394 research outputs found


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    Trabalhou-se com o Materialismo Dialético neste artigo, pois com esse referencial, se constata que, através da luta de classes se explica melhor a sociedade e logo a educação. Esse referencial propõe entendimento para além de apenas interpretar a realidade social, mas de intervir de forma objetiva em prol das reivindicações da classe trabalhadora. Mostrou-se que com as várias políticas neoliberais implementadas desde a década de 1990, o trabalho docente vem sendo reestruturado conforme a agenda do capital financeiro educacional e dos organismos internacionais. Apresenta como as políticas mais recentes como a BNCC e a Resolução 02/2019 também chamada de BNC-Formação, acirrou esse processo de desmonte e de privatização na formação do professor, principalmente durante o período pandêmico. No período pós-pandêmico segue como justificativa para o avanço do grande capital financeiro educacional e no controle das futuras gerações de trabalhadores através da formação de professores

    ESMO recommendations on the use of circulating tumour DNA assays for patients with cancer: a report from the ESMO Precision Medicine Working Group

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    Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA); Liquid biopsy; Precision medicineDNA tumoral circulant (ctDNA); Biòpsia líquida; Medicina de precisióADN tumoral circulante (ctDNA); Biopsia líquida; Medicina de precisiónCirculating tumour DNA (ctDNA) assays conducted on plasma are rapidly developing a strong evidence base for use in patients with cancer. The European Society for Medical Oncology convened an expert working group to review the analytical and clinical validity and utility of ctDNA assays. For patients with advanced cancer, validated and adequately sensitive ctDNA assays have utility in identifying actionable mutations to direct targeted therapy, and may be used in routine clinical practice, provided the limitations of the assays are taken into account. Tissue-based testing remains the preferred test for many cancer patients, due to limitations of ctDNA assays detecting fusion events and copy number changes, although ctDNA assays may be routinely used when faster results will be clinically important, or when tissue biopsies are not possible or inappropriate. Reflex tumour testing should be considered following a non-informative ctDNA result, due to false-negative results with ctDNA testing. In patients treated for early-stage cancers, detection of molecular residual disease or molecular relapse, has high evidence of clinical validity in anticipating future relapse in many cancers. Molecular residual disease/molecular relapse detection cannot be recommended in routine clinical practice, as currently there is no evidence for clinical utility in directing treatment. Additional potential applications of ctDNA assays, under research development and not recommended for routine practice, include identifying patients not responding to therapy with early dynamic changes in ctDNA levels, monitoring therapy for the development of resistance mutations before clinical progression, and in screening asymptomatic people for cancer. Recommendations for reporting of results, future development of ctDNA assays and future clinical research are made.This project was funded by the European Society for Medical Oncology (no grant number)

    Modeling the Prognostic Impact of Circulating Tumor Cells Enumeration in Metastatic Breast Cancer for Clinical Trial Design Simulation

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    Biomarker; Liquid biopsy; Machine learningBiomarcadores; Biopsia líquida; Aprendizaje automáticoBiomarcadors; Biòpsia líquida; Aprenentatge automàticDespite the strong prognostic stratification of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) enumeration in metastatic breast cancer (MBC), current clinical trials usually do not include a baseline CTCs in their design. This study aimed to generate a classifier for CTCs prognostic simulation in existing datasets for hypothesis generation in patients with MBC. A K-nearest neighbor machine learning algorithm was trained on a pooled dataset comprising 2436 individual MBC patients from the European Pooled Analysis Consortium and the MD Anderson Cancer Center to identify patients likely to have CTCs ≥ 5/7 mL blood (StageIVaggressive vs StageIVindolent). The model had a 65.1% accuracy and its prognostic impact resulted in a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.89 (Simulatedaggressive vs SimulatedindolentP < .001), similar to patients with actual CTCs enumeration (HR 2.76; P < .001). The classifier’s performance was then tested on an independent retrospective database comprising 446 consecutive hormone receptor (HR)-positive HER2-negative MBC patients. The model further stratified clinical subgroups usually considered prognostically homogeneous such as patients with bone-only or liver metastases. Bone-only disease classified as Simulatedaggressive had a significantly worse overall survival (OS; P < .0001), while patients with liver metastases classified as Simulatedindolent had a significantly better prognosis (P < .0001). Consistent results were observed for patients who had undergone CTCs enumeration in the pooled population. The differential prognostic impact of endocrine- (ET) and chemotherapy (CT) was explored across the simulated subgroups. No significant differences were observed between ET and CT in the overall population, both in terms of progression-free survival (PFS) and OS. In contrast, a statistically significant difference, favoring CT over ET was observed among Simulatedaggressive patients (HR: 0.62; P = .030 and HR: 0.60; P = .037, respectively, for PFS and OS).The study was supported by Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation and the the CRO Aviano 5x1000 2014 per la Ricerca Sanitaria, Cancer Specific Intramural Grant. The funding sources had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, or writing of the manuscript

