167 research outputs found

    Marketing Strategies for the Social Good

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    Social network sites (SNS) have proven to be a good environment to promote and sell goods and services, but marketing is more than creating commercial strategies. Social marketing strategies can also be used to promote behavioral change and help individuals transform their lives, achieve well-being, and adopt prosocial behaviors. In this chapter, we seek to analyze with a netnographic study, how SNS are being employed by nonprofits and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) to enable citizens and consumers to participate in different programs and activities that promote social transformation and well-being. A particular interest is to identify how organizations are using behavioral economic tactics to nudge individuals and motivate them to engage in prosocial actions. By providing an understanding on how SNS can provide an adequate environment for the design of social marketing strategies, we believe our work has practical implications both for academicians and marketers who want to contribute in the transformation of consumer behavior and the achievement of well-being and social change

    La escritura colaborativa en la Universidad: Un estudio de casos en español como lengua extranjera

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento de Filología y su Didáctica. Fecha de lectura : 11-10- 2019Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 14-09-202


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    In recent decades, the incidence of Syphilis has multiplied. At the Manuel Fajardo Rivero Polyclinic there is an increase in patients with Syphilis. The general objective is to characterize the patients with Syphilis at the Manuel Fajardo Rivero Polyclinic of the Las Tunas municipality in the period between February 2019-February 2021. A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was carried out in the institution and period of time already defined. The sample consisted of 94 patients, who underwent a clinical and serological examination. The statistical method used was the percentage analysis. The sex most affected was male for 56.4%, between 18 and 39 years of age with a pre-university level of education. 71.2% of those affected presented risk factors, where the non-use of condoms and promiscuity were the most frequent for 22.3% and 17.1% respectively. 58.5% corresponded to early acquired symptomatic syphilis and the most frequent symptoms were genital lesions in 19.1% followed by palmar-plantar rash in 13.8%. 54.2% of the patients complied with benzathine penicillin treatment. In the present investigation, clinical and epidemiological aspects were characterized in patients with Syphilis.En las últimas décadas se ha multiplicado la incidencia de Sífilis. En el Policlínico Manuel Fajardo Rivero se constata un incremento de los pacientes con Sífilis. El objetivo general es caracterizar los pacientes con Sífilis en el Policlínico Manuel Fajardo Rivero del municipio Las Tunas en el período entre febrero de 2019- febrero de 2021. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal prospectivo en la institución y periodo de tiempo ya definidos. La muestra quedó conformada por 94 pacientes, a los cuales se les realizó examen clínico y serológico.  El método estadístico utilizado fue el análisis porcentual. El sexo más afectado fue el masculino para un 56,4%, entre 18 y 39 años de edad con nivel de escolaridad en preuniversitario. El 71,2 % de los afectados presentaron factores de riesgos, donde el no uso de preservativo y la promiscuidad fueron los más frecuentes para un 22,3% y 17,1% respectivamente. El 58,5 % se correspondieron a sífilis temprana adquirida sintomática y los síntomas más frecuentes fueron las lesiones genitales en un 19,1% seguido de la erupción palmo-plantar  en un 13,8%. El 54,2% de los pacientes cumplieron tratamiento con penicilina benzatínica. En la presente investigación se caracterizaron aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos en pacientes con Sífilis

    Effect of Patient Sex on the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Newly Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Admitted by an Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Background: The cardiovascular consequences of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) differ by sex. We hypothesized that sex influences the severity of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients with OSA. OSA was defined as an apnoea–hypopnoea index (AHI)>15 events·h-1. We evaluated the severity of ACS according to the ejection fraction, Killip class, number of diseased vessels, number of stents implanted and plasma peak troponin level. Methods: We included 663 men (mean±SD, AHI 37±18 events·h-1) and 133 women (AHI 35±18 events·h-1) with OSA. Results: The men were younger than the women (59±11 versus 66±11 years, p<0.0001), exhibited a higher neck circumference (p<0.0001), and were more likely to be smokers and alcohol users than women (p<0.0001, p = 0.0005, respectively). Body mass index and percentage of hypertensive patients or diabetics were similar between sexes. We observed a slight tendency for a higher Killip classification in women, although it was not statistically significant (p = 0.055). For men, we observed that the number of diseased vessels and the number of stents implanted were higher (p = 0.02, p = 0.001, respectively), and a decrease in the ejection fraction (p = 0.002). Conclusions: This study shows that sex in OSA influences the severity of ACS. Men show a lower ejection fraction and an increased number of diseased vessels and number of stents implanted

