an essential step
towards quantum control with mesoscopic objects at room temperature
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