    Photopedology, spectroscopy, and GIS to characterize soils developed over the Barreiras Group in Amapá, Brazil

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    O presente trabalho utilizou ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto e sistema de informação geográfica, aliadas às informações espectrais do solo e quantitativas e qualitativas do relevo, para a caracterização e discriminação das classes de solos desenvolvidos do Grupo Barreiras na região do município de Porto Grande, Amapá. Após o mapeamento semidetalhado de solos, realizou-se a caracterização pontual das amostras dos perfis por meio de espectroscopia de visível e infravermelho (400-2500 nm), e a análise espacial das redes de drenagem e relevo a partir de fotos aéreas e imagens de radar. As informações quantitativas do relevo foram mais eficientes na caracterização e discriminação dos solos estudados do que as qualitativas, enquanto as informações espectrais permitiram caracterizar os solos em nível pontual. Métodos espaciais utilizando redes de drenagem e relevo e métodos espectrais utilizando amostras pontuais complementam-se na caracterização e discriminação de solos na paisagem

    Integrating Biological Advances Into the Clinical Management of Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema

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    Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) occurs in a significant number of breast cancer survivors as a consequence of the axillary lymphatics' impairment after therapy (mainly axillary surgery and irradiation). Despite the recent achievements in the clinical management of these patients, BCRL is often diagnosed at its occurrence. In most cases, it remains a progressive and irreversible condition, with dramatic consequences in terms of quality of life and on sanitary costs. There are still no validated pre-surgical strategies to identify individuals that harbor an increased risk of BCRL. However, clinical, therapeutic, and tumor-specific traits are recurrent in these patients. Over the past few years, many studies have unraveled the complexity of the molecular and transcriptional events leading to the lymphatic system ontogenesis. Additionally, molecular insights are coming from the study of the germline alterations involved at variable levels in BCRL models. Regrettably, there is a substantial lack of predictive biomarkers for BCRL, given that our knowledge of its molecular milieu remains extremely puzzled. The purposes of this review were (i) to outline the biology underpinning the ontogenesis of the lymphatic system; (ii) to assess the current state of knowledge of the molecular alterations that can be involved in BCRL pathogenesis and progression; (iii) to discuss the present and short-term future perspectives in biomarker-based patients' risk stratification; and (iv) to provide practical information that can be employed to improve the quality of life of these patients

    Radiodermatitis as a consequence of radiation recall induced by acyclovir: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Radiation recall dermatitis (RRD) is an inflammatory reaction in an area of the skin previously irradiated for cancer treatment. The reaction usually occurs following the administration of a cytotoxic drug. Manifestations range from mild to severe, resulting in tissue necrosis. It is treated with removal of the probable causative agent, daily dressings and surgical debridement of the necrotic area. CASE PRESENTATION: A 54-year-old woman had a previous diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma in situ, and had been submitted to lumpectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. One year after surgery, sores suggestive of herpes zoster infection developed, and treatment with acyclovir was started. At the same time, there was the onset of pain and fever. In the skin area previously irradiated, there was breast hardening, skin infiltration and serosanguinolent discharge. An incisional biopsy was performed to rule out radioinduced sarcoma. The patient was treated with surgical debridement. CONCLUSIONS: This case report describes acyclovir as a possible trigger of RRD, a rare condition that could have been mistaken for an eruption with other causes. In this case, the dermatitis reaction was confined to the previously irradiated area of the skin, which suggested radiation recall. A better understanding of the condition’s mechanism and about the possible joint effects of drugs and radiotherapy on the skin is necessary

