142 research outputs found

    Flexible intramedullary nailing in the treatment of diaphyseal fractures of the femur in preschool children

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    Femur fractures in preschool children are mostly treated in a conservative way, by means of spica cast immobilisation or skin traction. In school age children the use of flexible intramedullary nails (FIN) is widely used and promoted. We performed intramedullary nailing in 9 preschool children aged 1.5-6 years. The mean length of postoperative hospital stay was 4 days (range : 3 to 6). The mean time to solid callus formation was 2.5 months (range : 2 to 3). Follow-up was available in all 9 children for a mean period of 18.9 months (range : 3 to 38). No complications were noted. Flexible intramedullary nailing of femur fractures is a valuable technique in this particular age group. However, further study and long-term follow-up are needed


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    This contribution addresses the question of how detailed information from the urban canopy can be assimilated into regional models. This detailed information concerns, among others, road transport emissions, specific exchange and turbulence patterns in the built up canopy, and effects of roads and roughness elements on wind direction and wind speed. This information is typically obtained from detailed street canyon models in combination with traffic emission models. In order to integrate the dynamics of the urban canopy into regional air quality models, we propose the formulation of urban boundary conditions. The formulation has been tested and compared with measurements for benzene and NOx in the city of Antwerp, Belgium

    Assessing seasonality in the surface urban heat island of London

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    AbstractThis paper assesses the seasonality of the urban heat island (UHI) effect in the Greater London area (United Kingdom). Combining satellite-based observations and urban boundary layer climate modeling with the UrbClim model, the authors are able to address the seasonality of UHI intensity, on the basis of both land surface temperature (LST) and 2-m air temperature, for four individual times of the day (0130, 1030, 1330, and 2230 local time) and the daily means derived from them. An objective of this paper is to investigate whether the UHI intensities that are based on both quantities exhibit a similar hysteresis-like trajectory that is observed for LST when plotting the UHI intensity against the background temperature. The results show that the UrbClim model can satisfactorily reproduce both the observed urban–rural LSTs and 2-m air temperatures as well as their differences and the hysteresis in the surface UHI. The hysteresis-like seasonality is largely absent in both the observed and modeled 2-m air temperatures, however. A sensitivity simulation of the UHI intensity to incoming solar radiation suggests that the hysteresis of the LST can mainly be attributed to the seasonal variation in incoming solar radiation.</jats:p

    A new method to assess fine-scale outdoor thermal comfort for urban agglomerations

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    In urban areas, high air temperatures and heat stress levels greatly affect human thermal comfort and public health, with climate change further increasing the mortality risks. This study presents a high resolution (100 m) modelling method, including detailed offline radiation calculations, that is able to efficiently calculate outdoor heat stress for entire urban agglomerations for a time period spanning several months. A dedicated measurement campaign was set up to evaluate model performance, yielding satisfactory results. As an example, the modelling tool was used to assess the effectiveness of green areas and water surfaces to cool air temperatures and wet bulb globe temperatures during a typical hot day in the city of Ghent (Belgium), since the use of vegetation and water bodies are shown to be promising in mitigating the adverse effects of urban heat islands and improving thermal comfort. The results show that air temperature reduction is most profound over water surfaces during the afternoon, while open rural areas are coolest during the night. Radiation shading from trees, and to a lesser extent, from buildings, is found to be most effective in reducing wet bulb globe temperatures and improving thermal comfort during the warmest moments of the day

    Projected heat-related mortality under climate change in the metropolitan area of Skopje

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    Abstract Background Excessive summer heat is a serious environmental health problem in Skopje, the capital and largest city of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. This paper attempts to forecast the impact of heat on mortality in Skopje in two future periods under climate change and compare it with a historical baseline period. Methods After ascertaining the relationship between daily mean ambient air temperature and daily mortality in Skopje, we modelled the evolution of ambient temperatures in the city under a Representative Concentration Pathway scenario (RCP8.5) and the evolution of the city population in two future time periods: 2026–2045 and 2081–2100, and in a past time period (1986–2005) to serve as baseline for comparison. We then calculated the projected average annual mortality attributable to heat in the absence of adaptation or acclimatization during those time windows, and evaluated the contribution of each source of uncertainty on the final impact. Results Our estimates suggest that, compared to the baseline period (1986–2005), heat-related mortality in Skopje would more than double in 2026–2045, and more than quadruple in 2081–2100. When considering the impact in 2081–2100, sampling variability around the heat–mortality relationship and climate model explained 40.3 and 46.6 % of total variability. Conclusion These results highlight the importance of a long-term perspective in the public health prevention of heat exposure, particularly in the context of a changing climate