    Impact of obstructive sleep apnea on the levels of placental growth factor (PlGF) and their value for predicting short-term adverse outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Background Placental growth factor (PlGF) induces angiogenesis and promotes tissue repair, and plasma PlGF levels change markedly during acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Currently, the impact of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients with AMI is a subject of debate. Our objective was to evaluate the relationships between PlGF levels and both the severity of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and short-term outcomes after ACS in patients with and without OSA. Methods A total of 538 consecutive patients (312 OSA patients and 226 controls) admitted for ACS were included in this study. All patients underwent polygraphy in the first 72 hours after hospital admission. The severity of disease and short-term prognoses were evaluated during the hospitalization period. Plasma PlGF levels were measured using an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. Results Patients with OSA were significantly older and more frequently hypertensive and had higher BMIs than those without OSA. After adjusting for age, smoking status, BMI and hypertension, PlGF levels were significantly elevated in patients with OSA compared with patients without OSA (19.9 pg/mL, interquartile range: 16.6–24.5 pg/mL; 18.5 pg/mL, interquartile range: 14.7–22.7 pg/mL; p<0.001), and a higher apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was associated with higher PlGF concentrations (p<0.003). Patients with higher levels of PlGF had also an increased odds ratio for the presence of 3 or more diseased vessels and for a Killip score>1, even after adjustment. Conclusions The results of this study show that in patients with ACS, elevated plasma levels of PlGF are associated with the presence of OSA and with adverse outcomes during short-term followup. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0133508

    Psychosocial factors associated to children’s conflict at school

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    This research explored the relationship between contextual psychosocial factors and how infants deal with conflicts that could appear at school. A sample of 378 children (158 boys and 220 girls) from Barranquilla (Colombia) responded to a video game that simulates conflict situations. Their gender was decisive in coping strategies to deal with conflicts and it was related to the expectation that children have about peers and adults as punishers, neutral or legitimators of violence. Neighborhood and television were the scenarios where children observe more violence, but they imply a greater use of dialogue, which may indicate positive models of conflict resolution more efficient than those presented by their families. It is suggested to consider television programs as a complement in education for a healthy coexistence.Se exploró la relación entre factores psicosociales del contexto y el afrontamiento de conflictos en edad escolar. Una muestra de 378 niños (158 niños y 220 niñas) residentes en Barranquilla (Colombia), respondieron a un videojuego que simula situaciones de conflicto. El sexo fue determinante en el afrontamiento y en la expectativa sobre los pares y los adultos como sancionadores, neutrales o legitimadores de la violencia. El barrio y la televisión fueron los escenarios donde los niños observan más violencia, pero inciden en una mayor utilización del diálogo, lo que puede indicar modelos positivos de solución de conflictos más eficientes que los presentados por la familia. Se sugiere considerar los programas televisivos y los acuerdos comunitarios como complementos en la educación para la sana convivencia desde la infancia.Esta pesquisa explorou a relação entre fatores psicossociais contextuais e como s crianças lidam com possíveis conflitos na escola. Uma amostra de 378 crianças (158 meninos e 220 meninas) de Barranquilla (Colômbia) reagiu a um videogame que simula situações de conflito. Seu sexo foi decisivo nas estratégias de enfrentamento para lidar com tais conflitos e foi relacionado às expectativas das crianças em relação a seus colegas e adultos como punidores, neutros ou legitimadores da violência. A vizinhança e a televisão foram os cenários onde as crianças observam mais violência, mas implicam um maior uso do diálogo, o que pode indicar modelos positivos de resolução de conflitos mais eficientes do que os apresentados por suas famílias. Sugere-se considerar os programas de televisão como um complemento da educação para uma convivência saudável

    Quality and Quantity of Protein Intake Influence Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Coronary Heart Disease Patients: From the CORDIOPREV Study

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    Evidence suggests that enriching a diet with plant-based proteins could reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the present work, we evaluated the association between the change in plant protein intake (adjusted by energy) and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with coronary heart disease from the CORDIOPREV (coronary diet intervention with olive oil and cardiovascular prevention) study. At baseline and during the follow-up, patients underwent medical examination and blood and oral glucose tolerance tests. Information on patient’s dietary intake was gathered by registered dietitians using a validated food frequency questionnaire. A total of 106 out of 436 nondiabetic patients at baseline developed type 2 diabetes mellitus after a median follow-up of 60 months. Cox regression analyses showed that patients who belonged to the group that increased plant protein intake exhibited a lower risk of developing the disease (HR = 0.64, (0.43–0.96)). Changes in plant protein intake were positively correlated with changes in carbohydrates, fibre, and legumes intake and negatively correlated with changes in saturated fatty acids intake. Results of the present study support the need of improving diet with plant-based proteins to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus