1,163 research outputs found

    Entre injonctions contradictoires et bricolages identitaires : quelles identifications pour les descendants d’immigrés marocains en Belgique ?

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    Cet article propose une grille d’analyse des processus identitaires qui se jouent chez les descendants d’immigrés marocains en Belgique, en regard des familles immigrées et du cadre social. Les descendants d’immigrés marocains se trouvent privés de l’identification pleine aux parents ainsi que de l’héritage d’une mémoire familiale et collective. Soumis à une injonction contradictoire de la part de leurs parents et de la société (« Réussissez, mais restez fidèles aux traditions »; « Intégrez-vous, mais vous serez toujours considérés comme des immigrés »), ils échappent difficilement aux processus sociaux d’assignation à une altérité identitaire dévalorisée et sont contraints de bricoler de nouvelles formes identitaires. Cette problématique identitaire est située dans le cadre plus large du déclin du mode traditionnel d’hériter et de la transmission généalogique dans la modernité. Mais le hiatus profond entre le contexte de socialisation des parents immigrés et celui de leurs enfants et l’impact de la domination sociale sont tels que les processus d’identification dans l’immigration marocaine sont particulièrement complexes.This article provides an analytic framework for understanding the identity processes, with respect to immigrant families and the social situation, that are at play among descendants of Moroccan immigrants in Belgium. They are deprived of the possibility of fully identifying with their parents and of inheriting a familial and collective memory. Receiving contradictory instructions from their parents and from society (“be successful but be faithful to our traditions”; “be integrated but remember you are an immigrant”), they find it difficult to escape from social processes that assign them a devalued identity of difference and they are obliged to construct new forms of identity. Such issues about identity are common to the decline of modernity’s traditional modes of inheritance and genealogical transmission. However, the huge gap between the socialisation context of immigrant parents and that of their children as well as the impact of social domination are such that the processes of identity formation among Moroccan immigrants are particularly complicated

    Des titres et des femmes

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    Computer-Supported Cooperative Education and Development in Southern Africa

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    In addition to all the political upheavals, South Africa is still encumbered by educational problems which cannot easily be addressed only by means of the traditional remedies of spending more money, building more schools and training more teachers. Bold and imaginative solutions, such as the proper and coordinated use of information technology, should be considered as complementary strategies

    New Applications of Hermetic Storage for Grain Storage and Transport

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    Recent evolution of pesticide-free post harvest hermetic storage for dry commodities as now used in 38 countries is described, and its current application in the storage of grain and other commodities is discussed and illustrated. Results of studies carried out on the protection of seeds, rice, maize, wheat, pulses, cocoa and coffee are presented. Plastic structures suitable for long-term storage systems have been developed and applied. The growing number of types of flexible hermetic containers for various needs, especially in tropical conditions, is documented. Types of hermetic containers include: 1) Portable containers of 60-kg to 2-tonne, called SuperGrainbagsTM which are suitable for seed storage in bulk; 2) Bulk storage for household or farm use and daily withdrawal of grain of   1-tonne called Grainsafe IITM; 3) Flexible enclosures of 5- to 1000-tonne capacity termed storage cubes or CocoonsTM, designed for storage at the farmer-cooperative and small trader level or larger commercial and strategic storage facilities; 4) Hermetic Bunker storage for longterm storage in bulk of 10,000- to 20,000-tonnes; 5) TranSafelinerTM provide quality preservation, insect control, and prevention of condensation during shipment of bagged commodities in containers across intercontinental distances. Recent applications for wheat storage in bunkers in Jordan, and cocoa storage in West Africa, and the growing use of hermetic liners for intercontinental shipments of a variety of commodities, are described. Key performance parameters for safe storage in the face of elevated humidity and temperature in preventing growth of molds and the survival of insects for dry and wet commodities are discussed. Economic analysis is provided for representative applications, including rice, maize and cocoa. Keywords: Hermetic storage, Modified atmospheres, Quality preservation, Storage insect control, Flexible storage structure

    “Remote sensing, predictable storage of agricultural commodities and advances in hermetic storage”: Poster

