59 research outputs found

    Spain's Master of Leadership in Civil Engineering: case study

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    The paper suggests the value of developing a civil engineering graduate program focused on management, leadership, and innovation. Described are the creation and operation of a Master of Leadership in Civil Engineering (MLCE) program in Spain supported by a private foundation, organized by one of Spain’s youngest civil engineering schools, and involving collaboration with the nation’s other nine civil engineering schools.Postprint (published version

    Clasificación orientada a objetos en fotografías aéreas digitales para la discriminación de usos del suelo

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    Las técnicas de clasificación tradicionales, basadas en rasgos de la imagen a nivel de píxel, presentan ciertas limitaciones, como lo son la aparición de un característico efecto “sal y pimienta” o su reducida capacidad para extraer objetos de interés. Éstas resultan especialmente problemáticas al aplicarse en imágenes de moderada o alta resolución. Una alternativa a dichos sistemas de clasificación pasa por un proceso previo de segmentación de la imagen. De esta forma se permite el trabajo con la imagen a nivel de objeto, lo cual amplía notablemente la cantidad de información que se puede extraer de la misma. En el presente estudio, el objetivo principal es obtener una clasificación digital de la interfase urbano forestal que pueda ser usada por los servicios contra incendios forestales. Para ello, se ha segmentado y clasificado una imagen aérea digital del sensor DMC, empleando el software eCognition, donde la formación de objetos tiene lugar de forma que la homogeneidad interna se mantiene constante. Los objetos resultantes sirven de base para la posterior clasificación. Se utilizaron fotografías aéreas digitales y datos de 350 parcelas en la provincia de Granada, España, para validar las clasificaciones, consiguiendo una precisión total del 90% y un excelente estadístico Kappa (85%) para la clasificación orientada a objetosTraditional classification techniques, basically pixel-based approaches, are limited. Typically, they produce a characteristic “salt and pepper” effect, and are unable to extract objects of interest. These techniques have considerable difficulties in dealing with the rich information content of medium and high-resolution images. One alternative to these classification systems can be a previous segmentation of the image to be classified. In this way, object-based classification can be performed so that a significant increase on the information that can be extracted is obtained. In the present work, the aim is to obtain a digital classification of wilderness-urban interface areas that can be used by fire management services. To this end, a digital aerial image provided by the DMC sensor was segmented and classified using eCognition software, which allows homogeneous image object extraction. The meaningful image objects obtained were then used for the classification. Segmentation before classification worked out as an efficient image analysis technique, overcoming traditional approaches limitations. Digital aerial photographs and data of 350 plots in Granada, Spain, were used to validate the classifications obtained; the overall classification accuracy of 90% and an excellent Kappa statistic (85%) for the object-based classification, proved the validity of this metho

    Algorithms of expert classification applied in quickbird satellite images for land use mapping

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    The objective of this paper was the development of a methodology for the classification of digital aerial images, which, with the aid of object-based classification and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), can quantify agricultural areas, by using algorithms of expert classification, with the aim of improving the final results of thematic classifications. QuickBird satellite images and data of 2532 plots in Hinojosa del Duque, Spain, were used to validate the different classifications, obtaining an overall classification accuracy of 91.9% and an excellent Kappa statistic (87.6%) for the algorithm of expert classificatio

    Biocalcarenites as construction materials in Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba, Spain

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    Para la caracterización litológica y determinación del grado de alteración de los materiales pétreos se han empleado las siguientes técnicas: difracción de rayos X (método del polvo), microscopía petrográfica (sobre lámina delgada) y microscopía de barrido con EDS (energía dispersiva de rayos X), para determinar la composición química. El estado de degradación del material pétreo se ha cuantificado a partir del índice químico de alteración (CIW). Se han realizado cartografías sobre la fachada oeste: a) de las litologías presentes y b) de los diferentes tipos de alteración observados. La comparación de muestras del edificio con las de antiguas canteras ha permitido identificar la del Naranjo como la posible cantera de origen.This study consisted in characterizing the materials used to build Santa Marina de Aguas Santas Church at Cordoba and locating the original quarries. The techniques used in the lithological and chemical characterization included XRD, petrographic microscopy and electron dispersive scanning microscopy. The chemical index of weathering (CIW) was used to quantify the state of stone decay. The lithology and different types of alterations observed were mapped. A comparison of the material on the building to ancient quarries identified “Naranjo” as the possible site where the stone was originally quarried

    Assessment of the Potential of UAV Video Image Analysis for Planning Irrigation Needs of Golf Courses

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    Golf courses can be considered as precision agriculture, as being a playing surface, their appearance is of vital importance. Areas with good weather tend to have low rainfall. Therefore, the water management of golf courses in these climates is a crucial issue due to the high water demand of turfgrass. Golf courses are rapidly transitioning to reuse water, e.g., the municipalities in the USA are providing price incentives or mandate the use of reuse water for irrigation purposes; in Europe this is mandatory. So, knowing the turfgrass surfaces of a large area can help plan the treated sewage effluent needs. Recycled water is usually of poor quality, thus it is crucial to check the real turfgrass surface in order to be able to plan the global irrigation needs using this type of water. In this way, the irrigation of golf courses does not detract from the natural water resources of the area. The aim of this paper is to propose a new methodology for analysing geometric patterns of video data acquired from UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) using a new Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) algorithm. A case study concerning maintained turfgrass, especially for golf courses, has been developed. It shows very good results, better than 98% in the confusion matrix. The results obtained in this study represent a first step toward video imagery classification. In summary, technical progress in computing power and software has shown that video imagery is one of the most promising environmental data acquisition techniques available today. This rapid classification of turfgrass can play an important role for planning water management

    Spatial short and long-term implications and planning challenges of high-speed rail: a literature review framework for the special issue

