2,070 research outputs found

    Cómo incide una propuesta de desarrollo humano en el manejo de la convivencia escolar, en estudiantes de los grados seis (6°) y siete (7°) de la institución educativa general Santander de la ciudad de montería (Cordoba)

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    El presente proyecto de investigación busca presentar cómo incide una propuesta de desarrollo humano en el manejo de la convivencia escolar, en estudiantes de los grados seis (6°) y siete (7°)de la Institución Educativa General Santander de la ciudad de Montería, los cuales muestran faltas de interés y responsabilidad con sus compromisos escolares, situaciones de intolerancia e indisciplina, frecuentes infracciones de las normas del manual de convivencia de la institución educativa y un ambiente de intolerancia que afecta la convivencia, deteriora las buenas relaciones y la comunicación entre los miembros de la comunidad educativa

    Using discarded oyster shells to obtain biodiesel

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    Biodiesel production was studied through the transesterification of used edible vegetable oil, using a calcium oxide (CaO) catalyst derived from Crassostrea Virginica oyster shells. Which were calcined at 900 ° C for 2 hours and characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The efficiency of conversion to methyl esters was evaluated using 2%, 3% and 4% of catalyst and they were analyzed by 1H NMR. The results showing that concentrations greater than 2% of CaO generate biodiesel conversions greater than 90%.Objective: To evaluate the CaO made from oyster shell (C. virginica) as a heterogeneous catalyst in the transesterification of edible vegetable oil used for the production of biodiesel. Design / methodology / approach: A completely randomized experimental design was used, which grouped 3 treatments with 3 repetitions, generating a total of 9 experimental units. The response variable was the performance of the transesterification reaction that was evaluated with 2%, 3% and 4% of CaO obtained from oyster shells. The density, kinematic viscosity, acidity, and conversion efficiency to methyl esters were determined by 1H NMR of the products of each treatment. Results: The treatment with 3% catalyst showed the highest reaction yield (92.2%) compared to the treatments with 2% (86.8%) and 4% catalyst (87.13%). The 1H NMR spectra confirmed the presence of methyl esters in the product of the three treatments. The treatment with 3% and 4% by weight of catalyst presented products with similar characteristics with acceptable values ​​of density, viscosity and acid number in accordance with the ASTM D6751 and EN1421 standards. Study limitations / implications: A concentration of 2% by weight of CaO generates a conversion percentage far from the content of methyl esters established by the ASTM D6751 and EN14214 Standards (> 96.5%). Findings / conclusions: 1H NMR results indicate that the conversion efficiency to methyl esters is positively affected by the amount of catalyst. In the treatments with catalyst loading greater than 2%, the conversion to methyl esters increased significantly to values ​​around 90%

    Development Of the Web Interface of a System for Computer Aided Detection Aimed at The Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo exponer el funcionamiento de la interfaz de un sistema de Detección Asistida por Computadora (CAD), que brinda apoyo a los radiólogos en la interpretación de los estudios de cáncer de mama mediante el uso de mastografías digitales, además de incluir el almacenamiento y la gestión de archivos en un servidor web, estableciendo una comunicación mediante la Interfaz de Programación de Aplicaciones (API). En este proceso, las mastografías son transferidas al servidor, donde se someten a un procesamiento avanzado y se implementa un modelo de visión artificial, que ejecuta una detección automática de hallazgos asociados al cáncer de mama. Para acceder al sistema web se ha establecido un solo tipo de usuario, quien podrá utilizar todas las funciones implementadas, las cuales van desde subir, visualizar, actualizar y eliminar archivos, junto con la información relacionada, para ello se requiere una autenticación de inicio de sesión, con el fin de dar seguridad a la información de las pacientes.This article aims to explain the operation of a Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) system interface that provides support to radiologists in the interpretation of breast cancer studies using digital mammograms, in addition to including file storage and management on a web server, establishing communication through the Application Programming Interface (API). In this process, mammograms are transferred to the server, where they undergo advanced processing, and an artificial vision model is implemented to perform automatic detection of findings associated with breast cancer. Access to the web system is restricted to a single type of user who can utilize all the implemented functions, which range from uploading, viewing, updating, and deleting files along with related information. For this purpose, a login authentication is required to ensure the security of patient information

    Propuesta para el Desarrollo de un Sistema de Bitácoras para el Control de Registros de Clientes de Telemarketing de Grupo Vidanta Acapulco

