3,877 research outputs found

    Structural and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metal NiMnSb

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    Using the full potential linearised augmented planewave method we study the electronic and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metallic Heusler alloy NiMnSb from first-principles. We take into account all possible surface terminations including relaxations of these surfaces. Special attention is paid to the spin-polarization at the Fermi level which governs the spin-injection from such a metal into a semiconductor. In general, these surfaces lose the half-metallic character of the bulk NiMnSb, but for the (111) surfaces this loss is more pronounced. Although structural optimization does not change these features qualitatively, specifically for the (111) surfaces relaxations can compensate much of the spin-polarization at the Fermi surface that has been lost upon formation of the surface.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Palliative radiotherapy:New prognostic factors for patients with bone metastasis

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    Purpose: Many cancer patients develop bone metastases, however the prognosis of overall survival differs. To provide an optimal treatment for these patients, especially towards the end of life, a reliable prediction of survival is needed. The goal of this study was to find new clinical factors in relation to overall survival. Materials and methods: Prospectively 22 clinical factors were collected from 734 patients. The Kaplan–Meier and Cox regression models were used. Results: Most patients were diagnosed with lung cancer (29%), followed by prostate (19.8%) and breast cancer (14.7%). Median overall survival was 6.4 months. Fourteen clinical factors showed significance in the univariate analyses. In the multivariate analyses 6 factors were found to be significant for the overall survival: Karnofsky performance status, primary tumor, gender, total organs affected, morphine use and systemic treatment options after radiotherapy. Conclusion: Morphine use and systemic treatment options after radiotherapy, Karnofsky performance status, primary tumor, gender and total organs affected are strong prediction factors on overall survival after palliative radiotherapy in patients with bone metastasis. These factors are easily applicable in the clinic.</p

    Quintessence Restrictions on Negative Power and Condensate Potentials

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    We study the cosmological evolution of scalar fields that arise from a phase transition at some energy scale \Lm_c. We focus on negative power potentials given by V=c\Lm_c^{4+n}\phi^{-n} and restrict the cosmological viable values of \Lm_c and nn. We make a complete analysis of VV and impose SN1aSN1a conditions on the different cosmological parameters. The cosmological observations ruled out models where the scalar field has reached its attractor solution. For models where this is not the case, the analytic approximated solutions are not good enough to determine whether a specific model is phenomenologically viable or not and the full differential equations must be numerically solved. The results are not fine tuned since a change of 45% on the initial conditions does not spoil the final results. We also determine the values of Nc,NfN_c, N_f that give a condensation scale \Lm_c consistent with gauge coupling unification, leaving only four models that satisfy unification and SN1a constraints.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 8 Figures. Minor changes in text, a discussion on initial conditions added (accepted in Phys.Rev.D

    Natural Quintessence with Gauge Coupling Unification

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    We show that a positive accelerating universe can be obtained simply by the dynamics of a non-abelian gauge group. It is the condensates of the chiral fields that obtain a negative power potential, below the condensation scale, and allow for a quintessence interpretation of these fields. The only free parameters in this model are NcN_c and NfN_f and the number of dynamically gauge singlet bilinear fields Ï•\phi generated below the condensation scale. We show that it is possible to have unification of all coupling constants, including the standard and non standard model couplings, while having an acceptable phenomenology of Ï•\phi as the cosmological constant. This is done without any fine tuning of the initial conditions. The problem of coincidence (why the universe has only recently started an accelerating period) is not solved but it is put at the same level as what the particle content of the standard model is.Comment: minor changes(discussion on field normalization included), reference added, accepted in Phy.Rev.Lett., 5 pages,LateX,2 Figure

    Effects of Saturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, and Carbohydrate on Glucose-Insulin Homeostasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Feeding Trials.