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    Modified atmosphere hermetic storage, now used in over 115 countries for fumigant-free storage of dry commodities from coffee to rice and maize, has been available for almost three decades. This paper describes the progress in the field use of hermetic postharvest storage systems and of recent innovations in this technology which include the introduction of remote monitoring of temperature, humidity and O2 or CO2 levels in large, sealed hermetic containers. Also, introduced in 2018, is the Cocoon Lite™, a 2nd generation multi-tonne container with major improvements in the permeability, weight and cost of high performance, large hermetic storage systems. Early examples of the uses of these innovations and data obtained from their study is expected by year end. The GrainPro EcoWiSe™ is a remote sensing system that enables monitoring of temperature, moisture and oxygen/carbon dioxide levels, thus providing real-time data on the conditions of the stored commodity involved without manual intervention. One (or more) low-cost, remote, wireless sensors/transmitters placed inside sealed. Postharvest hermetic storage units can be read remotely on laptops or cellphones. Data collected and accumulated over time enables development of an “algorithm” for a stored commodity to define an alarm, where the user can be notified immediately of any unsafe humidity or oxygen storage conditions. A substantial advance in large hermetic storage containers known as Cocoons™ is the new Cocoon Lite, a 500:1 improvement in permeability to oxygen as well as a unit weight only 28% of existing Cocoons with the same capacity and a significantly lower cost. The paper also discusses prevention of the public health hazard of exponential growth of aflatoxin levels in conventional postharvest storage such as in rice, maize, and groundnuts; field data is provided on the control achieved through hermetic storage.Modified atmosphere hermetic storage, now used in over 115 countries for fumigant-free storage of dry commodities from coffee to rice and maize, has been available for almost three decades. This paper describes the progress in the field use of hermetic postharvest storage systems and of recent innovations in this technology which include the introduction of remote monitoring of temperature, humidity and O2 or CO2 levels in large, sealed hermetic containers. Also, introduced in 2018, is the Cocoon Lite™, a 2nd generation multi-tonne container with major improvements in the permeability, weight and cost of high performance, large hermetic storage systems. Early examples of the uses of these innovations and data obtained from their study is expected by year end. The GrainPro EcoWiSe™ is a remote sensing system that enables monitoring of temperature, moisture and oxygen/carbon dioxide levels, thus providing real-time data on the conditions of the stored commodity involved without manual intervention. One (or more) low-cost, remote, wireless sensors/transmitters placed inside sealed. Postharvest hermetic storage units can be read remotely on laptops or cellphones. Data collected and accumulated over time enables development of an “algorithm” for a stored commodity to define an alarm, where the user can be notified immediately of any unsafe humidity or oxygen storage conditions. A substantial advance in large hermetic storage containers known as Cocoons™ is the new Cocoon Lite, a 500:1 improvement in permeability to oxygen as well as a unit weight only 28% of existing Cocoons with the same capacity and a significantly lower cost. The paper also discusses prevention of the public health hazard of exponential growth of aflatoxin levels in conventional postharvest storage such as in rice, maize, and groundnuts; field data is provided on the control achieved through hermetic storage

    Histoire, justice et politique

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    En mars 2000, le Parlement belge instituait une commission d’enquête chargée d’établir les responsabilités éventuelles d’acteurs politiques belges dans l’assassinat de Patrice Lumumba, commis le 17 janvier 1961. La commission mise en place est dotée des pouvoirs d’un juge d’instruction. Elle fait appel à un collège d’experts dominé par des historiens. Le discours officiel charge la commission de faire œuvre de vérité au nom d’un devoir de mémoire et de justice, et en vue d’une réconciliation entre peuples belge et congolais. En fait, la création de la commission s’explique surtout par des facteurs de politique intérieure en même temps que par les ambitions diplomatiques que la Belgique a retrouvées en Afrique centrale. L’article met en cause la confusion qui en découle entre les registres de l’histoire, de la justice et de la politique. Il procède à la critique de la démarche d’investigation et d’analyse suivie par la commission, mais il montre en quoi et pourquoi cette commission, en dépit des limites et des biais de son travail, a abouti à mieux établir et faire reconnaître les responsabilités de la Belgique dans ce crime politique.History, Justice and Politics. On the Belgian Chamber’s Committee of Inquiry into the Assassination of Patrice Lumumba. – In March 2000, the Belgian parliament set up a committee of inquiry with the assignment to determine the possible responsibility of Belgian political officials in assassinating Patrice Lumumba on 17 January 1961. This committee has the powers of an investigating magistrate and recourse to a group of experts made up mostly of historians. Officially, it is to pursue the truth for the sake of justice and memory, and in view of reconciling the Belgian and Congolese peoples. Domestic political factors and Belgium’s new diplomatic ambitions in central Africa mainly account for creating this committee. The resulting confusion between history, justice and politics is criticized, as well as the committee’s inquiry procedures and analyses. Despite these limits and biases in its work, this committee has shed light on the responsibility of Belgium in this political crime

    La peur chronique des chiens chez les enfants

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    Dans cet article, est posée la question du partage, par les humains et par les chiens, de l’espace social commun. La phobie des chiens, vécue par des enfants et des adolescents, constitue l’angle par lequel je propose de traiter cette question. Je m’appuie sur une enquête ethnographique menée dans une association qui vient en aide à ces enfants phobiques des chiens. Le but de cette enquête est de décrire les façons dont les enfants vivent leurs rencontres quotidiennes avec des chiens, comme de rendre compte de la façon dont s’est inventé un dispositif thérapeutique qui aborde la peur des chiens sous l’angle du problème de l’espace partagé.In this article, the question of sharing the common social space by humans and dogs is raised. Phobia of dogs experienced by children and adolescents is the angle by which I propose to address this issue. I draw on an ethnographic fieldwork conducted in an association that helps these children with a phobia of dogs. The purpose of this survey is to describe the ways children live their daily encounters with dogs, as to relate how a therapeutic device that addresses the fear of dogs in terms of shared space problem was invented
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