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    En este artículo, se plasma el trabajo interdisciplinario de la Maestría en Sistemas Computacionales con apoyo del CONACYT, impartida en el Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Acapulco, para presentar la propuesta para el desarrollo de un sistema de bitácoras para facilitar el registro y manejo de los clientes del departamento de Telemarketing del complejo Hotelero de Grupo Vidanta Acapulco. Con el desarrollo del sistema se pretende agilizar tiempos de operadores y personal a cargo de organizar las bitácoras de trabajo y captura de información, y así también tener centralizada la información confidencial de los clientes

    Propuesta de diseño e implementación de una red para proporcionar servicio de internet inalámbrico con garantía de QOS en habitaciones de un hotel

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    Las redes inalámbricas han tenido una gran evolución debido a la aparición de equipos que facilitan la comunicación. Por esta razón, es importante disponer de una red inalámbrica con una conexión adecuada y cobertura suficiente que permita un acceso rápido a la información para permitir la necesaria movilidad de los usuarios y versatilidad de los dispositivos inalámbricos. Debido a la gran demanda de conectividad junto con la popularidad con que cuentan los dispositivos móviles con conectividad Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), surge la necesidad de diseñar e implementar redes inalámbricas que mejoren la calidad de los servicios que se ofrecen al huésped en su estancia en un complejo turístico. La solución de infraestructura propuesta, permite distribuir de manera eficiente el servicio de Internet inalámbrico en todas las habitaciones, a través del uso de equipos y materiales con tecnología suficiente que posibilite aprovechar los recursos disponibles y al mismo tiempo disminuir los costos de operación

    Important advances in regenerative medicine. A vision to the future of ophthalmology

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    The treatment of corneal lesions continues to be a topic of great interest. However, despite the development of new technologies and due to the slow evolution and uncertain healing of corneal lesions, they still represent a public health problem since patients can be affected for life, affecting the family and the health system due to the costly and uncertain response to treatment. For this reason, the need arises to seek therapeutic alternatives to treat these patients

    Técnicas de IA para el estudio de datos geomagnéticos y su implementación como precursores sísmicos: estado del arte

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    This work presents the results of the development of a state of the art with topics related to the analysis of intelligent systems using geomagnetic data, present in the ionosphere, implementing AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques for the development of possible seismic precursors; the mentioned work has as objective the revision of AI techniques and/or algorithms, programming languages, parameters of interest and databases. As a result of the research, 106 documents were obtained, consisting of theses, journal articles, and exhibitions in congresses by means of posters, of national and international character; it was concluded that within the techniques and/or algorithms investigated, the Convolutional Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Trees and K-MEANS stand out; these techniques are useful to observe the behavior of the data and to find patterns in the information.  Este trabajo presenta los resultados del desarrollo de un estado del arte con temas relacionados con el análisis de sistemas inteligentes utilizando datos geomagnéticos, presentes en la ionosfera, implementando técnicas de IA (Inteligencia Artificial) para el desarrollo de posibles precursores sísmicos; el trabajo mencionado tiene como objetivo la revisión de técnicas y/o algoritmos de IA, lenguajes de programación, parámetros de interés y bases de datos. Como resultado de la investigación, se obtuvieron 106 documentos conformados por tesis, artículos de revistas, y exposiciones en congresos por medio de carteles, de carácter nacional e internacional; se concluyó que dentro de las técnicas y/o algoritmos investigados destacan las Redes Neuronales Convolucionales (ANN), Máquina Vectores de Soporte (SVM), Árboles de decisión y K-MEANS, estas técnicas son de utilidad para observar el comportamiento de los datos y encontrar patrones en la información

    Dataset on the epidemiology and genetic diversification of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and genotypes in Mexico

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Dengue virus (DENV) evolution has had a significant impact on disease pathogenesis, virulence, and epidemiology in Mexico. Novel genotypic variation in DENV serotypes and genotypes may influence the magnitude and severity of dengue epidemics, as evidenced by 2009 data from Veracruz State. The data presented herein is related to the publication entitled “Epidemiological Implications of the Genetic Diversification of Dengue Virus (DENV) Serotypes and Genotypes in Mexico” [1]. Raw data and trees provide epidemiological data on DENV prevalence and a comprehensive phylogeny of both representative sequences collected from an NCBI repository, and 28 additional isolates from acute-phase plasma samples diagnosed with dengue fever or severe dengue (Raw sequencing data is hosted in the public repository Mendeley Data (http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/bf2kdhhf6x.2). Phylogenetic trees for each DENV serotype (DENV-1, -2, -3 and -4) were constructed using these sequences by a maximum likelihood methodology as well as a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration approach. Phylogenetic trees exhibited: (1) DENV-1, genotype V, (2) the DENV-2 Asian/American and Asian II genotypes, (3) DENV-3, genotype III, and (4) DENV-4, genotype I. This data can be beneficial for future analyses on DENV serotype and genotype structure and the introduction of novel DENV genotype sequences in the Americas, for the further elucidation of dengue etiology.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Mexico EHG (Registration Number: 111110038; CVU: 49406)ED-de-la-C CONACYT Registration Number: 280838; CVU: 485179COMECYT Scholarship Number: 18BTD002

