45 research outputs found

    Assimilation of passive microwave AMSR-2 satellite observations in a snowpack evolution model over northeastern Canada

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    Over northeastern Canada, the amount of water stored in a snowpack, estimated by its snow water equivalent (SWE) amount, is a key variable for hydrological applications. The limited number of weather stations driving snowpack models over large and remote northern areas generates great uncertainty in SWE evolution. A data assimilation (DA) scheme was developed to improve SWE estimates by updating meteorological forcing data and snowpack states with passive microwave (PMW) satellite observations and without using any surface-based data. In this DA experiment, a particle filter with a Sequential Importance Resampling algorithm (SIR) was applied and an inflation technique of the observation error matrix was developed to avoid ensemble degeneracy. Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR-2) brightness temperature (TB) observations were assimilated into a chain of models composed of the Crocus multilayer snowpack model and radiative transfer models. The microwave snow emission model (Dense Media Radiative Transfer – Multi-Layer model, DMRT-ML), the vegetation transmissivity model (ω-τopt), and atmospheric and soil radiative transfer models were calibrated to simulate the contributions from the snowpack, the vegetation, and the soil, respectively, at the top of the atmosphere. DA experiments were performed for 12 stations where daily continuous SWE measurements were acquired over 4 winters (2012–2016). Best SWE estimates are obtained with the assimilation of the TBs at 11, 19, and 37&thinsp;GHz in vertical polarizations. The overall SWE bias is reduced by 68&thinsp;% compared to the original SWE simulations, from 23.7&thinsp;kg&thinsp;m−2 without assimilation to 7.5&thinsp;kg&thinsp;m−2 with the assimilation of the three frequencies. The overall SWE relative percentage of error (RPE) is 14.1&thinsp;% (19&thinsp;% without assimilation) for sites with a fraction of forest cover below 75&thinsp;%, which is in the range of accuracy needed for hydrological applications. This research opens the way for global applications to improve SWE estimates over large and remote areas, even when vegetation contributions are up to 50&thinsp;% of the PMW signal.</p

    Acquisition Et Reproduction D&apos;images Couleur : Approches Colorimétrique Et Multispectrale

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    The goal of the work reported in this dissertation is to develop methods for the acquisition and reproduction of high quality digital colour images. To reach this goal it is necessary to understand and control the way in which the different devices involved in the entire colour imaging chain treat colours. Therefore we addressed the problem of colorimetric characterisation of scanners and printers, providing efficient and colorimetrically accurate means of conversion between a device-independent colour space such as the CIELAB space, and the device-dependent colour spaces of a scanner and a printer

    Nascimento de outra ruralidade The birth of another rurality

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    ESTE ARTIGO procura mostrar que Lefebvre (1970) e Kayser (1972, 1990) estavam errados sobre o destino da ruralidade. Evidências empíricas sobre o caso da Itália não confirmam as conjeturas extremas sobre "completa urbanização" ou "renascimento rural". E uma espécie de hermenêutica dessas duas hipóteses ajuda a fundamentar a terceira, que pretende superá-las.<br>THIS ARTICLE argues that Lefebvre (1970) and Kayser (1972, 1990) were both mistaken about the destiny of rurality. Empirical evidences from Italy do not confirm extreme conjectures on "complete urbanization" or "rural renaissance". And a kind of hermeneutics of these two hypothesis helps to build upon a third which intends to surpass them