1,104 research outputs found

    Характеристика загрязнения прибрежных вод у Карадагского заповедника по данным оптических измерений

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    На основе анализа данных оптических наблюдений в рамках комплексных океанографических экспедиций, проведенных сотрудниками ИнБЮМ НАНУ и МГИ НАНУ 22, 23 мая 2007 г. и 21, 22 июля 2009 г. в прибрежных водах Черного моря у Карадагского заповедника, выполнены оценки загрязнения рассматриваемой акватории растворенным органическим веществом искусственного происхождения и растворенными нефтепродуктами. Определены концентрации, источники и пути распространения суммарной взвеси и загрязняющих веществ. Зафиксирован рост степени загрязнения заповедной акватории в течение двух последних лет.На основі аналізу даних оптичних спостережень у рамках комплексних океанографічних експедицій, проведених співробітниками ІнБЮМ НАНУ та МГІ НАНУ 22, 23 травня 2007 р. та 21, 22 липня 2009 р. у прибережних водах Чорного моря біля Карадазького заповідника, виконано оцінки забруднення розглянутої акваторії розчиненою органічною речовиною штучного походження та розчиненими нафтопродуктами. Визначено концентрації, джерела та шляхи поширення сумарної зваженої речовини та забруднюючих речовин. Зафіксовано зростання ступеню забруднення заповідної акваторії протягом двох останніх років.On the base of analysis of optical observations’ data within the framework of complex oceanographic expeditions, undertaken by employers of IBSS and MHI of National academy of sciences of Ukraine on 22, 23 May 2007 and 21, July 22 2009 in the coastal waters of the Black sea beside the Karadag reserve, estimations of water borne contaminations with dissolved organic material by man made birth and dissolved oil are executed. The concentrations, sources and the ways of the total suspended matter and polluting material spreading are defined. Increase in pollution percentage in waters of the reserve is fixed for two last years


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    Dalam kesimpulan umum, penulis merumuskan tentang latar belakang yang berkaitan dengan pennasalahan yang dibahas dalam tugas akhir ini sebagai berikut : PT PAN DIAMON adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa yang berbentuk Biro Perjalanan Wisata. Perusahaan ini menangani berbagai paket wisata untuk tujuan domcstik maupun mancanegara , ticketing inbound dan outbound, voucher hotel, dan lain hal yang berkaitan dengan dunia wisata. • Tour Leader adalah penyedia jasa yang mempunyai tugas sebagai wakil perusahaan untuk mewujudkan jasa yang dijual oleh perusahaan tersebut. • Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa , BPW PT PAN DIAMON berusaha untuk memberikan yang terbaik bagi para konsumennya meskipun terdapat berbagai hambatan untuk mewujudkan mutu jasa yang terbaik bagi konsumennya. Sebagai penyedia jasa, seorang Tour Leader dalam menunaikan tugasnya harus memiliki stamina yang prima, mempunyai kepribadian yang baik, dan loyalitas yang tinggi terhadap perusahaan. PT PAN DIAMON dengan keunggu)an penga)aman yang dimilikinya berusaha memenuhi harapan konsumen dengan sebaik-baiknya, menempatkan konsumen pada tempat yang paling baik. Dengan kebijakan-kebijakan yang dimiliki diharapkan dapat menunjang kelangsungan hidupnya

    No differential susceptibility or diathesis stress to parenting in early adolescence: Personality facets predicting behaviour problems

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    This multi-sample study investigated the main and interactive effects of parenting (responsiveness, overreactivity) and young adolescents' personality traits (negative-affectivity: irritability and anxiety; and orienting-sensitivity) on behaviour problems during adolescence. Data from two samples (N1 = 222; girls 45.5%; Mean age = 11.54 years; N2 = 252; girls 50.4%; Mean age = 10.85 years) were analysed using a multivariate approach. Parenting and y

    APETx4, a novel sea anemone toxin and a modulator of the cancer-relevant potassium channel K<sub>V</sub>10.1

