32 research outputs found

    Knockout of the Arp2/3 complex in epidermis causes a psoriasis-like disease hallmarked by hyperactivation of transcription factor Nrf2

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    Arp2/3 complex assembles branched actin filaments key to many cellular processes, but its organismal roles remain poorly understood. Here we employed conditional arpc4 knockout mice to study the function of the Arp2/3 complex in the epidermis. We found that depletion of the Arp2/3 complex by knockout of arpc4 results in skin abnormalities at birth that evolve into a severe psoriasis-like disease hallmarked by hyperactivation of transcription factor Nrf2. Knockout of arpc4 in cultured keratinocytes was sufficient to induce nuclear accumulation of Nrf2, upregulation of Nrf2-target genes and decreased filamentous actin levels. Furthermore, pharmacological inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex unmasked the role of branched actin filaments in Nrf2 regulation. Consistently, we unveiled that Nrf2 associates with the actin cytoskeleton in cells and binds to filamentous actin in vitro. Finally, we discovered that Arpc4 is downregulated in both human and mouse psoriatic epidermis. Thus, the Arp2/3 complex affects keratinocytes' shape and transcriptome through an actin-based cell-autonomous mechanism that influences epidermal morphogenesis and homeostasis

    Integrin α3β1 in hair bulge stem cells modulates CCN2 expression and promotes skin tumorigenesis

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    Epidermal-specific deletion of integrin α3β1 almost completely prevents the formation of papillomas during 7,12-Dimethylbenz [a]anthracene/12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (DMBA/TPA) two-stage skin carcinogenesis. This dramatic decrease in tumorigenesis was thought to be due to an egress and premature differentiation of α3β1-depleted hair bulge (HB) stem cells (SCs), previously considered to be the cancer cells-of-origin in the DMBA/ TPA model. Using a reporter mouse line with inducible deletion of α3β1 in HBs, we show that HB SCs remain confined to their niche regardless of the presence of α3β1 and are largely absent from skin tumors. However, tumor formation was significantly decreased in mice deficient for α3β1 in HB SCs. RNA sequencing of HB SCs isolated from short-term DMBA/TPA-treated skin showed α3β1-dependent expression of the matricellular protein connective tissue growth factor (CCN2), which was confirmed in vitro, where CCN2 promoted colony formation and 3D growth of transformed keratinocytes. Together, these findings show that HBs contribute to skin tumorigenesis in an α3β1-dependent manner and suggest a role of HB SCs in creating a permissive environment for tumor growth through the modulation of CCN2 secretion

    Glycerophosphodiesterase GDE2 Promotes Neuroblastoma Differentiation through Glypican Release and Is a Marker of Clinical Outcome

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    Neuroblastoma is a pediatric embryonal malignancy characterized by impaired neuronal differentiation. A better understanding of neuroblastoma differentiation is essential for developing new therapeutic approaches. GDE2 (encoded by GDPD5) is a six-transmembrane-domain glycerophosphodiesterase that promotes embryonic neurogenesis. We find that high GDPD5 expression is strongly associated with favorable outcome in neuroblastoma. GDE2 induces differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, suppresses cell motility, and opposes RhoA-driven neurite retraction. GDE2 alters the Rac-RhoA activity balance and the expression of multiple differentiation-associated genes. Mechanistically, GDE2 acts by cleaving (in cis) and releasing glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored glypican-6, a putative co-receptor. A single point mutation in the ectodomain abolishes GDE2 function. Our results reveal GDE2 as a cell-autonomous inducer of neuroblastoma differentiation with prognostic significance and potential therapeutic value.</p

    CD26-negative and CD26-positive tissue-resident fibroblasts contribute to functionally distinct CAF subpopulations in breast cancer

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    The origin of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) in cancer remains to be identified. Here, single-cell transcriptomics, in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that CD26+ and CD26- normal fibroblasts transform into distinct CAF subpopulations in mouse models of breast cancer

    Loss of p53 triggers Wnt-dependent systemic inflammation to drive breast cancer metastasis

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    Cancer-associated systemic inflammation is strongly linked to poor disease outcome in patients with cancer1,2. For most human epithelial tumour types, high systemic neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios are associated with poor overall survival3, and experimental studies have demonstrated a causal relationship between neutrophils and metastasis4,5. However, the cancer-cell-intrinsic mechanisms that dictate the substantial heterogeneity in systemic neutrophilic inflammation between tumour-bearing hosts are largely unresolved. Here, using a panel of 16 distinct genetically engineered mouse models for breast cancer, we uncover a role for cancer-cell-intrinsic p53 as a key regulator of pro-metastatic neutrophils. Mechanistically, loss of p53 in cancer cells induced the secretion of WNT ligands that stimulate tumour-associated macrophages to produce IL-1β, thus driving systemic inflammation. Pharmacological and genetic blockade of WNT secretion in p53-null cancer cells reverses macrophage production of IL-1β and subsequent neutrophilic inflammation, resulting in reduced metastasis formation. Collectively, we demonstrate a mechanistic link between the loss of p53 in cancer cells, secretion of WNT ligands and systemic neutrophilia that potentiates metastatic progression. These insights illustrate the importance of the genetic makeup of breast tumours in dictating pro-metastatic systemic inflammation, and set the stage for personalized immune intervention strategies for patients with cancer

    Loss of p53 triggers Wnt-dependent systemic inflammation to drive breast cancer metastasis