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    BACKGROUND: Effects of major dietary macronutrients on glucose-insulin homeostasis remain controversial and may vary by the clinical measures examined. We aimed to assess how saturated fat (SFA), monounsaturated fat (MUFA), polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), and carbohydrate affect key metrics of glucose-insulin homeostasis. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We systematically searched multiple databases (PubMed, EMBASE, OVID, BIOSIS, Web-of-Knowledge, CAB, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, SIGLE, Faculty1000) for randomised controlled feeding trials published by 26 Nov 2015 that tested effects of macronutrient intake on blood glucose, insulin, HbA1c, insulin sensitivity, and insulin secretion in adults aged ≥18 years. We excluded trials with non-isocaloric comparisons and trials providing dietary advice or supplements rather than meals. Studies were reviewed and data extracted independently in duplicate. Among 6,124 abstracts, 102 trials, including 239 diet arms and 4,220 adults, met eligibility requirements. Using multiple-treatment meta-regression, we estimated dose-response effects of isocaloric replacements between SFA, MUFA, PUFA, and carbohydrate, adjusted for protein, trans fat, and dietary fibre. Replacing 5% energy from carbohydrate with SFA had no significant effect on fasting glucose (+0.02 mmol/L, 95% CI = -0.01, +0.04; n trials = 99), but lowered fasting insulin (-1.1 pmol/L; -1.7, -0.5; n = 90). Replacing carbohydrate with MUFA lowered HbA1c (-0.09%; -0.12, -0.05; n = 23), 2 h post-challenge insulin (-20.3 pmol/L; -32.2, -8.4; n = 11), and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (-2.4%; -4.6, -0.3; n = 30). Replacing carbohydrate with PUFA significantly lowered HbA1c (-0.11%; -0.17, -0.05) and fasting insulin (-1.6 pmol/L; -2.8, -0.4). Replacing SFA with PUFA significantly lowered glucose, HbA1c, C-peptide, and HOMA. Based on gold-standard acute insulin response in ten trials, PUFA significantly improved insulin secretion capacity (+0.5 pmol/L/min; 0.2, 0.8) whether replacing carbohydrate, SFA, or even MUFA. No significant effects of any macronutrient replacements were observed for 2 h post-challenge glucose or insulin sensitivity (minimal-model index). Limitations included a small number of trials for some outcomes and potential issues of blinding, compliance, generalisability, heterogeneity due to unmeasured factors, and publication bias. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis of randomised controlled feeding trials provides evidence that dietary macronutrients have diverse effects on glucose-insulin homeostasis. In comparison to carbohydrate, SFA, or MUFA, most consistent favourable effects were seen with PUFA, which was linked to improved glycaemia, insulin resistance, and insulin secretion capacity.Dr Imamura received support from the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit Core Support (MC_UU_12015/5). Dr Mozaffarian received funding from The National Institute of Health in the United States (R01 HL085710).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.100208

    Origin and Properties of the Gap in the Half-Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloys

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    We study the origin of the gap and the role of chemical composition in the half-ferromagnetic Heusler alloys using the full-potential screened KKR method. In the paramagnetic phase the C1_b compounds, like NiMnSb, present a gap. Systems with 18 valence electrons, Z_t, per unit cell, like CoTiSb, are semiconductors, but when Z_t > 18 antibonding states are also populated, thus the paramagnetic phase becomes unstable and the half-ferromagnetic one is stabilized. The minority occupied bands accommodate a total of nine electrons and the total magnetic moment per unit cell in mu_B is just the difference between Z_t and 2×92 \times 9. While the substitution of the transition metal atoms may preserve the half-ferromagnetic character, substituting the spsp atom results in a practically rigid shift of the bands and the loss of half-metallicity. Finally we show that expanding or contracting the lattice parameter by 2% preserves the minority-spin gap.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures New figures, revised tex