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    The human ether-à-go-go channel (hEag1 or KV10.1) is a cancer-relevant voltage-gated potassium channel that is overexpressed in a majority of human tumors. Peptides that are able to selectively inhibit this channel can be lead compounds in the search for new anticancer drugs. Here, we report the activity-guided purification and electrophysiological characterization of a novel KV10.1 inhibitor from the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. Purified sea anemone fractions were screened for inhibitory activity on KV10.1 by measuring whole-cell currents as expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes using the two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique. Fractions that showed activity on Kv10.1 were further purified by RP-HPLC. The amino acid sequence of the peptide was determined by a combination of MALDI- LIFT-TOF/TOF MS/MS and CID-ESI-FT-ICR MS/MS and showed a high similarity with APETx1 and APETx3 and was therefore named APETx4. Subsequently, the peptide was electrophysiologically characterized on KV10.1. The selectivity of the toxin was investigated on an array of voltage-gated ion channels, including the cardiac human ether-à-go-go-related gene potassium channel (hERG or Kv11.1). The toxin inhibits KV10.1 with an IC50 value of 1.1 μM. In the presence of a similar toxin concentration, a shift of the activation curve towards more positive potentials was observed. Similar to the effect of the gating modifier toxin APETx1 on hERG, the inhibition of Kv10.1 by the isolated toxin is reduced at more positive voltages and the peptide seems to keep the channel in a closed state. Although the peptide also induces inhibitory effects on other KV and NaV channels, it exhibits no significant effect on hERG. Moreover, APETx4 induces a concentration-dependent cytotoxic and proapoptotic effect in various cancerous and noncancerous cell lines. This newly identified KV10.1 inhibitor can be used as a tool to further characterize the oncogenic channel KV10.1 or as a scaffold for the design and synthesis of more potent and safer anticancer drugs

    Influence of simulated spring frost on growth and yield of three barley cultivars

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    Spring barley was sown on 4 dates between 28 April and 21 May to evaluate the effect of a simulated frost at the 2-leaf stage on growth and yield. A portable field freezing chamber was used to subject the plants to a -5.6 deg C stress. The frost caused 49, 64 and 68% injury to the leaves and delayed heading by 2.4, 1.4 and 2.4 days in cv. Galt, Atlas and Olli, resp. Frost also reduced the number of tillers/plant, ripe ears/plant and plants/plot in all cv. Although the late-maturing cv. Galt had the most leaf frost resistance, the av. yield reduction (13.8%) was similar in all 3 cv. Complete defoliation by clipping resulted in no further reduction in yield than that which occurred from partial defoliation by freezing. Delayed sowing reduced yield by 8.6%. Frost reduced yield by 9.8% at the 2 early sowing dates and by 17.1% at the 2 later sowing date

    Four cycles of BEP versus an alternating regime of PVB and BEP in patients with poor-prognosis metastatic testicular non-seminoma; a randomised study of the EORTC Genitourinary Tract Cancer Cooperative Group.

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    We have investigated whether an alternating induction chemotherapy regimen of PVB/BEP is superior to BEP in patients with poor-prognosis testicular non-seminoma. A total of 234 eligible patients were randomised to receive an alternating schedule of PVB/BEP for a total of four cycles or four cycles of BEP. Poor prognosis was defined as any of the following: lymph node metastases larger than 5 cm, lung metastases more than four in number or larger than 2 cm, haematogenic spread outside the lungs, such as in liver and bone, human chorionic gonadotrophin > 10,000 IU l-1 or alphafetoprotein > 1000 IU l-1. The complete response (CR) rates to PVB/BEP and BEP were similar, 76% and 72% respectively (P = 0.58). In addition, there was no significant difference in relapse rate, disease-free and overall survival at an average follow-up of 6 years. The 5-year progression-free and survival rates in both treatment groups were approximately 80%. The PVB/BEP regime was more toxic with regard to bone marrow function; the frequencies of leucocytes below 1000 microliters-1, leucocytopenic fever and platelets below 25,000 microliters-1, throughout four cycles were 28% vs 5% (P < 0.001), 16% vs 5% (P = 0.006), and 10% vs 1% (P = 0.001) respectively. Neuropathy also occurred more often in the PVB/BEP arm: 47% vs 25% (P = 0.001). This study shows that an alternating regimen of PVB/BEP is not superior to BEP and that it is more myelo- and neurotoxic