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    Cancer-associated systemic inflammation is strongly linked to poor disease outcome in patients with cancer1,2. For most human epithelial tumour types, high systemic neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios are associated with poor overall survival3, and experimental studies have demonstrated a causal relationship between neutrophils and metastasis4,5. However, the cancer-cell-intrinsic mechanisms that dictate the substantial heterogeneity in systemic neutrophilic inflammation between tumour-bearing hosts are largely unresolved. Here, using a panel of 16 distinct genetically engineered mouse models for breast cancer, we uncover a role for cancer-cell-intrinsic p53 as a key regulator of pro-metastatic neutrophils. Mechanistically, loss of p53 in cancer cells induced the secretion of WNT ligands that stimulate tumour-associated macrophages to produce IL-1β, thus driving systemic inflammation. Pharmacological and genetic blockade of WNT secretion in p53-null cancer cells reverses macrophage production of IL-1β and subsequent neutrophilic inflammation, resulting in reduced metastasis formation. Collectively, we demonstrate a mechanistic link between the loss of p53 in cancer cells, secretion of WNT ligands and systemic neutrophilia that potentiates metastatic progression. These insights illustrate the importance of the genetic makeup of breast tumours in dictating pro-metastatic systemic inflammation, and set the stage for personalized immune intervention strategies for patients with cancer

    XenofilteR: computational deconvolution of mouse and human reads in tumor xenograft sequence data.

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    BACKGROUND: Mouse xenografts from (patient-derived) tumors (PDX) or tumor cell lines are widely used as models to study various biological and preclinical aspects of cancer. However, analyses of their RNA and DNA profiles are challenging, because they comprise reads not only from the grafted human cancer but also from the murine host. The reads of murine origin result in false positives in mutation analysis of DNA samples and obscure gene expression levels when sequencing RNA. However, currently available algorithms are limited and improvements in accuracy and ease of use are necessary. RESULTS: We developed the R-package XenofilteR, which separates mouse from human sequence reads based on the edit-distance between a sequence read and reference genome. To assess the accuracy of XenofilteR, we generated sequence data by in silico mixing of mouse and human DNA sequence data. These analyses revealed that XenofilteR removes > 99.9% of sequence reads of mouse origin while retaining human sequences. This allowed for mutation analysis of xenograft samples with accurate variant allele frequencies, and retrieved all non-synonymous somatic tumor mutations. CONCLUSIONS: XenofilteR accurately dissects RNA and DNA sequences from mouse and human origin, thereby outperforming currently available tools. XenofilteR is open source and available at https://github.com/PeeperLab/XenofilteR

    The Ig heavy chain protein but not its message controls early B cell development

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    Development of progenitor B cells (ProB cells) into precursor B cells (PreB cells) is dictated by immunoglobulin heavy chain checkpoint (IgHCC), where the IgHC encoded by a productively rearranged Igh allele assembles into a PreB cell receptor complex (PreBCR) to generate signals to initiate this transition and suppressing antigen receptor gene recombination, ensuring that only one productive Igh allele is expressed, a phenomenon known as Igh allelic exclusion. In contrast to a productively rearranged Igh allele, the Igh messenger RNA (mRNA) (IgHR) from a nonproductively rearranged Igh allele is degraded by nonsense-mediated decay (NMD). This fact prohibited firm conclusions regarding the contribution of stable IgHR to the molecular and developmental changes associated with the IgHCC. This point was addressed by generating the Igh Ter5H∆TM mouse model from Igh Ter5H mice having a premature termination codon at position +5 in leader exon of Igh Ter5H allele. This prohibited NMD, and the lack of a transmembrane region (∆TM) prevented the formation of any signaling-competent PreBCR complexes that may arise as a result of read-through translation across premature Ter5 stop codon. A highly sensitive sandwich Western blot revealed read-through translation of Igh Ter5H message, indicating that previous conclusions regarding a role of IgHR in establishing allelic exclusion requires further exploration. As determined by RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), this low amount of IgHC sufficed to initiate PreB cell markers normally associated with PreBCR signaling. In contrast, the Igh Ter5H∆TM knock-in allele, which generated stable IgHR but no detectable IgHC, failed to induce PreB development. Our data indicate that the IgHCC is controlled at the level of IgHC and not IgHR expression

    E-Cadherin Expression Distinguishes Mouse from Human Hematopoiesis in the Basophil and Erythroid Lineages

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    E-cadherin is a key regulator of epithelial cell&ndash;cell adhesion, the loss of which accelerates tumor growth and invasion. E-cadherin is also expressed in hematopoietic cells as well as epithelia. The function of hematopoietic E-cadherin is, however, mostly elusive. In this study, we explored the validity of mouse models to functionally investigate the role of hematopoietic E-cadherin in human hematopoiesis. We generated a hematopoietic-specific E-cadherin knockout mouse model. In mice, hematopoietic E-cadherin is predominantly expressed within the basophil lineage, the expression of which is dispensable for the generation of basophils. However, neither E-cadherin mRNA nor protein were detected in human basophils. In contrast, human hematopoietic E-cadherin marks the erythroid lineage. E-cadherin expression in hematopoiesis thereby revealed striking evolutionary differences between the basophil and erythroid cell lineage in humans and mice. This is remarkable as E-cadherin expression in epithelia is highly conserved among vertebrates including humans and mice. Our study therefore revealed that the mouse does not represent a suitable model to study the function of E-cadherin in human hematopoiesis and an alternative means to study the role of E-cadherin in human erythropoiesis needs to be developed