    Complex effective index in graphene-silicon waveguides

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    We report for the first time and characterize experimentally the complex optical conductivity of graphene on silicon photonic waveguides. This permits us to predict accurately the behavior of photonic integrated devices encompassing graphene layers. Exploiting a Si microring add/drop resonator, we show the effect of electrical gating of graphene on the complex effective index of the waveguide by measuring both the wavelength shift of the resonance and the change in the drop peak transmission. Due to electro-refractive effect of graphene a giant (>10 123) change in the effective index is demonstrated for the first time on Si photonics waveguides and this large effect will crucially impact performances and consumption of Si photonics devices. We confirmed the results by two independent experiments involving two different gating schemes: Si gating through the ridge waveguide, and polymer-electrolyte gating. Both the experiments demonstrate a very large phase effect in good agreement with numerical calculations. The reported results validate the Kubo model for the case of graphene-Si photonics interfaces and for propagation in this type of waveguide. This is fundamental for the next design and fabrication of future graphene-silicon photonics devices

    La Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional como conocimiento transversal en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

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    La investigación pretende poner en valor la inclusión de conocimientos sobre Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional (AMI) en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), concretamente en Catalunya. En el último cuarto de siglo, la comunicación ha experimentado un cambio de paradigma y la sociedad no recibe la formación necesaria ni para combatir las problemáticas derivadas de esta nueva realidad ni para extraer el máximo beneficio. Ante esta carencia, se plantea la necesidad de incorporar la AMI en la ESO para que estos conocimientos estén presentes en las aulas y lleguen al alumnado.La investigació vol posar en valor la inclusió de coneixements sobre Alfabetització Mediàtica i Informacional (AMI) a l'Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO), concretament a Catalunya. Durant l'últim quart de segle, la comunicació ha experimentat un canvi de paradigma i la societat no ha rebut la formació necessària ni per combatre les problemàtiques derivades d'aquesta nova realitat ni per extreure el màxim benefici. Davant d'aquesta carència, es planteja la necessitat d'incorporar la AMI a la ESO per tal que aquests coneixements estiguin presents a les aules i arribin a l'alumnat.The research aims to highlight the inclusion of knowledge about Media Literacy in High School Education, specifically in Catalonia. In the last quarter of a century, communication has undergone a paradigm shift and society does not receive the necessary training either to combat the problems arising from this new reality or to extract the maximum benefit. Faced with this lack, the need to incorporate the Media Literacy in the High School Education is raised so that this knowledge is present in the classrooms and reaches the students

    Equilibrium shapes of flat knots

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    We study the equilibrium shapes of prime and composite knots confined to two dimensions. Using rigorous scaling arguments we show that, due to self-avoiding effects, the topological details of prime knots are localised on a small portion of the larger ring polymer. Within this region, the original knot configuration can assume a hierarchy of contracted shapes, the dominating one given by just one small loop. This hierarchy is investigated in detail for the flat trefoil knot, and corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Fluid-structure interaction simulation of prosthetic aortic valves : comparison between immersed boundary and arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian techniques for the mesh representation

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    In recent years the role of FSI (fluid-structure interaction) simulations in the analysis of the fluid-mechanics of heart valves is becoming more and more important, being able to capture the interaction between the blood and both the surrounding biological tissues and the valve itself. When setting up an FSI simulation, several choices have to be made to select the most suitable approach for the case of interest: in particular, to simulate flexible leaflet cardiac valves, the type of discretization of the fluid domain is crucial, which can be described with an ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian) or an Eulerian formulation. The majority of the reported 3D heart valve FSI simulations are performed with the Eulerian formulation, allowing for large deformations of the domains without compromising the quality of the fluid grid. Nevertheless, it is known that the ALE-FSI approach guarantees more accurate results at the interface between the solid and the fluid. The goal of this paper is to describe the same aortic valve model in the two cases, comparing the performances of an ALE-based FSI solution and an Eulerian-based FSI approach. After a first simplified 2D case, the aortic geometry was considered in a full 3D set-up. The model was kept as similar as possible in the two settings, to better compare the simulations' outcomes. Although for the 2D case the differences were unsubstantial, in our experience the performance of a full 3D ALE-FSI simulation was significantly limited by the technical problems and requirements inherent to the ALE formulation, mainly related to the mesh motion and deformation of the fluid domain. As a secondary outcome of this work, it is important to point out that the choice of the solver also influenced the reliability of the final results
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