    Clinical implications of intratumor heterogeneity : challenges and opportunities

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    In this review, we highlight the role of intratumoral heterogeneity, focusing on the clinical and biological ramifications this phenomenon poses. Intratumoral heterogeneity arises through complex genetic, epigenetic, and protein modifications that drive phenotypic selection in response to environmental pressures. Functionally, heterogeneity provides tumors with significant adaptability. This ranges from mutual beneficial cooperation between cells, which nurture features such as growth and metastasis, to the narrow escape and survival of clonal cell populations that have adapted to thrive under specific conditions such as hypoxia or chemotherapy. These dynamic intercellular interplays are guided by a Darwinian selection landscape between clonal tumor cell populations and the tumor microenvironment. Understanding the involved drivers and functional consequences of such tumor heterogeneity is challenging but also promises to provide novel insight needed to confront the problem of therapeutic resistance in tumors

    Aspectos da importância do complexo soja no Brasil e no Rio Grande do Sul: 1997 – 2017

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    The objective of the present research was to analyze the importance of agribusiness for the Brazilian and Rio Grande do Sul economy, specifically on issues related to exports and the ability of soybean farming to stimulate business in the seeds, fertilizers and pesticides segments in the different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State/Brazil. The research can be classified as exploratory-descriptive as to the purposes and as a case study regarding the means. Among the main results, it is worth noting that agribusiness is one of the main segments of the Brazilian economy and its importance is proven by the capacity to add income and raise the trade balance even in times of economic crisis. It was also possible to observe that the soybean production chain, in addition to generating income and trade balance in Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul State, aggregates a set of activities with potential to stimulate economic relations at the local level, constituting as a business catalyst activity and capable of stimulating industry segments associated with the production of crop inputs.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue el de analizar la importancia del agronegocio para la economía brasileña y gaúcha, específicamente en las cuestiones relacionadas a las exportaciones y en la capacidad de la labranza de soja estimular los negocios en los segmentos de semillas, fertilizantes y defensivos en las distintas mesorregiones del mismo, el estado de Rio Grande do Sul. La investigación puede ser clasificada como exploratorio-descriptiva en cuanto a los fines y como estudio de caso en cuanto a los medios. Entre los principales resultados, se destaca que el agronegocio se constituye en uno de los principales segmentos de la economía brasileña y su importancia es comprobada por la capacidad de agregar renta y elevar el saldo comercial incluso en momentos de crisis económica. También se pudo observar que la cadena productiva de la soja, además de generar ingresos y saldo comercial en Brasil y en Rio Grande do Sul, agrega un conjunto de actividades con potencial para estimular las relaciones económicas a nivel local, constituyéndose como actividad catalizadora de negocios y capaz de estimular segmentos de la industria asociados a la producción de insumos para las labranzas.O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi o de analisar a importância do agronegócio para a economia brasileira e gaúcha, especificamente nas questões relacionadas às exportações e na capacidade de a lavoura de soja estimular negócios nos segmentos de sementes, fertilizantes e defensivos nas distintas mesorregiões do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa pode ser classificada como exploratório-descritiva quanto aos fins e como estudo de caso quanto aos meios. Entre os principais resultados, destaca-se que o agronegócio se constitui em um dos principais segmentos da economia brasileira e a sua importância é comprovada pela capacidade de agregar renda e elevar o saldo comercial até mesmo em momentos de crise econômica. Também foi possível observar que a cadeia produtiva da soja, além de gerar renda e saldo comercial no Brasil e no Rio Grande do Sul, agrega um conjunto de atividades com potencial para estimular as relações econômicas em nível local, se constituindo enquanto atividade catalisadora de negócios e capaz de estimular segmentos da indústria associados a produção de insumos para as lavouras

    Brazilian consumers’ perception towards food labeling models accompanying self-service foods

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    The study aimed to evaluate consumers’ perception of self-service foods’ nutrition labels. This qualitative and quantitative assessment was performed with potential consumers at food services. Four food labeling formats, traditional, simplified, traffic-light, and warning, were proposed to evaluate three types of sandwiches: simple, chicken, and hamburger. Data were collected via an online survey from April to May 2020. The study included 413 subjects. The respondents preferred the traffic-light format, but there was a good understanding and acceptability of all four models. The traffic-light and warning nutrition labeling models, which showed health warnings, led to a reduction in the choice of the Simple Sandwich and the Hamburger. Most respondents (96.1%, n = 397) agreed that it is necessary to complement the information on food labels with ingredients and the number of calories per serving. Therefore, it is essential to have legislation regulating such issues. Consumers’ choices improved with the increase in the information placed on the products. This research demonstrated that nutrition labels explain what exists currently and that consumers require such information. Thus, food labeling may positively influence consumers’ choices