13,628 research outputs found

    Going Deeper with Semantics: Video Activity Interpretation using Semantic Contextualization

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    A deeper understanding of video activities extends beyond recognition of underlying concepts such as actions and objects: constructing deep semantic representations requires reasoning about the semantic relationships among these concepts, often beyond what is directly observed in the data. To this end, we propose an energy minimization framework that leverages large-scale commonsense knowledge bases, such as ConceptNet, to provide contextual cues to establish semantic relationships among entities directly hypothesized from video signal. We mathematically express this using the language of Grenander's canonical pattern generator theory. We show that the use of prior encoded commonsense knowledge alleviate the need for large annotated training datasets and help tackle imbalance in training through prior knowledge. Using three different publicly available datasets - Charades, Microsoft Visual Description Corpus and Breakfast Actions datasets, we show that the proposed model can generate video interpretations whose quality is better than those reported by state-of-the-art approaches, which have substantial training needs. Through extensive experiments, we show that the use of commonsense knowledge from ConceptNet allows the proposed approach to handle various challenges such as training data imbalance, weak features, and complex semantic relationships and visual scenes.Comment: Accepted to WACV 201

    Non-local space-time supersymmetry on the lattice

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    We show that several well-known one-dimensional quantum systems possess a hidden nonlocal supersymmetry. The simplest example is the open XXZ spin chain with \Delta=-1/2. We use the supersymmetry to place lower bounds on the ground state energy with various boundary conditions. For an odd number of sites in the periodic chain, and with a particular boundary magnetic field in the open chain, we can derive the ground state energy exactly. The supersymmetry thus explains why it is possible to solve the Bethe equations for the ground state in these cases. We also show that a similar space-time supersymmetry holds for the t-J model at its integrable ferromagnetic point, where the space-time supersymmetry and the Hamiltonian it yields coexist with a global u(1|2) graded Lie algebra symmetry. Possible generalizations to other algebras are discussed.Comment: 12 page

    Design and Implementation of an Instrumented Cane for Gait Recognition

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    Independent mobility is an important aspect of an individual's life and must sometimes be augmented by use of an assistive device such as a wheeled walker or cane following a fall, injury, or functional decline. Physical therapists perform functional gait assessments to gauge the probability of an individual experiencing a fall and often recommend use of a walker, cane, or walking stick to decrease fall risk. Our team has developed a clinical assessment tool centered on a standard walking cane embedded system that can enhance a therapist's observation-based gait assessment with use of additional objective and quantitative data. This system can be utilized to detect timing and speed of cane placement, angular acceleration of the cane, and amounts of weight borne on the cane. This system is designed to assist physical therapists at the basic level in collection of objective data during gait analysis, to facilitate appropriate assistive gait device prescription, to provide patients and therapists feedback during gait training, and to reduce wrist and shoulder injuries with cane usage. However, more importantly, using the plethora of objective data that can be obtained from this cane, automated gait analysis and gait pattern classification can be performed to understand a patient's walking performance

    Astrophysical and Cosmological Tests of Quantum Theory

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    We discuss several proposals for astrophysical and cosmological tests of quantum theory. The tests are motivated by deterministic hidden-variables theories, and in particular by the view that quantum physics is merely an effective theory of an equilibrium state. The proposed tests involve searching for nonequilibrium violations of quantum theory in: primordial inflaton fluctuations imprinted on the cosmic microwave background, relic cosmological particles, Hawking radiation, photons with entangled partners inside black holes, neutrino oscillations, and particles from very distant sources.Comment: 25 pages. Amendment to section 7. Contribution to: "The Quantum Universe", special issue of Journal of Physics A, dedicated to Prof. G.-C. Ghirardi on the occasion of his seventieth birthda

    S-matrix approach to equation of state of nuclear matter

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    We calculate the equation of state of nuclear matter based on the general analysis of the grand canonical partition function in the SS-matrix framework. In addition to the low mass stable particles and their two-body scattering channels considered earlier, the calculation includes systematically all the higher mass particles and their exited states as well as the scattering channels formed by any number of these species. We estimate the latter contribution by resonances in all the channels. The resulting model-independent virial series for pressure gets substantial contribution from the heavy particles and the channels containing them. The series converges for larger values of baryon density than found earlier.Comment: Version to appear in PRC, Rapid Communication