    Applications of Models and Tools for Mesoscale and Microscale Thermal Analysis in Mid-Latitude Climate Regions—A Review

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    Urban analysis at different spatial scales (micro- and mesoscale) of local climate conditions is required to test typical artificial urban boundaries and related climate hazards such as high temperatures in built environments. The multitude of finishing materials and sheltering objects within built environments produce distinct patterns of different climate conditions, particularly during the daytime. The combination of high temperatures and intense solar radiation strongly perturb the environment by increasing the thermal heat stress at the pedestrian level. Therefore, it is becoming common practice to use numerical models and tools that enable multiple design and planning alternatives to be quantitatively and qualitatively tested to inform urban planners and decision-makers. These models and tools can be used to compare the relationships between the micro-climatic environment, the subjective thermal assessment, and the social behaviour, which can reveal the attractiveness and effectiveness of new urban spaces and lead to more sustainable and liveable public spaces. This review article presents the applications of selected environmental numerical models and tools to predict human thermal stress at the mesoscale (e.g., satellite thermal images and UrbClim) and the microscale (e.g., mobile measurements, ENVI-met, and UrbClim HR) focusing on case study cities in mid-latitude climate regions framed in two European research projects.The work leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 308497, Project RAMSES—Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation, and Sustainable Development for Cities (2012–2017) and from the European Union’s H2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 73004 (PUCS/Climate-fit.city). The APC was funded by the Research Group of Building and Technology, De partment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technolog

    Influence of climate change on summer cooling costs and heat stress in urban office buildings

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    Indoor climatic conditions are strongly influenced by outdoor meteorological conditions. It is thus expected that the combined effect of climate change and the urban heat island effect negatively influences working conditions in urban office buildings. Since office buildings are particularly vulnerable to overheating because of the profound internal heat gains, this is all the more relevant. The overheating in office buildings leads to elevated cooling costs or, because additional work breaks are required by legislation in some countries, productivity losses. We have developed a methodology incorporating urban climate modelling and building energy simulations to assess cooling costs and lost working hours in office buildings, both for current-day and future climate, extending towards the end of the twenty-first century. The methodology is tailored to additionally assess the impact and benefits of adaptation measures, and it is designed to be transferable from one city to another. Results for a prototype building located in three different European cities (Antwerp, Bilbao and London) illustrate the challenge in keeping Western-European office buildings comfortable until the end of the twenty-first century without adaptation measures, and the beneficial effect of adequate adjustments. The results further illustrate the large decreases in cooling costs (up to 30%) caused by the introduction of (external) shading and increased night-time ventilation in actively cooled buildings, and the improvements in working conditions in free-running buildings caused by moving workers to cooler locations and splitting workdays in morning and evening shifts

    Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: Projected impacts and implications for prevention

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;BACKGROUND: &lt;/b&gt;Excessive summer heat is a serious environmental health problem in several European cities. Heat-related mortality and morbidity is likely to increase under climate change scenarios without adequate prevention based on locally relevant evidence.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;METHODS: &lt;/b&gt;We modelled the urban climate of Antwerp for the summer season during the period 1986-2015, and projected summer daily temperatures for two periods, one in the near (2026-2045) and one in the far future (2081-2100), under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5. We then analysed the relationship between temperature and mortality, as well as with hospital admissions for the period 2009-2013, and estimated the projected mortality in the near future and far future periods under changing climate and population, assuming alternatively no acclimatization and acclimatization based on a constant threshold percentile temperature.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;RESULTS: &lt;/b&gt;During the sample period 2009-2013 we observed an increase in daily mortality from a maximum daily temperature of 26°C, or the 89th percentile of the maximum daily temperature series. The annual average heat-related mortality in this period was 13.4 persons (95% CI: 3.8-23.4). No effect of heat was observed in the case of hospital admissions due to cardiorespiratory causes. Under a no acclimatization scenario, annual average heat-related mortality is multiplied by a factor of 1.7 in the near future (24.1deaths/year CI 95%: 6.78-41.94) and by a factor of 4.5 in the far future (60.38deaths/year CI 95%: 17.00-105.11). Under a heat acclimatization scenario, mortality does not increase significantly in the near or in the far future.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;CONCLUSION: &lt;/b&gt;These results highlight the importance of a long-term perspective in the public health prevention of heat exposure, particularly in the context of a changing climate, and the calibration of existing prevention activities in light of locally relevant evidence.&lt;/p&gt;</p
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