New Applications of Hermetic Storage for Grain Storage and Transport


Recent evolution of pesticide-free post harvest hermetic storage for dry commodities as now used in 38 countries is described, and its current application in the storage of grain and other commodities is discussed and illustrated. Results of studies carried out on the protection of seeds, rice, maize, wheat, pulses, cocoa and coffee are presented. Plastic structures suitable for long-term storage systems have been developed and applied. The growing number of types of flexible hermetic containers for various needs, especially in tropical conditions, is documented. Types of hermetic containers include: 1) Portable containers of 60-kg to 2-tonne, called SuperGrainbagsTM which are suitable for seed storage in bulk; 2) Bulk storage for household or farm use and daily withdrawal of grain of   1-tonne called Grainsafe IITM; 3) Flexible enclosures of 5- to 1000-tonne capacity termed storage cubes or CocoonsTM, designed for storage at the farmer-cooperative and small trader level or larger commercial and strategic storage facilities; 4) Hermetic Bunker storage for longterm storage in bulk of 10,000- to 20,000-tonnes; 5) TranSafelinerTM provide quality preservation, insect control, and prevention of condensation during shipment of bagged commodities in containers across intercontinental distances. Recent applications for wheat storage in bunkers in Jordan, and cocoa storage in West Africa, and the growing use of hermetic liners for intercontinental shipments of a variety of commodities, are described. Key performance parameters for safe storage in the face of elevated humidity and temperature in preventing growth of molds and the survival of insects for dry and wet commodities are discussed. Economic analysis is provided for representative applications, including rice, maize and cocoa. Keywords: Hermetic storage, Modified atmospheres, Quality preservation, Storage insect control, Flexible storage structure

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