    Experimental and theoretical study into interface structure and band alignment of the Cu2Zn1–xCdxSnS4 heterointerface for photovoltaic applications

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    To improve the constraints of kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) solar cell, such as undesirable band alignment at p–n interfaces, bandgap tuning, and fast carrier recombination, cadmium (Cd) is introduced into CZTS nanocrystals forming Cu2Zn1–xCdxSnS4 through cost-effective solution-based method without postannealing or sulfurization treatments. A synergetic experimental–theoretical approach was employed to characterize and assess the optoelectronic properties of Cu2Zn1–xCdxSnS4 materials. Tunable direct band gap energy ranging from 1.51 to 1.03 eV with high absorption coefficient was demonstrated for the Cu2Zn1–xCdxSnS4 nanocrystals with changing Zn/Cd ratio. Such bandgap engineering in Cu2Zn1–xCdxSnS4 helps in effective carrier separation at interface. Ultrafast spectroscopy reveals a longer lifetime and efficient separation of photoexcited charge carriers in Cu2CdSnS4 (CCTS) nanocrystals compared to that of CZTS. We found that there exists a type-II staggered band alignment at the CZTS (CCTS)/CdS interface, from cyclic voltammetric (CV) measurements, corroborated by first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations, predicting smaller conduction band offset (CBO) at the CCTS/CdS interface as compared to the CZTS/CdS interface. These results point toward efficient separation of photoexcited carriers across the p–n junction in the ultrafast time scale and highlight a route to improve device performances

    CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG computing Grid

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    Monte Carlo production in CMS has received a major boost in performance and scale since the past CHEP06 conference. The production system has been re-engineered in order to incorporate the experience gained in running the previous system and to integrate production with the new CMS event data model, data management system and data processing framework. The system is interfaced to the two major computing Grids used by CMS, the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) and the Open Science Grid (OSG). Operational experience and integration aspects of the new CMS Monte Carlo production system is presented together with an analysis of production statistics. The new system automatically handles job submission, resource monitoring, job queuing, job distribution according to the available resources, data merging, registration of data into the data bookkeeping, data location, data transfer and placement systems. Compared to the previous production system automation, reliability and performance have been considerably improved. A more efficient use of computing resources and a better handling of the inherent Grid unreliability have resulted in an increase of production scale by about an order of magnitude, capable of running in parallel at the order of ten thousand jobs and yielding more than two million events per day

    Light Sterile Neutrino from extra dimensions and Four-Neutrino Solutions to Neutrino Anomalies

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    We propose a four-neutrino model which can reconcile the existing data coming from underground experiments in terms of neutrino oscillations, together with the hint from the LSND experiment and a possible neutrino contribution to the hot dark matter of the Universe. It applies the idea that extra compact dimensions, probed only by gravity and possibly gauge-singlet fields, can lower the fundamental scales such as the Planck, string or unification scales. Our fourth light neutrino νs\nu_s (ss for sterile) is identified with the zero mode of the Kaluza-Klein states. To first approximation \nu_sterile combines with the nu_mu in order to form a Dirac neutrino with mass in the eV range leaving the other two neutrinos massless. The smallness of this mass scale (suitable for LSND and Hot Dark Matter) arises without appealing neither to a see-saw mechanism nor to a radiative mechanism, but from the volume factor associated with the canonical normalization of the wave-function of the bulk field in the compactified dimensions. % On the other hand the splitting between \nm and \nu_sterile (atmospheric scale) as well as the mass of the two other neutrinos (solar mass scale) arise from the violation of the fermion number on distant branes. We also discuss alternative scenarios involving flavour-changing interactions. In one of them \ne can be in the electron-volt range and therefore be probed in beta decay studies.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figures, title changed, final version to be published in Phys Rev