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    This introduction to the Special Issue on the Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-speed Rail Cities and Regions attempts to distinguish its short- and long-term impacts described in the literature, classifying them into regional and inter-urban effects, urban effects and wider economic impacts. Articles composing this Special Issue are listed at the outset and referred to in the relevant subsections. This literature review highlights the need to distinguish between short- and long-term effects and shows that cases are context-specific. Planning challenges appear at two major points: 1) during the initial planning stage that includes the route and location of stations; 2) during the development process that follows

    Desarrollo de una presentación interactiva y multimedia orientada a la docencia del análisis cinemático del Movimiento Armónico Simple

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    Nowadays, computers suppose a great potential as complementary didactic tool to traditional means of education. For that reason, the advantage of this potential is considered by the work group, creating interactive and multimedia presentations oriented to facilitate teaching of different physics fields. In particular, the objective of this work is the design of a presentation oriented to teaching kinematical aspects of the simple harmonic movement. Given the dynamic nature of the subject, it is evident the adventages that suppose an animated presentation which it helps the student to understand the kinematical magnitudes. This tool will be very useful to the professor as complement of theoretical classes, and available to the students in the reinforcement of the knowledge.Es evidente el gran potencial que el ordenador supone como herramienta didáctica complementaria a los medios de enseñanza tradicionales. Es por ello que el grupo de trabajo se plantea el aprovechamiento de este potencial, creando presentaciones interactivas y multimedia orientadas a la docencia en los distintos campos de la física.En concreto, en este trabajo se plantea el diseño de una presentación orientada a la docencia de los aspectos cinemáticas del movimiento armónico simple. Dada la naturaleza dinámica del tema en cuestión, es evidente las ventajas que supone disponer de una presentación animada del mismo que ayude al alumno a entender la magnitudes cinemáticas implicadas, herramientas de gran utilidad para el profesor como complemento de sus clases teóricas, y disponible para alumnos de ayuda en el afianzamiento de los conocimientos

    Circulating tumor cells criteria (CyCAR) versus standard RECIST criteria for treatment response assessment in metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    The use of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) as indicators of treatment response in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) needs to be clarified. The objective of this study is to compare the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) with the Cytologic Criteria Assessing Response (CyCAR), based on the presence and phenotypic characterization of CTCs, as indicators of FOLFOX–bevacizumab treatment response. We observed a decrease of CTCs (42.8 vs. 18.2%) and VEGFR positivity (69.7% vs. 41.7%) after treatment. According to RECIST, 6.45% of the patients did not show any clinical benefit, whereas 93.55% patients showed a favorable response at 12 weeks. According to CyCAR, 29% had a non-favorable response and 71% patients did not. No significant differences were found between the response assessment by RECIST and CyCAR at 12 or 24 weeks. However, in the multivariate analysis, RECIST at 12 weeks and CyCAR at 24 weeks were independent prognostic factors for OS (HR: 0.1, 95% CI 0.02–0.58 and HR: 0.35, 95% CI 0.12–0.99 respectively). CyCAR results were comparable to RECIST in evaluating the response in mCRC and can be used as an alternative when the limitation of RECIST requires additional response analysis techniques.This work was supported by Roche Spain and a Ph.D. grant from the University of Granada

    The use of interactive response systems as a tool to favor proactive learning in Engineering

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    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) ha permitido el surgimiento de herramientas didácticas en el campo de la educación, proporcionando herramientas prácticas para apoyar a las clases presenciales. En este contexto, los sistemas electrónicos de respuesta estudiantil pueden ser útiles para introducir un elemento tecnológico motivador en las lecciones, así como una nueva metodología. En este estudio, además del uso de los sistemas de respuesta interactiva o clickers, se ha introducido la tecnología de aprendizaje móvil mediante la elaboración de una metodología de uso de las herramientas Kahoot y Telegram en la asignatura "Fundamentos Físicos en la Ingeniería II" del Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial. El Departamento de Física Aplicada de la Universidad de Córdoba tiene una amplia experiencia en el uso de Clickers en clases teóricas con grupos grandes para diferentes grados universitarios, pero ahora el uso de tecnologías móviles de aprendizaje se ha introducido en grupos de tamaño medio para clases prácticas. Usando esta nueva metodología, los estudiantes de grupos medianos realizan un cuestionario durante la lección de resolución de problemas, donde utilizaron sus conocimientos adquiridos durante la clase. La realización del cuestionario permite a los profesores evaluar en tiempo real el nivel del estudiante y utilizar la retroalimentación para abordar los problemas iniciales y los malentendidos. Los resultados muestran que los sistemas de respuesta interactiva son altamente valorados por los estudiantes, que lo perciben como una herramienta para mejorar el aprendizaje y aumentar la competencia en el aula.The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has enabled the emergence of teaching tools in the education field, providing practical tools to support face-to-face classes. In this context, electronic student response systems can be useful for introducing a motivating technological element into the lessons, as well as a new methodology. In this study, in addition to the use of interactive response systems or clickers, mobile learning technology has been introduced by developing a methodology for using the Kahoot and Telegram tools in the subject “Physical Foundations of Engineering II” of Electronic Engineering Degree. Department of Applied Physics of University of Cordoba has a broad experience using Clickers in theory classes with large groups for different university degrees, but now the use of mobile learning technologies has been introduced in medium-sized groups for practical classes. Using this new methodology, students of medium-sized groups perform a quiz during the problem solving lesson, where they utilized their knowledge gained during the class. The completion of the quiz allows teachers to assess the student’s level in real time, and to use the feedback to address initial problems and misunderstandings. Results show the interactive response systems are highly valued by students, who perceive it as a tool to improve learning and increase competition in the classroom