    Determinación nutrimental de piña criolla (Ananas comosus L. Merril) en la sub-región de la Chontalpa Tabasco, México

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    Objective: To know the nutritional status of the pineapple crop (Ananas comosus L. Merril). Design/methodology/approach: The experiment was established in the Ejido La Esperanza of the municipality of Huimanguillo. A sample of soil and foliage (leaf D) of the pineapple crop was taken, of which three repetitions were used at random, taking 15 leaves per repetition. Results: High concentrations of nitrogen (N), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) were found. And in relation to phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) and boron (B) were low. The optimum iron (Fe) and medium manganese (Mn) contents in the plant tissue. Limitations of the study/implications: The important limitation of this study is that the irrigation conditions were not included. Findings / Conclusions: It was found that the soil is strongly acid and has problems of excess iron and that the concentrations of the macronutrients in the plant tissue and the micronutrients in the plant tissue are not directly related to the contents of some elements in the soil. It is necessary to make a study on the needs of each element in each of the phenological stages of the Creole pineapple crop. Although the foliar analysis gives a vision for the sustainable management of crop nutrition.Objetivo: Conocer el estado nutrimental del cultivo de piña (Ananas comosus L. Merril). Diseño/metodología/aproximación: El experimento se estableció en el Ejido La Esperanza de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México. Se tomó una muestra de suelo y del follaje (hoja D) del cultivo de piña, de las cuales se utilizaron tres repeticiones al azar, tomando 15 hojas por repetición. Resultados: Se encontraron concentraciones altas de nitrógeno (N), potasio (K) y magnesio (Mg). Y con relación al fósforo (P), calcio (Ca), cobre (Cu), Zinc (Zn) y boro (B) estuvieron bajos. Los contenidos de fierro (Fe) óptimos y medios para manganeso (Mn) en el tejido vegetal. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La limitación importante de este estudio es que no se contó con riego. Hallazgos/conclusiones: El suelo es fuertemente ácido y tiene problemas de exceso de fierro y las concentraciones de los macronutrientes en el tejido vegetal y los micronutrientes no están relacionadas directamente con los contenidos de algunos elementos en el suelo. Es necesario hacer un estudio sobre las necesidades de cada elemento en cada una de las etapas fenológicas del cultivo de piña criolla. Aunque el análisis foliar da una visión para el manejo sostenible de la nutrición del cultivo

    Chronic fatigue syndrome: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment

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    Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterised by intense fatigue, with duration of over six months and associated to other related symptoms. The latter include asthenia and easily induced tiredness that is not recovered after a night's sleep. The fatigue becomes so severe that it forces a 50% reduction in daily activities. Given its unknown aetiology, different hypotheses have been considered to explain the origin of the condition (from immunological disorders to the presence of post-traumatic oxidative stress), although there are no conclusive diagnostic tests. Diagnosis is established through the exclusion of other diseases causing fatigue. This syndrome is rare in childhood and adolescence, although the fatigue symptom per se is quite common in paediatric patients. Currently, no curative treatment exists for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. The therapeutic approach to this syndrome requires a combination of different therapeutic modalities. The specific characteristics of the symptomatology of patients with chronic fatigue require a rapid adaptation of the educational, healthcare and social systems to prevent the problems derived from current systems. Such patients require multidisciplinary management due to the multiple and different issues affecting them. This document was realized by one of the Interdisciplinary Work Groups from the Institute for Rare Diseases, and its aim is to point out the main social and care needs for people affected with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. For this, it includes not only the view of representatives for different scientific societies, but also the patient associations view, because they know the true history of their social and sanitary needs. In an interdisciplinary approach, this work also reviews the principal scientific, medical, socio-sanitary and psychological aspects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome