325 research outputs found

    Combining quantifications for flexible query result ranking

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    Databases contain data and database systems governing such databases are often intended to allow a user to query these data. On one hand, these data may be subject to imperfections, on the other hand, users may employ imperfect query preference specifications to query such databases. All of these imperfections lead to each query answer being accompanied by a collection of quantifications indicating how well (part of) a group of data complies with (part of) the user's query. A fundamental question is how to present the user with the query answers complying best to his or her query preferences. The work presented in this paper first determines the difficulties to overcome in reaching such presentation. Mainly, a useful presentation needs the ranking of the query answers based on the aforementioned quantifications, but it seems advisable to not combine quantifications with different interpretations. Thus, the work presented in this paper continues to introduce and examine a novel technique to determine a query answer ranking. Finally, a few aspects of this technique, among which its computational efficiency, are discussed

    Coreference detection in XML metadata

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    Preserving data quality is an important issue in data collection management. One of the crucial issues hereby is the detection of duplicate objects (called coreferent objects) which describe the same entity, but in different ways. In this paper we present a method for detecting coreferent objects in metadata, in particular in XML schemas. Our approach consists in comparing the paths from a root element to a given element in the schema. Each path precisely defines the context and location of a specific element in the schema. Path matching is based on the comparison of the different steps of which paths are composed. The uncertainty about the matching of steps is expressed with possibilistic truth values and aggregated using the Sugeno integral. The discovered coreference of paths can help for determining the coreference of different XML schemas

    Explaining computer predictions with augmented appraisal degrees

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    An augmented appraisal degree (AAD) has been conceived as a mathematical representation of the connotative meaning in an experience-based evaluation, which depends on a particular experience or knowledge. Aiming to improve the interpretability of computer predictions, we explore the use of AADs to represent evaluations that are per- formed by a machine to predict the class of a particular object. Hence, we propose a novel method whereby predictions made using a support vector machine classification process are augmented through AADs. An illustra- tive example, in which the classes of handwritten digits are predicted, shows how the augmentation of such predictions can favor their interpretability

    Mining data quality rules based on T-dependence

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    Since their introduction in 1976, edit rules have been a standard tool in statistical analysis. Basically, edit rules are a compact representation of non-permitted combinations of values in a dataset. In this paper, we propose a technique to automatically find edit rules by use of the concept of T-dependence. We first generalize the traditional notion of lift, to that of T-lift, where stochastic independence is generalized to T-dependence. A combination of values is declared as an edit rule under a t-norm T if there is a strong negative correlation under T-dependence. We show several interesting properties of this approach. In particular, we show that under the minimum t-norm, edit rules can be computed efficiently by use of frequent pattern trees. Experimental results show that there is a weak to medium correlation in the rank order of edit rules obtained under T_M and T_P, indicating that the semantics of these kinds of dependencies are different

    Comparing fbeta-optimal with distance based merge functions

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    Merge functions informally combine information from a certain universe into a solution over that same universe. This typically results in a, preferably optimal, summarization. In previous research, merge functions over sets have been looked into extensively. A specic case concerns sets that allow elements to appear more than once, multisets. In this paper we compare two types of merge functions over multisets against each other. We examine both general properties as practical usability in a real world application

    An approach for uncertainty aggregation using generalised conjunction/disjunction aggregators

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    Decision Support Systems are often used in the area of system evaluation. The quality of the output of such a system is only as good as the quality of the data that is used as input. Uncertainty on data, if not taken into account, can lead to evaluation results that are not representative. In this paper, we propose a technique to extend Generalised Con- junction/Disjunction aggregators to deal with un- certainty in Decision Support Systems. We first de- fine the logic properties of uncertainty aggregation through reasoning on strict aggregators and after- wards extend this logic to partial aggregators

    Contourline based modelling of vague regions

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    This paper introduced a model based on contour lines to represent a vague region modeled as a fuzzy set. The model allows the user to adjust the accuracy of the membership function to the needs of the application and can enforce the continuity of this function whenever desirable

    Constraint-wish and satisfied-dissatisfied: an overview of two approaches for dealing with bipolar querying

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in dealing with user preferences in flexible database querying, expressing both positive and negative information in a heterogeneous way. This is what is usually referred to as bipolar database querying. Different frameworks have been introduced to deal with such bipolarity. In this chapter, an overview of two approaches is given. The first approach is based on mandatory and desired requirements. Hereby the complement of a mandatory requirement can be considered as a specification of what is not desired at all. So, mandatory requirements indirectly contribute to negative information (expressing what the user does not want to retrieve), whereas desired requirements can be seen as positive information (expressing what the user prefers to retrieve). The second approach is directly based on positive requirements (expressing what the user wants to retrieve), and negative requirements (expressing what the user does not want to retrieve). Both approaches use pairs of satisfaction degrees as the underlying framework but have different semantics, and thus also different operators for criteria evaluation, ranking, aggregation, etc
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